Bella Bindi Chloe Coco Daisy Gracie Koda Lily Lola Lucy Luna Maggie Molly Penny Roxy Sadie Sophie Stella Zoey Image Credit True Blue Names for Girl Dogs Looking for a name that'd suit an Aussie cattle dog? Briget, Brigid, Brigitte, Brigit, Birgitte, Brigid and more! Namesakes: Alexis Bledel is an actress most known for her character, Rory, on the show Gilmore Girls. They are unique and enjoy being in their friends. Derived from the boys name Cole, Colson is an Old French baby name meaning Coal Black. Fun Fact: The name Valentin also honors the 3rd-century martyr, Saint Valentine whose celebration day is February 14. They migrated to Australia from England in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to escape the poverty in the East End of London, notably in the Huguenot enclaves of Spitalfields and Bethnal Green. 21. The traditional Veronica sounds harsh, which Veronique is romantic and French, as well as being an unusual V name. it means young. They have absolute personality and noble. Fun Fact: The House of Chanel was founded in 1909 by fashion designer and entrepreneur Coco Chanel. 120 Australian Names for Girls & Their Meanings - FirstCry Parenting Soleil is French for The Sun. 3. Refers to male sibling, brother. Annie - English name, meaning 'gracious.'. Bindi is usually seen as a girls' name, as seen in Bindi Irwin, daughter of the late Steve Irwin. All rights reserved. Existing in both English and French history, Dariel is thought to mean open, and comes from the similar name Darrel. Desiree means Desired or Wanted in French. Chloe - Greek name for a 'fertile' pup. Fun Fact: Pauline, also known as Lady, is the character Donkey Kong kidnaps and Mario tries to save in the original Donkey Kong video game. They posess the emotional nature and generous. Means a gift in French, this is a very unusual name, and certainly not one youll see in too many places. But if you really want to savour la belle vie, head to one of the wineries overlooking the harbour. Yolanthe is French for Purple Flower or Violet Flower. Lottie is the nickname or shortened form of the name Charlotte. A historical French name, its got class behind it. Bourke is an Old French name that means From the Fortified Settlement. Antoinette is French for Priceless One and is the feminised version of Anthony. If you want French and unique, this is it. Fun Fact: Odette is the leading female role in the classic Tchaikovsky masterpiece Swan Lake. Its most commonly accepted meaning is "descendant of war," and comes from the ancient Irish name "O'Ceallaigh." The prefix "O" indicates "a male descendant of," making the surname patronymic. It sounds so 1970s and it is. Countries with the most influence include Australia. they have fun side and lucky in every possible way. The father is peace, or father of peace. It means 'delicate'. Fun Fact: Marin Luther was a 14th-century monk who was part of the Reformation where Christians broke away from the Catholic church. They are nice and joyous attitude. Old English - Harp player; Harp, Harpar, Harpo and Harpor are few variants of Harper, Australian,British,German,Indonesian,Kenyan,Medieval English, First Ancestor of the Tribe of Bani Saba to which King Zahhak Belonged, African American,Australian,German,Italian,Macedonian, From Islay or Aileach, which means Rocky Place, Australian,Cornish,Gaelic,Kenyan,Scottish,Spanish,Welsh, Australian,British,Cornish,English,Irish,Kenyan,Scottish,Welsh, Australian,Canadian,English,Georgian,Hebrew,Irish,Scottish. Still, its cute and wonderfully French. Fun Fact: Richard Adams is the author of Watership Down, a novel about the adventures of a group of rabbits looking for a new place to call home. Colette is French for People of Victory. A soft-spoken French name guaranteed to take the edge of an accent, Claude is a timeless name that will age with your child. This name is cute and short, a long nickname from Emma or Emily, but now dedicated as a first name. Bindi is usually seen as a girls' name, as seen in Bindi Irwin, daughter of the late Steve Irwin. A shorter version of the name Margaret, this name is just French all over. He might read this. it means curious to learn things. Fun Fact: Saint Denis was a Bishop of Paris who lived in the third century. They posess the emotional nature and generous. Oceana holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Writing and Indonesian, and has used her interest in languages to create a career online. Baby Names Origins: French Baby Names - SheKnows These are 10 of the most popular French names: Here are some popular and unique French baby names for girls along with their meanings, origins, and other interesting information. Fun Fact: Theo LeSieg is one of the pen names used by Theodor Seuss Geisel, but his most famous pen name is Dr. Seuss. French international schools in Australia include: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 2. A little French twist on the more common Helena, this name might be a little dated, but its definitely not overused. Esme or Esmee is a very old-school baby name but it has seen a resurgence since the release of the Twilight Movie with the Mother of the vampires named Esme Cullen (pictured). He said, I think, therefore I am and made many important contributions to algebra, geometry, and physics. Apart from traditional baby names, firm sounding names for boys and gentle and soft sounding names for girls are also trending. Angelique is a French baby name meaning Messenger of God. I like to think that Hewlette means My Printer Doesnt work but alas it means Intellect. an online audience. It has a lovely meaning too"dear friend.". France is also known for its romantic and elegant language, providing the perfect inspiration for baby names. Francis Peron National Park (see part of the Shark Bay World Heritage Area near Monkey Mia (home of a celebrated pod of wild dolphins that come into shore to be fed by visitors each day), which claims to shelter the largest number of species ever recorded in one place on the planet from a cliff-top vantage point on the tip of Cape Peron you might be lucky enough to see turtle, dugongs, dolphins and manta rays. The female form of Leon, Leonie also means lion and is an uncommon name in Australia, despite being common in France, Austria and Switzerland. A French Royal name, many French Queens have been called Maude. Some Australians of French Huguenot descent have completely assimilated into the country's predominantly Anglo-Saxon culture but most still quietly but tenaciously hold on to as many aspects as they can of their French heritage and identify themselves very much as Huguenots, even hundreds of years after being exiled. It has become popular in recent years as it is one of the characters in Game of Thrones. One of the most popular baby names from Australia. Enjoy! Narelle f English (Australian) Meaning unknown. Alliance Franaise has an active presence in most Australian cities, teaching the French language, holding cultural events such as Beaujolais Nouveau festivals and sponsoring the nation's annual French film festival. Fun Fact: A clementine is a small, sweet citrus fruit and a type of mandarin orange. Australian Name Generator - Random Australian names - The Story Shack Fun Fact: Saint Brice was the Bishop of Tours in France from 397 AD until his death in 444 AD. This name is functional and beautiful, with a hint of French class. Hermans, Herms Based on the common German name Hermann, pronounced to rhyme with "German". people with this name are stubborn and often hurt people. Dumas means From the Little Farm. Fun Fact: Pierre is the capital city of South Dakota, but its not the states largest or most populated city. I adore the name Juliette or Juliet. Fun Fact: Maurice Koechlin was one of the engineers behind some major designs including the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, and the Garabit viaduct. people with this name are introverted and sensitive. Oceana holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Writing and Indonesian, and has used her interest in languages to create a career online. Fun Fact: Leo is an old, royal, and religious name. Cannon is another name with a heavy religious background. Australia States - Statoids In France, this name is often spelt Virgile, but we prefer it without the E and think it still has that lovely French feel to it. Feminine version of Joel, this name is French all over and were loving it. Several places on the north-western coast still have French names including Faure Island and the Peron Peninsula, named after the expedition's zoologist who gathered more than 100,000 specimens creating one of the most comprehensive Australian natural history collections of its type. Fun Fact: Fleur Delacour is a character in the Harry Potter book series who fights in the Battle of Hogwarts and marries Bill Weasley. it means natural and joy. It means Young and is just so pretty. Dennis, Pioneer Marist Brothers in Sydney. The agreement includes a plan for Australia to acquire nuclear-powered . Fun Fact: Ren Descartes was a mathematician, scientist, and the father of modern philosophy. The spelling makes it different, the French made it classy. Ava (Australian Origin) meaning " bird " 5. 1. Anouk is actually a traditional Dutch baby name, however it is associated with the French as popular French actress Anouk Aimee made it a desirable baby name. Fun Fact: Crpes Suzette is a famous French dessert consisting of crepes with a liqueur and citrus sauce served on fire or flamb. A French baby name is always trendy and chic. Its also a brand of Condoms. So a cute baby boy name for your little farmer! If you disagree with any of the names, be sure to click the name and submit your vote for the origin you believe to be most accurate. Girls tend to get Remi and Remee more. You can still use the cute nickname Alfie, but this ages better. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Joyful and outlook persons. Delightful, ingenious, brilliant, delicate. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. The largest French Australian community is in the state of New South Wales, where they number 8,936 people, many of whom reside in Sydney. Francis Barrallier explored the Blue Mountains. They love music and are cheerful. He failed to find La Prouse, but he did discover a vast amount of Australian coastline, leaving behind a rich legacy of French place names including D'Entrecasteaux National Park (, a wild and untouched place on the south-western tip of Western Australia that hasn't changed much since Bruni put it on the map. She was one of the most powerful and rich women in the middle ages. A popular French girls name, Sandrine is a variant of Sandra, which in turn comes from Alexander. Meaning Baptist, it has been one of the top 100 boy names in France for decades. Rarely used as a first name, but a common surname. Williams Meaning: An English name meaning son of William. We've included the list below to expand the list by showing even more names that are not listed above. Bastiaan is a strong name for a baby boy, and the meaning will be a source of inspiration and motivation to excel in life. Jeffcott, The coming of the Marist Fathers to Australia and the history of Villa Maria, Sydney, "2006 Census of Population and Housing: Australia: Ancestry (full classification list) by sex", "20680-Country of Birth of Person (full classification list) by Sex Australia", "2914.0.55.002 2006 Census Ethnic Media Package", Catholic missions to Aboriginal Australia: An evaluation of their overall effect, "French migration to Australia in the post WWII period: Benevolent tolerance and cautious collaboration", "En collaboration avec l'Alliance Franaise", "Alliance Francaise French Film Festival 2016 in Australia", "Welcome to The Huguenot Society of Australia Website", "Guide for all French products and services like French travel & restaurants", "Accueil et Futurs Evnments - French Benevolent Association of South Australia", French Australia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, French Association of the North Shore (Sydney), French Connection: Early French Explorers of Tasmania, Napoleon Bonaparte: Notable Australian Connections, Reflecting a Nation: Stories from the 2011 Census, 20122013, Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016,, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 11:19. Donna Murray, RN, BSN has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Rutgers University and is a current member of Sigma Theta Tau, the Nursing Honor Society. These monikers work well for working dogs like kelpies and Australian shepherd dogs - and may completely sum up your little (or big) lady. Stunning! This word cloud was created using some of the most common words used in the meanings of names with Australian origins. Dutch: Australi, Gemenebest Australi (formal) English: Commonwealth of Australia (formal), Oz (informal) Finnish: Australia French: Australie, Commonwealth d'Australie f (formal) German: Australien n Icelandic: strala Italian: Australia f Norwegian: Australia Portuguese: Austrlia, Comunidade f da Austrlia f (formal) Rochelle is French for Little Rock or Rest. The name of a tree which produces tea leaves. From this name comes this quasi-French girls' name, which is quite common in Australia. Not a traditional French name, this comes from a colony in New France, a part of eastern Quebec. A French variety common around the world, this name is thought to mean outcry or tumult and comes from an old Celtic name. It's easy to believe you are somewhere in Provence as you sip a chilled rose or cuvee blanc and gaze down at harbour below Provence with a Kiwi twist that is. Fun Fact: Victor Hugo is one of the most celebrated French writers whose well-known works include The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misrables. A very different version of the name Anna, Anais is delightfully French, as well as being a classically unusual name. Some of these trees seem as ancient as the world, and are so tightly interlaced that they are impenetrable.". With the accent or without, this is a French name with roots as far back as Ancient Greece. It is also the name of an 80s Australian pop singer that had the single Ring My Bell. 22. Jones Meaning: An English or Welsh name meaning son of John. Fun Fact: Aurore and Aime is a childrens story by French writer Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Not only is The Age of Adeline a fantastic movie, the baby name Adeline meaning Noble or From Nobility is derived from the name Adele.