Turn it on again. Cards Thank you for those details and we truly understand the importance of getting to the bottom of this so that you can stay in touch. Does the other contact experience similar issues with other contacts on their end? Everything seems fine in that menu. They're a Sprint user and has the iPhone 10 and I have the iPhone 11. Its one of the most important devices you own, and if it breaks, weve got your back. The company promised to have a fix ready for the next software update. Youre speaking to a different issue than the one in this article, but its the situation Ive encountered too: my US number gets replaced in iMessage when I swap in a foreign SIM. Apple may be experiencing service outages or technical issues causing connection problems with the app. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Add the person that you want to FaceTime and you should be able to make a call directly from the FaceTime app. Then follow the steps to start a chat: Know someone with a Windows PC or an Android phone or tablet? 1. Nothing. In my case transfer between numbers wasnt going smoothly which caused troubles. 1811 E Innes Street. Make sure that the number you want to use for iMessage and FaceTime is listed. I feel bad for the new provider that I hassled trying to work it out! I had the same problem, my wife switched from Samsung to iPhone and didn't appear in my contact list as a Facetime user. I tried everything but end Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How are we certain that the issue is on your end? 1. I can only say what worked for me. Contacts What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Essentially, they can call you, but you can't call them. It definitely deactivated my old phone number and no one recognized it. Good point, and sorry you had to go through this. So I toggled the button off then on. Choose how you want to share the link. Then, wait for at least 30 seconds, and toggle both back On. Id need more information to be able to try to answer this which country are you in now, are you using/have you used a different SIM card while youre away, what problem(s) are you having, and what have you tried so far to fix it? But we found there are several websites, including a service from PayPal (https://www.xoom.com/money-transfer) that let you use US cards to instantly reload phones around the world. Make sure that the number you want to use for iMessage and FaceTime is listed. Then I turned off iMessage and face time, rebooted the phone while on wifi and then removed the Canadian SIM card and inserted the data only SIM card. There is no photograph or signature required for the Admit Card. If you think this might be affecting you, try topping up your phone with a little extra credit, then restart it and check iMessage and Facetime again. Restart you device and then head to Settings and then to FaceTime. To confirm you own the number youre trying to activate, Apple sends it a silent SMS. Enter your Screen Time passcode if prompted. Solved it by having calling friend remove the additional phone number from my contact card on his machine. You can cover thousands of devices in your homeeven future purchasesunder a single plan. If the number you want to use isnt selected (ie, doesnt have a checkmark beside it,) tap on it to activate it. In some cases, that SMS can be chargeable, and if your SIM plan doesnt include text messages and you dont have any credit on your phone, that SMS will never arrive. The biggest problem is I am getting charged for the silent sms message each time I try to activate. It will clear your Wi-Fi passwords and saved networks, but it won't erase any other data. She has more than one email associated with your contact info. We also found that we could not use a US credit card to pay for the Vodafone reload. Thank you so much for this! How to make your iPhone battery last longer. She has been delighted with the simplicity of the device, and its been a lot of fun showing her the elegance of iOS 4. What model phone do you have and what model device does your partner have? Book a repair time that works for you and your schedule. Do your coworkers also have iPhones? Everything worked except some people I could not iMessage. Our convos are always random and sometimes it just never works. By Patricia Rey Malln iOSFebruary 23, 202346 CommentsFirst published in 2016. Ourprivacy policyexplains how we handle your personal information. Just be sure you sign in with your Apple ID and/or add your phone number (iPhones do this automatically). But be sure to back up your device beforehand because this type of reset will delete any data you haven't saved. It only takes a minute to sign up. Audi Limited-Time Special | Costco Auto Program I wanted to add my experience angst and resolution on this matter for others benefit. Theyre typicallyreadily available, straightforward to install, and let youuse your phone just like you would at home. If they aren't signed in to FaceTime on their phone, iPad, Mac, or iPod touch, they won't see your call attempt. Do this by sliding the slider off and then on. From here: If you tap Favorites, choose the contact which shows the word Touch and hold the talk button, then say something. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Reset All Settings under Settings > General > Reset. Experienced iMessage problem recently wit iPhone 11. Let me know and Ill see if I can help. Yes - this technology seems to be driven by your contact card info stored by calling party. Apple's FaceTime is one of the world's most well-known video-calling platforms, but it used to be completely inaccessible to anyone using an Android phone or a Windows PC. Can I be reached on FaceTime on Mac using my non-iPhone phone number? It will all work out in the end. Finally, go to Settings Messages Send and Receive, and look under You Can Receive iMessages To and From. Again, if the number you want to use doesnt have a checkmark beside it, tap on it to activate it. I Cant open neither one. If it's been a while since you signed in with your Apple ID on your device, re-entering your information may help move things along. WebMake sure that her number and email in her contact card match what she has checked off under "You can be reached by FaceTime at" in Settings > FaceTime. Deleted The Previously Synced iCloud Contacts. Category: Computer. Theres a 256GB Black iPhone 11 available for $719. Disable FaceTime in Settings > Phone and then turn it on again. I have TFW, which uses the Verizon network but does not provide for any out of country service. Next, go to Settings FaceTime, and look under You Can Be Reached by FaceTime At. While it's possible the issue is with his carrier and what towers it uses when, I am the only one who cannot reach him. So simple to fix it ? Similar problem with iPhone XR and adding an esim that has only network. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Then when I tried to iMessage someone they saw my new Rome phone number and got very confused on who it was. That way, you can figure out what number works best and where the issues begin. iPhone screen repairsstarting at $79. What we mean by different Apple ID would be a completely different or new Apple ID than the one you typically use on your iPhone. As it happens, iPhones can have a bit of trouble adjusting to their new location. FaceTime unable to connect : r/applehelp - reddit Reset All Settings under Settings > General > Reset. Next up, its time to reset your network settings. Needed to initiate the process. Can archive.org's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? Thats why we recommend unlocked smartphones and local SIM cardsor eSIMs for almost every traveler. You'll need to click the button in that email to confirm your details. After doing so a message popped up on the iPhone 13Pro saying youre account (312xxxxxxx) has signed out of iMessage and youll miss your messages. The feature becomes available with the Apple iOS 15 software update. to Make iMessage and Facetime Work When Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Start a call with FaceTime. FaceTime If your new prepaid SIM doesnt include SMS messaging in the initial fee, as happened to us with a prepaid Vodafone SIM in Spain, youll need to add money to your prepaid account to cover the cost of receiving SMS messages. I could see prior messages were BLUE (indicating iMessage), So, I thought about this article and all the things suggested. Well Tuesday Day 4 of this mess, Im reading all over the internet trying to find some sort of solution, I remember I have a SIM card from an unlock iPhone I purchased a few months ago(I never used the SIM because I just use my old one). Get our regular email updates with the latest travel tech news, tips, and articles. We use FaceTime audio because it's clearer and iPhone message. Slightly different problem. When the device resets, make sure you make sure after re-adding your passwords, the iMessage and FaceTime is activated by tapping them in the setting app. I spent hours looking for answers and this one solved it lol I didnt know I had to add credits. I think Ive worked out from your article my problem. Whenever my sister-in-law calls my wife via FaceTime, my phone and Mac also ring at the same time. Select the contact you want to use as the primary contact on the merged contact card. Make sure that her number and email in her contact card match what she has checked off under "You can be reached by FaceTime at" in Settings > FaceTime. ), or record a video tour of the property on behalf of those not present I haven't tried to use a different phone outlet because all I use is my cellular. OpenSystem Preferences>Network, then check to see if Wi-Fi is turned on and you're connected to a Wi-Fi network. This will start the activation process. Is a collection of years plural or singular? To use FaceTime, you need a Wi-Fi, cellular data, or broadband Internet connection and a device that supports the app. Does anyone know how to fix this? Tried all of your suggestions. I switched to Verizon from AT&T because the staff was empathetic and understanding, and calls got through to him from the store managers phones. Tap the plus button and The first time it was widely reported was after theiOS 7 launch in 2013, and Apple admitted there was a bugpreventing iMessage and FaceTime from working properly on both iPhones and iPads in certain situations. We can only contact each other at certain times of the day and they're random and then the call drops after awhile. However by doing this, were you able to still send and receive iMessages to your Canadian number, on the sim only card, as opposed to when people message your appleID? View in context Helpful DXapple Level 1 13 points Mar 1, 2022 10:45 Please refresh the page and try again. Try a one-on-one conversation first, then slowly add members to your Group FaceTime. The phone was being used with my Vodafone account. Well the same activation unsuccessful message popped up on the 11! I can't text him. If your device isn't synced with the FaceTime servers, the app won't work. Be careful doing this if you have two-factor authentication set up for your Apple ID, as youll need to be able to receive the verification code thats sent when you log back in. Heres what Ivelearned about fixing it. Then I thought when we add a contact, we can tell it mobile, or iphone.. What if telling iOS EXPLICITLY that the phone # is an iPhone may force it to use iMessage (first). Waiting on FaceTime to connect can be frustrating, especially when you don't know what's causing the issue or how to fix it. Maybe before I leave the US I should change to the email address associated with my Apple ID and receive iMessage that way? Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Go through and remove any that are no longer valid, or that you just dont want to receive messages any longer. Check out thisstep-by-step guide to how to factory reset your MacBook. Next log back in, a restart may or may not be necessary. After installing a new carrier settings update, FaceTime does not activate. If anyone goes through what I went through I hope they find this and it helps. On Monday my partner went to Verizon to try a new SIM card, but all attempts to contact me failed. She got a new sim with her original number to fit the phone. Heres how it works. It's taken Apple many years to even get to this point, so we shouldn't complain too much. AT&T transferred me over to Apple. How to Fix Stuck On Activation Problem. You should first try to turn iMessage and FaceTime off for a few minutes, then back on and check if the apphas picked up the changes. Let me know if youve ever encountered this problem. People are unable to initiate a FaceTime call with you. The way i got it to work was to go to Settings > Messages > Send and receive, then remove the Sim card, give it a wipe and reinsert it. To make sure your time zone is correct, click, If the Content & Privacy Restrictions switch is on, tap. Salisbury, NC 28146. Scroll through your contacts list and tap the duplicate contact you wish to merge with this contact. These are people that I had previous Messages conversations with that were started when I didnt have a cell plan on the iPhone and we started the conversation using my Apple ID/email. After being on the phone for hours with Apple tech support people, and Three tech support people, they literally gave me dozens of different possible solutions but nothing worked. . You can use any of the options below to FaceTime a contact: 1. Yeah the SMS thing worked for me too! Check out itsSystem Status pageto make sure. She generally doesnt use either app while roaming and has data turned off most of the time. And also, your solution to how to make that work is a good one to consider. I tried unlinking the Apple ID. Youre either missing a step in the article or the steps have been updated. I had some trouble with the error there was an error during activation after porting my number from one telco to another. Promo credit applied over 36 months; promo credits end if eligibility requirements are no longer met. Get quality repairs and services, free diagnostics, and expert help right in your neighborhood. Im thinking of doing the same thing when I leave for Europe in a week. 3 Sign out of Apple ID and sign in When we tried to FaceTime my iPhone 4, we got the folllwing error message notification: FaceTime Failed Gary Ng is not available for FaceTime. Perfect place to start out in with room to grow! Next, go to Settings FaceTime, and look under You Can Be Reached by FaceTime At. All rights reserved. If it didnt, keep reading. It's actually been much worse since then. Agent told me shed send me a case number so someone could get back to me(she never did and no one never got back to me) So called AT&T AGAIN this agent tried their best to transfer me yet again to Apple but I suggested after all I went through to just send me another SIM, the agent said okay then came back to say the system wouldnt let him complete a SIM card purchase to my line because of something really weird I cant remember something about my upgrade needing to be completed. I can't make a a regular phone call, FaceTime (wi-fi), or text message to a certain person. Its a debacle. * I noticed that my original US number wasnt selected (Did not show a check mark next to it) FaceTime Not Working The first day, me and my classmates went to a Three store and all got pay as you go sim cards for our phones (that we had unlocked before we left Canada. Steps to Reproduce. Since you have changed the provider you need to reactivate iMessage & FaceTime. Im hardly the only one, either: I found plenty of complaintsduring one particularly-desperate attempt to fix the problem. Tap General. At least I wont have to go to/from the airport without a usable phone as I would if I had to leave my US SIM card home in a phone. Nothing. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The issue has gotten worse since I switched to Verizon. For them, iMessage and Facetime stopped working after they activated a second number on their eSIM overseas. Joining a FaceTime call on Windows is easy so long as you have the link. Tap Reset. This is an Apple software glitch, as long as you are able to call them then you should be fine. The Facetime image is supposed to detail if said pe Retest, and please let us know how it works. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. We can only contact each other at certain times of the day and they're random and then the call drops after awhile. Make an appointment or visit your local store today. Your imagination is the only limit with these tools, and now you can Under Settings, make sure your contact information is correct, then check the boxes next to the email addresses and/or phone numbers under You Can Be Reached for FaceTime At. The iMessage bug doesnt only happen when changing to an international number, but also if you change providers within the same country, and even when upgrading to a new operating system. Tap the toggle to turn on FaceTime. Go to settings to fix this issue! Going to settings I saw under iMessage that the activation unsuccessful Try turning iMessage back on. Disable FaceTime in Settings > Phone and then turn it on again. scroll to bottom and find FaceTime - switch it off for few seconds and then turn it back on. Both our phones would ring when friend tried to FaceTime me, even though husband and I have separate Apple IDs and caller never selected the other number. Maybe it goes against their mantra it just works but you know what, get over it. However that old numbers disappeared. How to fix: Use iTunes to update to the latest version of iOS for your iPhone. I tried to FaceTime her from the FaceTime app and it works, its just that I cannot FaceTime her from my contacts list. Try starting a new message to one of those recipients rather than replying to an existing one, and if that doesnt work, then yes, try deleting the old message thread(s) to that person and starting over. You could try the same experiment with Bing Chat and Midjourney or Stable Diffusion. Brian checked back with us the very Additional info: switched sim with saving number (in Russia theres a 8-days period while you have to use a different number before your former one can be given back in case you change cellular company). Shopkees - Online Shopping Store in Kuwait for Electronics WebIf there is no FaceTime link, the information in that contact does not match the FaceTime contact information. The recipient is not connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data, or their area is not supported. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? I kept sending test text messages, but still the same, once you started typing in the bar, the arrow was GREEN, not BLUE which means SMS (as if youre sending to an android phone). This deactivated FaceTime, which I assumed was still activated. This is the only article Ive found that actually describes what has been going on with my phone. The report notes that Abbott oversees Apple's cloud infrastructure for services like iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and others. Other times where you might run into this FaceTime error is when you have ported your number or have recently installed carrier settings updates, as stated in this Apple Support document. Using a mix of numbers and letters for new family registration ID will ensure enough options are available for Manitoba's growing population, the province said in a news release. * Tap on the original number to select and activate it. Tired of the "phone storage is full" notification on your phone? The distraction wouldnt be worth the ROI. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Needless to say my mom was in actual tears from not having use of a new phone, so we decided to take the SIM card out of the new phone and put it back into her old iPhone 11(the old SIM card had been destroyed and thrown away)! contact card Contact card is not available for FaceTim - Apple * Tap on the original number to select and activate it. About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality, A limit involving the quotient of two sums, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. 1602 Woodview Drive Sw, Hartselle, AL 35640 | MLS 1828586 Cheap data connections like these come in handy for many things when youre traveling, and we recommend buying one if youll be in acountry for any length oftime. So after that period Ive been able to use everything with my previous number except iMessage, for some reason phone couldnt recognize number and link it with iMessage server. The recipient's phone is turned off or set to Do Not Disturb. Also refrain from wiping the phone clean as this did not work. Now power off and turn phone back on agent told me and I did. IT departments the world over have said it loud and clear: the first order of business when trying to fix anything tech-related is turning the device off and on.