However, Craig soon learned that the mysterious Green Poncho was, in fact, an ally and trying to protect them from the totalitarian regime from his side. The new season premieres Monday January 17th starting at 1pm ET/PT", "We created the first-ever searchable database of 259 LGBTQ characters in cartoons that bust the myth that kids can't handle inclusion", "Watch: Del The Funky Homosapien Guests on 'Craig of the Creek' Oct. 1", Dexter's Laboratory: The Musical Time Machine, Dexter's Laboratory: The Hip-Hop Experiment. Bernad of the Creek Part 1 " is the 36th episode of the fourth season and the 156th episode overall of Craig of the Creek . Missed any episodes? Creators Matt Burnett (story by) Ben Levin (story by) Shauna McGarry Stars Philip Solomon Michael Croner Nol Wells See production, box office & company info Watch on HBO Max 3. WebHello readers, my name is Mike. Craig of the Creek "Cartoon Network's Craig Of The Creek Is An Excellent Show About The Magic Of Having A Kid's Imagination", "259 LGBTQ characters in cartoons that bust the myth that kids can't handle inclusion", "We have an exclusive clip from the season premiere of @cartoonnetwork's @CraigoftheCreek. Check out BuddyTV for all the most up-to-date information on your favorite television shows and movies. Games Meme Maker Climate Champions Videos WIN APPS. Tom and Jerry The show's pilot episode debuted directly on the official app on December 1, 2017. Craig of the Creek. By "Craig to the Future", they seem to have slightly taken their job as witches seriously, though they are still bemused by it, and predict that in the future they become a musical duo. The Powerpuff Girls Ashleigh Hairston, Conrad Montgomery, Tiffany Ford, and Najja Porter. Template Page. He is also more likely to get dirty than either Craig or Kelsey which does not seem to bother him, but does occasionally irritate others. WebCraig of the Creek follows a young boy, Craig, and his two friends, Kelsey and JP, as they go on adventures within a world of untamed, kid-dominated wilderness in the creek. As Told by Ginger He is a natural leader and always tries to help kids in need. Also, the episode "Cousin of the Creek", Jasmine tells her cousin "I'm texting my girlfriend, mind your business."[19]. Ed, Edd n Eddy They emulate typical equine behavior and practice dressage. Unikitty Craig of the Creek Characters Craig of the Creek Wiki WebThe characters of Craig of the Creek. On the other hand, he gets along well with younger kids. Take later. Hey Arnold! Her pet parakeet, Mortimer, is her constant companion, often found sitting right on top of her head. We all shared our personal stories and personalities from our different families, and it was amazing to be able to combine these things and bring them to life to create Craigs family and world. Teen Titans The Amazing World of Gumball. [6], An origin film, Craig of the Creek: The Movie, was announced on January 19, 2022 and set to release in 2023. [5] On January 19, 2022, it was announced that the series would premiere in 2023. Games Meme Maker Climate Champions Videos WIN APPS. [9] Ben Levin and Matt Burnett are both fans of ska, which is why they wanted Rosenstock for the job. Craig of the Creek The resident children of Herkleton Mills, which sits opposite of Herkleton. Edit the label text in each row. Mike, Lu and Og Many of you are probably aware of the Cartoon Network show "Craig of the Creek". She was later revealed via Twitter by show writer Jeff Trammell, to be a lesbian. In "The Evolution of Craig", J.P. reveals that he wants to be just like his sister because of how well adjusted she is since graduating high school. Dominique Fluker: How is Black storytelling prioritized throughout "Craig of the Creek?" In exchange for tribute, they give wisdom to those who seek it. Don't have HBO Max? [11], In August 2021, Trammell told Insider that the show's writing room is full of more than 40 people "all with different backgrounds and different experiences, who are willing to share those experiences. Despite it being a harmless blunt toy, it is shown to be very effective in combat, though it gets destroyed in "The Other Side" and rebuilt by "Camper on the Run". She is raised by her single widower father. Apple and Onion. Contents 1 Biography 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Sexuality 4.1 Reaction 5 Relationships 5.1 George 6 Tropes 7 See Also 8 References 9 Navigation In "The Evolution of Craig", he worried that he would turn into someone like Bernard and grow up into someone boring. Craig can be stubborn when it comes to maintaining some semblance of his childhood. of the Creek The Junior Forest Scouts are a trio of kids who use their status as scouts in an attempt to domineer the other kids of the Creek. [1] The series premiered online on February 19, 2018, with a double-premiere event airing on March 30, 2018.[2]. Craig of the Creek WebCraig of the Creek Character Information Pronouns He/Him Status In a relationship Romances George (boyfriend) Portrayed by Cole Escola Secret Keeper is a gay character from Craig of the Creek . Adults Are Useless: Averted.They're very attentive towards their children and open-minded about Craig's adventures at the creek. Craig of the Creek He is best friends with Kelsey and J.P., both of whom he frequently hangs out with. She wears a purple cape and carries a PVC-pipe sword in honor of her superheroine status. Fans can currently enjoy streaming Craig Of The Creek on HBO Max, Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Cartoon Network, VUDU, and Spectrum TV. In "Cousin of the Creek", he was slightly miffed when his cousin seemed to lack the enthusiasm they once shared when they were younger, though by the end they managed to find common ground. In "The Other Side: The Tournament", she is revealed to be a fan of the show Steven Universe. We Baby Bears. Web1.3K Takers Personality Quiz. The 10 Speeds are a mountain-bike loving group of kids and hang out at the bike park. Pokmon As new episodes unfolded with Omar involved, it was revealed that he had experienced a harsh regime under King Xavier on the Other Side of the creek that he was trying to protect The Stump Kids from. - The Nerd Stash. But then I realized that I dont think he knew of the shows I was drawing from (mostly anime). WebAir Date S02E01 Memories of Bobby March 18, 2019 Cartoon Network 11 S02E02 Jacob of the Creek March 18, 2019 Cartoon Network 11 S02E03 Return of the Honeysuckle Rangers March 25, 2019 Cartoon Network 11 S02E04 Kelsey the Elder April 1, 2019 Cartoon Network 11 S02E05 Sour Candy Trials April 1, 2019 Cartoon Network 11 S02E06 Fort Williams May He takes his role in the Creek very seriously to the point that he has managed to garner some self-importance. Occasionally, I would come up with my characters, but by and large, I mostly brought the ones that were on TV, especially the ones I liked. Hi, hello, that's me! Theres this idea that they cant relate, and if the character is Black, then its not for them because there arent enough different types of people on the screen to break their preconceived perceptions about who Black people are and what they can/like to do. In the episode "Jextra Perrestrial", She is shown to be in a same-sex relationship with a girl named Kat. I hope they can enjoy Craigs adventures in the creek, perhaps imagine themselves there as well, or maybe find their version of the creek in their own lives. US Release: Mar 30, 2018 Animation Studio: Cartoon Network Studios Original Platform: Cartoon Network Trending: 476th This Week Franchise: Craig of the Creek Meet Craig, JP and Kelsey, and the rest of the Creek Kids! Transformers He is Characters Recent Blog Posts Jamesgrout 3 September 2022 0 [25], On February 17, 2021, it was announced that a preschool spin-off series centered on Craig's little sister Jessica was in development. MAD The series focuses on a trio of kids, collectively referred to as the "Stump Kids," lead by Craig (voiced by Philip Solomon), a young boy who wants to explore and map as much of the wide and mysterious creek located in the fictional suburban town of Herkleston, Maryland. WebAggie (Craig of the Creek) Angel Jos B Bernard Williams Boris (Craig of the Creek) Bryson Williams C Cariss Carl (Craig of the Creek) Carter Brown Courtney (Craig of the Creek) Craig Williams D Duane Williams E Earl Williams Elder Barry Elder David Elder Mark G George (Craig of the Creek) H Handlebarb Harold (Craig of the Creek) J J.P. Mercer He, along with his friends, all seem to be well known at the Creek, most likely for their various heroic endeavors. Craig of the Creek He also displays a great deal of building and construction which he inherited from his grandfather as seen in "Brother Builder." Cherry Blossom, Coneflower, White Lily, etc.). Cartoon Network For this, and his perpetual kindness, J.P. is a fan favorite on Craig of the Creek.. Fluker: Share your process in conceptualizing the storyline. [32], Craig maintains a great relationship with his family except for Bernard whom he has a love-hate relationship. These traits most likely come from his sister Laura who taught him that "all bodies are beautiful". WebCraig of the Creek is an animated series that premiered on Cartoon Network in 2018. Victor and Valentino View source. " WebCarl (Craig of the Creek) Carter Brown Courtney (Craig of the Creek) Craig Williams D Duane Williams E Earl Williams Elder Barry Elder David Elder Mark Eliza (Craig of the Creek) G George (Craig of the Creek) H Handlebarb Harold (Craig of the Creek) J J.P. Mercer Jackie (Craig of the Creek) Jane (Craig of the Creek) Jasmine Williams The same could be said for other marginalized groups and people of color in movies, TV, and video games. WebCarl (Craig of the Creek) Carter Brown Courtney (Craig of the Creek) Craig Williams D Duane Williams E Earl Williams Elder Barry Elder David Elder Mark Eliza (Craig of the Creek) G George (Craig of the Creek) H Handlebarb Harold (Craig of the Creek) J J.P. Mercer Jackie (Craig of the Creek) Jane (Craig of the Creek) Jasmine Williams In the bike park at the Creek reside the 10 Speeds, a mountain-bike-loving group of four, led by cool tomboy Handelbarb. craig of the creek character Contents 1 Biography 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Sexuality 4.1 Reaction 5 Relationships 5.1 George 6 Tropes 7 See Also 8 References 9 Navigation Living in swimwear and dirty clothes, The Sewer Kids live in the actual sewers of the Creek area. Web1.3K Takers Personality Quiz. In return, her father supports her fantasies. Follow their adventures as they discover secret spots, collect awesome treasures, and defeat their enemies. 3.4K Takers Personality Quiz. Craig Williams, voiced by Philip Solomon, is a 10-year-old boy who wants to map as much of the magical world he sees around him as possible. Sonic Boom His companions include Kelsey (voiced by Georgie Kidder in the pilot and the first 3 episodes and Nol Wells in episode 4-onwards), a young "warrior" girl with an active imagination and a lust for adventure, and J.P. (voiced by H. Michael Croner), a goofy and kind-hearted boy who likes to take things easy. Always up to an experiment, this is a trio of brilliant kids whom Craig and his crew are often helping or observing in their scientific endeavors. In the fourth season episode Episode: Monster in the Garden. The closest relationship he has is with his grandfather, Earl, who seems to have an adventurous spirit similar to Craig. WebWe Baby Bears Big Air Bears The Amazing World of Gumball Darwin Rescue Craig of the Creek Legend of the Goblin King Teen Titans Go! Craig Williams is a 10 year old boy who lives in a suburban town with his family. Discovery. My phone was blowing up with tweets, and I felt proud that our show was generating such passionate dialogue surrounding HBCUs. Having been raised by her single father, Kelsey is a strong example to young audience members of the many facets of female empowerment. She carries a sword made from PVC pipe that was "bestowed" on her by a warehouse worker ironically named Piper. [4] In October 2022, it was announced that the fifth season will be cut in half by Warner Bros. In "Kelsey Quest", it is shown that whenever she is intimidated or put down, she can become self-degrading and her internal monologues begin to stall. However, by the end of both episodes, he overcomes these urges. All Rights Reserved. [13] In "The Haunted Dollhouse", they have feelings for each other, which is confirmed, and they kiss. 2023 BuddyTV. Edit the label text in each row. This little tribe is fronted by Wren, who is always overexcitable about anything related to quantum mechanics. Although they are not persons of color, they have taken special attention to the inclusion and positive representation of minorities within the series. Characters He is also self-conscious about the shape of his head; becoming embarrassed when commented on its odd appearance, but amused when given an endearing compliment such as when Sparkle Cadet said it was "cute.". The Elders of the Creek are a trio of teenagers that claim to have been at the Creek the longest, though in "The End Was Here" they admit that their knowledge only goes as far back as the early '90s. If not, I'll run down the synopsis. [14] In later tweets, they added that their "cartoon self" used they/them before themselves, gave a shout out to the show's crew, and said that while this is a small contribution to LGBTQ+ representation, they hope "fans can take comfort knowing that there's also non-binary people working behind the scenes" on every of the show's episodes. John Paul "J.P." Mercer is a tall, 11-year-old boy with a Southern accent who is one of Craig's friends. Characters [20] At the end of another season 4 episode, "Silver Fist Returns", Cat Burglar (Secret Keeper) is revealed to be gay and has a crush on George of The Tea Timers. [10] Matt Burnett also stated on his Twitter account that he and his team had recently begun production around that time. We Baby Bears. I was able to connect, relate to, and empathize with characters that didnt look like me because of my exposure to them through television. Craig Williams Climate Champions. The Secret Saturdays In "Doorway to Helen", it is revealed that Kelsey is Jewish. As all of the children attend different schools, the creek and Craig himself are the unifying factors tying them all together. Camp Lazlo He can sometimes be pretty close minded as well, as he tends to ignore other people's advice in favor of his own, though he eventually sees reason. I was not drawing as many Black charactersbecause I was drawing what I saw on the TV and, well, sadly, thats not what these characters looked like. The four of them attend different schools with the Creek being the only thing that brings them together, though based on the fact that "Craig to the Future" depicts J.P. and Omar still being friends, implies that they both attend the same school. Phineas and Ferb Bunsen is a Beast Craig of the Creek / Characters Further details may exist on the, Outstanding Kids and Family Programming - Animated, "Ben Levin on Twitter: "The pilot for CRAIG OF THE CREEK is officially out! Draw - Craig of the Creek Craig of the Creek Characters It has been July 11, 2022 16:12:00 MST since "Silver Fist Returns" aired. You must be 13 years of age (16 in California or the European Economic Area (EEA), not including the UK) or older in order to create an account. Milo Murphy's Law Total Drama He is also convinced of supernatural or above average forces such as in "Doorway to Helen" (thinking that Helen was communicating to him from another dimension) and "The Last Kid in the Creek" (believing that he wished he was the only kid in the Creek), despite clear evidence to the more obvious and practical reasoning (Helen has a different schedule from Craig and all the other kids caught a virus from Kit). Harvey Beaks WebCraig Williams Kelsey Pokoly J.P. Mercer Omar Craig's family Other adults Creek Kids The Elders of the Creek Junior Forest Scouts Horse Girls 10 Speeds Tea Timers Witches of the Creek The Ninja Kids The Sewer Kids The Alliance of Science Cardboard City The Trading Tree Other kids Kids from the Other Side Rollerbladers The Kitchen Notes References The characters originated from Burnett and Levin's online series Ronin Dojo Community College DX.[18]. View source. " "Craig of the Creek" puts a nuclear Black family front row and center while developing storylines arounda precocious, adventurous kid named Craig Williams(along with his friends) as they go on magical adventures in the creek. Tig n' Seek Craig has had annoying interactions with Wildernessa due to her dismissive attitude towards him. The Land Before Time The series premiered online on February 19, 2018, with a double-premiere event airing on March 30, 2018. Voiced by H. Michael Croner, one of his signature aspects as a character, is breaking the fourth wall. Craig of the Creek It was exciting to hear viewers say they have the same kind of uncle (Darnell) in their families. The show's pilot episode debuted directly on the official app on December 1, 2017. - The Nerd Stash. Johnny Bravo She has a pet parakeet, which she identifies as a falcon, named Mortimor who is usually perched on top of her head. Their voice actor, Angel Lorenzana, who also uses they/them pronouns, an agender storyboard artist for the show, confirmed this. From an enigmatic episode titled Beyond the Overpass, emerges the fourth and final main character on Craig Of The Creek, Omar, voiced by Zeno Robinson. Craig of the Creek characters Go Away, Unicorn US Release: Mar 30, 2018 Animation Studio: Cartoon Network Studios Original Platform: Cartoon Network Trending: 476th This Week Franchise: Craig of the Creek Meet Craig, JP and Kelsey, and the rest of the Creek Kids! He also carries a staff, at times resembling a young wizard. HBO Max He has appeared in all episodes of the series. Meme Maker. 672 Takers Personality Quiz. We try to approach every story with their own first-hand experiences and invite others to share their experiences as well. You may opt-out by. For far too long, Hollywood has confined us to stereotype caricatures and supporting roles, but we are surgeons, we are supreme nerds, we are scientists, we are royalty. On July 15, 2019, it was announced that the series was renewed for a third season which premiered on June 21, 2020. For lovers of a feel-good animated series, Craig of the Creek is among the best in the business. Hamster & Gretel He does have a calmer side and lowered his defenses when he met Craig and his friends. Characters Raj and Shawn, Honeysuckle Rangers from a neighborhood nearby,[17] are implied to have feelings for each other in several episodes. Ironically, the only person who seems capable of putting a smile on his face is J.P. whose jokes are enough to make him laugh really hard. According to his mother, J.P. cannot stand directly in the sun for more than twenty seconds, otherwise "he'll combust". Take later. Summer Camp Island She also argued that the series had recurring themes of "creativity, joy, adventure, individuality, and self-discovery". Cartoon Network Studios. Currently, 23 Creek Kids are editing 892 articles and 20,872 files. WebCreate a ranking for Craig of the Creek Characters. Let's Be Heroes George blushes and asks him out and he accepts, making them officially a couple. In "Tea Timer's Ball", she learns that a boy named Aaron has a crush on her. There is a myriad of other groups of children having adventures there. The series centers around Craig Williams, his friends J.P. and Kelsey, and their adventures in "the Creek," a large woodland area in their hometown. Night Shine The Amazing World of Gumball Penalty Power 3 Craig of the Creek Creek Kid Maker The Amazing World of Gumball Vote for Gumball Unikitty Royal Highness Apple and Onion How to Draw - Apple and Onion ; Good Parents: Two of the best examples in modern cartoons.They openly bond with their children, are patient, full of affection, and are willing to learn more about them and their needs. The Horse Girls are a group of girls who reside in the Creek's meadow. The Trading Tree is the main market gathering area for all children to trade items for snacks or toys. The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack Draw - Craig of the Creek Puppy All the Craig stories come from a real place, and Im happy it has resonated with so many people. Despite obviously using the Stump Kids' naivety to get things for them, their "magic" actually ends up fulfilling what the kids need, surprising and also scaring them. Characters should not be placed directly in this category; they should instead be in one of the subcategories. 672 Takers Personality Quiz. He is shown to be a weirdo, but is very helpful and kind to those around him. Cow and Chicken Ed, Edd n Eddy Adults Are Useless: Averted.They're very attentive towards their children and open-minded about Craig's adventures at the creek. Fanboy & Chum Chum When Xavier ascended the throne, he had Omar and Maya fight for the role of his best friend. Characters There is always room for more, but we are done with the White-washing of Black stories. He has appeared in all episodes of the series. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs I hope that all the kids are watching, see Craig and feel for him. We Baby Bears, Adventure Time Drag the images into the order you would like. Discovery. The season 4 episode "Fire and Ice" focuses on Kelsey and Stacks' relationship as they confessed their love to each other. I try to picture anyone having a hard day to hopefully find respite in our show and be able to relax their minds for a moment. Climate Champions. Forbes WebThe American animated television series Craig of the Creek features a cast created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin. In "Alternate Creekiverse", the 10 Speeds ride skateboards. The Black women doing the work behind the scenes for Craig of the Creek are just as passionate about fostering diversity in representation within media, as the show's creators. 2. Be Cool Scooby-Doo! Craig of the Creek characters The series was created by Ben Levin and Matt Burnett, both formerly writers of Steven Universe . In their debut episode, "The Curse", Tabitha refuses to go college and wants to spend time with Courtney. J.P. (short for John Paul) Mercer is a good-natured and creative best friend to Craig Williams. Please expand the section to include this information. Craig of the Creek Characters He later took comfort in the fact that he had numerous other rivals and enemies at the Creek. We all win in this situation! Previously referred to as The Green Poncho, Omar is from the Other Side of the famous Herkleston Creek and thus very mysterious to The Stump Kids at first. In "Alternate Creekiverse", Craig is shown to be a dutiful forest scout who is still obsessed with exploring and takes his job as a protector much more seriously. Bernad of the Creek Part 1 " is the 36th episode of the fourth season and the 156th episode overall of Craig of the Creek . To see that this character you just met, might not look like you, but you can feel their joy and sorrow. In "Breaking the Ice", he calls her out on her actions, which leads to her apologizing and expressing her emotions (in the form of a bird mating call). Najja Porter, storyboard artist:Whats most important to me is that people can empathize and relate with Craig. The Penguins of Madagascar / All Hail King Julien This ignited a firestorm of tweets, re-awakening the decades-long rivalry between two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), who both claim to be "The Real HU." Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. Drag the images into the order you would like. Characters should not be placed directly in this category; they should instead be in one of the subcategories. Craig Williams is a 10-year-old boy who enjoys playing at the creek with his friends Kelsey and J.P. They wear dirty clothes with swim gear. Kelsey loves her father, who is the only person besides Mortimor who she has to rely on. Craig of the Creek Young Justice, Adult Swim The Looney Tunes Show WebPlay the free Craig of the Creek game, How to Draw and other Craig of the Creek games on Cartoon Network! His In "Craig to the Future", Craig is a commission artist who works with Kit and is in a relationship with Vanessa, though he has lost touch with the other Stump Kids. Im always amazed by how hard this entire crew works, and Ive learned so much from everyone! Battle for Dream Island 101 Dalmatian Street enjoy watching our show, and it is a great privilege to be nominated alongside so many other great shows that are also leading the way for diversity and inclusion in animation. Shes about a year younger than Craig Williams. giving you one of my kins. That they want to hang out at the creek with all of its many diverse, vivid, and fun characters. Craig of the Creek Craig Williams is a 10 year old boy who lives in a suburban town with his family. The Creek Elders are Mark, Barry, and David. The fact that he rarely spoke in his early appearances gave him an even murkier vibe as a character. Forbes They have also loosely accepted David into their group, though mainly so he can do the things they do not want to do. Craig of the Creek Many themes may go over the heads of very small children but can be better directed at those of elementary school age between 7 and 12 years old. It's the new show I co-created with @Matt___Burnett and am currently working on with a bunch of amazingly talented people! Bernard is voiced by Phil Lamarr. Over the Garden Wall In "Under the Overpass", Craig stated that he and Kelsey "found" J.P. through their constant exploration. The Sewer Kids also includes Aquatina, Frisboy, Scuba, Speedicious, and Tiny Trunks. How do you feel about that as Black women working tirelessly on the show behind the scenes? Give These Screenshots of Mine a Proper Title and I'll Judge You Based On That. Scooby Doo! Craig of the Creek ", "Head to the Creek for Endless Adventure with "Craig of the Creek" Beginning Monday, Feb. 19 on Cartoon Network", "WarnerMedia Expands Kids & Family Offerings on Cartoon Network and HBO Max Under New Tagline Redraw Your World", "WarnerMedia Kids & Family to Debut Cartoonito, New Preschool Programming Block Based on Humancentric Learning to Launch this Fall on Cartoon Network and HBO Max", "Why Layoffs and Cancellations Have Sparked Industry-wide Worry Among Animators", "Craig of the Creek Co-Creator Confirms Final Episode Has Been Written", "Cartoon Network Greenlights Two New Series as Part of "Holistic" Multiplatform Slate", "Jeff Rosenstock Soundtracks New Cartoon Network Show "Craig of the Creek", "Specifically, a TV show we created! which one of the sad female indie musicians on my yearning playlist are you. Discovery. Craig of the Creek characters. 4. Take later. Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media described the series as "appealing" with its "affirming messages." These accolades are notarized by the continuous popularity of the show amongst its fan base, with Parrot Analytics showing demand for Craig of the Creek as being 3.8% higher than the average comparative TV shows across all platforms, including Netflix. Tabitha and Courtney are two goth kids who bring their special magic to the other kids of the Creek. What started as admiration has since evolved into genuine romantic feelings, as the two of them act shy when they are around one another and the two of them become a couple in "The Tea Timers Ball". Characters As a Black woman who grew up with a childhood pretty similarly to Craig's, I'm honored to be able to write authentically towards that experience. Apple & Onion J.P. can always be found sporting his orange and white hockey jersey and is one year older than Craig.