Hamden High School 2022 Rankings. . Some haulers caught, Arming guidance counselors? Amanda Aceto, Rebecca Andreucci, Samantha Andrews, Edgar Ayala, Celina Burgueno, Tara Butricks, Khassie Cyril, Elise Danaher, Kayleigh Darcy, Alexa Davis, Keegan Etter, Raqib Gazi, Kurt George, Nicole Guidone, Abby Gullo, Ivana Gutierrez, Austin Hamling, Caitlin Hansen, Helen Homa, Yiyuan Hu, Micayla Hutton, Ari Kagan, Elena Karlsen-Ayala, Sang Chul Kim, Alexander Kleine, Victoria Lettiero, Anisha Lewis, Beatriz Lopez, Samantha Morton, Erin Moskal, Jabdiel Nieves, Alicia Notaro, Allegra Nottoli, Dmitri Ostapenko, Anthony Papale, Galina Parfenov, Jonathan Pascale, Teal Patton, Hillary Perrone, Jennifer Pilchik, Kelsey Price, Jocelyn Rayas, Amberleigh Reyes, Joan Rhee, Jungwon Roh, Anthony Santini, Roy Schneider, Abraham Schwimmer, Christopher Shine, Morgan Simko, Danielle Sohai, William Strauss, Kate Swann, Taylor Teulings, Marcella Violano, Samantha Vitale, Jordan Voss, Brittany Webb, Camille Zapata, Alexandra Zoreiqi. Congratulations to all of our Honor Roll students! Hamden High School Alumni Class List. Students must earn credits in the following courses: 4 credits (1 credit American Literature or American Studies is recommended, but not required), 3 credits (1 credit United States History and 0.5 credit Civics or 1 credit AP United States Government and Politics), 3 credits (Accounting at the high school counts toward this requirement). While Hamden High juniors were taking their SATs on Thursday, other students displaced from their usual classes crowded the school's auditorium until a fist fight involving two students sent an older staff member to the hospital. We aspire to educate students in a rigorous, diverse and supportive learning environment. HAMDEN Hamden Middle School has named the following students to the honor roll for the fourth quarter of the 2010/2011 school year. Credit Distribution Requirements Commencing with the classes of 2023 and for each graduating class thereafter. Emma Acampora Gaileen Andal Molly Anderson Jane Bailyn John Bazaar Brianna Bell Taryn Bellamy Joaquin Bellomio Katherine Bergherr-Hall At college or university, honors status is awarded to undergraduates who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and above. 9th Grade. The indicators of competency for literacy and numeracy for graduation may be modified if indicated on the students Individual Education Plan (IEP). M 1/23: They Say, I Say (pgs. Welcome to Hamden High School! College and School Counseling Technology Library Athletics . The meaning of HONOR ROLL is a roster of names of persons deserving honor; especially : a list of students achieving academic distinction. The following students received honors: Grade 7 High Honors . We continue to pretend that half-measures and wishing the problem away will accomplish something. Until the federal government takes its regulatory role seriously and uses the big stick that it has, corporations will attempt to self-regulate Why CT waits for $95 million from OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma. He completed his residency training in New York City and then served in . Academic All-Conference 20-21; My Info. The school strives for excellence in all areas and believes that effective education is the result of strong partnerships we build with our students, their families, and our community. Is CT recycling going into the trash? Grade 11, high honors: Nicholas Bennett, Gunnar Bragg, Keith Brooks, Alexander Bruce, Charlee Chute, Faith Clark, Grace Daigle, Lillian deWildt, Cayden Fournier, Lydia Hanish, Annabelle Johnston, Lucien Lang, Brigette Levesque, Tony Llerena, Ethan Marquis, Ava Paradis, Collin Peckham, Jordan Peterson, Ty Porter, Sophia Robinson, Sophie Schall, Matthew Shayne, Chandler Smith, Lauren Voteur, and Francis Wolfington; honors: JoAnna Alsbrook, Brayden Antone, Harrison Bailey, Jacob Breton, Quinn Cain, Emma Carlsen, Grayson Cox, Molly Curtis, Felicia Dean, Chassidy Dillingham, Tristan Downer, Ava Downs, Pheona El-Hajj, Nora Emerson, Lucy Eschman, Madison Evans, Madisson Frank, Delainy Gillis, Matthew Gould, Rebecca Graham, Ryan Hafener, Meghan Hansen, Jordan Hardy, Nivri Harnish, Noah Hawkins, Christoph Howard, William Kelley, Lucas LaChance, Alexa Liberatore, Virginia Manning, Trever Marden, Ella McCrum, Zachary McLaughlin, Kloie McLeod, Joshua Medina, Benet Moholland, Ava Monyok, Aiden Mooers, Destiny Mooers, Elijah Mulready, Jack Orr, Laurali Parker, Grace Patchell, Taylor Pinkham, Alyssa Rainey, Elena Reynolds, Aidric Rogers, Brigid Salib, Megan Salib, Kiersten Scott, Frog Shearer, Paxton Stetson, Allayna Tardif, Mya Theriault, Embree Thomas, Camden Valentine, Nicole Welch, Lucy Wiles, Harrison Withee, Lucas Woods, and Edward Yock. Car and Driver, 22 Feb. 2023 Bickford competed in sports in high school, . Honor Roll designation is awarded to any student with a weighted average of 90 or above. Full Time position. A settlement in where is now the city is mentioned for the first time in 782 AD, but the names Lucus appears only in 1071. Located in Hamden, Connecticut, our goal is to meet the educational needs of our diverse student body of more than 1600 students. We aspire to educate students in a rigorous, diverse and supportive learning environment. If these requirements are not met, please consult the Green and Gold guide for alternate options to meet the numeracy and literacy requirement. . If you see your name among the Hamden High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Congratulations to all of our Honor Roll students! Located in Hamden, Connecticut, our goal is to meet the educational needs of our diverse student body of more than 1600 students. Obituary: Michael J. Collier, 63, Of Hamden, Hamden Company Named Murphy's 'Innovator Of The Month', Infinity Painting LLC offers services in New Haven, Unique Restaurant Closes Only CT Location, Eyes New Home: CT News, CT Lottery Roundup: The Latest Big Winners, Children's Center Social Workers Make a Difference. . Hamden High School is ranked #6,622 in the National Rankings.Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare . . Welcome to Hamden High School! Welcome to Hamden High School! Welcome to Hamden High School! . Classes graduating 2023 and beyond are also required to complete a Capstone Project. Hamden Residents Earn Honors at Notre Dame High School. Keep up the good work, Dragons! MIDDLETOWN >> Mercy High School has announced the honor roll students for the second marking period of the . HUSKY Health is helping immigrants. 2623 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Phone: 203-407-3140 Fax: 203-407-3141 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Is CT recycling going into the trash? Contact Information This information is unavailable to unknown . SHA Honor Roll OnCampus Login SHA Email SHA Intranet Textbooks . Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez, recently announced the honor roll for the Second Quarter of the 2020 . Grade 12 High Honors: Amanda Aceto, David Altschuler, Jesus Amado-Medina, Rebecca Andreucci, Samantha Andrews, Carol Aponte, Zainab Badr, Jhemar Barrymore, Celina Burgue?o, Sean Casbarro, Cheung Chen, Marino Civitillo, Hillary Dadio-Perrone, Elise Danaher, Marissa DAngelo, Nicole DeLillo, Marie DellaCamera, Rachel Dickerman, Basil Elgohary, Willie Ellison, Tobias Engel, Keegan Etter, Ashley Ewert, AnnaMarie Fortuna, Barbara Fredericks, Kevin Frigo, Shannon Fusco, Kurt George, Fernanda Goncalves, Shannon Gonza, Shelby Gonzalez, Nicole Guidone, Ivana Gutierrez, Austin Hamling, Caitlin Hansen, Kylie Harris, Andrew Hoang, Helen Homa, Yiyuan Hu, Ari Kagan, Edward Kennedy, Sang Chul Kim, Alicia Kinsler, Alexander Kleine, Timothy Lee, Anisha Lewis, Cody Marchitto, Arianna Marino, Derek Mathews, Zhane McDonald, Samantha Morton, Ashley Moxam, Jabdiel Nieves, Allegra Nottoli, Dmitri Ostapenko, Galina Parfenov, Sheila Patel, Jennifer Pilchik, Kelsey Price, Katherine Reilly, Savanna Reilly, Joan Rhee, Jodie Richetelle, Tania Rivera, Ajah Robinson, Anthony Santini, Margaret Shalagan, Sarah Shields, Christopher Shine, Theresa Shine, Morgan Simko, Katherine Skeeles, Eric Sullivan, Kate Swann, Taylor Teulings, Austin Tomin, Rajai Turnage, Jessica Twain, Derek Updegrove, Samantha Vitale, Jordan Voss, Connor Walsh, Kara Waznis, Sarah Wetmore, Tsz Wong, and Melanie Worsencroft Marshall. Grade 7 High Honors HUSKY Health is helping immigrants. Register to let other graduates of Hamden High School find and contact you. MIDDLETOWN >> Mercy High School has announced the names of students who made the honor roll for the third . W 1/18: Reading Amy Tan "Mother Tongue" in class. Grade 6, high honors: Amina Abbas, Adriana Acevedo, Shafin Adian, Elena . 2017-2018 WMS High Honor Roll & Honor Roll. Chaminade High School Honor Roll Chaminade High School 2014-2018 Test Scores SAT . Hamden High School is an above average, public school located in HAMDEN, CT. College and School Counseling Technology Library Athletics . HAMDEN Hamden High School recently released their honor roll for the second marking perieod of the 2012/13 school year. You may text to this address as well: [email protected]. Grade 12 Honors: Rubaied Alam, Maria Aledo, Karina Aponte, Savon Armistead, Tahirah Armstrong, Jade Axman, Alfred Baah, Natalie Barletta, Kristen Bettini, Carole Boggs, Caleb Brand, Bria Brooks, Femme Bryant-Ready, Tara Butricks, Frank Caraglio, Jason Cohen, Peter Cyr, Khassie Cyril, Monika Danielewicz, Shay Daniels, Kayleigh Darcy, Allison DiCrosta, Lynette Dudley, Taylor Edwards, John Elander, Christopher Elder, Annmarie Eschmann, Luke Ferriby, Brandon Gambrell, Jeffrey Grant, Craig Green, Colleen Guthrie, Tyshonna Hill, Teal Howard, Erica Jenkins, Ismael De Jesus Jimenez, Anna Johnson, Elena Karlsen-Ayala, Emily Landino, Victoria Lettiero, Corey Lind, Johnea Lomax-Payne, Abigail Magson, Thalia Mangan, Andrew Masoud, Kaitlin May, Kevin McCormick, Emily McGinn, Titania McKenzie, Brianna McMillan, Erin Moskal, Katelyn Murphy, Casey Muzio, David Nelson, Kathryn Nieman, Darrell Nixon, Alicia Notaro, Anthony Papale, Jonathan Pascale, Rodney Patterson, Teal Patton, Kristen Perkins, Michael Perrotti, Steven Remetz, Jungwon Roh, Jessica Ruggiero, Jessica Seabrook, Lauren Semack, Joseph Serrano Hernandez, Charles Shaddox, Danielle Sohai, Min-Jy Son, Tashaya Standburry, Ariana Stover, William Strauss, Ceilidh Summach, Mark Vannoorbeeck, Marcella Violano, Amanda Wagner, Brittany Webb, Ashley Wendland, Alexander Wetmore, Bria White, Donna Wilson, and Bernard Wright. . Hamden High School in Hamden, CT serves 1,616 students in grades 9-12. Posted: Nov 4, 2022 / 04:00 AM EDT. It was later a possession of the da Polenta, Pepoli, Visconti and Este; the latter maintained it until 1597, when the city was again . Elisa Albert, Elizabeth Amado-Medina, Peter Baranski, Thomas Barker, Amber Barnes, Brenna Best, Jason Borgnine, Melissa Boyle, Matthew Bundock, Jordan Collins, Jennifer Comfort, Johan Corilla, Jacob Costa, Anna Crofts, Lauren Czaja, Molly Deroy, Samantha Eaton, Michael Fernez, Mark Fracasso, Nijah Furlow, Amanda Giangrande, Daniel Gonzalez, James Grahn, Frank Greene, Samantha Griggs, Julian Haller, Niamani Harmon, Benjamin Hawkins, Ashley Hernandez, Chanelle Howell, Adyin Hussein, Trenton Jackson, Jaquiece Jacobs, Crystal Johnson, Destiny Johnson, Joseph Jones, Kiera Kelley, Felicia King, Nathaniel Klein, Lorenzo Kleine, Anna Leone, Alejandro Lopez, Tiana Loveless, Hifsa Mahboob, Luke Maloney, Jessica Martens, Andrew McKinney, Darragh McNicholl, Elena Miller, Patrick Moore, Alisa Nembhard, Jenny Nuy, Brian ORourke, David Pepe, Salvatore Perrotti, Thomas Perry, Connor Price, Michelle Quinones, Nicholas Rapuano, Christian Reyes, Iris Reyes, Arianna Rodriguez, Emily Rogers, Matthew Rogers, Tiana Santiago, Jacob Scheetz, Jasmine Sherald, Quana Short, Keenen Sims, Shatia Slade, Alexandria Sparks, Robert Strickland, LisaMarie Sullivan, Matthew Swinkin, Melissa Szostek, Molly Velush-Coates, Elizabeth Vento, Cassie Webb, Aidan Wildes, OKeam Williams, Heather Withington, Andreas Yilma, and Chelsea Zittel. After graduating from Hamden High School in 1959, Dr. Gambardella earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from SCSU, graduating cum laude in 1963. Grade 11 Honors: Rebecca Alberti, Jahangir Badar, Emma Baranski, Eli Bonadies, Erika Borrero, Alyssa Breda, Abree Buice, Christian Burdick, Alexis Cassan, Joana Marie Cayetano, John Cifarelli, Sarah Cubells, Amanda Daugherty, Horace Dehaney, Casey DelVecchio, Taylor Desautels, Michael DeWolfe, McKayla Dolceacqua, Matthew Duhaime, Zoe Fanolis, Clismar Flores, Lawrence Fredericks, Camila Garcia-Millan, Vanessa Gay, Stephen Gemmell, Stephanie Gennette, Frederick Giangrande, Michael Glazer, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Aedan Gould, Vanessa Hamilton, Robert Hannan, Charlotte Harrison, Ashley Hawley, Morgan Hughes, Anthony Izzo, Christopher Jimenez, Leah Kesselman, Emily Kindle, Brian Laureano, Theodore Lynn, Robert Martino, Olivia Morales, Brittany Needham, Kenechukwu Okafor, Jin Sung Park, Louis Pascarella, Bhavikaben Patel, Catherine Pelley, Alicia Predom, Jonathan Rawlings, Jacquane Reynolds, Kristen Riello, Conor Robyn, Keavon Rochester, Emily Ryder, Evonna Santos, Tiana Scales, Thomas Scott, Briana Shea, Hunter Spehar, Amber Stevenson, Asha Tuttle, April Uzzle, Mariuxi Valverde, Max Vieira, Nicholas Wiehler, Jeremi Yakerson, and Robert Zacks. Hamden Hall Country Day School Educating students in PreSchool through Grade 12. Updated: Nov 9, 2022 / 05:58 AM EST. Located in Hamden, Connecticut, our goal is tomeet the educational needsof our diverse student body of more than 1600 students. HAMDEN >> Hamden Middle School recently announced their Honor Roll for the second Marking Period of the 2014-15 school year. Hamden High School Pool. 1108 Whitney Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06517 Phone: 203-752-2600 Fax: 203-752-2651 admissions@hamdenhall.org. Login; Search. CT proposal causes confusion, concern. Located in Hamden, Connecticut, our goal is tomeet the educational needsof our diverse student body of more than 1600 students. Want to post on Patch? Congratulations to the following Wahoo Middle School students for making the High Honor Roll and Honor Roll during 2017-2018: FOURTH QUARTER High Honor Roll (3.92-4.0 GPA): 8th Grade: Kaitlin Arney, Cody Bailey, . . Located in Hamden, Connecticut, our goal is tomeet the educational needsof our diverse student body of more than 1600 students. 2nd Quarter Honor Roll 2021-2022. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries. Hamden High School is proud to offer a wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for grades 9 - 12, includinginterscholastic sports. Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez, recently announced the honor roll for the Second Quarter of the 2018 . Grade 10 Honors: Victoria Anes, Zakarya Aziz, Peter Berger, Benjamin Bonadies, Rebecca Buenano Skirvin, Shannon Burruss, Daniel Calix, Ashley Cambisaca, Anastasia Campos, Leandre Clark, Fallon Crowley, Kathleen Dadio, Kevin Dayao, Meagan de Nicolo, Leah Ferriby, Briana Gamache, Christopher Gamelin, Julieta Garcia-Millan, Jeremy Germain, Ashley Gingras, Richard Grant, Lindsay Hiebert, Desmond Howard, Eliza Kanner, Chloe Kaye, Michael Kearney, Samuel Kirschenbaum, Rachel Laster, Michael Lee, Jodi Lowe, Antwan Lucky, Jessica Macdowall, Darby Malkin, Anika Matin, Kolby Matusovich, Taylor Mayes, Laura Melendez, Naya Melendez, Kafayat Mimiko, Tyler Mitchell, Katharine Moore, Zachary Morgillo, Matthew Moskal, Asante Mpanda, Gennie Muniz, Shannon Murphy, John Napolitano, Megan OConnell, Alicia Pascale, Michelle Pascua-Murphy, Kara Piascik, Brianna Powell, Amanda Przybylowski, Thomas Redding, Brittany Reynolds, Dean Reynolds, Michelle Sciancalepore, Kelly Shoemaker, April Simell, Jessica Skolozdra, Katia St Jean, Michael Swann, Jessica Swanson, Jade Thomas, Kyle Waznis, Eddie Worthy, Thomas Wyant, and Anthony Young. Quarter 1; Quarter 1. Keep up the good work, Dragons! Green gold guide 2014. F: 1/20: Working on personal literacy narratives in class. HONOR ROLL GRADE 7 MARKING PERIOD 2 HIGH HONORS. The following students received High Honors: 9th grade: Aria Ahmed, Rebecca Alexander, Amelia Antonucci, Avishag Ashkenazi, Erik Bennett, Joshua Berman, Connor Brandi, Jordan Brown, Marcus Brown, Arianna Brown-Jones, Jaylen Carr, Emma Cayward, Kevin Cheng, Tommy Justin Co, Melissa Collado, Haley Conway, Jalynne Costin, Whitney Davis, Jordan Dease, Emma DelGrego, Gabriella DiGioia, Lily DOstilio, Jordan Evans, Sarah Ewert, Justin Feldshon, Michael Ferrett, Ramon Luis Fille, Sophia Flanders, Lindsey Flonc, Andrew Foster, Andreya Gardner, Jeremiah Gaskins, Tawana Gray, Sarah Gresham, Chibuikem Iwuagwu, Jake Jerolman, Nichelle Jordan, Boaz Kaffman, Gillian Kashuba, Emily Lancor, Jeremy Lavorgna, Cara Leff, Kameron Leftridge, Ayanna Little, Melanie Maratea, Anthony Martini, Ariane Maxwell, John Mayes, Hunyee McCollum, Conner McGarry, Anejah McLaurin, Dylan Millea, Christopher Mills, Haley Mitchell, Sabrina Monteiro-Jack, Madeleine Murphy, Molly Myers, Jared Northern, Adanne Ogbaa, Zubin Padmanabha, Andy Pan, Amanda Papa, Olivia Parisi, Hanna Park, Rachel Pascale, Jhordan Peterson, Alessandra Pinedo, Sitara Rahiab, Dylan Raube, Kylie Ray, Dayne Rayford, Hesham Raza, India Rivera, Mia Romano, Mackenzie Sargolini, Carina Scher, Lily Sendroff, Jaweria Shah, Jordan Smith, Taylor Smith, Lauren Spino, Lauren Stanley, Gabriela Sukmono, Jacqueline Theroux, Briana Thivierge, Philip Thomas, Kiley Treloar, Zachary Tu, Emma Twohill, Brittany Tyson, Matthew Wendland, Alexandra White, Daniel Williams, Ashley Womack, and Ah Young Wood; 10th grade: Sofia Acosta, Dina Alissi, Nina Allison, George Alvis, Destinee Anderson, Maya Anderson, Brandon Baez, Michael Barnes, Amani Bedford, Jacob Begemann, Rebecca Begemann, Jake Blackwell, Nicholas Brignola, Donice Brooks, Lila Brown, William Bruce, James Cantafio, Erica Cathey, Osman Cayan, Dana Marie Chea, Sharon Cheng, Brittney Cifarelli, Sophie Coassin, Daniel Collins, Rody Conway, Daniel Cooper, Michael Cosenza, Evann DAdamo, Ayush Dalmia, Gavin Deng, Grace Desroches, Giuliana DiMeo, Ramon Dizon, Vincent Dominguez, Joshua Downer, Jocelyn Dryfoos, Stirling DuBell, John Duenzl, Mark Durwin, Kaley Emmerich, Alanah Erazo, Katherine Esposito, Samantha Falango, Stephanie Gamelin, Marika Garvey, Rosa Genao, Javier Gonzalez, Abhishek Gorti, Jayne Guzman Vasquez, Uswa Hanif, Joseph Hansen, Jazmin Haynes, Ehran Hodes, Karlyn Jackson, Jazmin Jimenez, Kayla Johnson, Jillian Kahen, Isaiah Kane, Patrick Korwek, Anna Kruger-Dull, Jose Kuilan, Alexis Lacanilao, Carl Legere, Amelia Lewis, Hong Lin, Edward Lorsin, Yuliya Lyalka, Aviral Mahajan, Isabel Marchand, Amelia Matthews, Abigail McCabe, Abigail McVerry, Isabella Mignosa, Ryan Morley, Amy Nicefaro, Sarah Nicholas, Karolyn OConnor, Philip Oliver, Chinanu Onuoha, Gabriella Panayotakis, Andrew Pascale, Matthew Pauly, Thomas Pauly, Julia Perrelli, Simon Pinela, Brianna Randall, Mohammed Rehman, Andrea Reyes, Shanice Rhodes, Tyler Riccitelli, Juliana Ruggiero, Samantha Ryan, James Santore, DeShawn Schwan, Deandre Sinclair, Taylor Steigman, Julia Stover, Brittney Stoyer, Benjamin Surman, Jade Taylor, Cheyenne Timberlake, Michael Torello, Heather Tucker, Rockib Uddin, Vinh Ung, Ela Uzunpinar Cengiz, Briana Vazquez, Joshua Vilmont, Allen Wang, Russell Wetmore, Aaron White, Andrew White, Alexandra Wuerth, and Layla Yehyawi; 11th grade: Zara Ahmed, Irvin Alhamdaputra, Aimee Almonte, Christina Anastasio, Emmanuel Andrade, Sophia Angele-Kuehn, Matthew Aprea, Mohammad Aqib, Yotam Ashkenazi, Madison Bakos, Rick Basak, Aiyana Battle, Joyce Bian, Diana Bleza, Jocelyn Borrero, Kaylin Bracey, Timothy Breda, Diamond Brock, Jasmine Brown, Tyler Browne, Asia Bruce, Reilly Carini, Andrew Carr, Justin Catalina, Allya-Lorenne Chetlen, Daishunna Clark-Davis, Sara Courtemanche, Andrew Czaja, Jessica Davis, Ashley DiCaro, Angelo DiMonaco, Olivia Dowgiewicz, Oihane Egana, Lia Ferri, Christine Fracasso, Megan Garner, Tyler Genece, Andre Gidden, Joshua Goldberg, Reeda Hanif, Olivia Harris, Eunes Harun, Brian Hawes, Rachel Hicks, Crystal Hill, Victoria Jones, Moeez Kadeer, Lindsay Kashuba, Christian Kearney, Noah Kesselman, Francesca Kleine, Nicollet Laframboise, Colin Lane, Taylor Long, Adam Minkema, Dalena Nguy, Michael Papa, Grace Pasquale, Cristina Perez, Giuseppe Proscino, Richard Ramunni, Amber Richetelli, Brenna Ross, Andrew Rowe, Grigorii Serebrenikov, Maria Shah, Brenna Shields, Henry Sidle, Miranda Singer, Sarah Skeeles, Lauren Stadalnik, Nikita Sukmono, Samantha Talmadge, Jailyn Torres, Kelly Tran, Diana Valencia, Kayla Venditto, Olivia Vertucci, Jonathon Villa, Giana Violano, Derrick Wilkins, Deijah Williams, Tyler Wingate-Jenkins, Naomi Wooten, Alexis Young, Jillian Zaleski, and Joshua Zuckerman; 12th grade: Nicholas Aceto, Ank Agarwal, James Ahn, Julia Alberti, Reed Axman, Skyler Bacote, Olivia Baker, Matthew Barnett, Sara Beltran, Christian Blanco, Aubree Brabham, Eduard-Denis Breja, Danielle Brignola, Helena Burgueno, Diante Campbell, Renee Collett, Angelica Colon, Christian Colon, Kayleigh Concepcion, Jasmine Cornitcher, Heleinna Abigael Cruz, Sean Dacey, Ronald DAddio, Ariana Davis, Janelle Duran, Desiree Estevez, Nicole Ewert, Patrick Fitzgerald, Christina Flores, Catherine Foster, Adele Gelperin, Andrew Gentile, Erin Grant, Austin Han, Xiu Xian Han, Vienna Hinkson, Rachel Hodes, Latalia Howard, Ronniece Hurt, Matthew Hurwitz, Brianna Jackson, Moriah Keegan, Laura Keeley, Suneeth Keerthy, Bethany Keyl, Clara Kohrn, Daniele Legere, Casey Long, Julia Lynn, Natalie Mahan, Alexandra Masso, Alice Matthews, Saad Mazhar, Nicolas McCabe, Collin McDonald, Shawn McGarry, Malick McLaughlin, Alexander Meandzija, Kylie Miller, Amirh Moore, Aeden Morley, Elijah Neveski, Margaret ODonnell, Michelle Opare, Ashley Outlaw, Danielle Palm, Rachel Papa, Maria Parfenov, Kychoon Park, Amber Pattavina-Arroyo, Marques Ploughman, Marc Santiago, Alyssa Santos, Bryanna Seipold, Carly Semack, Morgan Shields, Dyshawn Silva, Karissa Stevens, Benjamin Tavares, Ebony Thomas, Joshua Thompson, Daniel Tozzi, Kim Ullrich, Um-E-Aimen Um-E-Aimen, Um-E-Maryam Um-E-Maryam, Blake Velardi, Deborah Velez, Mena Vollano, Sydney Wetmore, Vonya Wilson, Calum Wright, Dorithy Yeboah, Yoo Jin Yoon, and Jacob Zavatone-Veth.