[20], Long after the Secret Wars II crossover had ended, a Deadpool special featured the "Secret Wars II continues in this issue" corner tag that was used during that original storyline. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' When entire universes throughout the Multiverse began to collide with each other, with each universe's respective Earth being the points of impactevents known as "incursions"the Avengers send Hank Pym to find answers at the start of the "Time Runs Out" storyline. large insect like robots had been hidden in the desert sands assault the two,but are quickly defeated. Then, when Doom was struggling to control it during a battle with Captain America, the Beyonder left Klaw's body and reclaimed his full power. Quantu 3,995 3,326 May 8, 2022 #1 Hello, I completely redid Beyonder's power and abilities section from scratch. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. However, Klaw recreated Rogers, who attacked Doom again. He told the Beyonder to bring back Death, but the Beyonder said that the only way to do it would be if someone agreed to die and become the new Death. In 1984, the multiverse was all the dimensions in Marvel comics, and now it's only the universes that spring from a common timeline (Earth 616, Earth 1610, etc.). Some other odd comments were made. Spider-Man is contacted and is informed that the rebels are getting impatient and are in need of assistance while fighting cyber skulls. They often hire aliens from our universe to do their work for them. Dracula finally brings the Beyonder/Goblin Queen to Havok's location, and Havok comes out and attacks, buoyed by the power of several mystics and other characters. Confused once again; the Beyonder left. This retcon is also less perfect as a storytelling device than the Cosmic Cube retcon because while the Cosmic Cube retcon reinterpreted many events, those events did at least happen. These eyes take the form of the Beyonder. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. The powerful being upgrades his appearance and sports an all-white costume and shaggy dark-har. The good side of Reece finally won out, and returned the Beyonder persona and power to Kosmos. He sent down an enormous blast of energy from the heavens that destroyed everything in its pathexcept that the Molecule Man had saved a bit of energy, and managed to not only save all the heroes, but also put every other living thing in the path of the blast into subspace. [4] Various superpowered adventurers from Earth, including the Hulk, Spider-Man,[19] and members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men, went to New York City's Central Park to investigate an enormous circular construct which had materialized in the park's Sheep Meadow. They made conversation, and after she explained her profession using street jargon he didn't understand, he gave her an ingot of gold. She entered the apartment in trepidation, and found it in ruins. Angry at Kurse, Power Pack dropped a building on him. So while his feats existed, they don't share the original magnitude of Pre-Retcon Beyonder's actions. She thought he would be mad, but instead he fixed the bruises her father gave her. His frustration with this attempt led him to become more and more erratic and dangerous to the rest of the multiverse. And if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. Right then, some punks tried to mug them. Their origin story was revealed and were tied to the Celestials; the "Beyond" space that they dwell was revealed to be formerly the Second Cosmos, the first multiverse that formed after the Celestial War. Doom disintegrated him again in turn, and the cycle repeated itself. The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. It was during one of these sessions that the Molecule Man, who had reverted to evil, pulled the old male Beyonder essence out of Kosmos, leaving her a pale unconscious shadow. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. After realizing that the desire to protect his eyesight might compromise his integrity and dedication, Daredevil demands that the Beyonder take his sight away again, which he does. Finally they stopped, realizing they could do nothing, and he just walked away, saying that he still knew he couldn't take the easy way out, and that he had 10 pointshe won. The Beyonder then argues that he can do this and introduces a planet Spider-Man might consider a "paradise", civilizations have good but no concept of evil. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. Another man, Ralph Macchio (named after the writer and editor), was also there, and wanted to kill the Beyonder for his role in the death of his wife in an accident earlier. The question for him now was, should he tell the Beyonder? The Beyonder was not only imprisoned at the end of the Secret Wars, he was destroyed. He was now able to use that analysis to change his armor in such a way that would help him defeat the Beyonder. They had been friends, but now Reece was worried about how unstable he was becoming, and what he might do next. Then he and Scion decided that they must take more drastic steps to help the Microverse as a whole. Beyonder's powers and abilities In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality. As Kosmos, the Beyonder did not use her powers much. [16][10][12], While he was still growing up,[3] the other Beyonders orchestrated the "accident" of Owen Reece, the Molecule Man. [14] Later, he gave himself human form to experience the Marvel Universe. More impressively, The Beyonder can destroy the multiverse, possess every human on earth, and, as exemplified in Secret Wars' Battleworld, transport people between planets--or universes--at will. She was eventually put in a form of coma by Thanos, and eventually apparently killed during the events of Annihilation. Owen Reece, a.k.a. Beyonder | Marvel Animated Universe Wiki | Fandom Galactus planned, as a last resort, to destroy Taa II instead of Battleworld, and absorb its unspeakably extensive energy. The heroes attacked, and Doom, frustrated, let loose an enormous bolt of power that nearly destroyed all of reality. He explored New York City in a naive fashion, trying to replicate basic human experiences like eating and wearing clothing, but inevitably made innocent mistakes, like eating a soda bottle along with its contents. This is the time when his personality really began to take on most of his recognizable personality characteristics. All that Phoenix experienced--the totality of life, in all its forms, in all its infinite glory--is now his." The Beyonder resurrected Scion and returned to our universe. She was now bluish white, instead of gold. Powers and Abilities. Bereft of another host, the cosmic energy creates The Beyonder and imbues him with all the wisdom, power, and purpose of The Beyonders. She did not put up a fight, and Oracle shut down her mind. Due to Beyonder and Thing ruining his plan, Mephisto returned all the villains to where they were before he began his scheme. For his recklessness, the Beyonder was punished, although very leniently: the Living Tribunal exiled him and forced him to remain in his own universe, where he once again was bored with life, because everything was just him. Beyonders - Wikipedia The Molecule Man was moved and restored Kosmos to her former state. So Doom now asked the Beyonder to restore his memories. [14] They have also displayed other limitations, as an explosion strong enough to destroy a few thousand universes was sufficient to kill them. OtakuKart. At the very same moment Beyonder and Madame Web observe the whole situation. And so, as the narrative ended,"within the new universe begat by the Beyonder's powermortal beings live their mortal livesgiving meaning to the infinity in which they dwellthus, finally, is the desire of the One from Beyondfulfilled!". She wanted him to take her, and just kill Reece. Then he left the Hulk and entered Spider-Woman, and finally left her and entered Klaw. But the Molecule Man had greater power, because of his human potential. This was only the first of many relationships the Beyonder had with Earth women, who often saw him as very appealing. Richards realized who he was and tried to pay attention, but there were too many distractions, including Sue Storm's desire for revenge for what the villains had done to her (they had turned her into Malice). They agreed enthusiastically, and he cured Jones' cancer, turned Clark back into Starshine, and erased the Dire Wraith from Adams' mind. His senses are similarly enhanced, allowing him to hear things from further away and at higher frequencies than a normal human, including radio broadcasts. The Beyonder was about to do it, but then suddenly Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds appeared. He came out as a scrawny blonde man; his power was stored in a nearby vessel. [47] He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars,[46] and later created a universe out of his own being. Top 10 Strongest Marvel Characters Who Can Defeat Captain America While Reece was not as strong as the Beyonder, he was able to hold him off until the other heroes regained consciousness. Demons from Limbo attacked. The Beyonder and Doom, are now seperated. RELATED: Doctor Strange 2 Just Gave the MCU a Better Dark Phoenix Story. While the various heroes he had met had tried to answer the big questions, Vinnie taught him how to eat, get dressed, and even adopt a sense of humor. Then the Avengers attacked, but to no avail--he just lay there, listless, ignoring their attacks. It is also capable of absorbing the energy and life-force from a foe. Additionally, this issue introduces the all-powerful Cosmic Cube, which dominated the MCU. 7. The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. (He was originally described as millions of times more powerful than the entire multiverse.). Dazzler eventually realized that he had stimulated the situation by amping the bikers' powers, and made him stop the fight. He disintegrated Warlock, Cypher, and Wolfsbane. Later it was decided to further retcon the character making it so that the Beyonder was both an Inhuman AND a Mutant. Meanwhile, we find out that Doctor Octopus has joined forces with the Red Skull since Dr. Doom has taken over Octavia, the kingdom of Doctor Octopus.The Red Skull assures Dr. Octopus that he will have his kingdom once again, but only if he agrees to enhance the Cyber Skull built by Smythe. However, when he talked to Foxxe, Foxxe told him that the Beyonder lived nearby, and gave him the address. Much like the original Secret Wars, the last man standing would receive his greatest desires. These rebels plan on assulting the Red Skull's base. In classic continuity, the thing that attracted his attention in both instances was the presence of the Molecule Man. But even the man of steel has his weaknesses. The Beyonder could endow himself with a corporeal form of practically limitless strength and endurance. The Illuminati convince the Beyonder to leave the universe, causing the Beyonder's human form and his simulacrum city to crumble into dust. Iron Man's suit later ran out of power, the Lizard states he can fix this within one hour. One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. He knew he needed a friend like Tabitha. He offered the victors anything their hearts desired. The Molecule Man noticed this when he saw that the molecules belonging to Marsha (and the popcorn they were eating) were being controlled. They eventually find the Fantastic Three? When the Evolutionary arrived at the Beyonders' planet museum, he himself reported that his mind snapped when he witnessed the scope of their powers and how effectively insignificant he was compared to these alien beings. Puma was coming in, prepared to kill the Beyonder. Strange was protecting the area with a mystic shield, and the Beyonder was pounding on it, trying to get in. Back in San Francisco, Rachel was only more determined to kill the Beyonder, and she still retained the power he had given her. Writers later on depowered The Beyonder, which resulted with other versions. Justiciar Pathway/Abilities - Lord of the Mysteries Wiki Fantastic was surprised, since he had had sensors targeting the Beyonder's energy signature, and they had not gone off. [42], After his creator, Jim Shooter, left Marvel, writer-editor Tom DeFalco re-tooled the Beyonder, diminishing his power greatly: He was no longer nearly omnipotent, and several of the cosmic beings who were previously established to be below him in power were vastly upgraded in conjunction.[23][43][44][45]. The Cube then developed on its own over a period of time, and eventually expelled Reece's mind back to Earth. [35], Kosmos chose to present as female due to believing that her previous psychological deficits were due to the Beyonder presenting as male. The Beyonder left to seek answers elsewhere. Beast | Mythkiller Wiki | Fandom The Beyonder next walked along a train track in a melancholy mood, still obsessed with his failed relationship with Dazzler. The others were finally able to convince Magik that the Beyonder's gift wasn't right, that it took away their individuality and free thought. Spider-Man takes notes on his tape recorder and makes a pun "I feel doom hiding behind every corner." He either could or would not answer how long it had been since he had last seen Black Bolt. Manga. Beyonder (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom [13][12][1], The Beyonder observed Earth for a number of years,[4] drawn to the planet by a tachyon beam,[17] and was fascinated to discover that the beings living within Earth's reality were not each a creation complete unto themselves. The Beyonder possessed Omnipotence,Omniscience, and Omnipresence and had the power to surpass The Living Tribunal and to equal One-Above-All as he killed the concept of death itself and revive it a feat not even the powers of the cosmic beings of the omniverse can do such a impossible thing let alone reverse it he was shown to self-limit himself But everything he had heard led him to believe that being partly mortal was the only way to make it through. He spent the night with a waitress, but then caused a conflict with the X-Men after showing off his powers. Created by writer Jim Shooter[1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1 (May 1984) as an unseen, nigh-omnipotent[2] being from outside the multiverse who kidnapped the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe to have them do battle on Battleworld. Who can measure the advantages that would result if the magnificent abilities of these women could be devoted to the needs of government, society and home, instead of being consumed in the struggle to obtain their birthright of individual freedom? In retaliation, The Beyonder kills most of The New Mutants and sends Marvel's most powerful warriors home in defeat. Even Dr. Doom and Phoenix try to outsmart and overpower the celestial being, yet, The Beyonder, capable of mind control and time travel, usurps their folly each time. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. That is a difficult question to answer since the three main symbiotes - Venom, Carnage and Riot - share some similar abilities, but each have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, the ease with which he lifted it made the head of the UCFW actually want to keep the Beyonder out of the Federation, because he was worried that he'd kill their normal wrestlers. Strange warned that the Beyonder was going to destroy all the multiverses. The heros attempt to stop the assult and don't suceed until Iron Man fires a laser to knock the Lizard out. He killed Karma by reflecting her power back at her. He soon appeared next to Hercules and Black Knight at Project Pegasus. [10] His energy returned to his realm where it evolved into a new universe. For a long time, the Beyonder was not seen again directly during Secret Wars I: he had set up his experiment, and now simply observed as the subjects interacted. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. Druig is a member of the genetically engineered Eternals, which came to Earth around 5000 BC. However, Spider-Man stopped the Puma long enough for him to gain doubt in his role, and he lost his power, and was unable to hurt the Beyonder--a result that disappointed both the Puma and the Beyonder. The Beyonder | X-Men Wiki | Fandom Later, as he walked through some slums, he met some heroin dealers. The Beyonder first appeared during the first Secret Wars, as a being that was stated to be the omnipotent embodiment of an entire separated multiverse. Reaching out to it, the Professor was overwhelmed, and found himself being pulled within the Beyonders consciousness. [12], His time as a Cosmic Cube was short-lived and he eventually returned to being the Beyonder. In his rage, he went back to the New Mutants in New York. The Beyonder was going to erase the multiverse entirely; he erased Death; he destroyed multiple galaxies; he defeated powerful beings like Galactus and a whole group of Celestials with ease; he was able to recreate the same things he erased; with a simple hand wave he shattered a dome the Molecule Man created to endure multiversal destruction; he easily survived a blast from the Molecule Man that could have slagged "several billion" dimensions; when he had a large portion of his power in the cup that was going to kill Death, he still had more power than the combined cosmic entities of our multiverse; when Mephisto created Beyondersbane using the Beyonder's own expended power plus all of the power in our multiverse, Mephisto still wasn't sure it was enough to destroy him; his battle with the Molecule Man affected every being on every planet on every dimension.