Nigeria was once a British colony, so the official national language is English. This is especially true when speaking their native language, although many of the same characteristics have been carried into their English language usage. Similarly a family's honour is influenced by the actions of its members. Nigerians prefer to develop personal relationships prior to conducting business. The cave, has about 10 inner chambers and several tunnels, some of which are interlinked. Cultural conflicts can arise within large communities as a result. Igbo | Culture, Lifestyle, & Facts | Britannica In recent time, the styles have evolved to more contemporary designs. The Lalli or henna paintings and drawings are a very popular and indispensable part of their makeup. NIGERIA CULTURAL DIVERSITY. | World Scouting - Nigeria itself is home to several textile industries that go towards clothing the Nigerian people. They are extremely tolerant of the languages of other people around them, leading to the suppression of theirs - especially in northern Nigeria by Hausa. If invited to dinner at someones home then bring fruit, nuts or chocolates for the host. LESSON 2 - IMPORTANCE/USES OF ART. [79], Other traditional cultural expressions are found in the various masquerades of Nigeria, such as the Eyo masquerades of Lagos, the Ekpe and Ekpo masquerades of the Efik/Ibibio/Annang/Igbo peoples of coastal southeastern Nigeria, and the Northern masquerades of the Bini. Yam is the main staple food of the Igbos which is why they celebrate the new yam festival every year when the harvesting of yam starts. The most common greeting is a handshake with a warm, welcoming smile. The Top 10 Heritage Sites in Nigeria - Culture Trip Age and position always demand great respect. 90 Nigerian Culture Facts That Shed Light On African Countries Owing to the affinity they have with water, a significant number of the Ijaw people are discovered as migrant fishermen in camps that are as far west as Sierra Leone and as far east as Gabon. In spite of all these different languages, English is widely spoken around the country. 56 Likes, 1 Comments - Korean Cultural Centre Nigeria (@kccnigeria_) on Instagram: "Winners of the KCCN "Introduce Your Korea" Event 5 " ' " In return, most senior citizens have the responsibility to make various decisions on behalf of ethnic groups. [citation needed] The first Igbo in the region may have moved onto the Awka-Orlu plateau between four and five thousand years ago. The Kanuri people[12] are located in the northeast part of Nigeria, the Tiv people[13] of north central and the Efik-Ibibio[14] are in the south south. Fashion is diverse and varies depending on the ethnic groups, culture, and religion. [78], Traditional musicians use a number of diverse instruments, such as Gongon drums. The Bini people are closely related to several other ethnic groups that usually speak Edoid languages, for example the Esan, however it is important to address the fact that the name "Benin" (and "Bini") is a Portuguese corruption, which came from the word "Ubinu", which came into use during the reign of Oba Ewuare the Great, c. 1440. Culture - Federal Ministry of Information and Culture November 4, 2022 [45] From a historical perspective, it is almost impossible to give a precise and accurate account as to when and where the Ijaws originated, numerous different accounts have been given by many historians regarding this issue but what is certain is that the Ijaws are one of the world's most ancient peoples. As in the rest of Africa, it is rude to rush the greeting process. Igbos are overwhelming Christians of Catholic extraction although a minority of them practice other religions such as Islam, Judaism, and the traditional Igbo religion. An person's immersion in a culture is determined by his/her socialization, familiarity with cultural heritage, as well as the development of his individual abilities.All these are usually achieved in the process of upbringing and education. C.V. Starr & Co. [77], The music of Nigeria includes many kinds of folk and popular music, some of which are known worldwide. Nigerians prefer facial expressions that imply empathy and believe an indifferent facial expression indicates that a person is ignorant or obnoxious. The culture of the country is diverse and tends to differ from north to south. Wole Soyinka, who won the 1986 Nobel Prize for Literature, was the first Black African to receive the award. The Great Wall of Benin was a great structural and architectural piece that was way ahead of time and stood to protect the ancient Benin kingdom. Gifts should be wrapped, although there are no cultural taboos concerning paper colour. Observant Muslims will not generally shake hands with members of the opposite sex. The first wedding is traditional, the second one being in a court, while the third is in the church or the mosque. Men may place their left hand on the other persons shoulder while shaking hands. The principal exports are palm oil and palm kernels. Below are some of the most notable things about Nigerian culture. Firstly, Nigeria's scores on the Cultural Dimension scale reveal that Nigerians place great value on Performance Orientation, Future Orientation, and In-group Collectivism. These figures are expected to confer subordinate titles upon men and women that are highly accomplished. Igbo dominate in the south-central and southeastern parts of the country. Their logic is often contextual. These are the three main tribes in Nigeria, followed closely by the Edo people (southwest region), tribes in the Delta region (southernmost region), and the Benue State (Middle Belt region). [52] The Yoruba people are believed to have migrated from the east to their present lands west of the lower Niger River more than a millennium ago. A complimentary cap called Fila may be added to the dressing. Friends may address each other in a variety of ways: the title and the first name, the first name alone, the surname alone, or a nickname. The Hausa group (majority of them are Muslims) prevail in the northern region of Nigeria. Nigerian Culture and Why it is Important to Understand for - kpakpakpa The Nigerian national football team,[73] nicknamed the "Super Eagles", is the national team of Nigeria, run by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). To read more about the Nigerian management style, click here. Other Nigerian men and women typically wear a traditional style called Buba. Many use gestures when communicating. Address people initially by their academic, professional or honorific title and their surname. After reading this article you will find out why. The most popular Yoruba manifestations of this custom are the Gelede masquerades.[80]. Unfortunately, in our country, some subcultures oppose each other which lead to the spread of cultural differences in Nigeria. Culture is defined as the way of life of a group of people. The oldest person in a group is revered and honoured. Ekiti Yoruba dancers wear head masks so heavy that they can do only processional dances. You will gain an understanding of a number of key areas including: For those needing a more detailed and comprehensive overview of Nigeria we have published an expert Report on Nigerian Society, Culture & Business. The Igbos are renowned for their strong use of proverbs. The dry, open grasslands of the savanna make cereal farming and herding a way of life for the Hausa and 2. masterpiece of the oral tradition of Humanity, all of whom have been titled chiefs of various ethnic groups, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Nigerian cultural values are under threat, Toyin Falola, US scholar, warns", "Culture Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria", "Culture Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Republic of Korea", "Nigeria: most common languages spoken at home 2020", "There are 27 languages close to extinction in Nigeria", "Igbos, Yorubas have historical ties - Ooni of Ife", "Nigeria: The politics of religion in a transitional society, By Rotimi Akeredolu", "Major tribes in Nigeria and their states with all the details", "Full list of all 371 tribes in Nigeria, states where they originate", "Tooth Dyeing Tradition among the Kanuri Speaking People of Borno, Nigeria", "Lagos, Port Harcourt, Kaduna and Enugu: Tale of four cities The Nation Newspaper", "Fulani | People, Religion, & Nigeria | Britannica", "Islam has a small presence in Nigeria's Igbo region: what a new Quran translation offers", "Chrislam: Defying Nigeria's Religious Boundaries", "The Oba of Benin Kingdom: A history of the monarchy", "Benin: The hallowed culture of one of the world's most ancient people", "Fulani and Hausa: What's the difference? When employees join a company, they are doing so in return for fair compensation, career development, and various benefits. Photo by IITA (CC BY-NC 2.0). Violation of these laws will lead to certain sanctions that are established by the community and are supported by the power of public opinion. Several things go into greeting an elder in Nigeria, including ethnic background and gender. Nigeria is the most populous countries in Africa, and also amongst the top 20 most diverse countries in the world according to this 2013 Pew Research study. [47] They immigrated to West Africa from the Nile Valley during antiquity. Culture helps to accumulates, control and organise the human experience. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. Most of the foods are spicy, especially in the west and the south. Its members amassed great wealth while serving as middlemen, and the preponderance of English names among them today is a testament to the trade names adopted by their ancestors at this time. Very direct eye contact may be interpreted as being intrusive unless there is a longstanding personal relationship. Hausa/Fulani ethnic group is made up of two hitherto different ethnic groups that have now intermixed to the extent that they are regarded as one inseparable ethnic nation. Basic features of culture in Nigeria - Since the 1990s the Nigerian movie industry, sometimes called "Nollywood", has emerged as a fast-growing cultural force all over Africa. When a person becomes a member of the society, he accumulates knowledge about language, symbols, values, norms, customs and traditions of that environment. Here are a few commonly used saying in Nigeria that are worth noting: Nigeria is a very diverse and dynamic country. What is real American culture? - [86] The men wear buba (long shirt), sokoto (baggy trousers), agbada (flowing robe with wide sleeves) and fila (a hat). The Benin people of present-day Edo state had a culture that amazed the colonial masters when they first got to the ancient Benin kingdom. Other symbols used to communicate and share stories are music, sculpture, dance, painting, theater etc. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. The Cultural Dimensions Of Nigeria's Cultural Dimension The word "Ubinu" was later corrupted to Bini by a number of mixed ethnicities staying together at the centre, and it was then further corrupted to Benin around the year 1485 at the time when the Portuguese people started making trade relations with Oba Ewuare.[28][29]. Success, like in any other culture, is important to Nigerias citizens and is greatly revered in Nigerian culture. Nigerians are a group of people who are so different but still united as one in the quest to achieve a common purpose of nation-building. Nigeria's most important. From the farmers in the rural areas to the bankers in the city, work is a central and important part of daily life in Nigeria. In Nigeria, the common greeting, How are you doing? is frequently met with a hearty, Fine, thank God!. Nigeria has the largest population on the continent and the third-largest manufacturing sector. Success, like in any other culture, is important to Nigerias citizens and is greatly revered in Nigerian culture. The major Christian celebrations of Christmas and Easter are recognized as national holidays. Tags: Importance Of Culture In Nigeria,Types Of Culture In Nigeria. It is used for communication. The headquarter of Yorubaland is Ile-life where they believe creation started. Nigerians will generally follow the agenda point by point and may want to consult with key stakeholders who will not be present prior to the meeting. Trading, local crafts, and wage labour also are important in the Igbo economy, and a high literacy rate has helped many Igbo to become civil servants and business entrepreneurs in the decades after Nigeria gained independence. Yams are frequently eaten either fried in oil or pounded to make a mashed potato-like yam pottage. Titles are important. As a developing country, Nigeria faces challenges regarding its infrastructure. Nigeria boasts of 300 or more different ethnic groups. The difference in the way we work, live and interact with each other is as a result of the culture we have come to be a part of. #1: A land of over 200 million smiles Home to over 200 million inhabitants, Nigeria has one of the largest populations of youth, and is the sixth most populous country in the world. This shows that reading culture is a prerequisite foracquisition of knowledge and skills needed by all people in a rapidly changing world and catalyst for participation in social, cultural, political and economic activities of the show more content. Adam Valavanis is a volunteer intern in the Africa program at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC. [59], Although chiefs have few official powers today, they are widely respected, and prominent monarchs are often courted to endorse politicians during elections in the hopes of them conferring legitimacy to their campaigns by way of doing so. Culture. People in urban regions of Nigeria dress in western style, the youth mainly wearing jeans and T-shirts. Nigerian cities tend to be highly populated as many people flock to urban environments for better employment opportunities. With so many different cultures and regions, food can vary greatly. For example, the cassavas can be ground up and the flour used to make a delicious and inexpensive porridge. 10 Traditions Only Nigerians Can Understand - Culture Trip Being the first to find a settlement in the Lower Niger and Niger Delta, it is possible that they may have started inhabiting this region as far back as 500 BC. However, even with the countrys infrastructural challenges, there are still quality hotels, restaurants, and innovative transportation options, such as Uber and Taxify that are available. This is due to the large number of ethnic groups that exist in the country. This group is predominantly Muslim as Islam was introduced into Nigeria by the Fulanis. The Nigerian Government in September, 1988, launched the "National Cultural Policy". Nigerian Food Culture and Customs: Three Yorb Sayings on It. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! The Ijaws were originally known by this name (Oru); at least it was what their immediate neighbours assumed them to be. A very important source of information on modern Nigerian art is the Virtual Museum of Modern Nigerian Art operated by the Pan-Atlantic University in Lagos. According to Yoruba Mythology, this group of people believes that they are descendants of Oduduwa. [87] In the Igbo tradition, the men's cultural attire is Isiagu (a patterned shirt), which is worn with trousers and the traditional Igbo men's hat called Okpu Agwu. somethings gotta give I dont have what I need now, but I will have it eventually., I shouldnt complain because I should be grateful, Im fine. The Oshogbo movement, founded in the early 1960s, includes the artists Muraina Oyelami, Twins Seven-Seven (Prince Taiwo Osuntoki), Bisi Fabunmi, Tijani Mayakiri, Rufus Ogundele, and Ademola Onibonokuta. , and definitely, go the extra mile to make sure to throw notable and enjoyable events for their attendees. Retrieved from The way of life of any society involves a number of areas (labour, politics, economics, ethics, aesthetics, law, family, religion, etc). Nigerian beans, quite different from green peas, are widely popular. [51] The Yoruba people have always shared a common language called the Yoruba language and the same culture for hundreds of years now but they were less likely to be a single political unit. Get the hottest stories from the largest news site in Nigeria. Their chiefs are therefore monarchs and titled individuals, with most of the latter group making up the membership of the Ogboni secret society. A little more than half of all Nigerians are of the Christian faith, while most of the rest are Islamic. Food and eating food is a universal experience, an element of common ground in terms of .