This name means joyful or cheerful. It's a testament to the overall male skew of Tolkien's world that pretty much all of the biggest characters are men; The Rings of Power takes a rather more egalitarian approach towards gender dynamics.The Galadriel of The Lord of the Rings, played by Cate Blanchett, is old and world-weary.In Rings of Power, played by Morfydd Clark, she's an entirely different proposition. Legolas An elf from the Woodland Realm, Legolas is a skilled archer and fighter who joins the Fellowship on their quest. Meaning: russet. Looking for the best of our team terms? Seems more a of a gloat for you to use when you win, but go ahead and make it your team name. Doug, looks down in shame, "Yes, that was a bad day, I was so weak. During the Second Age, Galadriel was given Nenya, one of the Three Rings of the Elves in Eregion, before Sauron's forces invaded. Eldarion: Son of Arwen and Aragorn, and heir to the throne. I want you in my hobbit hole. Bilbo's sword glows brightly when orcs are near. After the Fellowship of the Ring escapes the Mines of Moria, she allows Frodo and Sam to look into the Mirror of Galadriel to see possible events of the future. Doug, you remember when you were in recovering from Chemo and you gave your wife a hammer, and she used it to hammer a roofing nail into the drywall to hang a picture!" The Fellowship of the Ring, the first film in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy adapted from J.R.R. 41.Radagast - A wizard who could talk in multiple bird languages. Tolkien's novel of the same name. He is known for his bravery, loyalty, and honor, and becomes a beloved king in the end. Here are some Lord of the Rings-inspired girl names: From the brave and noble Aragorn to the wise Gandalf, here are some of the most beloved characters from J.R.R. What's your guilty pleasure, musically speaking? Come on, you remember that time you let your wife go to the repair shop for an oil change?" Gotta have the right tool for the job. Elrond Halfelven: Ruler over Rivendell for thousands of years; one of Middle Earths most powerful elves & father of Arwen, Glorfindel: White Council member & was instrumental in driving out Nazgl from Eriador; resides in Rivendell & is regarded as one of its strongest protectors, Celeborn: This Elven prince fought in numerous battles against Saurons forces during the War of the Ring; married to Galadriel and serve as advisor to Elrond, king of Rivendell, Haldir: Elven warrior who serves Lady Galadriel; leads Fellowship through Lothlorien before fight against orcs at Helms Deep, Galadriel: Also known as The Lady Of The Golden Wood; wields Nenya one of three elven rings forged by Celebrimbor; wife to Celeborn & gives Frodo a Phial containing light from Erendil, Thranduil: Father Of Legolas was King Of Northern Mirkwood Elves; fought against dwarves when they attempted to reclaim Lonely Mountain, Tauriel: Captivating & fiercely loyal Elven fighter devoted to protecting her people leads assault on Dol Guldur during third movie with Kili and Thorin Oakenshield, Gimli: Member of Fellowship; son of Gloin, who was one of Bilbos adventuring companions; fought against orcs at Helms Deep & stood honor guard for Aragorns coronation, Fili & Kili: Young dwarves who join Thorin Oakenshields quest to reclaim Lonely Mountain; depict differences between bravery, impulsiveness, naivete and loyalty, Oin: Elderly dwarf accompanying Thorin on quest; is accompanied by Bifur & Bofur during his travels with Thorin, Balin: Cousin to Thorin Oakenshield and one of the longest-living dwarves in Middle Earth; participates in adventures with Bilbo Baggins, Gloin: Father of Gimli & one of Bilbo Baggins adventuring parties is often seen as serious but caring father figure, Dori, Nori & Ori : Brothers who accompany Thorin up Lonely Mountain; Dori carries Bilbo for part journey to protect him from goblins, Gundabad Orcs : Exiled warriors from Misty Mountains lead by Azog the Defiler vicious enemies Frodo must face during journey, Bilbo Baggins: Protagonist of The Hobbit; known for his curiosity and courage introduces dwarves to Smaug & retrieves One Ring, Frodo Baggins: Bilbos nephew; tasked with destroying One Ring in Mordor, Samwise Gamgee : Frodos loyal friend, who follows him on quest to Mordor; later becomes mayor of Shire, Meriadoc Brandybuck : Member of Fellowship; cousin to Frodo & Pippin who helps Merry on his journey to Mount Doom, Peregrin Took : Member of Fellowship with Frodo; close friend & companion to Merry throughout their adventures, Rosie Cotton : Wife of Sam Gamgee helps rebuild Shire after War of the Ring. Baby Name Expert; Sign In Register. BuzzFeed Deputy Books Editor. Old Greybeards elven name means dreamer. My teachers name is Gandalf, needless to say he didn't let me pass. (Last Updated On: August 5, 2019) If youre anything like us, you probably grew up with the cultural juggernaut Pokemon in your life. Feanor means spirit of fire. This Welsh name means maiden. Here are the names of some of the main LOTR characters. Below are some Lord of the Rings ring names that you can use for inspiration when creating your own rings: Dogs have played important roles in the Lord of the Rings universe. This name means sun in Quenya. If you all have one precious, what happens when its in the same room as all of you, though? Exact Match Keywords: gandalf wifi names, lotr pun names, funny minstrel names, tolkien names, dirty lord of the rings names . Names That Mean Angel Kemen. Many of the names are compound words combined to create a new name that carries a special meaning. The suggestions came in their hundredswell, their tensumm, we got a few. $219.99. Later, its flower became the moon, and one of its fruits became the White Tree of Gondor. And Aldarion means son of the trees. What Is the Difference Between a Possum and an Opossum? These are the Middle-earth names worth considering. And Marigold Brandyfoot is Dilly and Noris mother in The Rings of Power. While this means the LOTR films are technically Generation Z it's a pretty long-ass time ago in Internet Time. In The Rings of Power, shes the village healer of Tirharad. * Narya(The Ring of Fire), worn by Gandalf. Means "connected or concerned with the stars". General Lord Of The Rings Puns. Movie Name Revealed. What Is the Real Meaning Behind Ring Around the Rosie? Rhn and Pelargir will also be exciting, new locations for the series to . Click here for more information. Bilbo The hobbit who first discovers the One Ring. omer (TT, RK) Son of . Lord Of The Rings Horn Of Gondor - Accurate Movie Replica, Cast Polyresin, Leather Shoulder Strap, Display Stand - Length 19". Perhaps theres something here that you think will perfectly suit your little one. Heres a list of some Hobbits names to draw inspiration from when creating your own Hobbit character: Swords are a symbol of courage and strength, and the blades of Middle Earth have special meaning attached to them. The characters in The Lord of the Rings, with the exception of Saruman, have little knowledge of what lies to the south and east. Some come from characters of the generational canon that J.R.R. To further add to the complexity and symbolism, some names incorporate alliteration or rhyme into their structure. Hes the ruler of Rivendell in Lord of the Rings. Galadriel The powerful and wise Elf-queen of Lothlorien who helps the Fellowship. Your email address will not be published. Half-elf Elwing possessed a Silmaril and is Elronds mother. Aragorn: This brave and loyal Ranger is a hero in the books and films. Tolkiens famous novels, came out in 2001. What are Lord of the Rings character names? Characters from Lord of the Rings with Long Names, 327+ Cycling Team Names [Biking Group Names], 179+ Names Without Vowels With Meanings [All Categories], 1,000+ Twin Names With Meanings [All Categories]. Half-elf Arwen is the daughter of Elrond in Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings is obviously a series steeped in content, so you should have no issues coming up with a few LOTR trivia team names at your next LOTR Trivia Theme Night. 28. Check out my compilation. Meaning: hero in Old English. Interesting names run in their family: she has a niece named Beldis. They usually have two parts that combine to create a unique meaning. Required fields are marked *. References: OneWikiToRuleThemAll, ElfDictionary. Tolkien. Football Nicknames (7) THE GREAT EYE IS WATCHING YOU. Jimmy is the BEST! Andril: Also known as Flame of the West; wielded by Aragorn during War of the Ring- reforged from shards of Narsil, Glamdring : Found in Trollhoard; wielded by Gandalf & used against Orcs at Battle of Five Armies, Orcrist : Wielded by Thorin Oakenshield also called Goblincleaver; forged in Gwaith i Mirdains smithies in Beleriand, Sting : Used by Bilbo Baggins on quest to Lonely Mountain; has glowing blue blade that allows wielder to see orcs, Galadriels Dagger : Gift from Lady of Lothlorien to Frodo; used against Shelob, Hadhafang : Elronds Elven sword made from metal from fallen stars; gifted to Arwen Undomiel when she departed Middle Earth, Shadowfax: Gandalfs pure-white steed; considered fastest horse in Middle Earth, Brego : Aragorns horse; helps him survive ride from Rohan to Helms Deep, Arod : Legolas horse, ridden during Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Hasufel : omers steed; accompanies group on journey to Minas Tirith, Roheryn : Given to Aragorn by Westfold villagers; used during journey to Gondor, Asfaloth : Glorfindels mount; carries Frodo away after defeat of Ringwraiths, Gorbag : Captain of Mordor orcs; fights at Siege of Cair Andros, Ufthak : Chief torturer of Cirith Ungol; killed by Samwise Gamgee, Shagrat : Captain in service to Barad-dr; killed by Frodo on Cracks Of Doom, Gothmog : High Captain of the Host of Morgul & Lieutenant of Sauron; killed at Black Gate, Grishnkh : Orc chieftain in service to Saruman during War Of The Ring, Lugdush : Uruk Hai from Isengard, slain by Meriadoc Brandybuck, Nenya : One of the Three Elven Rings; gives Galadriel powers of preservation, Vilya : One of the Three Elven Rings; gives Elrond powers of healers & rulers, Narya : One of the Three Elven Rings; gives Gandalf power to inspire others, Barahir : Ring given by Finrod Felagund to Barahir and his kin as reward for heroic service, Thrors Ring : Described as being made from gold with small dragon pearl; found on Saurons finger, Andril: Sword reforged from shards of Narsil by Elves, used by Aragorn during War Of The Ring, Beren : Named after heroic human warrior from First Age; owned by Aragorn, Gollum : Named after villainous creature from Mines Of Moria; loyal stalker for Sam and Frodo, Bilbo : Named after Hobbit burglar from Shire; owned by Farmer Maggot, Bill : Named after pony character from Shire; owned by Samwise Gamgee, Nimloth : Named after White Tree of Nmenor, symbol of hope & everlasting life, Brego : Named after King Of The Mark from Rohan; beloved horse of Ewyn, Elladan : Named after son of Elrond; loyal protector of Rivendell, Arwen : Named after princess of Rivendell; beloved wife of Aragorn, Beorn : Named after skin changer from Wilderland; fierce friend to Bilbo, Elrohir : Named after son of Elrond; courageous protector of Rivendell, Meriadoc : Named after hobbit from Shire; faithful companion to Frodo and Sam, Gildor : Named after Elven lord from Mirkwood; wise sage and ally to Hobbits, Shelob : Named after giant spider from Cirith Ungol; mortal enemy of Frodo, Smaug : Named after fire drake from Lonely Mountain; fierce enemy of dwarves, Lurtz : Named after Uruk-hai warrior from Isengard; loyal servant to Saruman, Gwaihir : Named after lord of eagles from First Age; loyal ally to Gandalf, Shadowfax : Named after horse of Rohan; beloved friend and companion to Gandalf, Glorfindel : Named after elf lord from Rivendell; powerful defender against forces of darkness, Theoden Ednew Kinslayer : King of Rohan and loyal ally to Gandalf, Eomer Ednew son Of Theoden : Prince of Rohan and brother of Eowyn, Faramir Ednew son Of Denethor : Steward of Gondor and brave warrior, Elrond Halfelven Son Of Earendil : Lord of Rivendell and master swordsman, Galadriel Lady Of Light Nenya Daughter Of Finarfin : Lady of Lothlorien, wielder of Nenya, one of the three Elven rings, Minas Tirith : White City, capital of Gondor ruled by Steward Denethor, Isengard : Tower fortress controlled by Saruman and Uruk-hai led by Lurtz, Mordor : Dark land ruled by the Eye of Sauron and home to Mt. If you have, what sort of reactions did you get? You Have My Sword, And My Bow, And My Axe. Girls Softball 17. Aragorn: This loyal Ranger is a hero in both books and films, who eventually becomes King Elessar. Isildur. They are a little taller than hobbits and more heavily built. This beautiful name means enchantress. Lord of the Rings race name generators. They love riches and are skilled miners, blacksmiths, and jewelry makers. Hockey Gimli The brave and loyal Dwarf who joins the Fellowship. Dave hung his head, and muttered yeah. Proper names and places or close . While there are certainly exceptions to this, such as a member of a different race being adopted by someone in the community, when the name fits most of the surrounding things, it's often considered a good one. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. No Country For Old Wizards (@bengundersen). Why Do Maps Always Have North at the Top? Leave your suggestions below. Do you see your little peanut as an elven prince? If you choose this name, you may want to consider the whole "really high up Eye of Sauron" deal. This is the best time to choose perfect one and freak out your neighbor with these creepy WiFi names. Narya - One of the rings of power. You must have been really desperate to start expanding your circles to make a team. Crypto Lalaith. Tolkien that is spoken by the elves of Middle Earth in The Lord of The Rings universe. Saruman is obsessed with machinery, cutting down forests to fuel his engines and forges. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Eowyn is a shield maiden in Lord of the Rings, who slays the Lord of the Nazghul. The . Eowyn A shieldmaiden of Rohan, Eowyn is a skilled fighter who disguises herself as a man to fight in the War of the Ring. "and she didn't even cut it in a crisp geometric pattern, it was just random" Bob starts to sweat and get dry heaves. Her name means star foam. Pippin Peregrine Took is a hobbit in Lord of the Rings. The new Lord Of The Rings movie is an anime film currently being produced. Sauron The dark lord of Mordor, whose power the Fellowship seeks to overthrow. Frodo Baggins The protagonist of the Lord of the Rings series, Frodo is a hobbit from the Shire who is entrusted with the task of destroying the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. The Dwarves were made by Aul, whom they themselves called Mahal, meaning "maker." Aul was unwilling to await the coming of the Children of Ilvatar, for he was impatient and desired to have someone to teach his lore . Well, its real insofar as Tolkien invented it! Following the fall of Morgoth and the dawn of the Second Age, Galadriel and Celeborn had a daughter, Celebrian, who married Elrond. Here are the names of some of the main LOTR characters. Orcs Hate Trees (@wakkomantis) Tolkien created entire languages for his fictional universe, providing beautifully pronounced names with an Old Norse, Anglo . Dilly can be short for Delia, Adelia, or Bedelia. Related post: The Most Unique Baby Boy Names, Samwise Gamgee is the loyal companion of Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, and many readers believe he is the true hero of the story. We Need to Talk About Sauron (@bengundersen) We want to name our baby Penelope but we cant decide on a nickname? Tolkien considered naming her Helinyetille, meaning violet, or Melesta, meaning to love. 8. Heres our list of Lord of the Rings-inspired location, place and city names to give your pet: Are you ready to assemble your Lord of the Rings fantasy football team? Idril is a girl's name meaning "sparkle brilliance" in the fictional language Sindarin from Lord of the Rings.