Thiss why you require a training program that . Shotgun without a serial number? | Northwest Firearms I have read mostly good things about the reliability of the double-trigger SxS Coach Gun models. 29-2 44 Magnum 6-shot revolver w/ 6 1/2" barrel . By Type. It is chambered in 12-gauge or 20-gauge. looking at the movie, no matter whether it is to acquire, join you on social media, or stop by your internet site. If i have any problems in the future i will definitely post the problem Im having. Hi to all you Stoeger 20 over & under shotgun owners. 28" Barrels, gloss walnut stock, improved cylinder, modified chokes and 3" chamber. Style * * * * * gregintenn Sight . Amantino Model Condor Supreme is an over and under shotgun in 20 Ga. This thing is rugged, heavy and ready to get out there and work. Click Photo to Enlarge: Enjoy catamarans with experienced skippers or bare boat with an exclusive deal. Overall Length: 36 inches They are usually a decent shotgun. Add to cart. As shown above, the Stoeger is ready to fill the role of deer sniper topped with a 3-12 x 56 Zeiss Conquest and a cheap Ramline bipod. "Presidente da Boito fala sobre histria da fbrica", "Sobre a Empresa E.R. Stoeger Airguns Manual USA (550.28 KB) For: S8000-E TAC Suppressed Airgun. It is . Some people have luck with them but a lot of people do not. "E.R. Amantino Condor Over/Under 20 Gauge (nS8202) New - Guns International Whereas short barrels are quite common on slide-action shotguns and even a good number of side-by-sides, short-barreled over-under shotguns are few and far between. 28" barrel, IC/Modified chokes, A-grade walnut wood, 3" Magnum. Full Details. Federal Top Gun #7 shot fired at 20 yards. Something to keep in mind also- the US isnt the only gun market in the world. The Stoeger Condor Supreme is a model of Stoeger Condor. That big volcano in the background is South Sister (aka Charity), Three Sisters Wilderness. E.R. Amantino / Brazil Double Defense Condor I, Matte 20 O/U Over Under as a get in touch with-to-action hyperlink at the finish JK. Contact Us. Made in Brazil. E.R. Amantino Condor I Over/Under 20 Gauge Shotgun The single trigger Stoeger is a Rube Goldberg type mechanism. This tells me that if youre planning to use birdshot for self defense, youd better plan on engaging the target at 10 yards or less. meant t b shared ound the net. E.R. E.R. LSB#: 170321DL30 Make: E.R. As long as I can still get a Rock Island pump for $199 with a lifetime warranty, no thanks. Based on the tried-and-true Condor series, the Outbacks most noticeable characteristic is the short 20-inch length of its barrels. Ive just forwarded E.R. Amantino Condor Over-Under :: 12 Gauge Shotgun - YouTube Before engaging in any transaction of goods or services on TGO, all parties involved must know and follow the local, state and Federal laws regarding those transactions. For testing purposes, I ran as many different types of ammo through the Stoeger as I could get my hands on. Stoeger Shotguns Over/Under Shotguns Condor. Use a catching and pertinent title body and insert keywords and phrases about photos, as well Es handelt sich dabei um eine vom Westernwaffenpapst" Kai Hauck. Buy it, try it, if it doesnt work for you gift it or sell it. Not sure about the P-350. Its line of Condor over-under shotguns made in Brazil by E.R. What plastic? If I am to use the optic sights can someone tell how to use them properly and how to sight them in; and are they worth it in the long run Has shot the heck out of it with reloaded buckshot and he just keeps on trucking. Over & Under Shotguns For Sale | Vance Outdoors Id recommend keeping these hidden areas lubed with a small film of heavy grease. Submitted for your consideration: a $375 Brazilian shotty and my $3k Beretta687 Silver Pigeon III. What should the discerning collector look for in a potential buy? Choke tube system, 2 3/4" & 3" shells chambers and a 14 3/8" LOP. enterprise. But yeah, thanx for spending time movies in the news feed are automobile-performed on mute. Even though I fired roughly 500 rounds through the Double Defense, Im at a loss to remember anything about the go pedal. Verified Member FFL. Add to wishlist. As a multiple Benelli M1/M2 user, Id just be giddy if you can further splain this comment. 410 over and under shotguns For Sale - GunsAmerica When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. 3" Magnum. And the vast majority of gunfights are settled in one or two rounds especially when those rounds are fired from a shotgun. Loved the review Joe, well done! The gun worked like a charm. Choke tube system, 3" chambers and . Most stages of a typical Cowboy event require all three types of firearms. E.R. This gun remains in EXCELLENT condition and appears hardly used. Stoeger Condor Outback 12 Gauge Over-Under Shotgun with Satin Walnut Stock $ 449.00. [1], There are several models of Condor, with different features and in various gauges. It didnt happen to me.. fellas great forum let me tel you great info for guns i just to have a 9MM and also my father works for the police so he got a lot of guns shot guns 12 teck 9 and many more i really enjoy them so cool another cool think. mdlave Quick View. 00 Buckshot (9 pellets), 1 ounce 3 inch Federal Magnum Rifled Slug HP, 1 ounce 3 inch Federal Magnum No. set-up. Reliability * * * * * 28 ga. over under shotgun w/ engraving & ventilated rib . Various Remington Premier STS Target loads, #9 shot, #8 shot, etc. Also, the gun is a hell of a lot of fun to shoot something about a break-open that feels good. Rather than a mechanical trigger, the Outback features an inertia system that requires recoil from the bottom barrel firing to reset the trigger to fire the top. The former in 12 gauge is evaluated here. Sight: green fiber-optic front sight Lets start with a comparison between the ridiculous and the sublime. Amantino is no . Lot 180: E. R. Amantino Model Condor I 410 Gauge Shotgun - Invaluable E.R. 0 Stoeger Condor Parts Layout w/ List Stoeger Condor Parts Layout w/ List. Not sure why.,,,,, Canna Clamp - Handheld Essential Oil Press,, Anatomy Of A Scandal Sienna Miller Poncho. Latest. . I own a Stoeger DD O/U and i just left the range. If you live in Oregon, you generally have to go through your collection every 6 months or so and re-oil everything just to make sure things are nice and dry. Single or double trigger on a Stoeger Coach Gun Supreme? A bit. Wood condition commensurable with percent of finish with dings and dents associated with 80% - 89% gun. Gun Review: Stoeger Double Defense Over/Under 12 Gauge, Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Model 317 Kit Gun .22LR Revolver, Gun Review: Taurus GX4XL T.O.R.O. [7], Actually, E.R. Honestly, Id much prefer my .30-06 for any game larger than a rabbit, but I wont begrudge a man for using a home defense shotgun to take game, so long as he kills them quickly. FFL is required The Stoeger Condor is a double barreled shotgun. Several online video-based mostly social networks present you built-in equipment for monitoring viewing designs for your videos. So what are you waiting for Grab this Amazing Outfit for yourself with an Exclusive Discount Only At Slim Fit Leather Jackets! ND - VERY GOOD- in working condition, 80% finish or better, appreciable wear on working surfaces 80% - 89%, no corrosion or pitting, minor surface dents or scratches. Coach Gun Series. A few CAS shooters do use single-trigger doubles. one stoeger double fires someone tells somebody else suddenly its 4 then 8 16 32 64 128 etc etc and one day all stoegers double fire. Considering its simple operation, handy size, good quality and extremely reasonable price, the Stoeger Condor Outback offers stack-barrel enthusiasts an unconventional but highly capable over-under shotgun. Would be fun for a day and not to costly to add the blades. Shotgun section | Over and Under Shotgun Reviews | Gun Mart We are new to GunsAmerica and realize our seller rating may not be to glamorous, but search us on eBay timetosellstuff with over 1600 positive reviews(100%). SOLD. Swapped the ATI stock w/ a MAGPUL-MOE fixed carbine stock (commercial not mil-spec) wont fit. This gun remains in EXCELLENT condition and appears hardly used. PDF Saturday, March 4, 2023 GUN LOT LIST PAGE #1 I love mine. [3][5], Between the mid-1970s and 1980s, Boito started to export and sell its shotguns in the United States under K-Mart's brand. The rubberized buttpad does a good job of taming recoil, but it does tend to catch on clothing. Left choked FULL; Right choked MOD. For that, you can get an 870 Wingmaster and have enough for add-ons like a sling and side-saddle and a bevy of shells to practice with. These make a video I am looking to buy one in the next few days. It is most often[when?] Ive read your review a few times now and today I picked up my Stoeger!! Choke: Fixed Improved Cylinder (IC) Ive been looking at the Stoeger pump shotguns pretty seriously to take up the slack left by my old Wingmaster (its getting a little long in the tooth). The standard model has a grade-A walnut stock and fore-end, blued receiver and barrels, a single trigger, and screw-in choke tubes. This is the most fun, compact & inexpensive to shoot rifle! I like the side rails for an inexpensive, easy-to-mount tac light. It is manufactured by E.R. software or downloadable software program also element video clip internet marketing monitoring tools. Should you trust your life to this shotty? Having a gun so customized is about the same as a prosecutor holding up a home-owners t-shirt (who shot an intruder) that glorifies killing people. Tenho visto todos os dias. "Made by E.R Amantino in Brazil for Stoeger, Break action over under shotgun, Features, Front brass bead sight, Blued finish, Matted vent rib barrel, Light laser engraved receiver, Tang safety, Single trigger, Dual extractors, Checkered wooden pistol grip stock and forend, Soft rubber recoil pad, Barrel length, 28"" chambered for 3"" with Mod and IM Invector chokes in bores. The Stoeger Condor was reborn as the Double Defense. Hi Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 It is an over/under gun, with one barrel above the other. The block is jeweled, which is somewhat of an unexpected feature on such an inexpensive gun. Men and women all more than the planet are consuming and sharing video clips Caliber: 12 gauge (.729 inches) High end over/under shotguns have a throw lever on the tang safety that allows the user to select which barrel fires first. My Google-Fu unearthed a few posts accusing the Double Defense of a malfunction that caused both barrels to fire simultaneously. I mean, am I asking too much for the action to open without fighting the gun? Also, you need to make your mind up what sort of gostaria muito em me inteirar mais e adorei com a maneira And some of the perceived hits are actually just the wad and plastic ball tearing through the target. Description: We are offering for sale a E.R. The Stoeger doesnt. In the course of patterning both barrels, we discovered that the light 7-pound weight of the shotgun, which would make it such a pleasure to carry afield, also made it a tad unpleasant to fire with the 3-inch loads. Same as Boito. Now I have to send it back to Stoeger for repair. I probably should have mentioned it in the article, but the top rail is held in place by three screws and is easily removed if you want to use the bead sight. I owned a Benelli M1 Super 90 for many years. que foi explicado o assunto . CAUTION: Things may appear closer in the rear view mirror! You can constantly experiment with the length of your Great for hunting or competition shooting, the Stoeger Youth Condor shotgun features a shortened butt stock and 22" barrels for superior . Action: Break open Many words have been written about today s handgun choices, and a fair amount of copy has been penned about rifles, but precious little has been mentioned about shotguns.The Cowboy Action shooter s shotgun has to be either a non . Are they accurate shooting other types of rounds? Good entry level workhorse guns. Why decide? [8] Boito shotguns can be found in over 24 countries over the world.[9]. Amantino and Condor Supreme on one side. With regard to the rust, it is probably worth noting that i live in Western Oregon, which is a damp, rainy kind of place. The Stoeger Coach Gun is a double-barreled shotgun that is marketed and distributed by Stoeger Industries in Accokeek, Maryland. E.R. Amantino/ Stoeger Condor 28" 12 GA Good Finish No Reserve - Over Whichs why you require a training program that E.R. Stoeger Gun Parts | Numrich Gun Parts Started 17 hours ago. More than that, when my wife saw the bayonets on the Stoeger, she suddenly thought she had a new tool for weeding her vegetable garden and edging the lawn. With three Picatinny rails, you can get stupid with lights, optics, bayonets, etc. I realize its probably not up to your aristocratic standards, but us peasants could probably manage to tag a buck with a 12 ga. slug at that range. Does not have the Bling and refinement of some of my Berettas, but for a workhorse this is the gun to get and not worry about it taking a beating in the woods. playback difficulties. I took the sight off and the top rail off and found I have a clearer shot down the line of the barrel just by useing the front green optic sight. When I did my research about 18 months ago, I found LOTS of online criticism written by owners that the single trigger versions of the SxS Coach Guns and especially the O&U Condor model had reliability problems with the second barrel not firing. Sleep profit For reliability go with the double trigger on the Stoeger. Reply to Right! ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. The parts held to the barrel via a serrated, half-moon, wheel-style release. were do I buy the knifes and hand grips for the stoeger. The defect was only apparent when shooting slugs out of the top barrel. [Note: Self defense shooting scenarios become more legally dubious if the attacker is more than seven to ten yards from the defender.]. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about passions. For hunting purposes and the occasional clays shoot they are certainly sufficient and should last a long time. Some in the popular destinations include but are not tied to:a) Hanoi. are found on the $400 Yildiz. We noted during disassembly that the fore-end employed a rolling cam latch release that was somewhat difficult to engage while simultaneously pulling down on the wood to release it. So nice to find a OV with a 20 barrel and takes Mobile chokes. SOLD. Use video clip analytics to evaluate your movie advertising and marketing overall performance., Ol Existe outros artigos semelhantes a este em seu site ? The used value of a STOEGER UPLANDER shotgun has fallen ($43.15) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $425.08 . The Double D was pretty darn accurate, all things considered. There is some info on the Miura's but very hard to find anything in English! Thank [Review] Stoeger Condor Over/Under: Best Under $500? Basically it is very similar in design to some of the Berettas, but so much less money. Sep 26, 2005. Price: $479 (MSRP) $350-400 (street price). curioso em saber mais, para quem sabe mudar minha pgina para o mesmo local. Finish: matte blue metal, matte black stained hardwood FEATURES: Front bead sight, top tang safety, fixed MOD choke barrel. Makers - Darne, Merkel, Arrieta, Beretta, Browning, Holland, Purdey, Richards, Bernardelli, Parker, Fox, LC Smith, and most other double barreled shotgun, gun and double rifle makers. Short but very precise information Thank you for sharing this one. See all listings by Collectors Firearms Print this listing. Other than price, style, quality, materials, decoration, provenance and form, theyre identical. By Series. best techniques which will make your endeavours extra helpful. Sort by: Show Available. properly as in the online video description. Available in different gauges such as .410 bore, 12-gauge, or 20-gauge, this shotgun can be in matte nickel, polished nickel-plated, or blue finish. E.R. Most of thats fine by me, but I have noticed that the barrel assembly is more prone to rust than Id like. sharing the YouTube hyperlink. Amantino ~ Condor Supreme ~ 20 Ga. The new value of a STOEGER shotgun has fallen ($92.22) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $445.70 . Stock: American walnut: length of pull, 14"; drop at heel, 2"; drop at comb, 1", Accessories: Two choke tubes, choke tube key. The Stoeger Condor is a double-barreled shotgun. The receiver and barrels are a blued finish. and tend to break under prolonged use. Overall * * * 1/2 The new value of a STOEGER UPLANDER shotgun has fallen ($26.40) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $443.99 . They've been making shotguns for the Brazilian military and police forces since 1962. . 00 Buckshot (15 pellets), 1 & 1/8 ounce 2 in. The light weight and handy size of the Outback made it surprisingly adept at breaking claysalthough a conscious effort had to be made to ignore the sights. Shaame oon Google fr not positining this publish upper! On a weapon intended for self-defense, every partof the gun should be easy to manipulate. On the other hand, ejectors. an outstanding device for presenting new goods and companies and showcasing them in action. Amantino Ind De Maquinas Ltda. E.R. Amantino in Veranpolis, Brazil manufactures theDouble Defense for Stoeger. By using this site, you agree to the following.Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | GuidelinesWe have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You have entered an incorrect email address! A matching blue finish is also on the receiver, which sports plain sides and no etched scenes. IMHO, its the finest combat shotgun ever made. Links2k The standard model has a grade-A walnut stock and fore-end, blued receiver and barrels, a single trigger, and screw-in choke tubes. Choked full/modified, 2 3/4" chambers and a 14 1/4" LOP. The buttstock and fore-end are American walnut with a satin finish. I did fire it with the blades on it just for fun. The 12 month average price is $319.35 new and $344.89 used. The parts that comprise the ejector system are under a lot of tension and stress [ED: who isnt?] )make no small amount of sense. Again, this is no bad thing. Amantino Condor I Over/Under 20 Gauge ShotgunAuction Date: April 27, 2022. But dont knock-it off of others reviews. The checkering on the fore-end and buttstock is laser-engraved and features a border. Do gangstas really use Aimpoints? 9mm Pistol, Federal District Court Judge Orders Illinois to Show Examples of Every Newly-Banned Firearm. Clearance of shot is not an issue. The gun is beautiful in a really rough sort of way. Buy E.R. Contents1 What guns are manufactured in Brazil?2 Where is Boito Miura . They seem to go for a little bit more than their Stoeger counterparts that I can find on GB. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. & services or that highlights a issue your company can address for them. Read today's "The Armed Citizen" entry for real stories of law-abiding citizens, past and present, who used their firearms to save lives. 1518 I think Dan Zimmerman gets the credit for that line. (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. MAGPUL AFG & a red-dot sight w/ XS receiver-mounted rail. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Trigger Pull: Bottom barrel, 5 lbs., 4 ozs. I have a gun like this. What plastic? Launch both, and let the target decide. Would it be possible for a gunsmith to install ejectors to this weapon? Thats not acceptable. He brought it to the last couple of meetings. A slug in one barrel and buckshot in the other, then I can decide which one I use by trigger selection. Anyone had the same problem as I had with Stoeger side by side short barrel, NE - GOOD- in working condition, wear on working surfaces, finish 40% - 79%, no broken parts, no corrosion or pitting that will interfere with proper functioning, but may have some minor surface pitting. Even so, overall workmanship and wood-to-metal finish is quite good, especially given the price point. The first round was from the bottom barrel and hit just under my point of aim on the top target. A partial sample is shown in the photo above. Ergonomics * * * * for hunting birds and for clay target games such as trap and skeet. Click here for more information. $695.74. The Stoeger is comfortable to shoot. E.R. Sign up for a new account in our community. Thats what this one is for, gangsta style side by side and twin stabby death like you would see in a Blade movie. BTW that may have been a "Banquet" gun judging from the stock You need to be a member in order to leave a comment.