If the family wants their relatives and has proved the relationship, then their request should be honored. Then why do you think they have the Burial Unknown Mechanic, Lee? This website uses future generations as an excuse to take photos of children, babies, adults, of all ages and post them online. It has nothing to do with a grave or burial plot. Get a life. com. There are also the ones on a power trip that treat memorial pages like Pokemon(TM) cards. That Find a Grave be consistent. I contacted the support team and had two replies, then nothing but silence for close to a month now in regards to managing the pages of the people that raised me (blood related). Why would anyone think it's OK to post biographical information like this about an 8 year old? My response is that there are too many members on Find A Grave who do NOT follow the rules. It was sudden, he was in the prime of his life. It is in fact not precious hard work, it is simply walking around and taking pictures of graves. I have been a member of FindaGrave for many years. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. My sister's children are in their 20's they do not want to go to or see her grave. If someone complains about an individual contributor to Find a Grave, Find a Grave will pick on that contributor through the use of some type of monitoring technology. May I add most of the memorials r created by bored housewives who make a game of how many of these things they can make. Once the memorial is completed Findagrave turns the memorial over to one of their major contributors who thus adds personal information about the deceased and their families they have swiped from the net. To find cemetery records for New York in the FamilySearch Catalog follow these steps: Go to the FamilySearch Catalog Enter: New York in the Place box Click on: Search Click on: Cemeteries To search for cemeteries at the county level follow directions below Go to the FamilySearch Catalog Enter: New York in the Place box Click on: Search Again, it's only a website overrun by volunteers so move on. The information is public, online or not. If you look closely at Find A Grave you will notice that all of the memorial information is on the right-hand side of the page and there is a space on the left-hand side of the page that contains these huge banner ads. If prehistoric or unmarked burials are encountered, stop work immediately and contact the THC's Archeology Division for advice at 512-463-6096, or archeology@thc.texas.gov. TeeJLee, From my and others' experience, findagrave sends messages via every email. I know this person and his family . You are entitled to what I deem a distasteful opinion that I (and others) am gathering "awards" and "trophies", have lost "all sense of humanity and compassion", and am a "body chaser". If is is not removed by Friday June 3rd 2022 there will be action taken against ancestry and find a grave. i was disappointed because i have been looking for his interment for years but i was even more disapointed when the owner of the memorial refused to change the listed cemetery i emailed find a grave about this and it took them 1 month to respond they told me that if i could not prove they aren't buried there then they will help. For some cemeteries, it is against their policy to allow pic taking/give plot info to non-family for security/privacy purposes. They are allowing another Administrator SMS to steal and/ or remove original profiles to make it their own. When posting pictures it is proper to cite the owner of the photograph. I have only been a member maybe 6 months I would never delete anyones work. I'm going to contact them again and if it's not resolved I will have to see what legal action I can take, Find A Grave's top contributor cyber ghouls r banned from photographing tombstones. This will give you a space to inform the manager of the memorial about the use of the wrong photo. If you've done anything that was recorded, it's there. It's only a website. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. My older brother was put up on findagrave without my family's permission, which my mother found out about years ago, and she wasn't given a reply when she requested to have it removed. answer me one thing. Find A Grave Website Review 2022 - The Genealogy Guide So then what, do you expect to get paid anyway? If u r family or tourists u can take photos. Many of these memorials contain more than headstones. Removing pics at their request is Respect. Complaints Ignored As New Find A Grave Site Is Getting Worse Chuck's claim to fame is being an expert at useless knowledge. My estranged sister became Manager on my fathers site and added a nickname to his name on the site. you are lucky enough to find findagrave steal your daughter photo but it's just a fortune you find out, many people online may use your daughter photos already. You will get no place arguing with FindAGrave's hierarchy or major contributors. Find more than 951,266 complaints| Ripoff Report Open your mind, open your heart a bit, have some respect for fellow Users and please utilize other websites if you don't like a specific one. R.L. State, Local, and Tribal Governments Find contact information for state, local, and tribal governments. They email the requester and tell them that they sent a message to the memorial owner. or else. So I've been a member of [censored] for about About 3 months now, and the only reason I entered the website was to find my ancestors and connect a few branches. Nobody is asking you to do anything so don't worry about it. Only family can create memorials under 90 days and Id suggest a year. Some people do not want their family members in the site, and its not your God-given right as a volunteer to ignore that. If she isn't corrected, my family and I will take further action. I have contacted the prosecutor and state police. Then rebaptize the dead into the Mormon faith. If someone was cremated and the ashes given to someone, there is no cemetery. My nephew passed on new year's eve. Government Agencies and Elected Officials | USAGov This is very basic courtesy. It all boils down to how well you play with others. If you can't find someone on the site, it's probably just . I only post a headstone photo that I personally have taken and sometimes link a person to a spouse. i added family memorials for genealogy purposes so that future generations would easily track ancestors. Findagrave is gross and obscene. If you don't have cemetery burial information they shouldn't be put up. The site stores over 120 million grave records, providing plenty of material. Running Deer takes his memorial [protected] down. The fact alone that you are completely disregarding this mothers concerns shows how much you actually care. Complaining usually happens in the wake of a negative. Findagrave does not help with suggested edits. I understand why it is a blessing to some people, however it does in fact invade the privacy of many families. Imagine if people were making money from posting these photos. Find a Grave For more information about the cemetery or burials within it or buying a plot, you should contact the cemetery directly. There was a find a grave worker in Bastrop County, Texas I made a photo request of one of my great great great uncle who was born in the 1800's this gentleman took his time to go and take that picture when it was uploaded on the website and I got a email that the pictures once there I was in tears and was so grateful because I do not live near the county.So will everyone please calm down and do not turn this into a savage match, because this website is a blessing to some of us maybe not all but there are some of us out here that appreciate this website and wish it to stay on the website. I know this might be making some of you angry and further irritated with us "disgusting gravers", but the reality is no laws are broken by taking a photo of a headstone. A kind, generous, and gentle man, he was born on August 18, 1933 in Claiborne County. The whole point of a grave stone is to publicly honor the person's life. As a result, misspelled names, incorrect dates of birth and dates of death, unrelated family members and the list goes on, are written in these memorials. Anyone else wants to make "corrections", like a bored housewife, YOU get to decline. Then have one of their major contributers take over ur memorial. It is owned by Ancestry and Ancestry is not owned by the church. Contact Us - Find A Grave Contact Us We'd love to hear from you. nobody would really be happy with findagrave anymore.! Home Funeral Services Grave Solutions Grave Solutions 224 inquiries | Funeral Services File Complaint All Photos | Videos 1134 Round Pebble Ln Reston, VA 20194-1016 | Get Directions (703) 742-4678 Company Rating B View Rating Explanation based on 0 reviews. The same thing has happened to me and my suggestion never went through. I have a person doing that with my relatives on my grandparents side of the family and he refuses to turn them over to me. In other words, if the contact person is "not accepting messages, " and they do this intentionally, you won't be able to reach them, to request management control. It is disturbing that Ancestry has television commercials depicting African Americans searching for their ancestors, when so many records remain un-indexed and hidden from discovery. What burns me up is when people sitting at home are too lazy to go out and take real photos and instead make a memorial from an obituary with useless or private information about the deceased and family members and add the obituary photo of the deceased. You can suggest additions or corrections and the manager can choose to use those to improve the memorial. Most people defending this site use finding a passed family member from hundreds of years ago as an excuse, and I understand that, however I do not understand that they take pictures of children only recently passed. However if u r a 3rd party vendor.such.is the case with.FindAGrave photo taking strictly forbidden. Anne Maher McKay Find contact information for federal, state, and local government officials.