(502) 873-6723 umes.edu/cscgeosciences, Helps girls build strong self-esteem and learn skills such as financial literacy, teamwork, respect for the environment and appreciation of the arts. 700 Childrens Drive,Columbus, Ohio 43205 Their services include: an in-residence rehabilitation program, after school learning centers for youth to get tutoring and homework help, Christmas assistance and food meal boxes; housing and rent assistance, utility assistance, help trafficking survivors and veteran support services. columbusacademy.org/summer, A soccer program for youth ages 3 to 15 years old. A residential science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who are entering grades 7 or 8. The Ohio Department of Education awarded $89 million in Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities Grants to 161 community-based partners. Activities include archery, swimming, ropes courses, arts and crafts, woodshop, nature, boating and fishing. 338 West Tenth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) We operate two youth centers, Crittenton Community Center, on the east side in the Kimberly Parkway neighborhood, and Ohio Avenue Youth Center. Serves: Families (referring to emergency shelter access) after school care programs in Columbus, OH | findhelp.org They take place in schools, libraries and community centers. Group and individual vocational training programs funded by county boards are also a regular part of their programming. The goals of the Columbus City Schools Latchkey Program are as follows: Provide quality before and after school care and education. ohio.edu/chsp/dublin-center/summer-camp, Offers 7 one-week camps for children ages 6-13 designed to spark creativity and a passion for the arts through experience with multiple art forms, including dance, theater, music and visual arts. Our after-school and summer programs provide homework help, computer labs, leadership development, recreation and creative arts programming. (614) 704-3707 Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Job email alerts. Free, fast The workshop is heldat Denison University. bspc.org/ministries, A five-day summer residential camp thatgives current high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors an opportunity to learn more about veterinary school and the profession. The $28,000 Spectrum Digital grant is part of a six-year, $8 million commitment to digital education. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Full and partial tuition scholarships are available. Jazz Academy: 734 East Long Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43203 Clubs receive supplies, training and ongoing support from ROI to launch and maintain weekly site-based chess clubs and leadership activities at their local school, library, faith-based organization, or community center. 50 West Town Street, Suite 110, Columbus, Ohio 43215 coyfc.org, Offers weekly summer, half-day STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) camps in multiple locations around Central Ohio for kids 7-14 years old. lawandleadership.org, Provides youth development programs and activities for Franklin County youth in grades K-12. Students learn various aspects of engineering, including automotive, simulation and manufacturing. Scholarships are available for those who qualify. They offer soft skills training, employment assistance, financial education training and emergency housing programs to help access rent or mortgage assistance, food nutrition programs, utility services, health care, parenting workshops and more. Other services available at the pantry: home delivery to people with disabilities, and diapers are available. Other programs include daytime and evening GED prep classes, English as a Second Language (ESL), programs for homeschoolers, mens and womens support and recovery groups, marriage and parenting programs, financial counseling, career development services, dance, art, and music classes, and much more. Full scholarships for youth are available. 1220 Bethel Road, Columbus, Ohio 43235 beatty.house.gov/services/internships, Offers interactive experiences, exhibitions and more. Children explore wildlife,create nature crafts, go on hikes, help with animal care and more. . 1145-L Chesapeake Avenue,Columbus, Ohio 43212 brown.senate.gov/services/students/pages, Is a faith-based, nonprofit organization thatprovides homework help, after-school programs, and summer day camps for elementary and middle school students. Structured activities during the time of day when risk for youth's involvement in delinquent behavior is highest. 183 Hawkes Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43223 (614) 224-6672 303 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Offersa hands-on educational work experience in the legislature. AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS OHIO Program Leader - Part-Time in Columbus, OH The program offers opportunities year-round for children to join a soccer club, get private lessons and one-on-one training, as well as opportunities to participate in group sessions. Columbus has parks and recreation centers throughout the city and surrounding areas. Location of this center is on Karl Road. Unfortunately, this job posting is expired. Ohio State Buckeyes - Wikipedia campbold.org, A free week-long summer camp for students 14-18 years old. 3. (614) 220-0003 Participants do not have to be Wellington School students. nationwidechildrens.org/research/office-of-trainee-affairs/futures-matter-program, Job shadowing and internship opportunities allow students the chance to spend time with a health care professional and see the work duties performed and the interaction between staff and patient families. Columbus After School Program | Home - Columbus Public Schools The Programs provide a Child Care Solution that is a comfortable choice for families. At the Ohio History Center and Ohio Village they offer spring and summer camp programs and one-time events for kids ages 6-14 years old. The Summer Academy includes seminars and hands-on projects, designed and taught by Carnegie Mellon faculty, teachers and graduate students. High school and college students can volunteer for school credit, fulfill community service requirements or learn more about animal-related professions. (614) 292-8696 riverviewinternationalcenter.org, An intensive six-week summer course for high school students interested in mathematics and eager to explore more advanced ideas. ledascholars.org, Provides a faith-based summer camp in Gahanna for Kindergarten through 6th graders in Franklin County. ASAS Ohio Provides Free, Comprehensive After-School Programs for Children in Under-Resourced Communities Chapter Highlight Find a Location Columbus and Toledo Locations Program Focus Academics, Mentorship, Health & Fitness, and Enrichment Opportunities Who We Serve 17 Sites 500+ Students 88% Qualify for Federal Free & Reduced Lunch Program Students will join an engaged community of learnersand participate in challenging, immersive academic modules and attend workshops on topics such as the college admission process and financial aid. Please email SummerLearning@education.Ohio.gov with any questions about this grant. facebook.com/cbusdreamcenter. risingappalachia.org/raw-camp, Offers overnight camps and day camps in Hocking Hills and Galena, Ohio for youth entering grades 1-12. FHF offers adaptive programs with personalized medical care, psychosocial support and nutrition services so that campers can develop positive self-esteemand nurture social bonds. 74 West William Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015 (The Worthington Education Center) 200 E Wilson Bridge Rd. Students can also offset half of tuition costs by completing a work-studyat their theatre. The agency advocates for community sustainability through its core services: Office: 4700 Reed Road, Suite B, Columbus, Ohio 43220 308 East. Kindermusik uses dance, storytelling, movement, singing and music to help develop confidence and coordination, improve attention skills, enhance rhythm, creativity and more. -Learn more. ohiocraft.org. Helpline: (800) 283-7800 After School Program Academic Support Staff Job Columbus Ohio USA,Education Services are available at no-cost and include, but are not limited to, JA Camp, JA Power Pack, JA Conference, JA Transitions, JA INSIGHTS, Advocacy, etc. vineyardcommunitycenter.org, Offers week-long summer day camp programs from creative arts and outdoor adventures, to athletic skill-building and academics for grades pre-K to 12. Spectrum presents digital education grant to Ohio school Working in small teams, the students use supercomputers for science, engineering and computer science projects. PO Box 361061, Columbus, Ohio 43236 36 St. Paris, OH 43044 soundaloud.org, Provideschildcare for children from 6 weeks to 5 years old, family services, senior services, and youth programming foryouth ages 5 to 18 years of age. Visit the website for a detailed description of their services. girlswhocode.com, Is a settlement house located in Franklinton on the near west side of Columbus, Ohio. Students are not expected to have advanced knowledge of material science. Overview Classification : Part-Time, Non-Exempt, 20 hours/week, 2:30 - 6:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, during the school year. Programs range from homeschool, summer and holiday camps, to volunteer opportunities, internships and opportunities to earn high school credit. 800 East SeventeenthAvenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211 (410) 651-7747 1111 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio43205 Art Instructor @ Afterschool Program & Summer Program/Part-time (614) 527-7777 Offers a year-long program for youth entering the 6th-8th grade, who are residents of the City of Columbus. 5260 State Route 95, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 brainfuse.com, A full-day private school program from early-intervention/preschool through high school for children with developmental disabilities. (304) 206-5981 camplionheart.org, Offers various day camps and overnight backpacking trips foryouth ages 6-17 years old. Financial assistance is available for their classes and camps. campakita.org/summer, Offers a low-cost outdoor leadership program for youth ages 9 to 12. The projects can be full-time or part-time over a 9 to 12 month period or during the summer in many locations throughout Ohio and the US. After School Program Academic Support Staff Job in Columbus, OH at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 503 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 122 South Terrace Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43204 Offers study tools and test prep, as well as 24-hour online support for students. Some programs include: PO Box 14804, Columbus, Ohio 43214 extension.osu.edu, Afree youth development program dedicated to serving economically disadvantaged children in the Columbus community. In addition, each delegate will also be awarded a $10,000 college scholarship. Mailing Address: PO Box 6341, Columbus, Ohio 43206, This non-profit educational organic farm and nature preserve offers workshops and classes for children, farm tours, summer camps and family programs. Their programs focus on self-esteem, culture, development and health. fpconservatory.org/education-programs/outreach-programs/teen-corps, Usesmovement, music and art to bring kids together byusing mediums such as paper, pencils, paint, clay, crayons, glue, singing songs, movement, playing rhythm instruments and playing games. Club members have access to tutoring, gym space, teen-specific areas, field trips, career-readiness opportunities and mentoring. (614) 461-9247 Their programs, services and initiatives are for men, women and children of all ages covering health and fitness, swimming, age-specific activities, child care, camps, juvenile justice, housing, programming for infants and children with special needs (ECRN+),loanable adaptive equipment, and more. YMCA Stable Families: (614) 636-3208 The 7-week summer program is free and includes leadership study, writing instruction, standardized test preparation and college guidance. Offers one-to-one community-based and school-based mentoring programs, as well as week-long, overnight camps during the summer for youth. 4300 Cherry Bottom Road, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 hoby.org/hobyohiosouth.org, A week-long summer program that provides space for high school students in the Central Ohio area to explore the intersection of the humanities and cognitive sciences. (614) 688-3875 theartofmusicllc.com, A faith-based organization that offers a free space for young people of all ages where they can do their homework, get tutoring, play sports, create art, music, dance and more. Its full of activities such as swimming, hiking, games and crafts, while having structured grief group counseling sessions with trained, licensed professionals. 3763 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214 leadthewaylearningacademy.org, ASTEM education and financial literacy organization serving 3rd12th grade students.