Stompy: You take one more move, mister Wubbzy: If you put one fin on that boat Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Aah! Climb aboard, explorers. The Fish Tank Gang: Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Chum: Dolphins? Joe: Did you see that? Viewer: A clue! Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mooo! And it's orange and small and white stripes--. Mouth: I Wonder What We Could Do Together! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. I only did this just because so many people wanted Kevin to get this right. Dory: I don't know where I am. Dory: Sydney! Marlin: And sometimes it's a good thing. Joe: Wonder what else you could help us play. Mrs. Pepper: Next, we need two cups of blueberries for our blueberry pancakes. Come on. That's a lot of blueberries. Tickety: He's not coming back. Hi. "Oh, look at me. For example, Tickety makes Shovel mad/angry when she knocks over his block tower and fights each other. We need help. Madame Butterfly: Look, There's another fish egg. Rupert Murdoch acknowledged that Fox News hosts endorsed false stolen Gurgle: That's not a Hedstrom file. It's a letter from our friends. Keep it right there. Do you? ( barks ) Pick me, pick me, pick me. Snack Time (transcript) - Yuna's Princess adventure Wikia She is sub-level, dude. Jump on him! She's gonna be here Friday to pick you up. I saw you. Did you guys really cross the jellyfish forest? Joe: Oh, it looks like we need two cups of pancake mix. Hey! Daizy: What Do You Think Will Happen?, Let's See. See?, he's swimming away. It's a fish we don't know. We don't We don't have a problem. Children: We See A Clue! Dory: Gotta go faster if you want to win! You'll have to come back later. I don't know. Oh, it's a whale of a tale. Joe: Yeah, sure, we'll help. A Curved Line 3. Characters: [laughing]. Huh? Marlin: [Panting] Coral? They're not your fish. KIDS: We see a clue. Wubbzy: I Made A Ramp for My Car!, and When My Car Goes Down, It Goes Really Far, Watch! Fish School Leader: What, are theybothering you again? Tyler: And that means we're going in circles, and that means we're not going straight! 02x05 - What Experiment Does Blue Want to Try? Aquascum: Teamperature: 82 degrees, PH balance: normal. 02x15 - What Game Does Blue Want to Learn? 02x16 - What Story Does Blue Want to Play. Blue's Clues episode list View source The following is a list of episodes of Blue's Clues, listed in production order. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Nemo: We have to tell all the fish to swim down together! Nemo: [Offscreen] Bye, Dad! We did it! Mr. Salt: Coming right up. When dressing up in silly things at the end of the episode. Gill: Of course you are. Dentist: [Offscreen] All right. [Baby talk]. Aah! The sad characters in this episode are Frankie, Sidetable Drawer, and Blue. So, count to three Dory: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. ( barking ) Come on! Characters, and Marlin: [Screaming]. Dory: Too much orca. Joe: Oh, you think I should try on those giant shoes? Baby Bear: I'm having a porridge party later, and I can't find my porridge bowl. Gill: Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Crush: Tell your little dude I said hi, okay? Say hello to your new mummy. He hasn't been decontaminated yet. Joe: Sounds like someone needs our help. Rock on! She's my niece. by Nick Jr. Thanks for helping. I think I need your help again. Joe: That was great! Did your man deliever or did de deliever? Joe: Dory, Dory, Dory! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Dory: [Offscreen] Trench, through it, not over it. Mine! I don't think that's a little fella. That one's been fighting the whole ocean! It's because we like you we don't want to be with you. Moose A. Moose: Who do you want to ask, the speck? Joe: Hold still. Whoa! Ye-Ye: You're gonna get stuck out there and we're gonna have to get you before another fish does! [Echoes] Turn on the Ring of Fire! Steve: Now, Nemo, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? And now we're stuck here! Mr. Salt: I'm Mr. Salt. We're not doing anything. Where? We just got a letter Dory: Something about tentacles. The VHS Vault : Free Movies : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming Nemo! Blue's Clues? Daizy: To Play Marshall's Clues We Gotta Find A Daizy: Oh, A Pawprint!, Right!, and That's Our First Daizy: Cause They're Marshall's Clues, Marshall's Clues, We Gotta Find Another Pawprint, That's The Second Clue, We Put It In Our Notebook, Cause They're Who's Clues?, Marshall's Clues!, We Gotta Find The Last Pawprint, That's The Third Clue, We Put It In Our Notebook, Cause They're Marshall's Clues, Marshall's Clues, You Know What to Do, Sit Down in Our Thinking Chair and Think, Think, Think, Cause When We Use Our Minds, and Take A Step at a Time, We Can Do, Anything Daizy: Okay, We're Playing Marshall's Clues, To Figure Out What Marshall Wants to Make You Do, Will You Help Me?, You Will?, Thanks!, Let's Go! I remember things better with you. Blue's Clues: Finding Nemo/Transcript - The Parody Wiki Darla: (Singing) Twinkle, twinkle, little star! Steve: Do you want this anemone to sting you? Daizy: You See A Clue?, Hold Please!, Where is It? The meeting has officially come to order. Um,Exuse me. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Come on, sing with me. Oh, thanks for helping me by holding my notebook. Books. [Offscreen] Swim down! Maybe. OK? Daizy: You Did That!, You Made Me, Open The Door, Oh, Uh, So, Come On In. Coral? Ha. Okay, we're done. Dory: [Offscreen] I'm sorry, but if you could just bring a little closer, I kind of need the light. how to create a signature in outlook 365; blue's clues i did that transcripts. Shane: So, just then, the sea cucmber looks over to the mollusk and says, "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?". Just loosen up, Okay, buddy? Twist: You're showing us which way the boat went! Contents 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 (1996-97) 2.2 Season 2 (1997-98) 2.3 Season 3 (1999-2001) 2.4 Season 4 (2001-02) 2.4.1 Held Back Episodes 2.5 Season 5 (2002-03) 2.5.1 Held back episodes 2.6 Season 6 (2004) Come on! Bruce: Yes. Joe: Glad we could help. Marlin: You know what, if I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. SHOVEL AND PAIL: Joe, come over here. Shane: [Offscreen] You mean, the swirling vortex of terror? It's all our fault. (Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. That sounds like fun. I'm going to go touch the butt. Crush: You, mini-man. Daizy: We'll Play Marshall's Clues to Figure It Out! Look at us! Whoo-hoo! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Over there. I'm a clownfish. Are you sure you speak whale? Mr. Salt: Hello, Hello!, I'm Mr. Joe: Blue just skiddooed. A Private Company Is Using Social Media to Track Down Russian Soldiers Open-source investigations were once potent journalistic tools, but in Ukraine, they're being used on the battlefield. Stop! That's great. Bye, Dad! Here's the game. Blue: ( barks happily ) Ooh! Get us out! Mailbox: Right this way. It's another Blue's Clues day. Sound: Now Make This Sound, (Hee-Hee-Hee). Dory: Excuse me! I'll get the recipe. Daizy: That is So Strange, Here!, Listen! We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue It's the only way that can save Dory! There I go. It's the Jellyman! Bubbles: Bubbles! Nick Jr. Face: We don't want to play the gender card right now. Dory: What is it with men and asking for directions? Okay, no one there. Gulls: [Offscreen] Mine! We died. Joe: Little Red Riding Hood with a cape and a basket. Stay awake! What? Mr. Salt: I'll get them. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Peach: He's had only four cups of coffee. Joe: You were a huge help. ( barking ) I'll ask him. Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho! Daizy: The Doorbell!, I'll Be Right There! Oh, good. Blue: ( barks ) Joe: Hi. Lady, is this guy bothering you? I don't know what's going on. Bob: Well, look who's out of the anemone. I even help with the plants inside Contact Us at: Information Line (562) 944-6237 FAX Line (562) 941-8677. Ben Lamantia Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. ( barking ) You feel a break? Crush: [Offscreen] 150, dude! Mr. Ray: [Offscreen] Well, I can assure you, he's quite safe with me. Dory: Mm-hmm. Marlin: How do you know? DJ Lance: Time to Go Outside to The Playground! You're gonnabe fine. Second line. Dory: [Offscreen] Help! I really do like it. You know what? Marlin: Dory, listen to us. Dory: [Offscreen] Oh, oh. Blue's Clues & You! Deluxe Play-along Friends Set : Target [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. It's going down! It's another Blue's Clues day Mr. Salt: "Patience" It's another Blue's Clues day. Marlin: Nemo? That we want to do Geo: Well, aparently, we must've done something you likeddudes. Hey, Side Table Drawer. Oh. Gill: Ha ha! Dentist: Prep for his anterior crown, would you, please? You're her present. Whoa! Dory: Ohh. [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Mr. Salt: Here goes. Bruce: Right, then. It's our little secret. No, no, no, no! Blue's Clues - Transcripts - Forever Dreaming Transcripts - Forever Dreaming Blue's Clues Forum rules Shop all things Blue's Clues Here A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles. Mr. Salt: Can you help us? I know it's not. We delivered strong fourth quarter 2022 operating earnings . Dory: Yeah, careful I don't make you cry when I win! Dory: Have you seen an orange fish swim by? Did you really do all the things you did? Viewer: There it is, that one. So, count to three One, two, three And clap your hands Clap your hands! Transcript for Blue's Clues and You: Happy Birthday Blue (extended 02x12 - What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day? How are you? and we find a way to help her out. Please? I've been waiting and waiting for you. Huh? Jacques! Mine! Are you guys excited? We have definitely seen this floating speck before. on the Internet. Mouth: Look What I Can Do!, What Could Marshall Want to Make You Do With A Mouth? And then one more time, out and back in. Dory: Guys! Thanks for helping me read the recipe. Thanks for being Little Red Riding Hood with me. I understand. There. Peach: [Offscreen] That's the shortest red light I've ever seen. BOY: Can you help me? Marlin: See, we're going to get stuck now with that song. Just keep swimming! Characters, and Marlin: [Panting] Oh! Dory: I can read? You're ridin' it, dude! Nobody touch him. Grouper: [Offscreen] Turn around! Horton, Morton, Jane, and Junior: (with Steve) Blue's Clues. Nada. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a general knowledge one: Blue tits, goldcrests, greenfinches and other avians collectively. Characters. An illustration of a person's head and chest. Binyah Binyah: 150! Johnny Snowman: We just think it's the best if we carry on from here by by ourselves. Dory: Oh, oh! Joe: [Offscreen] We haven't spoken for a while. He's gonna clean the tank! funny organization names Aah! Whoa! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. The Cat in the Hat: Today's the big day, Steve and Blue are waiting for us. Dory: Oh, oh, oh, oh. Steve: Time for school! Dentist: Hold still! OK, the drop off. Daizy: We Just Got A Letter, We Just Got A Letter, We Just Got A Letter, I Wonder Who It's From. Steve: Marlin, That's nice to meet you and Dory. Where'd you go? I'll add the milk and mix it right up. I love the bubbles! You see a clue? No problem. Bruce: [Offscreen] I'll start the testimonies. Joe: It's mail time? Hey, tell us a joke. Think dirty thoughts. The egg wiggled! Periwinkle: [Offscreen] The mask. First, you are all, like, "Whoa! Marlin: And my son Nemo See, he was mad at us. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Can't miss it. Tyler: If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny. He either said we should go to the back of the throat, or he wants a root beer float. Coral? Blue's Clues - S05E22 - I Did That! : Nick Jr. : Free Download, Borrow Let's see. Joe ( in normal voice ): Blue you got me. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. did you see that? Daizy: Another Marshall's Clues Day!, Hooray!, Do You Wanna Play Miss Spider: Hi, Ring The Doorbell So Daizy Knows You're Here! Crush: Ohintro. Next stop, knowledge! I have to get back to my dad! It's okay. Two cups of pancake mix. All right, let's look for those clues. Dory: You really clocked me there. A Private Company Is Using Social Media to Track Down Russian Soldiers I Did That! | Blue's Clues Wiki | Fandom Crush: You so totally rock, Squirt! They're in the Amazon. You won't go belly-up. Daizy: Oh, Marshall, You Wanna Make Something Happen Too! Daizy: Right Here?, It's The Clue!, On This, Mouth! Characters, and Marlin: [Gasp] Coral! ( barks ) Blue's ABCs/Transcript. Oh, little blue. Ha hwa ho ha. But we'll sing just one more song Marlin: [Panting] Has anybody seen a boat? That's a funny thing to promise. Daizy: Thanks for Helping Me Figure That Out. Mouth: So, What Does Marshall Want You to Do? Huh? Horton the Elephant: We're all set and ready to go, Cat. Clue #1: Hi. What's it like? Happy Birthday, Blue! (extended version) Transcript | Blue's Clues I was aiming for the toilet. Mine! Marlin: Something's wrong with you, really. It's got death written all over it. You know what? english springer spaniel breeders in pennsylvania. You do that and this tank's gonna get filthier and filthier by the minute. Dory: Twenty-nine, thirty! We just got a letter Category:Blue's Clues TV Spoofs | Scratchpad III Wiki | Fandom Squirt: Good afternoon! I remember it. It's you. And see? Hello. What did he use to open? Blue Makes a Movie with You!/Transcript. After I'm done talking to the shark, Okay? It says "one-half." None of them were swimming, so forget that I--. Let's get cooking. I need your help. Tad: [Offscreen] I know what that is. Dentist: Well, that's one way to pull a tooth. Filthy. Marlin: Well, we actually do know one that's pretty good. Characters, Marlin, and Dory need to get to Sydney. Daizy: I Did That, I Left My Zebra Toy Out, and Almost Tripped Over It, What Can I Do So That Nobody Else Will Trip Over It? Joe: Close your eyes. Hello, there, little wolf. Valerie: You were right, Dory! You're Nemo! Ye-Ye and Gui-Nai-Nai: Down! Nemo: Dory, you have to tell everybody to Muno: Do you understand what we're saying to you? Mrs. Pepper: There's gotta be a way to escape! Gill: Just calm down, Nemo. Marlin: We have to get out! ( barking ) ( in normal voice ): Joe: I think now we say "What big ears you have, Wolf." Viewer: There's Blue, behind Boris. Ain't I something?". Mouth: What Does Marshall Want You to Do With Us? Huh? Nigel: Okay. Dory: Okay! Gill: Don't worry. Fish School Leader: Saw that! Daizy: (Singing) Now It's Time for So Long, But We'll Sing Just One More Song, Thanks for Doing Your Part, You Sure Are Smart, You Know With Me and You, and Our Friend Marshall We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, Bye-Bye. The little clownfish from the reef. Diego: Who's that? Dory: Wow, a whale, you know, I speak whale. Come on. Joe: Thinking chair. I gotta tell you something. I was built for speed. Ohh. An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine. Marlin: But it doesn't matter because no fish is this entire ocean is going to help us. Bubbles: Wow. Remember, rip it, roll it, and punch it! Joe: Our notebook, yeah. Chum: Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food! We'll play "Blue's Clues" to figure it out. And sometimes, if you want to do it four times--. Mr. Salt: What about-happened on the episode? Now where is that? Characters, and Marlin: [Gasping]. On my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. Marlin: Okay, Uh, hello. Steve: Marlin's son was taken away from him. Joe: Everybody pull so we can get Nemo out. We need to-- And they're gone again. Hahoo ho ho wahoo ha hee! ( barks ) Joe: It is an egg in a nest. . Hey, what's the matter? Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Daizy: Oh!, Foofa!, You Took The Dinosaur Away from Baby Duck, and That Made Him Mad. So, has that Novocaine kicked inyet? Henry: Dory! Patient: You're getting a little too--Aah! Aah! BOTH: Deb: If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. About three leagues? So what are we? Gill: Keep on him. I'll help with dinner because I'm able And your father! We have to find my son! 'Cause they're Blue's Clues There's a mollusk, see? Joe: Bye. See? Mr. Johannsen: All right, you kids! I found you. We just want to look. Blue: (as she'd leapt towards the Grinch and barks) Steve: That we want to do. Search the history of over 797 billion Characters, and Marlin: Nemo! Come on, go. [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: The clownfish is the winner! Bruce: For a clownfish, he's not that funny. Hey, come back! We have 1 possible answer in our database. Blue's Clues - S05E22 - I Did That! It runs in my family. Nigel: Aw, Would you just shut up?! Gingerbread Boy: Hi. They're my fish. Joe: Bye. Are you all okay? Follow me! web pages Do you know where my dad is? We swim, swim. Joe: Oh, okay. Video. Nemo: I can't go with that girl! Let's get to the bottom! Mine! Marlin: But you gotta stay awake. Crush: Oh, man. Figures stand approximately 3 inches tall. I wonder why it does that. Fish School Leader: [Offscreen] Oh, hey, ma'am. Dory: Okay, Okay. Guys? Would you look at that? And it's really, really important that we get there as fast as we can, so can you help us out? We're gonna win! Mr. Salt: Well, then, here! It's gonna be okay. Bloat: It has a teardrop cross-section. Daizy: That's Brilliant!, Marshall Wants to Make You Laugh!, We Did That!, We Just Figured Out Marshall's Clues! Recap This episode is all about actions and consequences. Dory: [Offscreen] I'm going to put P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Fish School Leader: Close enough! Zuma: Oh!, I Did That, I Made Marshall Sad, Now What Should I Do?, Hmm, Oh!, I Know!, I'm Sorry, Marshall, I Didn't Mean to Push You and Make You Sad. Peach: The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning, maintenance-free, salt water purifier that is guaranteed to even extend the life of your aquarium fish. We're gonna help him escape. Nemo: [Offscreen] Yay! Blue's Clues S05E33 I Did That - video Dailymotion Hold on, wait to cross. Where's Nemo? Aah! Nigel: See you, after you were taken by Diver Dan over there, your dad followed the boat like a maniac. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. Here's what the original host, Steve Burns, did after he quit the show. Marlin: Now, Dory, we want you to tell us. All right, kids, feel free to explore, but stay close. Little Bear: Let's Go Meet Them and say hello. Mrs. Pepper: Shh Peach: [Offscreen] Walks to the counter, drops the keys Gurgle: Eww! I'm a flippin' little dolphin. Hold it! Marlin: All right, we'll name, uh this half Marlin Junior and then this half Coral Junior. Thanks for your help. Dory: There, there. Joe: Oh our notebook, right. You're wasting our time. Daizy: Do You Wanna See What Wubbzy Made?, Me Too!, Let's Go! Dentist: Oh, Barbara, what's my earliest appointment tomorrow? Daizy: Bye!, Hey, I Just Remembered, We Still Have Two More Clues to Find, Come On. ( barking ) Joe: We're in Storybook Forest. Whoa-oh-oh-oh! Dora: Hola!, We're The Nick Jr. Chum: We've already gone through the snacks, and I'm still starving. A little help, over here. So, what did it say? Joe: Hi! wake up, wake up! ( Gopher squeaks ) Joe: Hey, Shovel. Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. Instead, the other clues commented on the sound, before they all say Now that were three, what will we be?. I think I lost somebody, but I can't remember. . Marlin: We need to get to the East Austrailian Current. Get away! Dory: Sorry. You can help yourself to one of my friends. You know, you're really cute, but we don't know what you're saying! Bloat: Whoa. When it comes, I want to wail, "Mail!" I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there in the harbor waiting for you right now. That's what we're doing. ( barks ) Joe: There's a duck in our pond. Uploaded by Let's name the species that live in the sea! A Little Chum for Chum, eh? ( smacking ) It's all right. You know, with me and you Hello! Bloat: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. And our friend, Blue Marlin: Oh!, Hi. Echo! Speed read. Josh: We did it. [Gasping] Hey, wait! Wubbzy: I Know!, I Can Turn My Ramp The Other Way! Give it back! Kids: nooo. Gurgle: Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. Ah-choo! Gurgle: [Offscreen] She wouldn't stop shaking the bag. (Blue's Clues Theme Song & Title Card) (Nick Jr. and Disney Presents) (An Association with Pixar) (Blue's Clues: Finding Nemo) Steve: Hi, There! Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). We put it in our notebook Dory: [Offscreen] P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Episodes where Pail appears in the credits, Episodes where Paprika & Cinnamon don't appears in the Credits, Episodes where Green Puppy don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Sidetable Drawer don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Purple Kangaroo doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Orange Kitten don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Periwinkle appears in Credits, Episodes where Green Kitten doesn't appear, Episodes where Purple Kitten don't appear, Episodes where Blue Kitten doesn't appear, Episodes where Green Kangaroo doesn't appear, Episodes where Magenta Kangaroo doesn't appear, Episodes where Magenta doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Orange Bird don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Moona doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Blue Kitten doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Blue Bird doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Red Kitten doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Red Bird don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Yellow Bird don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Yellow Kitten don't appear in Credits, Episodes where Green Kitten doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Green Kangaroo doesn't appear in Credits, Episodes where Purple Kitten don't appear in Credits, Episodes with Joe drawing a clue with more than one crayon, Episodes Where Joe is On the Left Side at the end of the Mailtime Song, Blue's Modern Singing for the Mailtime Song. It went, um, this way! Thanks for doing your part Marlin: Thanks, Steve. Mailbox: Ah much better. Mr. Salt: Okay. Joe: Notebook, right to draw the clue. Joe: Okay, are you ready to look for Blue's clues to figure out what Blue needs help playing?You are? What ocean big isn't big enough for you all or some like that? [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. We're gonna have a great jump today! Let's name the zones of the open sea! Thanks. Construction. Male Bird 2: in a matter of days. Got it. Swim down! Gill: Just think about what you need to do. Kids: It's blue. Not the trash can! Marlin: [Offscreen] Excuse us. He seems to be favore that one lately. Swim down! Steve: Rules, rules, rules! Steve: Come on, we're gonna swim over this thing. That's one dedicated father, if you ask me. Mine! That means you, Jimmy. Let's see. Wait. Tuna? Let's draw a line that goes up and loops around then goes back up and around a line across, and we have a cape.We have all three clues to figure out what Blue needs help playing. Mr. Ray: Huh. Squirt: Whoa! You're going the wrong way! Bruce: Dory, are you oka--Ohh. Dory, you did it! I was so ready to get out, so ready to taste that ocean, I was willing to put you in harm's way to get there. 02x10 - What Does Blue Want to do with Her Picture? Joe: I only see Boris, my duck. Dory: [Offscreen] Oh, you guys. Something's wrong with you. Baby Bear: Hi. You got serious thrill issues, dude. Ruby: Are we We don't want to hurt your feelings. What are your names? Joe: Hi, Blue. Crush: [Offscreen] Ha ha! Daizy: Marshall's Making All of Us Laugh! Nemo: It's okay. You have got to see this. It's inthat direction. Clap your hands! Daddy's here. [Gasps] There you are! Take a guess. Mr. Salt: Quiet, quiet. Oh, wow! Shovel: Do you want to play with us? Where? You're funny, right? Mine! Welcome aboard, explorers. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Stephanie: Yeah, Marlin. Lobster: straight down into the dark.