Frieza also presumes that the Super Shenron could grant him the desire to reign over all Gods. They need to know what's it like . Any doubt, no baby. A genie says: Ill grant you three wishes but whatever you wish your ex gets double. @Jack Note that with your comment on "happy" you are touching on philosophical debate (also in economic theory, political theory, decision theory, and probably more fields). The ability to instantly make sequels and stuff of my fav movies and TV shows so they never die outTo make any food I want appear out of thin air and taste deliciousSorry if youre all disappointed I didnt solve world problems. Wish 1: Upgrade my brain in a way that preserves my identity but is capable of holding all the knowledge in the universe. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Jinni: used to refer to one type of jinn. Hernando Umana Wants Every HIV+ Person To Know That Life Doesnt End At A Diagnosis, This Guy Didnt Know How To Ask His Crush Out So His English Professor Helped Him Draft The Perfect Text, This Woman Used Spotify To Ask A Guy Out And Now People On Twitter Are Making Their Own Hilarious Playlists, This Guy Thought He Would Annoy His Mom Via Text, But It Turns Out She Wasnt Gonna Take His Shit. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. RT @8WithATiara: When you get a genie, it can only give you 3 wishes, but you can't wish for more wishes. Shenron can bestow any wish as long as it does not exceed the power of his creator, who must be still alive (i.e. I guess we didnt mention that because the odds of ever finding one Genie are greater than you finding a particular grain of sand on a big beach. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. seriously? The best wish wording for The Perpetual Master Clause is, I hereby wish for The Perpetual Master Clause within the Universal Genie Accords to be activated as my [Insert Number: first, second, or third] wish. Theres no way to twist such wonderful legal wording! The Irish red head could be a Leprechaun in disguise. They have reality warping powers, can manipulate matter and energy and can use some psionic powers like telepathy, clairvoyance and a kind of psychic erosion. How would you rate the quality of the article? And wish that your wish has come true. If the first 2 things came true, how would that help you lose weight? Megalomania wouldn't be bad with superpowers. Everyone has equal access to basic human necessities, I think religion is good, it helps me understand more about a person & their beliefs, and it might give someone a purpose in life, - The power to be like a genie but without restrictions -somewhat like a fairy godperson? lol I also have met him astrally. (Please read all the info before you make a request.) It is a question about logic. If you assume finite power for a wish, it could only empower a new wish, or multiple new wishes adding up in strength to the original. That would be like finding a particular grain of sand on the entire planet! You will just irritate the genie, who finds this sort of thing tiresome in the extreme. I see ghosts while Im awake and they dont like it when I notice them. A million bucks isn't the fortune it used to be. Id bury the boxes in hallowed Earth within a church cemetery. The original spell is the gold standard supported by higher dimensional forces of righteousness. The philosopher Epictetus argues that we can control our attitudes and our beliefs. No detention 4. Upon arrival in the lamp chamber, they engage Jafar in battle after he used his second wish to enlist Genies help in the fight. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Upon its death, a genies soul is reabsorbed into the elemental plane of its birth and reincarnated into a new body. Personally Id wish to be able to dimension travel.cause infinite dimensions and stuff.second,I would wish to be able to control fortune.imagine just increasing the odds of finding a lamp.and third I would wish for plot armour, First one would be great health for me and my loved ones, Second one would be 10k straight in my bank everytime i pat a cat. If you are wanting to update to Genie v10, you will need to follow the instruction in our Updating to the latest Genie version article. 1) No more terminal illnesses for people or animals2) Everyone to be kind to one another, always3) Financial peace, not just stability. All can be bottled, or lamped to become Genies. Whatever you can afford to donate will help grant magical wishes to those who need it most. Retirement sucks. Why is most modal logic about necessity vs possibility rather than permission or wishes? 230+ Best Genie Names To Inspire You | Kidadl Why is it so hard to achieve? If you're playing like normal, you'll gain a full 6 HP to defeat bosses. Although the Genie sensed the curse and neutralized it by inserting their own Jinn spirit in between it and their human Masters soul. The animated movie sees Genie use his freedom to travel the world. (and let's pretend the genie really let's you have only three wishes, because in the comic one cannot say how many wishes the genie actually (wanted to) allow for. What about wishing for an unlimited about of wishes Why ask for that when you can do it yourself? Genie Not Included[Ad]Genies granting wishes can simply be seen as a scenario to be played out in the grand mathematical scheme of things within the mind of the OmniverseGod. If you want to leave no loopholes, I would recommend wishing for a logical system to be true. HELP! Even Greg witnessed this as I was getting off the Amtrak Train I fell off lol.. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? For a limited time the genie is giving out free wishes. The ability to understand any language, spoken or written, Enough money to keep me and my family comfortable for the rest of our lives (amt to be determined on a continuous basis, based off the economy), A tropical beachside retreat that has my own personal beach access, a fully stocked pantry/bar that never empties or spoils, and is protected from global warming. But how could you do it without violating the dreaded "no asking for more wishes" clause or "no wishing for more genies?" What would you do if you weren't allowed to use these loopholes? After the bachelor, this Viking wanted to conquer more landsthat is why she flew to Belgium and finished a MA in Cultural Studies. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Until reading this. Hes been wanting me to meet with him alone! This is one of the hardest things to see. Create Food and Water is useless unless you track resources in your game, but even then you don't have the spell slots to justify it. These are rare collectibles. I probably would sens him and not open it. In Disney, Genie isnt given much back story of how or why he became an enslaved genie or gained his powers. Lost our little girl, a couple of months ago. Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime, 50 Times Signs Were So Funny, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page, 50 Frightening Pics That Make Us Want To Stay As Far Away From The Ocean As Possible (New Pics), Old Photos In Real Life: 35 Pics That Show How Much Time Affects Everything (New Pics). Also, technically killing is a transition of states, but the genie likely refuses to do this on principle as well. No detention 4. Flirting with the Force - Blue Milk Special For all sorts of reasons, the imaginations of many people seem only to run to worse-case scenarios. Successful kidney transplant for my daughter. What I Would Wish For If Genies Were Real If you were to use up all your three wishes from one genie and then somehow got hold of another genie artifact would you get three more wishes, it being a new genie and all? See our listings here. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. A button I can press that gives me whatever I say while the button is pressed. A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. If no one fell ill or was upset, there would be more joy and less stress. Wishes Genie: Best Wishes Quotes - Congratulations Wishes Some are good and some make me feel shaky. It's even sadder that a lot of folks think this is a normal way of living and it's not. Rather obviously. I'm a 68 year old, grizzled old bloke, and it brings me to tears, on a regular basis. To be transformed into the luckiest Leprechaun of perfection on all levels who will be welcomed warmly into the Leprechaun community of Ireland without question is my wish. They can magically cloak their real appearance. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. I love the wicked humor of the Jin in that movie. Naturally, they brought it upon themselves by bringing chaos to our dimension and drawing attention to themselves, to begin with! . COLLECT amazing, mystical and unpredictable items paw-ered by the cat genies' mysterious magic and hoard as many trinkets as you can cram into a single screen! Upon doing this the curse was no longer blocked but completely eradicated! Most of these beings have limits on their wish-granting abilities. If you make sequels can you make season five of stranger things come out faster? We think we found the lamp loophole. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? Im like Im not ready for anything as of now. Aladdin Clip - Genie's Rules For Wishes - YouTube lol seriously. However weve seen no evidence that they exist. ", 1. And gotten away with. If a genie grants you three wishes, what do you intend to wish I wish for magical powers equal to a genie without the limitations, so I would be the world's greatest sorceress. Hi Xavier. Im not an Admin here but I believe your question was answered already on the above comment. So in a way, you can get infinite wishes but theyre not anything that great. I seem to recall a certain royal vizier doing that. Clearly some will become very dangerous, and devious Genies. -No bringing people back from the dead. For instance, you can say that you wish everyone on Earth was a vampire, and then youd be transported to a parallel Earth where everyone is, in fact, a vampire. I saw other people saying world peace or ending world hunger. They are the nefarious Jinn from another dimension who are bottled or lamped up by the forces of righteousness to protect our reality. You have 3 wishes. The spells available to all Genie Warlocks are ok. Detect Evil and Good can have some use, but tends to be pretty situational. Ifrit: used for a jinni that is more powerful and stronger than a Shaytan. Copyright 2008-2023 MysticInvestigations.Com All Rights Reserved. I know some red heads but never made any deals. 1 Answer. I hope I never come across one. ANSWER the kitty cat genies' meowningful questions to satiate their catty curiosity and let them guess exactly what your heart craves for! genie-proof wishes | suesspiciousminds Fun and fantastical entries are what genie wishes should be for, and there are some here, but most of us only long for basics; enough money to abate fear for our survival, good health, access to healthcare, happy families, love, and wishes for mankind - empathy, kindness, universal peace. You must also take care to include youth in the wish so you wont be an eternal decrepit entity. However, adding a phrase like, I make this wish with good luck, is essential to having things turn out in your favor. Jan 5, 2023 My genie, Jenna, has the typical Genie Rules, and a few others: -For the most part, the master may ONLY have three wishes, no more, no less. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? Many people dont know about this loophole. An end to all gun violence. If so, how close was it? 1. Thanks. My first time here. I mean, I could with those other genies. My first wish would be that me and my loved ones are always perfectly healthy and will live with that perfect health until our peaceful death during sleep at a high but still normal age. I like to play minecraft, read, build legos, and scroll through bored panda. Can you use a wish from a genie for more wishes? - Quora It they do burn in regular fire then all youve done is release the evil, and then God only knows where it will end up. To this day she still walks among us! If you ever meet a genie, ask for omnipotence. You won't need any more It's extremely frustrating and disheartening how mislead we all are when it comes to basic human decency, very lost indeed. It can also count as a Story-Breaker Power if used frequently. About. Of course, they never said you couldn't wish for more genies. Just lonely. The Genie got revenge by proxy and went back into their bottle with a smug superiority! If I had unlimited wishes, I would wish for: 1. Makes me wonder if Crisss family ever came across one. Under the servant clause could they take a biological form to protect the master from armed attackers like a gang member with a knife? No homework 3. I felt his power. That my bf would suddenly not be able to (or just stop) drinking alcohol.2. Criss Angel is mysterious either way! Amir: (Resident jinn): used to mean that he is one of those who live with people. How would you maximize your three wishes? Of course, not all genies offer the same deal. Right before I moved. Jinn who manage to find their way into this dimension always wreak havoc which is why they end up being lamped or bottled. If you want to donate to us directly through Paypal, then here is the link. will it stay this way? The origin of Jeannie is the same as Jinn. The summoner can require all three wishes at the same time or at different times. Be it something material or intangible, human beings always have something to wish for. In addition youve wasted one wish. To be able to travel into fantasy worlds as a character (but even if they die or are injured, you will not be dead or injured). Minecraft, legos, and animals basically keep me alive. Are you crazy? In many works of fiction, genies are found by mortals to be inhabiting inanimate objects such as bottles or oil lamps. So thats good. But he shouldnt wait! rev2023.3.3.43278. Although, over all. Error occurred when generating embed. Since hes way younger than me. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. If the genie is a PIRATE GENIE, there can only be one wish per matey on ship. I'd then use that money to fix all my country's problems.If however he said only supernatural requests, I'd request powers of flight and invisibility on command. had a virus on my laptop. So any diseases, disabilities, etc. :p, 1. Within the parameters of the question , this is a compromise with which I agree. Indeed, it shouldn't be necessary to say anything. you think that when your coworker uses profanity; toronto general hospital family practice. Let us know what you think! Its such a rare find to get hold of Genie so it would be a shame to pass the wishes up. Since he couldnt control me. So magically trapping and binding them becomes the only option. Real Genie Wishes Online They sometimes looking similar to humans, though it is said that they most often appear as wisps of smoke. To be able to travel into fantasy worlds as a character (but even if they die or are injured, you will not be dead or injured)2. Xavier thats so freaky! We don't just stop there, if you are not . The ability to take some of the food they make on cooking shows 3. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I go to allot of those. My own library. Wish 1: I wish everyone I love would never fall ill or be in emotional distress. Want to improve this question? By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. Since he has such power over magic & loves to make movies about the Jin. Been fighting it since 7pm. Not making the final wish only puts you in a state of not changing. Wish #1: Wealth or Happiness. I would formulate it differently though. I want to be that person that isn't selfish or self involved. Complete three opportunities to gain a new (and blue) best friend! Genies can even die or be forever trapped or turn into ashes if they break any rules. A genie grants you five wishes. (PDF) Eastern Jinn and Western Genies: A Comparative Study of Ibrahim I wish I could be a helping hand but all I can say is anxiety is the fear of not living up to expectations and ur daughter just needs to know that she is doin great and to keep goin. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. - Magical powers for myself without any negative consequences for me (Matter manipluation for example) - The creation of safe elements that can be used for clean energy productionOut of ideas for #3. In one of herarticles, P. O'Connor wrote that "paying more attention to what one wants rather than what one has may lead to a dissatisfaction that may only continue to grow." He brought him over one night to watch movies. So THIS, THIS, THIS. Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! It depends. Is the usage of "more" or "less" only plausible when there's a quantitative method for it? Community We are proud to be part of the local communities we serve. I believe most of us have dreams. Third one would be unlimited stamina/never get tired. Any person who releases a Genie from their lamp or bottle becomes the Master who is granted three wishes. After that is complete the Genie is forced back into their tiny prison once again. The Genie is the tritagonist of Disney's 1992 animated feature film, Aladdin.He is a comedic, larger-than-life spirit (a "jinni") who acts as a servant to whomever holds ownership of the magic lamp in which he resides. Some abortions just are necessary. That should kill most of the 1%. lol I thought maybe ghosts were messing with it. 1) Put Trump in jail or, respectively, to a place where he can no longer cause any damage in the future and replace him with a reasonable people-loving and nature-loving individual2) Put Putin in jail or, respectively, to a place where he can no longer cause any damage in the future (might also add Mr. Bolsonaro, if it is a good Genie Lamp).. and replace him/them with a reasonable people-loving and nature-loving individual3) give America a proper constitution that really protects democracy and where judges of the Supreme Court have to resign after 10 years (at the latest) so that they very soon can overrule Roe/Wade again. Genies cannot grant wishes about wishes. He or she is bound by Universal Law to protect you from all harm until you complete all three wishes. SERVPRO of North Hollywood. I have no reason to dislike him. If you're omnipotent, you can leave the bottle. Unfortunately, Jinn Hunters couldnt trap her as she was already bound to a bottle and Master. As with many mechanics in The Sims 3, socialization leads to the best results, and . Its the safest way to gain this without worry of messing up the wording because you dont have to say a word. I think that wish number 3 is actually quite smart, as many wishes are not quite thought through well, and usually backfire when granted (particularly in jokes). The world needs you! Unlimited money 9. What about "I wish to have the power to fulfill all my wishes." I know he has a dark gift. I wish for the knowledge of the cosmos and the emotional strength to bear it. The simplest way to achieve human bodily perfection is to declare, I wish I had the DNA of an Alpha Human born within The Garden Of Eden at the heart of Mother Earths perfection. You would then become a flawless superhuman complete with a high IQ and beautiful appearance. I want my mother to finally stop nagging me to get married. The Genies magic for this wish is confined to menial tasks such as cleaning up your home, making you dinner, repairing things, etc. Hes like well you can leave him. Now the genie can only count to one, so you get only one wish, which you just used. The most interesting case of The Protection And Immortality Loophole occurred in 1849 with a man who had been cursed by a powerful Gypsy to age rapidly and then die a horrible death. With my NOs. Those wishes may help a person realize they may have some power to make those wishes come true. The genie gains the special interaction "Make a Wish," but before we do that, Pyro decides to talk him up first. The Genie can grant no more than three wishes to a creature. I chanted Shanty shanty shanty Ommmmm.. over and over. Theres also an issue if someone discovers you all of the sudden have this money and the IRS becomes involved along with other governmental agencies investigating you! What would you think if u were me? Theyd rather be trapped alone in their prison for hundreds of years than serve you for life. What are the rules of a genie? - TimesMojo There is virtually no way for even powerful practitioners of magic to defy an enchanted Gypsy Curse. Criss Angel may have made a deal with a demon, or perhaps there are latent magical genes in his family long dormant for centuries until now. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The man answers: First I want a house, second I want a car, third I want you to beat me half to death. She elaborated on this thought to us: "Wanting what you have and having events happen exactly as they do can make people happy. Although Leprechauns are the second most famous wish givers, their wishes are based on Luck. He wanted me to put on those g strings. I was nice about it and told him no. Firstly, who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp ba bomp.Secondly, who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong.And thirdly, the name of the exalted entity who placed the boog in the boogity boogity shoo.I trust that the honorable genie will consider my entreaty forthwith, and I thank him for his consideration. Thank god youre all okay! Whats this mean? We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. If another has the power to make a wish come true, we may be expressing something we want from that person. Perhaps it was something evil following me. A giant palace-like mansion 10. They arent very nice if they do exist. SERVPRO of North Hollywood is a trusted leader in the restoration industry and has the training, equipment, and expertise to handle your restoration and cleaning needs. The beyond angered Gypsy tried to destroy both of them by conventional means but it was a complete joke. Is the newest iPhone a need or a want? for my parents to be supportive of me coming out, DONT WORRY BP WILL SUPPORT U NEVERTHELESS, P. OConnor shared that not all wishes are created equal. This ensures you stay young forever so as not to suffer any deterioration that might affect how you make your wishes. A no-brainer, surely? second is to have my own universe and third is that I have no more corporeal form, I'm just a spirit wandering and creating. Ifrit, a powerful type of jinn who transported the throne of Bilquis. And third I'd wish that after the next time they fall asleep every single person on earth including me wakes up with their skin and hair turned a nice, mossy green and their fertility halved without any way to ever reverse this. She laughed them off and went on her merry way. This idea combined with other fables to add the "be careful what you wish for" moral of the tales we're so familiar with today. 2.3 Genies Freeing the Genie Only you have the power to set the Genie free! About the djinn subject, if i wish a djinn to serve me for life but somehow did not wish for myself to become immortal, then what would happen to him/her when i died? Well if I'm not allowed to wish for more wishes, an easy way to get around that would be to wish for the power to grant my own wishes whenever, with no strings attached.If that wasn't allowed I would wish to have any superpower I could think of, or want, on demand (so basically the first one).I could then use my newfound abilities to solve any of the worlds problems in a constructive and non-harmful mannar. Once the Genie was let out of the bottle her magical Jinn aura halted normal human aging. Otherwise there wouldn't be any limit to the number of wishes. "Wishes about good things such as wanting family and friends to thrive are good. The old dolls are creepy.. Well, afterward you are in reality dying of PDF, just choose it. Can you wish for unlimited wishes in Aladdin? 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? Saying, I want to be young and immortal forever is two wishes! The odds are already out of this world for you ever finding such a thing once in your life. "prevent me from ever making any wish that makes me unhappy" (Because bad wish is so terribly ill defined and you are letting the genie decide what is bad) But really this can be done more easy by just wishing to be maximally happy in the first place, which is what I would actually really do. and we are all in an alternate timeline/history. But you can almost wish for anything you want, you can't wish for infinite wishes and wish for too many specific things at once all within two sentences. . Because humans are selfish and self-centered.