Much of her tenure has been spent leading the city through COVID-19 and dealing with high crime, which spiked dramatically in 2020. } I don't know who that is, lots of candidates are close enough to be there.". } McCulloch's poll shows that Lightfoot would lose to each of the other top four candidates in a runoff, with Vallas beating her most handily, by 19 points, and the closest race being with Willie Wilson. .question-scroll-container { As of 2013, Chicago had 2,069 precincts. Ald. Vallas focused on public safety. }) Contact our sales team. Experts Weigh In, With Large Number of Mail-In Ballots, Full Results May Not Be On Election Night, An Endorsement Guide to the 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election, Should Chicago Bears Stay or Go? Whether you've cast your ballot for the election or not, here's a breakdown of what to know ahead of Feb. 28. . For more on where candidates stand on issues, previous poll results, what candidates said during forums and more, visit our Chicago Mayoral Elections page. WebThe 2023 Chicago mayoral election was held on February 28, 2023, to elect the mayor of Chicago, Illinois. width: 50%; To notify us of additional satellite spending, email us. border-radius: 7px 7px 0 0; float: left; padding-top: 30px !important; margin-top: 1em; Many have sought to show their progressives bona fides, others say theyd be tougher on crime a dominant issue. overflow-y: auto; display: block; The election is Feb. 28, but early voting has already started. But, with that poll showing one in five voters still undecided, the race for mayor still very much up for grabs. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { padding-right: 62px; While campaigning on the North Side Friday, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia denounced the visit and attacked Vallas. The 2023 Chicago elections will take place in two rounds on February 28, 2023, and April 4, 2023. border-top: 1px solid #ddd; letter-spacing: .04em; .inner_percentage { font-size: 2em; I do believe that. from Aurora University. } line-height: 1.5em; .votebox_legend .non_result_row { The latest independent poll by Victory Research shows Vallas in front with 22.%, followed by Lori Lightfoot at 17.1%, and Brandon Johnson a point behind her. } .inner_percentage.Green { } The 2019 race was Chicago's fourth open mayoral race in 100 years. The number of precincts within each of the city's 50 wards ranged from 23 precincts in the 12th Ward to 57 in the 19th Ward. "I feel very good about where we are," Lightfoot said earlier this week. Vallas is heading down the home stretch in the race, with his polling numbers continuing to grow. We profiled each candidate in an effort to give you a fuller picture of who is going to be on your ballot come election day. . width: 90%; In a statement, Vallas distanced himself from DeSantis, saying: "I wholeheartedly agree with Governor Pritzker that there is simply no place in Chicago for a right-wing extremist like Ron DeSantis, and I am disappointed in FOP leadership for inviting him to speak to officers.". Those received by Monday will start to be opened, processed, and counted on Election Day, and those results will be included in Election Night results after 7 p.m. that night. } padding: 20px; display: inline-block; Click here for a list of the 100 largest cities' mayors and their partisan affiliations. background: #f5f5f5; Chuy Garcia and Willie Wilson round out the top five, and no other candidate is in double figures. } FOX 32 Chicago. King said she would Chicago Police Supt. margin-top: 16px; All Rights Reserved. While residents are used to voting for citywide offices and for members of the City Council in off-year elections, this years ballot will include a new series of offices, as district councils will be elected in each of Chicagos 22 police districts. height: auto; } Federal courts | School districts | Sophia King, State Rep. Kam Buckner, Willie display: table; 14 to arrive at the Board in order to be counted in the election, officials say. $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); Chicago mayoral candidate Ja'Mal Green attends a vigil outside Benito Juarez High School in December. And it is the principle responsibility of government, and we will have a safe Chicago," he said. Sophia King, Ald. Here's a breakdown. Nearly 210,000 people have requested those ballots, which can be postmarked as late as February 28. display: inline-block; the free-fall that is our public schools that people are finding any way to exit . } A sign that reads, early voting is posted on the first day of early voting at the Loop Supersite at 191 N. Clark St., Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023. A former City Hall insider who has campaigned as both an expert administrator and outside-the-box thinker, Paul Vallas rose to local prominence as Chicago Public Schools CEO, serving under Mayor Richard M. Daley. top: -1px; background: #4c4c4c; Chicago mayoral candidates Brandon Johnson and Paul Vallas speak at separate election night events in Chicago on Feb. 28, 2023. margin-bottom: 25px; height: 56px; CHICAGO Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago lost her bid for a second term on Tuesday, a resounding defeat that reflected widespread dissatisfaction from voters over Chicago adopted the system of nonpartisan general elections with a potential runoff beginning with the 1999 mayoral elections. .votebox_legend { More than 20% of voters remain undecided, the poll shows. padding-bottom: 7px; The congressman said the incumbent mayor has been too combative. Other 2023 battleground elections include: if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? width: 35px !important; SEE ALSO | Chicago mayoral candidates speak at West Side forum with 2 weeks until Election Day. Willie Wilson ran for mayor in 2015 and 2019; traveled the country as part of a long-shot campaign for president in 2016, where he appeared on the ballot in a handful of states; and challenged U.S. .non_result_row div { Chicago. Data from the Board shows this marks a massive shift in voter behavior from previous years. The finances of this city belong to the people of the city. } The city of Chicago uses a strong mayor and city council system. [7], Lightfoot became Chicago's first female African-American mayor and first openly gay mayor.[8]. MORE: Should Chicago Bears Stay or Go? And then there's the election law that allows candidates who finish within 5% of the second place vote getting to file for a recount. Read more here. Should she fail to make it into the top two slots, Lightfoot would not only be the first Chicago mayor in decades to lose a run for reelection, but she would be the first Chicago mayor seeking reelection to fail to make it to a runoff. } Last updated: Feb. 28, 2023, 9:52 p.m. EST. The timeline is updated regularly as polling, debates, and other noteworthy events occur. Buckner, chairman of the Black Caucus in the Illinois House of Representatives, said his campaign is focused on instilling trust in city government, improving Chicago Public Schools and reducing violent crime. Businessman Willie Wilson (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune). .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} padding-top: 3px; The 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election is just four days away. letter-spacing: 0.03em; In all, 12 members of the City Council will not be seeking reelection, with several more defending seats that theyve only recently been appointed to. padding-bottom: 3px; background-color: #f4f4f4; [1] The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Vallas. Mayor Lori Lightfoot (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune). "She's spent over close to a million dollars attacking me for the past month and a half. "Public safety is the fundamental right of every American. border-left: 1px solid #ddd; You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. } Here are the questions, and which precincts will vote on them. Johnson took part in a community forum in Austin, where he and Sophia King were pushing the importance of equity. Mayor Lori Lightfoot conceded defeat Tuesday night, ending her efforts for a second term and setting the stage for Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson to run against former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas for Chicago mayor. border: 1px solid #999; Activist Ja'Mal Green (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune). compiles data from those reports as well as 24- and 48-hour reports from the FEC.[6]. If you are aware of other links that should be included, please email us. It is a civil right, and it is the principle responsibility of government. background-color: green; Roderick Sawyer and Rep. Jess Chuy Garca. This election will see significantly-smaller fields in a variety of races. McCulloch said he does not expect the numbers will change much between now and Election Day, which is shaping up to be a runoff between Paul Vallas and whoever can pull off second place. The city of Chicago, Illinois, is holding general elections for mayor, city clerk, city treasurer, city council, and police district councils on February 28, 2023. 'Voters can choosewhatever voting siteis most convenientfor them, including on Election Day.". 14 to be tabulated, officials say. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { The 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election is just four days away. So, were gonna invest in the people of the city. participation so voters can learn more about all the candidates on their ballots. The map below shows results for the 2015 general and runoff elections by precinct as well as vote total differences between the two elections. .electionsectionheading { @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { margin-top: 0; What's unclear is how much the race might change between now and February 28. How to vote | 1 or later cannot be counted, as stated by law. .results_table { Details on each candidate and where they stand on major issues can be found here. [16] News reports suggested the following prospective candidates, who all eventually declined to run: La Shawn Ford (member of Illinois House of Representatives),[17] Stacy Davis Gates,[18] and Melissa Conyears-Ervin.[19]. Elections will be held for Mayor of Chicago, City Clerk of Chicago, City Treasurer of Chicago, all 50 members of the Chicago City Council, and 66 members of the newly-created police District Councils. Before becoming alderman, Sawyer operated his own law firm focused mostly on licensing issues. @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { background-color: #6db24f; margin-bottom: .75em; from Aurora University. .votebox { .outer_percentage { If you are choosing to vote on Election Day itself, but are unsure of where your polling place is, the process to find out might be easier than you think. Chicago Board of Elections operates a digital tool to allow you to do so. With early voting sites now open in all 50 wards, Congressman Garcia casted his ballot on Tuesday morning as another poll shows a tight race heading down the stretch. I'm not gonna leave anything to chance. padding-right: 20px !important; text-align: center; margin: 5px 0 5px 0; CHICAGO MAYORAL ELECTION | Some mayoral candidates dismiss Lightfoot's claim race is down to her, Vallas. Mayoral candidate Paul Vallas on Monday. MORE: With Large Number of Mail-In Ballots, Full Results May Not Be On Election Night. padding: 15px 15px 5px 15px; Read our profiles of each contender here. margin-right: 12px; New poll shows where Chicago mayoral candidates stand with just days to go Chicago mayoral election: Mail-in votes surge with one week to go. If you are aware of a website that should be included, please email us. He previously ran for mayor in 2019 until withdrawing amid a challenge to his signatures and remains the youngest candidate during this election cycle. margin-bottom: -2px !important; Both early voting and mail-in voting are currently underway. 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election: Paul Vallas in solid lead, Mayor Lori Lightfoot struggling in mayor's race, new poll suggests - ABC7 Chicago chicago mayor election Their candidacies represent opposite ends of the citys debate over how to tackle crime. height: 50px; "It appears unless something changes that Paul Vallas will be in the runoff with someone. MORE: Here's When Your Chicago Election Mail-In Ballots Will be Counted. Johnson highlighted his experience in education and with the teachers union. margin-right: 10px; Important dates Aug. 30: The first date for candidates to begin circulating their nominating petitions. We will make Chicago the safest city in America. But I take nothing for granted and we've got to make sure that people turn up and vote. background-color: #db0000; [1][2] The elections will be administered by the Chicago Board of Elections. padding-left: 75px; } . width: 100% !important; Vallas served as executive director of the Illinois Economic and Fiscal Commission; Chicago city revenue director; and Chicago city budget director. } } But, more than 20% of voters remain undecided. According to a city-run website, the councils will aim to build connections between police and communities, while also developing and implementing community policing initiatives. Early voting numbers have continued to be strong, although mostly driven by mail-in ballots. overflow-x: scroll; "Obviously it's meant to have some sort of a political impact in Chicago, but it certainly raises the questions again about whether Vallas is a trustworthy candidate, whether as he claims he's a lifelong Democrat," Garcia said. But not his teammates. Race called by The Associated Press. if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { } margin-top: 0px; | .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { 2023 Chicago live election results Chicago Tribune Feb 28, 2023 at 10:23 pm Expand Autoplay 1 of 32 Cook County Commissioner and Chicago mayoral candidate .race_header.libertarian { } Will Burns. } top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px; It's important to note, however, that if you wanted to complete the registration process online, the deadline to do so for the Feb. 28 election was Feb. 12. The majority of the citys 50 council seats are contested this election. If you are aware of any debates or forums that should be included, please email us. height: auto; Illinois Governor Recall Amendment (2010), Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox Amendment (2016), Right to Collective Bargaining Amendment (2022), "A Guide for candidates to Elected Office of the City of Chicago for the 2023 Elections", "2023 Election Information: Pamphlet and Calendar", "Kam Buckner, A South Side State Rep, Is Running For Mayor", "Willie Wilson Party may be permanent fixture", "Willie Wilson joins 2023 race for mayor", "Ald. We're running hard everywhere, doing our work to make sure that we are reaching voters, encouraging them to express themselves by going to the polls and voting.". Chicago voters will head to the polls Feb. 28 to vote for a new mayor. January 26, 2019, .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} Former schools chief Paul Vallas was the top vote-getter after making public safety central to his campaign. As of 6 a.m. Wednesday, here's a breakdown from the CBOE of which Chicago mayoral candidate each of the 50 wards voted for in the 2023 Chicago Municipal Lightfoot is pursuing re-election, and is facing eight challengers: Kam Buckner (member of Illinois House of Representatives),[3] Willie Wilson (businessman and perennial candidate),[4][5] Roderick Sawyer (member of the Chicago City Council),[6] Sophia King (member of the Chicago City Council),[7] Ja'Mal Green (community activist),[8] Paul Vallas (former CEO of Chicago Public Schools),[9] Brandon Johnson (member of the Cook County Board of Commissioners),[10] and Jesus "Chuy" Garca (U.S. Representative from Illinois's 4th congressional district).