John was born about 1632 and died in Duxbury before 14 November 1707. that George's presumed father Jan Sol, who married as a refugee in 1586 in London, was the grandson of Jan van Sol. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of George Soule (c1601-c1679/1680) to other famous people. Who Are the Mayflower Descendants? - New England Today It is supposed that George Soule was in London when he joined Winslow on the voyage. General Notes:From the "Portrait & Biographical Album of Sanilac County" Alexander Soule,farmer and breeder of stock,section 13,Austin Township is the son of Samuel W. and Elizabeth Soule. [13] Soule's daughter-in-law, Rebecca Simonson, daughter of colonist, Moses Simonson, may have had Jewish ancestry,[14][15] and Soule's printing colleague, Edward "Raban was from a Jewish-descended family in Germany. (#6542) 1645 in Plymouth Patience, born ca. 334-341. Committee to draw an order concerning the disorderly drinking of tobacco [! A lineal descendant of Georgge Soule who came over on the Mayflower. Includes citations for all sources. [1] He was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact . Lyman was born on 27 Oct 1876 in Speaker Twp, Sanilac County, Michigan and died on 21 May 1951 in Speaker Twp, Sanilac County, Michigan-Buried In Elk Cemetery, Peck, Sanilac County, Michigan. The blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. George Soule traveled on the Mayflower as a servant to Edward Winslow. [18], The Mayflower departed Plymouth, England on 6/16 September 1620. The account of John Soule mentions "since my mother died which was three yeer the last December. John Soule (1632-1707) [26], Marie/Mary Buckett, wife of George Soule. is descended from Soule, Georgeservant to Edward Winslow, 21-25; Standish, Mylesnon-Separatist, 23. (This is present day London,Ontario, on the south bank of the Thames River and traversed by Plingnan's creek. All the known Mayflower descendants alive today can trace their lineage to one or more of 22 male passengers: John Alden. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland, Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. George Soule Family Tree (6542) - Famous Kin Read more, is descended from General Notes:Samuel W. soule is a dealer in livestock in Applegate,Michigan. But this man Georg Soule, is still living and hath *8* children". famous descendants of george soule - Alexander Soule was born Dec. 8,1834 in Avon,Somerset County,Maine. Famous Kin of George Soule (c1602 - c1679/80) Mayflower passenger 1620. Read more, is descended from george soule famous descendants - On 5 March 1667/8 George Soule Sr. stood surety with his son John for the good behavior of his son Nathaniel Soule who had verbally abused Mr. John Holmes, teacher of the church at Duxburrow [PCR 4:178]. 72,,,,, "The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography", General Notes:Soule; English, Dweller at or near a muddy pond.From the George Soule and his Descendants for 4 generations book :He married prob. George Soule, Miles Standish and John Alden laid out the first town, Duxbury, and are buried there. Privacy Policy | ContactMe 2010-2023 General Notes:From "Portraits and Biographys of Famous Americans Joshua soule was born 8/1/1781 and died 3/6/1867. Joseph married Mercy Fullerton on 18 Mar 1742 in Marshfield, Massachusetts. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle George Sowle, Mary Sowle and Zakariah Sowle were the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth persons in the ninth company [PCR 12: 12]. In list of 7 March 1636/7 freemen [PCR 1:52]. Read more, is descended from George Soule (c1593-1678) 2. Children of George and Mary (Bucket) Soule: Mayflower Families In Progress, George Soule, part 1, by Louise W. Throop. In 1802 he was ordained Deacon, and the following year, Elder. By the time of the next General Conference, 1824, the church had approved Soule's constitutional position, and he was again elected bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Alice was born about 1711 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Researching and celebrating the heritage of Pilgrim George Soule This work is available in print and database form on Read more, is descended from In 1844, when the General conference sought to dispose Bishop James O. Anderson, for his connections with slavery, Soule held that it violated the constitution which he himself had written. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. At the age of 26, Soule wrote the constitution of the Methodist Episcopal church. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1980 the General Society of Mayflower Descendants published a genealogy of five generations of descent from George Soule as the third volume in its series of silver volumes [John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Volume Three: George Soule (Plymouth 1980), ed. Famous Descendants George Soule, II (c.1639 - 1704) - Genealogy - geni family tree Judith K. Jarvis, Susan L. Levin, Donald N. Yates, Arthur Hertzberg, The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: a History (1997), pg. This tells us he was at least 21 years old, thus born in 1599 or earlier. They left. Mercy was born on 11 Nov 1721 in Marshfield, Massachusetts and died on 5 Dec 1808 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. [PCR 5:275, 8:175, 198]. He married Margaret Ford by 1663, but had no recorded children. Soule Kindred in America, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1967 and dedicated to furthering the knowledge and understanding of American Colonial history, along with the Pilgrims and their descendants, with special emphasis on George Soule. Read more, Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne Roberts (ne Boggs; born December 27, 1943), best known as Cokie Roberts, is an American journalist and author. William was born on 30 Jun 1854 in Murry Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada and died on 14 Feb 1913 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. [1][4][26], First in 1642 and last in 1662, he was assigned to at least five grand and petty juries. He was granted a garden place on the Ducksborrow side by Powder Point in 1637 and other lands there in 1638. Homer was born on 17 Jan 1869, died in 1939 in Sandusky, Michigan and was buried in Zion Cemetery. In 1623, "Marie" Buckett, as a single woman, had received one acre of land. The Soule Family - General Society of Mayflower Descendants Copyright 1994-2020, Also she was in a family using the name Nathaniel, which is found in her own children. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. As with any good genealogical research, if you discover a link to your own family tree, consider it a starting point for further research. George Soule (c1593-1678)/descendants | Familypedia | Fandom It is these books that listed George Soule's descendents through Elizabeth Soles, born August 2, 1795, in Bladen County, North Carolina, who married Phillip Lemuel Faulk and migrated to Pike County . (c1602 - c1679/80)Mayflower passenger 1620. Read more, is descended from famous descendants of george soule. George Soule and family moved to Duxbury very early on, and he was a deputy to the Plymouth Court for a number of years beginning in 1642. ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of land received one acre as a passenger on the Mayflower [PCR 12:4]. Joseph married Polly "Mary" Darling in Jun 1796. Susannah Soule was born about 1642, in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America as the daughter of George Soule and Mary Bucket. [36], George Soule made his will on 11 August 1677 and mentions his eldest son John "my eldest son John Soule and his family hath in my extreme old age and weakness been tender and careful of me and very helpful to me." George is listed in the 22 May 1627 cattle division with wife Mary and son Zakariah. Abigail married John Leavitt on 17 Apr 1824 in Turner, Maine. His plan provided for a deleggated and representive General Conference, which was subject to six restrictive rules, to have legislative authority for the denomination. George was born about 1864. [27], In October 1645 the General Court granted to Duxbury inhabitants lands "about Saughtuckquett" and nominated "Captaine Miles Standish, Mr John Alden, George Soul" and others for "equall devideing and laying forth of the said lands to their inhabitants." Read more, is descended from famous descendants of george soule - In a codicil dated 20 September 1677, "G[e]orge Soule" indicated that if "my son John Soule" were to disturb "my daughter Patience or her heirs" in the peacable possession of lands he had given her in Middleborough, then "my gift to my son John Soule shall be void" and "my daughter Patience shall have all my lands at Duxburrey and she shall be my sole executrix and enter into my housing lands and meadows at Duxburrow" [MD 2:81-83, citing PCPR 4:1 :50]. Abigail was born about 1749 in Prob. [4] Researcher and author Louise Walsh Throop considers Ridlon occasionally reliable, as the second volume was printed in haste. [35], George Soule's will was dated 11 August 1677, with a codicil dated 20 September 1677 and with the will proved in 1679. He now moved th Nashville, Tenn. later establishing his home on a farm outside the city, Soule was an active Bishop until 1855. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. She married Francis West about 1658, in Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Johnson considers the following to be among the most important information in considering Marie Buckett's ancestry Mary Beckett's father died in 1619 when she was only about 14 years old. Peter Browne. George married Mary Becket. Trending; . famous descendants of george soule. 28 M ii. (c1602 - c1679/80)Mayflower passenger 1620. [PCR 5:275, 8:175, 198]. George Soule, son of Mayflower immigrant George Soule. Plymouth grand jury, 7 March 1642/3, 6 June 1643 [PCR 2:53, 56]. In 1640 he was granted a meadow at Green's Harbor now Marshfield. On 7 May 1638 one acre of land was granted to George Soule "at the watering place" in lieu of another acre which was taken from him for other use, and also two acres of stony marsh at Powder Point were granted to him [PCR 1:83]. RootsWeb is funded and supported by Rosa was born about 1869 and died on 22 Sep 1941. Zachariah Soule (1627-1663) 2. These conditions, combined with a lack of proper rations and unsanitary conditions for several months, contributed to the high number of fatalities in the first winter, especially for the women and children. He was sentenced to make a public apology for his actions, find sureties for future good behavior and to sit in the stocks, with the stock sentence remitted. Alexander married Susan Mckinzie Blake, daughter of William Blake and Elizabeth Darch, on 7 Oct 1857 in Canada. [2][22], In 1626 George Soule was one of twenty-seven Purchasers involved with the colony joint-stock company which afterwards was turned over to the control of senior colony members. Read more, Humphrey DeForest Bogart (December 25, 1899 January 14, 1957) was an American screen and stage actor whose performances in 1940s film noir classics such as The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, and The Big Sleep earned him status as a cultural icon. Top record matches for George Soule George Soule found in Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929 George Soule found in Mayflower Births and Deaths, Vol. The purpose of this committee was to divide property in the Duxbury area for its inhabitants. John married Martha Tinkham. He was never involved in any criminal or civil court dispute and did participate in a number of public service situations, one being his volunteering to fight in the Pequot War in 1637, which was over before the Plymouth company could get organized. Mary was born about 1642 and died in Plymouth after 1720. famous descendants of george soule . She may have been about age 18 (born c. 1604) and appears to have traveled with some Alden relatives of her mother, or with members of the possible Warren family with whom she may have lived after the death of her father. ELIZABETH SOULE, b. say 1645 (fined for committing fornication 3 March 1662/3 [PCR 5:34]; sued Nathaniel Church 5 October 1663 for refusing to marry her [PCR 7:111]; ordered whipped 2 July 1667 for committing fornication a second time [PCR 5:162]); m. by 23 July 1668 Francis Walker [MD 27:39-40, citing PCLR 3:126]. The marriage is established through the sale by George Soule of that acre of land granted to her as a passenger, which he could do as her husband.Deputy To General Court, Duxbury, Mass. Assessed 9s. From 1820 to 1824 he held pastorates in the New York and Baltimore Conferences, making his home in Lebonan, Ohio. Margaret was born about 1848 and died about 1925. The worst was yet to come after arriving at their destination when, in the space of several months, almost half the passengers perished in the cold, harsh, unfamiliar New England winter. Pierce 26 March 1676 during King Philip's War [Bodge 350]; unm. Read more, Sally Margaret Field (born November 6, 1946) is an American actress and director. By reviewing the Mayflower passenger list, descendants can often get their first clue. About. Read more, James Todd Spader (born February 7, 1960) is an American actor. Buy the print edition of The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633. On the agreement, dated 26 October 1626, his name appears as "Georg Soule. Robert Soule had a son Miles and a grandson of George, the Emigrant, also bore that name. Rebecca was born about 1634 and died about 1675 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Read more, Matthew Paige Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, film producer, philanthropist and screenwriter. Honor your ancestors with a Pilgrim Quadricentennial Membership -- only available in 2020. 1637 in Plymouth George, born ca. These ships were built in Pembrooke in the years 1782-1788 by a Captain Ichabod Thomas. 1422. Clarissa was born in 1783 and died on 16 Jul 1858 in Eustis Maine. As with all family trees on this website, the sources for each ancestor are listed on the family group pages so that you can personally judge the reliability of the information. Johannes Sol, a printer in Leyden with one known publication, died suddenly, probably while helping William Brewster in the presswork for the Perth Assembly. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, John Alden and Francis Cooke, Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson, June 1, 1926 August 5, 1962) was an American actress, model, and singer. famous descendants of george soule - 531, located in Elk Township and to the F. and A.M., Elks Lodge no. famous descendants of george soule - Promote your business with effective corporate events in Dubai March 13, 2020 [PCR 2:46, 3:31, 44, 49, 94, 95, 104, 154, 167]. JOHN SOULE, b. about 1632 (deposed 8 March 1705/6 aged "about seventy-four years" [MD 5:46, citing PLR 7:35]); m. (1) by about 1656 Rebecca Simonson (eldest known child, Rebecca (Soule) Weston, d. Plympton 18November 1732 "in her76th year"), daughter of MOSES SIMONSON [PM 419] ; m. (2) by 1679 Esther (Delano) Samson, daughter of PHILIP DELANO [PM 164] and widow of Samuel Samson [TAG 15:165-67; TG 1:233; MF 3:7]. Famous Descendants | Mayflower Heritage and History Home. Mary was born on 17 May 1870 and died on 2 Apr 1925. Wallace was born about 1869. Orpan was born about 1707 and died on 15 Feb 1791 in Marshfield, Massachusetts. Aaron next married Orpan Waterman Ford on 18 Dec 1775 in Pembrooke. Francis Cooke, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Mary Allerton, and Degory Priest, Peter Seeger (May 3, 1919 January 27, 2014) was an American folk singer and social activist. Nancy married George Jordan on 19 May 1888. Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule He is a shoemaker. Mary was born about 1881. Read more, is descended from Maranda married Frank Wiggins on 8 Oct 1876. The family is listed in the 1851-52 census of upper Canada, Middlesex County, Westminster Township Ward 3. . Eleanor married Wallace Edibarn. It also promoted the connectionalism of Methodism, anve to the Methodist polity democratic and stabilizing characteristics. Read more, is descended from 3 [1981]) was the descendants of George Soule, and was the work of John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry. [2][24], Historic records indicate Soule became a freeman prior to 1632/33 (Johnson) or was on the 1633 list of freemen. He served as a pioneer iteinerant and presiding Elder in New England until 1816. He became an assistant in a cabinet shop when he was twelve years of age serving an apprenticeship of two years, after which he worked as a carpenter and bridge-builder. Clemena was born about 1836. Three years later, on 5 June 1671, he was fined for "telling several lies which tended greatly to the hurt of the Colony in reference to some particulars about the Indians." Cyrus was born in Feb and died in 1952 in Flint, Genesee County, Michigan. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. In 1640 he was granted meadow at Greens Harbor. Includes citations for all sources. The early methods of vesting the legislative powers of the church in a quadrennial assembly of the preachers had become so unsatisfactory, that at the general conference of 1808, a committee of which Soule was a member was appointed to prepare a more efficent plan. When finally published with all names of signers, only Soule was still alive from the print work crew. Read more, is descended from George Soule Genealogy: Family Tree & Famous Relatives [citation needed] This Jan van Sol was a zealous opponent of Anabaptism, which he saw in 1550 as divided into three movements: the Melchiorites (the peaceful Mennonite group), the Davidites, and the Batenburgers. Rachel married John Cobb on 5 Sep 1688. John was born on 14 Apr 1869 in Bingham Twp-Huron County, Michigan and died on 31 May 1961 in Bad Axe, Huron County, Michigan. Mary was born before 1680 in Duxbury, Massachusetts and died before 16 Jan 1755 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Are you a Mayflower descendant? [2][self-published source][3][4] George Soule was mentioned in Bradford's recollections of the Winslow group: "Mr. Edward Winslow; Elizabeth, his wife; and *2* men servants, called Georg Sowle and Elias Story; also a little girle was put to him, called Ellen, sister of Richard More". It is always preferable to locate primary records where possible. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. 28 October 1645, 3 March 1645/6, 7 July 1646, 1650, 5 June 1651, 7 June 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 6 June 1654. 8 jna, 2022; bayside council clean up 2021; edelstahl grillrost rund One of the earliest volumes to appear (vol. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. On 13 July 1639 George Soule sold to Robert Hicks two acres at the watering place on the south side of Plymouth [PCR 12:45]. Aaron married Mary Wadsworth before 1699. George was a signer of the Mayflower Compact, on 11 November 1620 while the ship was anchored at Provincetown Harbor. He died in probably Middleboro about 1701. and Milton E. Terry, PhD--Revised by, Robert S. Wakefield, FASG-Published by, General Society of Mayflower Descendants-1992-George Soule and his Descendants for Five GenerationsJohn E. Soule, Col, USA, Ret, M.C.E. He was 6 feet tall,musculer,had wide cheek bones, a high forehead, and a head so large that it was necessay to have extra size hats manufactored for him.