James G. Birney (1792-1857), an attorney and planter who freed his slaves and became an abolitionist. Find Historical Markers The Hoosier State might be best known for its farmland, but its now also known as having these top three last names. The third most common last name in Pennslyvania is Williams, the second most common is Miller, and the first most common is Smith. Archives Collection 100 Famous Southern Surnames or Family Names With Meanings, Top 60 Baby Names Inspired By Lord Murugan, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. The guitar player. Now that we finally know how to spell Mississippi, here are their top three most common last names. D 539: Doc 539, 19th Cong., 2nd sess., List of Mixed Bloods Claiming Land from the Treaty of Fort Jackson., D 1315: Doc 1315, 23rd Cong., 2nd sess., Claims to Choctaw Reservations of Land Under the 14th Article of the Treaty of 1830.. Note: The Social Security Administration collects data on baby names with a binary understanding of sex and gender. All from Danish immigrants. Bring history to life in your classroom. top 20 most popular last names for each of the fifty states and one district. Names in bold are more unique to Mississippi because they are not predicted to be in the national top 10 boy names of 2022. These are the most popular craft beers from each state. The only pension files available at the archives are those of individuals who served in the Confederate army or navy. The third most common last name is Martinez, the second most common is Smith and the first most common is Garcia. Some cultures put the family name first, for example Kim Jong-Un and Kim il-Sung. 1860 Census Project Central Township St. Louis County, Missouri Assembled and researched by Kay Placke Richard and Sally Ryan Sharamitaro From the census data, a whopping 716,704 individuals self-identified as blacks. This would see the name rank first among blacks, but third, however, in the US considering its total occurrence in the country was a record of 1,534,042. Search descriptions of items you might like to see in person, such as books, manuscripts, photographs, or newspapers. The order to desegregate this school came from a federal judge, after decades of struggle. View historic manuscripts, photographs and documents online and at the state archive. Mississippi researchers also have some surviving state census files. Here are the most popular last names in SC, Ancestry.com says. See how It means bought land. 69. Last Name Meaning and Origin of Moore - ThoughtCo It means the son of Rodrigo. This is perhaps the most common last name identified with blacks. The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the 1900s. Sunny Californias most common last names are rebellious when compared with the rest of the country. Recorded in several spelling forms including Good, Goode, Goude, Gudd, Gudde (English), Gode, Gude, Guth, Gut (German), LeGood (French), Goed, Goede, De Goede, ( Flemish ) and others, this is medieval surname which seems to originate from the pre 7th century Olde English word god meaning good. This German topographic surname refers to someone who lived by the forest. 1867: Tribal population: 22,500; reported by Commissioner of Indian Affairs. What's the Most Common Surname By State? - Ancestry Blog While Mississippi shares some popular names with the rest of the country, It means God is Gracious. 1800-1900>. You might find yourself familiar with some of these southern last names during civil war. According to forbears it is the 1,955,159th most common name with a mere 91 people in the world!! Identity (MB): Seven identities are utilized. But its not on the list what gives? My last name is Ridgely. Click on any of the names below to see a map for that name. This list of cool last name ideas will help you find a unique surname for your novel, fantasy, gaming or online characters. NCHGS Researching Choctaw Indian Ancestry Many immigrants coming into Ellis Island had their names changed for simplicity and to appear more American. In fact, the most common last names in Michigan are also the most common last names in the states of: Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Alaska. Interested in Researching Your Surname or Those in Your Family Tree? Its not too unusual to come across a New Yorker with one of these three common last names. Youll definitely want to check out the best free tourist attractions in every state. But the bureau also compiled lists of the fastest-growing surnames in the United States and these include Zhang, Li, Ali, Liu, and Khan a testament to the wonderful diversity of our nation. My Maiden is Gaa. Some of our archives are viewable online; others, only in person. Archie Archie is a shorter version of the name 'Archibald,' which either means 'holy prince' or the 'bold prince.' 7. Not so. But the bureau also compiled lists of the, According to the bureaus data, there were nearly 6.3 million distinct surnames in the United States in 2010 and while they dont, unfortunately, share, the rarest of these names (those that belong to, The list below is a selection of these rare names, of which there are just over 1200. Actions Surname City County State/Prov./Rgn. Duvall is a French last name meaning of the valley. In the Palmetto State, the third most common last name is Brown, the second most common is Williams, and the first most common is Smith. Cook has an Old English origin, and it means one who cooks or one who sold cooked meat. Most of the marriages recorded took place in Warren County and involved grooms who served in the United States Colored Troops. Reinking is 24314 on the U.S. Census List. American 1600s NamesKeep in mind that for every "out-there" name are 10 John's, Mary's, Robert's,and Sarah's. They were not defeated though and more and more colonists crossed the seas. Historic Buildings & Sites Her articles have appeared on Buzzfeed, Business Insider, AOL, Yahoo, and MSN, among other sites. Names are ranked by the number of babies born in Mississippi in 2021. The ancestry.com report compiled the top three most common last names in each states. Does your last name make your states top three most common last names list? The list below is a selection of these rare names, of which there are just over 1200. After his biological parents abandoned him, his grandparents raised him from 6 months of age, up until 1982. Anderson is only listed as one of the top three most common last names in eight states, and Utah is one of them. 1 / 50 Canva #50. Get to know our resources, then visit our reading rooms. While there are no copies of birth records at the archives, there are microfiche copies of the states death records from November 1912 to 1943. An exciting competition for middleand high school students. And then theres Hawaii, whose three most-common surnames Lee, Wong and Kim dont even appear in the top three anywhere else in the country. An anglicised variant of the Welsh name Owain, Owen means noble. MDAH provides free and low-cost services to help state and local government entities comply with Mississippi laws on records management. The most common surnames in the United States in order, are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Brown. Originally songs that were sung in the fields and as spirituals offered a means of expression that was uniquely found in Mississippi. Our archives library is only one of many locations we operate. Volunteer Applications Our surname ties us to the generations who came before and it can be great fun to know where that name originated. Marion County, Mississippi Genealogy and History Website MsMarion.com Home. This Old English habitational name is composed of the words oak, and Leah, which means wood. . American Surnames. Most Common Last Names in Every State - 24/7 Wall St. The lists below all include names with the highest ratio of births in Mississippi vs. births nationally. Good comes from Middle English personal name Gode or ancient God referring to someone pious and respected. This patronymic surname of Welsh origin means the son of Edward. 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. | Name Census My last name is Bachanov and to be honest should have probably made this list. Thx! It denotes a person with unkempt hair. I knew a Freitag; did you once live in MA? Drayton is another surname of English origin. in English from the University of North Alabama in Florence, Alabama, she completed an M.A. This Scottish surname means son of Henry. Other. This English occupational surname means to smite metal. in Public Relations/Mass Communications from Kent State University. Derived from Middle English Kychene, it is an occupational name for someone who worked in or was in charge of a monastery or great houses kitchen. When doing your family research, do you stumble across the last name Smith in your area frequently? In the Mountain State, the third most common last name is Johnson, the second most common is Miller, and the first is Smith. The Southern United States, or the Southern States, is a geographical region of the United States with a culture of its own. I agree with you that my last name should also be on this list There are less than 15, Toughlians in the world, My Danish surname of RANDRUP is quite rare. This Sioux Native American last name means "dark-eyed" in Lakota. This surname has Scottish, Irish, and English origins. Seriously? (death) His real name is Anders Christian Randrup and he is either my Great Great Grandfathers nephew.or my Great Grandfathers 1/2 brother. Did you ever wonder what the most popular family names are in your state? Learn how to add to them with your own material or objects. In this Midwestern U.S. state, Smith takes a couple steps back and is the third most common last name. Dawson has Irish, English, and Scottish origins. Meaning. Arthur One of the first things most people do when, Bureau has been keeping track of the frequency of surnames reported by Americans every ten years, and has, compiled Census Surname Tables for the 1990, 2000, and 2010 census returns. Andison, Andersonne, Andersoun, Andirsoone, Andresoun, Androson, Andirston, Andresson, Andrewson, and Andresen are other spelling variations of Anderson. Derived from Irish Fearghail, Ferrell means man of valor. The most common surnames in Mississippi Genealogy | Mississippi Department of Archives & History They are quite common but no less interesting. The dean was Walter F. Freitag. And, even though we can only learn a small partof our familys past from doing so, it is always a fascinating undertaking. Names in bold are more unique to Mississippi because they are not predicted to be in the national top 10 girl names of 2022. She was previously an editorial intern for RD.com and Westchester Magazine. In all the many years of my research and travels, the onlypeople I have found with this surname are my family. They are indicative of a certain level of acculturation that immigrant individuals and families experience. I dont know anyone with that name i feel it should be on the list. Lainis has a Hawaiian origin and means shining brightly. Field Trip Guides Archaeology Collection If you are in the Northwest, you are more likely to come across an Anderson than a Brown, which is slightly more common on the East Coast. If you are in the Northwest, you are more likely to come across an Anderson than a Brown, which is slightly more common on the East Coast. Anderson is the second most common, and Johnson is the first most common. Harrison has an English origin and means the son of Harry. Researching the origins of last names in your family tree can be a fascinating journey and well worth the effort. Any response is a good response. The Cleveland School District was racially segregated for five decades, split into . My last name is Blassingame (pronounced exactly how its spelt). Top 100 Southern Surnames or Last Names With Meanings - FirstCry Parenting The history of your name Explore all the educator resources available through MDAH. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. Grady is a sophisticated surname of Irish origin, meaning noble. This Spanish surname means young. Some families who were missed by the state or federal census taker may be listed on the enumeration of educable children. While most states hold "Smith" as their most frequently appearing surname, the study also includes second and third place runner-ups, like "Johnson" and "Miller." Only the Southwestern portion of the country really has a lot of variety. A study by genealogy tracking service Ancestry.com recently revealed the most common last names in California and the U.S. States like Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona where there are large Latino populations boast a variety of names like Garcia, Hernandez, Martinez, and Chavez. The archives also holds Mississippi World War I statement of service cards, 191719. Identified by sources as a mixed blood. Top Baby Names in Mississippi Here are the most Popular Baby Names by U.S. state for the year 2020, as compiled by the United States Social Security Office of the Actuary. all indicate a high degree of probability. There was also a Major League infielder by the name of Don Blasingame (caucasion), who played in the 50s and 60s. In Minnesota twelve of the twenty names end in "son" or "sen" likely the result of the Scandinavian These files list the names and ages of children aged five to eighteen and, beginning in 1885, their parents or guardians. This last name of Native American origin means "mysterious voice.". The dates for these records vary by county. Check open positions at specific locations. Book your next event at one of MDAHs four distinct venues. Keep reading to see if your name made the list. click on the names to see the detailed statistics for that name. By Karen Hill. MDAH offers emerging scholars the opportunity to work in the most extensive collection of Mississippi-related materials. There are some freitags in Bastrop county,texas. It is an occupational name for the gatekeeper of a walled town or doorkeeper in a castle or monastery. It may have also come from Celtic Aluinn, which means handsome. GRAHAM (E), Lilian or Lily. I have an extremely rare last name.