Remember, the father of their modern education Elite beliefs is John Dewey. Sent to prison, he committed suicide in prison in 1885. By Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated December 2021. In March 1870, a $1,000 reward for their capture was offered by the Union military authority. Billy Wilson (kanunsuz) - Billy Wilson (outlaw) - After dissolution of his political dreams, Asa Earl Carter receded into the background, changed his name after a famous Confederate General, moved to Texas, and under an alias, posed as the Cherokee writer, Forrest Carter. Quantrill and General Joe Shelby were in constant need of re-mounts. The first victims were the four Union soldiers who had raided his farm. He was hanged in May 1889 at Ozark, Missouri. There was quicksand between the two trails. Hearing of this, Bill immediately set up in a rock shed next to the road close to the Deem home. Bill Warderman Member of the Black Jack Ketchum Gang. He was an uncle of President Harry Truman and had met Quantrill while a wagon master on the Santa Fe Trail. Wilfred Webb Arrested for complicity in the robbery of an Army paymaster at Fort Thomas, Arizona on May 11, 1889. Everyone believed that this was contrived to allow the Bushwhacker to change his name and avoid bounty hunters. David L. Anderson, aka: Billy Wilson - Outlaw & Lawman Arnett was playing in a local saloon when confronted, but choosing to shoot it out, he was killed. Bill was never without at least two forty-four caliber six shooters. In a strange twist of life imitating art imitating life, Carter later wrote in his autobiography in 1985 of his Scottish-Cherokee grandfather, a man named Walesthe very name of his outlaw hero! Sometimes disguised as a Union soldier, sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of other bushwhackers, Bill was always a very dangerous man. However, the outlaw was able to cut himself down from the hangmans noose and escape. After these men were caught, they confessed and were tried and convicted. He knew that they had to come back the same route to get to their headquarters at Rolla, Missouri. ?-1889) William Walker killed Calvin Church in the Choctaw Nation of Indian Territory in December 1888. Gilbert Webb Arrested for complicity in the robbery of an Army paymaster at Fort Thomas, Arizona on May 11, 1889. A few days later, a group of Union solders raided his home, threw out his family, stole everything they could and set the entire homestead on fire. They were all innocent. On June 13, 1876, Longley rode out to his landlord's farm, found him milking a cow, and murdered him with a shotgun. William Henry Whitley, aka: Bill, Will (1864-1888) The co-leader of a gang sometimes referred to as the Bill Whitley Gang, and at other times, the Brack Cornett Gang, Whitley was a bank and train robber in Texas during the late 1880s. Quantrill and General Joe Shelby were in constant need of re-mounts. Once Bill followed a government supply train and after they made camp, charged in on his horse and killed what he could while others ran away. ?-1874) An outlaw and horse thief, Alexander was shot and killed by a mob in Belton, Texas, when they caught him trying to steal horses on May 25, 1874. John Watts A cattle rustler who was killed by the militia in New Mexico in March 1883. Sometimes Bill Wilson rode with Bushwhackers Dick Kitchen, Anthony Wright and Jim Jamison. Some of these stories are probably false, while others could be true but lack any contemporary corroborating evidence. Wilson suffered a terrible misfortune at OCFS on June 16, 1979. Surrounded by a posse on April 25, 1895 in Mancos, Colorado and wounded, he committed suicide rather than be taken in. Carter sent the book to Clint Eastwoods office as an unsolicited submission. Billy Wilson, Outlaw, and Lawman David L. Anderson, more commonly known as William "Billy" Wilson or Buffalo Bill, was an Old West outlaw who rode with Billy the Kid following the Lincoln County War in New Mexico. He also served as a law enforcement officer and a U.S. customs inspector in his later years. He wrote Wallaces infamous pro-segregation 1963 line: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." However, the walking prisoners overpowered their guard and the driver, killing them both and wounding another. ?-1909) A gunfighter who was involved in a bitter feud in Ada, Oklahoma, was later arrested for the murder of Gus Bobbitt. After Mrs. Arthur identified the soldiers, Bill removed them from her property and led away four government horses. He was shot and killed by Sam Perry in Hillsboro, New Mexico Territory on July 16, 1879. List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the president of the United States,, Downie, Alice Evans. He deserted again in May 1872. Forced to go on the run, he joined Billy the Kid and his gang rustling cattle in the local area. He only found out that Jim Jamison guided Quantrill while the Rangers were in Missouri. They have also lived in Houston, TX and Humble, TX. He was held for four months and then released to return to his unit. However, the stagecoach wouldnt make it. Story of the Outlaw Study of the Western Desperado. Jim Wilson A New Mexico outlaw, Wilson shot and killed Dane Williams in Central City, New Mexico on March 20, 1886. One may wonder what the bushwhackers did with all the U.S. horses they stole. At a Union soldiers reunion, several years after the war, a favorite story was that of three soldiers trying to trap Bill. When the men who have been hunting Wales, finally think they have found him in a bar in Santa Rio, a prostitute and other locals cover for the outlaw, saying that Wales was killed in a shoot-out in Monterrey. They vouch for Josey, saying he is a local. Epeminto Aguelari An outlaw who killed Jose A. Samora at Wallace, New Mexico, on April 20, 1884. Josey Wales, aka Bushwhacker Bill Wilson | Metropolis.Caf But, unlike the movie, the real man did not have as his driving force a vengeance for losing his family to murder by Union soldiers. David Arguello Convicted of murdering Colorado peace officer Francisco Garcia on October 19, 1905, Arguello was legally hanged in Raton, New Mexico, on May 25, 1906. Box 579 Aaron Wilson (18? Many soldiers and horses were drowned that day. It was thought that no one could kill him. While the movie Josie Wales had minor historical inaccuracies, it had many parallels to the life of the Bushwhacker Bill Wilson. Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated November 2022. Start your review of Bushwhacker: A True History of Bill Wilson -- Missouri's Greatest Desperado. Following the siege at Stinking Springs (near present-day Taiban, New Mexico), he was arrested with the rest of Billy the Kids gang after surrendering to Pat Garrett,convicted in December 1880, andsent to prison in Santa Fe. He is said to have collected more rewards for bringing in outlaws than anyone else. Maybe no five pistoleers alive that could kill him, but two ex-comrades in arms did get the drop on him. It is unknown how many he killed on this raid, but it was said to be his highest number yet. and New Mexico, he was captured in 1881 by Sheriff Matt Kyle and sent to prison. Then the New York Times broke an expose about him. David L. Anderson, aka William "Billy" Wilson, Buffalo Bill (1862-1918) - Most commonly known as "Billy Wilson," he was a member of Billy the Kid's Gang of rustlers. ?-1890) A murderer in the Chickasaw Nation of Indian Territory, Austin was captured by U.S. Deputy William Carr and executed at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on January 16, 1890. A spy gained his confidence and killed him with one of his own guns. He was killed by lawmen near Arapahoe, Oklahoma in 1896. Malachi Allen (18? Bill Wilson was born around 1830 in Phelps County, Missouri. Carl Adamson Adamson rode with Jim Millerand was allegedly involved in the killing of Pat Garrett in New Mexico on February 28, 1908. One may wonder what the bushwhackers did with all the U.S. horses they stole. He was a sure-shot at a stand-still but also practiced assiduously shooting on the run from the back of his horse. William Wilson - Wikipedia After Mrs. Arthur identified the soldiers, Bill removed them from her property and led away four government horses. Longley committed another killing in Uvalde County, Texas in January 1876, when his attempted ambush of fellow outlaw, Lou Shroyer, turned into a gunfight. His daring deeds are still considered miracles due to his never being wounded once. When the War ended, there was a $300 bounty on him, an immense amount at that time. Burton Alvord (1866-1910) An Arizona lawman who turned outlaw in the 1890s when he began to drink too much. They were quick on the trigger as well. Ellen Watson, a/k/a Cattle Kate(1861-1889) An alleged cattle rustler by those involved in the Johnson County War of Wyoming, Watson was actually innocent. Lay was the last man known to have been killed by Longley. Duped, he began to pass the money and was arrested and indicted. On the second day of the trip, November 2, 1889, all but two prisoners were set out to walk up a steep ascent. High Fives Gang. Although there were a lot of these men, if someone said, The Bushwhacker, The Great Bushwhacker, or the Famous Bushwhacker, everyone knew that they were talking about Bill Wilson. The men had with them six excellent horses but little or no supplies, which seemed a little odd to the locals. Dixon went south tracking Lewis Peacock, Bob Lees nemesis, and was killed near Fort Parker. Later, about 1869, he was selling a wagon load of apples in McKinney, Texas, when two ex-Missouri Qauntrill Raidershis old comrades!spied him. Hart was not killed, but did lose his left arm to a shotgun blast. Photo of Billy the Kid playing cards with his gang set to fetch $1m Wilson was probably one of this group. In June 2001, it was officially reported that the remains from the grave site were indeed those of Bill Longley.[5]. Bill was accused of the deed. He sold a wagon load of apples in McKinney, Texas and was paid in greenbacks. Together they did much damage to the Union army in the area. Following the siege at Stinking Springs (near present-day Taiban, New Mexico), he was arrested with the rest of Billy the Kid's gang after surrendering to Pat Garrett and convicted in December 1880. He rode to Texas with as many as 150 other Quantrill Raiders to hide out. ?-1889) An outlaw and alleged leader of the Missouri Bald Knobbers a gang of over 400 members. Billy Wilson (kanunsuz) - Billy Wilson (outlaw) David Lawrence Anderson (1862 - 4 Haziran 1918), Lincoln County Sava'ndan sonra Billy the Kid ile birlikte at sren , Billy Wilson takma adyla daha iyi tannan 19. yzyldan kalma bir Amerikan kanun kaayd . Charles Allison A lawman turned outlaw, Allison was appointed deputy sheriff of Conjos County,Colorado, but soon organized a band of outlaws. Pursued by lawmen in Oklahoma, he was wounded at the time of his capture on August 4, 1895. After dissolution of his political dreams, Asa Earl Carter receded into the background, changed his name after a famous Confederate General, moved to Texas, and under an alias, posed as the Cherokee writer, Forrest Carter. William "Billy" Wilson - See David L. Anderson His descendents would like to know. His name, they say: Mr. Hart was not killed, but did lose his left arm to a shotgun blast. So ends the Great Bushwhacker Bill Wilson. Robbing stages between. Then he became a speechwriter for George Wallace. After the Gunfight at the O.K. Written by Ronnie Atnip and published by NTXE-News ~ August 9, 2011. 2. During the summer they also stole cattle from rancher John Newcomb and sold them along with an additional 20 beef cattle to butcher John Singer in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The one big surprise came towards the end of the movie when "Jim Crow" Chiles told the two police officers who were on the great outlaw roundup, that Josie's name was "Mr. Wilson." THE END Bill Wilson was probably living around Sherman, Texas after the war. For more information go to: Juan Alvarid A vicious Mexican outlaw, Juan was lynched in Socorro, New Mexico, on August 16, 1882, for raping an 8-year-old girl. ?-1885) An outlaw and murderer, Apodaca was convicted of murdering the Nesmith family in White Sands, New Mexico. In the movie, Josie Wales, Josie arrives in Texas, goes into a store, is shown a death picture of Simp Dixon and is told that Bob Lee is still fighting in Fannin County. This surprised attack was all the edge he needed. The next morning he continued north through Van Alstyne. Traditionally, Longley is said to have used a pair of Dance .44 revolvers; the Dance was a Texas-manufactured imitation of the Colt Dragoon. William Wilson - During the Lincoln Cou n ty War of New Mexico, the Dolan/Murphy faction paid Wilson $500 to kill one of his opponents, one Robert Casey, promising him that the law would look the other way. With both of his revolvers drawn, he surprised them on the road and killed all four. The one big surprise came towards the end of the movie when Jim Crow Chiles told the two police officers who were on the great outlaw roundup, that Josies name was Mr. By Kathy Weiser-Alexander, updated September 2020. In 1972, he wrote The Rebel Outlaw: Josey Wales.. Robbing stages betweenColoradoand New Mexico, he was captured in 1881 by Sheriff Matt Kyle and sent to prison. Bill was one of the last holdouts who used the old style bodies. He had owned several slaves but freed them before the War and advised his grown children remain as neutral as possible. ?-1886) Wasson was wanted for the 1872 murder of a man named Henry Martin, but eluded capture until 1884. Anthony hid food stuffs taken in a train robbery under his fathers house. The murder was alleged to have been instigated by Longley's uncle, Caleb B. Longley, who had blamed Anderson for the death of his son, Cale, and urged Longley to take revenge. Alamosa Bill - An outlaw allegedly involved with Billy the Kid sometimes, who was killed in El Paso, Texas, . In his later years, he also served as a law enforcement officer and a U.S. customs inspector. Thompson and Blackmore over took him one mile north of Van Alstyne where now Highway 5 crosses a branch of Prong Creek. Thomas Willis (18? Blue Duck (outlaw) Dan Bogan. Jermin Aguirre (18? Wounded in the arm, he was taken back to Fort Smith, Arkansas, where the arm was amputated shortly before he was hanged on April 19, 1889. He was released on January 11, 1900, along with Matt Warner. Bill Wilson maintained a neutral stance until a confrontation with Union soldiers on his farm on Corn Creek near Edgar Springs, Missouri. Write a review. He blamed Lay for his brief imprisonment. Learn how your comment data is processed. A few days later, while he was away from home, a group of Union soldiers, Jayhawkers and Red Legs rode to his house, ejected his family, took everything he had, and set fire to his house, barn and outbuildings. Bushwhacker Bill found out from a neighbor, Mary A. Arthur, that four Union soldiers had been by her place looking for him. Tom Welsh A New Mexico outlaw Welsh killed Joe Hickson in Good Hope, New Mexico on October 28, 1884. Charles Knox Polk Wells (1851-1896) An admitted outlaw and murderer originally from Missouri, Wells robbed banks and trains and allegedly killed over thirty men including an uncle and a jailer. While the movie Josie Wales had minor historical inaccuracies, it had many parallels to the life of the Bushwhacker Bill Wilson. This page was last edited on 6 September 2022, at 22:00. [3] The character Fletcher is loosely based on Capt. By 1867, Texas was fully under the control of the Union due to the Reconstruction Act. He was arrested, convicted and sentenced that year, but escaped jail and remained at large for nine years until captured early in 1876. This was his edge. He and the other men were imprisoned, but in 1899, Thomas Black Jack Ketchum confessed to the crime, and the three men were freed. William Alexander (18??-??) The story of Bill Wilson has been told throughout the Ozark Mountains since he began his bloody career in 1861 to the present day. Longley shot at him several times, killing him. James Averell or (Averill) (1851-1889) An alleged Wyoming cattle rustler who was not guilty, Averell was hanged, along with Cattle Kate Watson, by a cattle baron faction in 1889, just one of the many incidents that led to the Johnson County War. Bill did stop in 1934, but it was not due to the efforts of his wife. George Wilson, aka: James Casherago (18? Kinch West Outlaw member of the Tom Story Gang of Oklahoma. In mid-December 1868, three former slaves named Green Evans, Pryer Evans, and the third known only as Ned, rode through Evergreen, intending evidently to visit friends farther south. The Apache Kid and the others quickly fled, leaving Avott behind. He died in 1964, having spent his last 32 years in a mental institution. While admitting his role in the murder, Walker claimed that he had been hired by another man to kill Church. Although there were a lot of these men, if someone said, The Bushwhacker, The Great Bushwhacker, or the Famous Bushwhacker, everyone knew that they were talking about Bill Wilson. He was sent to prison but escaped and was later killed by a pursuing posse. Joe Asque (18??-1877?) All five pulled their revolvers and Bill killed the other four. 5 Legendary Wild West Outlaws - HISTORY - HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes This surprised attack was all the edge he needed. 602 799 8214 He briefly found work on a cotton farm, but he was forced to run again in November 1875, after murdering a hunting buddy named George Thomas with whom he had had a fistfight. The story does not end there. After getting some service at welder's station, Bill's car erupted in flames after his exhaust ignited some spilled fuel while he drove through the pits. Maximo Apodaca (18? Justin Anjo A California outlaw, Anjo was lynched for shooting a man to death on July 12, 1877. Soon all of the soldiers dreaded going after Mr. Wilson. Fred lost and got 20 years in San Quentin. 66 years ago, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous tried LSD and Corral, Brocious attempted to kill Virgil Earp and succeeded in assassinating Morgan Earp. He was six feet (183cm) tall with a thin build, jet black hair, and was just reaching adulthood when the American Civil War ended in 1865. Wilson You may find these related posts interesting:,, The Movie the Outlaw Josey Wales Was Based on A Real Man - William Bill Longley (gunfighter) - Wikipedia governor of Alabama on a segregationist ticket, but finished fifth of five candidates. Charles Allen, aka Big Time Charlie After the turn of the century, Big Time Charlie ran one of the most illicit prostitution rings in Denver, Colorado. Bill Longley was born on Mill Creek in Austin County, Texas, the sixth of ten children of Campbell and Sarah Longley. Willis Arrington A Texas outlaw, Arrington was charged with rustling cattle in 1881. Miller, Rick. Despite its ignoble origin, the film was a great commercial and artistic success and has become a cult classic. The four were hanged in an abandoned barn behind the jail. He was hanged at Fort Smith on July 11, 1884. He was an uncle of President Harry Truman and had met Quantrill while a wagon master on the Santa Fe Trail. After robbing a stage near Globe, Arizona, on August 10, 1883, he was pursued and killed in a gunfight. Contemporaries have passed on, retired or simply faded away, but although Henry Paul turns 71 in August the last remaining original member of the Outlaws remains fiercely committed to keeping southern rock alive. About: Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Many soldiers and horses were drowned that day. Actually, Simp wasnt killed until one year after both Bob Lee and Bill Wilson were killed. San Angelo, Texas: Rangel Printing, 1978. On March 31, 1875, Longley killed his childhood friend, Wilson Anderson, with a shotgun. On June 6, 1877, Longley was surrounded and arrested without incident by Nacogdoches County Sheriff Milt Mast and two deputies while he was residing in De Soto Parish, Louisiana under the alias "Bill Jackson." He again led away government horses. He knew that they had to come back the same route to get to their headquarters at Rolla, Missouri. Spillman and B.F. Jermagin. Meet the Big River Bushwhackerthe Dashing, Dangerous, Illiterate The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools.