These courts have broad jurisdiction and they hear both civil and criminal matters. Donald J. Fischer became Town Supervisor in January of 2020 after serving on the Horseheads Town Board since 1988. Horseheads Town Court Traffic Ticket Information, Family Violence Information and Resources, Traffic Ticket and Motor Vehicle Information, New York State Public Defenders and Family Court Parent Representatives. Forty-nine wooden locks were needed to raise and lower barges and ships in the canal. The attorney listings are paid advertisements and are not a referral or endorsement by SpinJ Corp. or the courts. Court Hours: The 1st & 5th Wed at 7:00pm and the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wed at 5:30pm. Physical Address View Map 163 Lake Street Elmira, NY 14901. Additionally, therewas a feeder canal that had water from the Chemung River that connected Corning to the main canal located in Horseheads and allowed goods to be moved northward. Experience soaring in a glider, a glass of wine at one our unique Finger Lakes Wineries, visit one our many museums that span art, history, famous people, and aviation, and other recreational activities. Lamphear Court is a new, secure, modern 60 unit complex with a mixture of one and two bedroom affordable units. Prior to September 2000, respondent had been involved in an intimate personal relationship with Darlene Fivie. Find more information about the Town Clerk and Tax Collector. Town of Horseheads Youth Bureau. Located on SouthMain St, it has weekly summer band concerts. View Lawyer Profile Email Lawyer. "Eugene Zimmerman was perhaps the most prominent cartoonist and caricaturist of his generation. There were many people who loved the old revolutionary-born name and urged its return. It has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Leah Cramer(one of our esteemed Village Historians) introduced the idea of recognizing the military pack horse as part of our heritage and was the leading force in obtaining the statueto celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Village of Horseheads. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be offered based on availability. Again in 1885 the name was changed to North Elmira. . Fax: 607-737-1729. Address: 4049 Watkins Road Millport NY 14864. For more information please contact the Court Clerk at 607-739-2113. Address Change Form & Preferred Method of Contact. Chemung County court record and case directory. Directions. This dog-friendly park has multiple picnic pavilions with charcoal grills, a playground, three tennis courts, four softball fields, a basketball court, and a walking/running path. *Not location specific. Court: Wednesdays 7 PM; Court Clerk usually available by 4 PM. None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Town of Horseheads,150 Wygant RoadHorseheads, NY 14845. Email: Burdened down with heavy military equipment in their 450-mile journey through a wooden wilderness from Easton, PA over to Wyoming, and on up the Susquehanna River Trail to Elmira, NY, they continued north throughHorseheadsto the Finger Lakes Region and west toGeneseo. Memory Care. Town and Village Courts are best known for their small claims parts. Assisted Living. 1 Email: Honorable Wesley A Dibble Town Justice Phone: (607) 529-3532 Ext. A twenty-eight square mile memorial, unparalleled in American Military History, is the proud distinction that enshrines the town and Village ofHorseheads, New York. Village of Horseheads New York. Check status of parking tickets, locate towed vehicles, check on your last payment, and . In Horseheads Civil Courts, the Court settles disputes between citizens that they . The German POWs were only at the Holding Point for two weeks before being transported to Sodus Point., 202 South Main Street | Horseheads, NY 14845 | 607-739-5691. Box 177 Van Etten, NY 14889 Veteran Town Court 4049 Watkins Road Legal information is organized by topic and includes Housing, Landlord-Tenant, Family, Child Support, Juvenile, Consumer, Probate, Individual Rights, and other legal issues. Town of Catlin created in 1823, before the creation of Chemung County. Office hours are Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 6:00pm with Judge Roller, Becky Clark Court Clerk Phone: (607) 529-3532 Ext. Who can I talk to if the Court Office is closed? For locations and contact information for Domestic Violence, Integrated Domestic Violence, and Youthful Offender Domestic Violence Courts, hover your cursor over the "Domestic Violence/Integrated Domestic Violence" menu item on the left side of the page and select "Court Locations" from the drop-down menu. Click "TICKETS, POINTS & PENALTIES" near the middle of the menu bar for detailed information about traffic tickets, including online fine payment and pleas, points, penalties, license suspensions, parking tickets, and the Point and Insurance Reduction Program that allows some offenders to reduce points and insurance premiums by taking a classroom or online safe driving course. Jones was arrested for Petit Larceny (a class-A misdemeanor) and issued an appearance ticket to return to the Horseheads Town Court at a later date. As you explore our website you will find information regarding services and events available to residents and visitors. Horseheads, NY Attorney with 46 years of experience. The Horseheads Town Court is open: Every Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. (Closed from 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) The Payment Window is open only until 3:00 p.m. Court sessions are every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Lawyer's Tip Of The Day. Find 6 Clerk Offices within 11.9 miles of Catlin Town Clerk. The Chemung Canal closed permanently in 1878 due to costly maintenance and repairsand becausethe railroad boom destroyed the canal's business. Let us know here, Horseheads Village Court202 South Main Street0.9 mile away, Veteran Town Court4049 Watkins Road2.6 miles away, Chemung County Jury203-205 Lake Street, Hazlett Building, 6th Floor3.1 miles away, 2023 Everything-Bytes | Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. In Horseheads Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. Leon Tuttle court 607-589-4435 fax 607-240-5551 . Subscribe to Notify Me to receive updates and information about community news and happenings. Town of Chemung. This Traffic Court directory is being developed by SpinJ Corporation. Phone#: 607-739-3337 Fax#: 607-873-9463. M - F 8a - 11:45a; 1p - 3:45p; no filings accepted after 3pm, Speeding tickets on Route 17, hunting & fishing violations, drunken driving, felonies & misdemeanors. Town of Southport 1139 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, NY 14904 (607) 734-1548 | Chemung County. Philadelphia Flower Show Bus Trip Wednesday, March 8, 2023- Horseheads Parks and Recreation. ADA Lou Tarantelli (226 Lake St, Elmira, 14901; Tel: 607-737-2944; FAX: 607-737-2965; private office 607-739-3836) Town Attorney John Mustico Court is held every Tuesday (unless otherwise noted) at 7 pm in the courtroom in the Town Hall at 150 Wygant Road, Horseheads, NY 14845. 1 Fax: (607) 529-9385. The Town of Horseheads is located in New York's Southern Tier bordering Pennsylvania. Full spacious bathrooms, central air- Cable/Wi-Fi- ready. Teresa Lyons, Horseheads Town Hall 607-739-0873 . Chemung County Court Records Search ; Courts Nearby. 3005 Watkins Road, Horseheads, NY 14845. June 16, John Mellencamp . Disclaimer: SpinJ's Traffic Court directory is privately owned. This location, first known as The Valley of Horses Heads was later changed toHorseheads, New York. Honorable Andrew Smith. Tues. 4pm-6pm with Judge Roller, Becky Clark Court Clerk. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Sincerely, Donald J. Fischer, Town . Town Hall Address: 1448 Chambers Rd. . Planning Board. Judges William F. Driscoll & Richard C. Moriarty, Sr. ADA Danian M. Sonshire (226 Lake St. Elmira, 14901: Tel: 607-737-2944; FAX: 607-737-2965) Village Attny: John G. Groff (Tel: 607-739-5666; FAX: 607-739-3941; email:, Vehicle & traffic infractions, felonies & misdemeanors, village code, boating & fishing violations. In 1944, approximately 200 German prisoners of war (POWs) went to work at the Holding Point. The Chemung County Health Department will continue to hold vaccination clinics on Thursday, January 27, 2022, & Thursday, February 3, 2022. Legal resources include information about the courts and community services. I am sure you will find our site full of useful and interesting information pertaining to our Town. A few years later, the skulls of the horses were arrayed along the trail in defiant fashion by a few returning Native Americans, as a gesture that the same fate would be met by any settler, should he attempt to homestead on this location. He was arrested as a Fugitive from Justice, a Class D Felony, as well as Resisting Arrest, a Class A misdemeanor. Explore more about the Parks and Recreation Department. The whimsically decorated structure is still used for weekly band concerts during the summer. You are about to call the following number: For assistance, please contact us at 1-888-912-1541. 202 South Main . It also has a public pool and a concession stand that are open during the summer. View information on requesting case records from the court clerk, including fees for copies, inspection for free at the clerk's office, and trial transcripts. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. The canal ended at Seneca Lake in Watkins Glen where the barges were towed the length of the lake from Watkins Glen to Geneva to connect with the Cayuga and Seneca canal system and later with the Erie Canal. Marriage Licenses. Whether you are a Town of Horseheads resident or plan on visiting our community, I hope you will find the information on our website invaluable and informative. View information about traffic ticket cases in Horseheads Town Court, including pleas, depositions, appearances by your attorney, appeals, fines, and suspension of driving privileges. Horseheads, NY 14845. Phone Conference ID:319 644 156#, If you have not been told to attend court virtually, it is still to be held in-person at 202 S. Main Street, Horseheads, NY, Per the New York Unified Court Systems Website, "The Town and Village Courts play a vital role in the New York State Unified Court System. 215 Elmwood Ave. Elmira Heights, NY 14903. Horseheads Village Court 202 South Main Street Horseheads, NY 14845 Phone: (607) 739-0158 Fax: (607) 796-0263. He was arraigned by the Horseheads Town Court and taken to the Chemung County Jail . Philadelphia Flower Show Bus Trip Wednesday, March 8, 2023- Horseheads Parks and Recreation. Court Hours: second, third & forth Wednesday of the month 6:00 p.m. Civil and Regular) COUNCIL MEMBERS . The court clerk's office provides administrative support to the Village justice's and attorneys in relation to the court cases within the Village. Convenience and accuracy for the abstractors and public alike. Returning the same route toHorseheads, these military pack horses had reached the end of their endurance. Phone (607) 739-3517 Youth Employment. The Chemung Canal began construction in 1830 and became full operational in 1833. Due to their efforts, the nameHorseheadswas restored in 1845. The mission of the Town of Horseheads Assessor's Office is responsible for creating accurate, fair, and equitable assessments yearly. Stay in touch with us by following us on Twitter, becoming our friend on Facebook, or subscribing to.