FOOD INSECURITY p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} Melanie Stansbury's Biography . text-align: left !important; Melanie Ann Stansbury (Democratic Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing New Mexico's 1st Congressional District. New Mexico House of Representatives District 28, Stansbury received a bachelors degree in human ecology and natural science from Saint Mary's College of California and a masters degree in science and sociology from Cornell University. } $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); font-size: 20px; background-color: green; } Melanie Ann Stansbury ( Democratic Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing New Mexico's 1st Congressional District. color: #6db24f; The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. } The following candidates ran in the special general election for U.S. House New Mexico District 1 on June 1, 2021. justify-content: center; (Video: KOAT) float: left; She defeated Republican Thomas R. Stull and Libertarian Robert Vaillancourt in the general election. height: 50px; Stansbury said she had experience working at the intersection of social justice and environmental issues. But eventually she overtook Antoinette Sedillo Lopez by 3 points. The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. in development sociology from Cornell University. New Mexico has amongst the highest hunger rates in the nation, with nearly 1 in 4 children experiencing food insecurity in the state. The Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. display: inline-block; Melanie Ann Stansbury - Ballotpedia } U.S. padding-bottom: 5px; That is very good for a freshman legislator. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, 2021 New Mexico's 1st congressional district special election, Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife, Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Women in the United States House of Representatives, "Haaland confirmation sets off mad scramble to claim her seat in Congress", "Join us in wishing Melanie a very happy birthday! .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} She was a consultant at Sandia National Laboratories and later served as a program examiner in the Office of Management and Budget during the Obama administration. Melanie Stansbury addresses supporters at the Hotel Albuquerque. ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } }) Her father at one point worked in the extraction industry in the Four Corners region. She currently represents New. Din teachings tell us that both sexes are important to the survival & perpetuation of our people. } .hideResponses { display: none;} New Mexico House of Representatives (Assumed office: 2019). overflow-y: hidden; $('.hideResponses').hide(); RAISING THE FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE Office: U.S. House (NM) - District 1, Democratic Track This Politician. background-color: grey; As your Congresswoman of New Mexicos 1st Congressional District, I continually put this lifetime of experiences to work for our people. margin-bottom:0px; About three months ago, very few people even knew who Melanie stands, where he was and now here she is, about to become our next U. S. Congress person. After college, Stansbury returned to New Mexico and worked as an educator for a state-funded science program before going to graduate school at Cornell University, where she received a masters degree in development sociology and worked toward a Ph.D., which she hasnt finished as she left Cornell to work in Washington. .race_header.democratic { In 2020, the New Mexico State Legislature was in session from January 21 to February 20. We must continue to fight to address systemic violence against indigenous women, expand support services and crisis management for survivors and families, and work to achieve justice for the generations of women and children who have suffered. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { She never did anything halfway, Hewes said. Santa Fe, NM-- On Saturday, March 27, the Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Melanie Stansbury in the special election for New Mexico's 1st Congressional District. margin: 8px auto; Melanie Stansbury not only supports legislation that could defund our local police departments, 4 Stansbury even supports taking away guns and tasers from police officers. Voter data plays to Stansburys favor: there are about 218,000 registered Democrats in the district and 132,000 Republicans. Rep. Stansbury's 2022 in Review Services Contact Us Flag Requests Agency Help Small Businesses Internships Tours and Tickets Grant Application Art Competition Latest News The district includes most of Bernalillo County, all of Torrance County and small sections of Sandoval, Santa Fe and Valencia counties. Throughout my career, I have worked alongside our first responders and community organizations to bring much-needed resources to make our neighborhoods safer and improve community well-being. word-wrap: break-word; As a lifelong New Mexican, I know that to improve public safety and reduce crime, we must invest in our health care and behavioral health systems, and ensure that our families have access to the services they need. flex-direction: column; Elections in 2023 | position: absolute; Stansbury said her opponent, Mark Moores (R), opposed economic relief plans for businesses and people and opposed sick leave for workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The bill proposed prohibiting governmental restrictions on the provision of and access to abortion services and prohibiting governments from issuing some other abortion-related restrictions. As the next Congresswoman for New Mexicos First Congressional District, I will bring science, compassion, and my love for our community to deliver results for and lift up the voices of New Mexicans. Melanie Stansbury, Representative for New Mexico's 1st Congressional padding-left: 0; color: white; 5 She even supports emptying every federal prison in America and releasing thousands of child molesters, rapists, and murderers. Well, this is now. border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, margin-top: 1px; } $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { padding-top: 5px; (function() { Berry's career in two years she has sponsored 57 bills, 14% were signed into law. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle64033822addfc').addEventListener('click', event => { margin-top: 5px; Incumbent Jimmie Hall advanced from the Republican primary for New Mexico House of Representatives District 28 on June 5, 2018. } In the New Mexico Legislature this session, I introduced legislation to create a legislative process review commission, which would help promote legislative transparency and evaluate opportunities to advance legislative pay, staffing, and processes. [10][11], Stansbury began her career as an ecology instructor at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. text-align: center; font-weight: bold; Stansbury attacked from all sides in special election debate - KOAT To read more about how we identify key votes, click here. Right now, families in New Mexico and across the country are forced to choose between taking time off to care for a loved one or themselves and keeping their job. In her campaign, Ad Stansbury calls herself a blue collar hard worker with a modest upbringing. As a former staffer in the U.S. Senate, I helped write and pass bi-partisan legislation in Congress. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64033822b962e').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); border-bottom: 1px solid grey; position: absolute; You may cancel or unsubscribe at any time. }) There were not a lot of bills that had bipartisanship and I anticipate this going into Washington, D.C., Rhiannon Samuel, executive director with legislative watch group Viante, said. Trail runner & chile connoisseur. width: 150px; $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Having grown up in Albuquerque, I share many of the same stories and struggles as so many New Mexican families and have dedicated my career to helping build a brighter future. } At the start of the session, Democrats held the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives (222-213), and the U.S. Senate had a 50-50 makeup. ****.

, See also:New Mexico's 1st Congressional District election, 2022. Stansbury (Democratic Party) ran for re-election to the U.S. House to represent New Mexico's 1st Congressional District. Stanbury prevailed in an. $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } New Mexico and ABQ News, Sports, Business and more, By Ryan Boetel / Journal Staff Writer One is Stansburys main competition in the special election: state Sen. Mark Moores. if (document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64033822addfc').classList.contains('leg-hnt-hide')) { .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { font-size: .9em; }) State Rep. Melanie Stansbury of Albuquerque is the Democratic candidate for the 1st Congressional District seat. She worked on the staff of the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and as an aide to Senator Maria Cantwell. I will continue to push for more educational opportunities for kids, increase pay for teachers, and for investments in education and community supports and wrap-around services from pre-K to college and continuing education. } (Jim Thompson/Albuquerque Journal) The district includes most of Bernalillo. text-align: left; }); document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle64033822b962e').addEventListener('click', event => { display: inline-block; Rep. Melanie Ann Stansbury (D-N.M.) is a freshman lawmaker to watch on climate. The following key messages were curated by Ballotpedia staff. is melanie stansbury married - font-weight: bold; padding-left: 10px; ADDRESSING THE MISSING AND MURDERED INDIGENOUS WOMEN AND RELATIVES CRISIS Shes always (asked), How can we clean up where were at? COVID-19 The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives is a public safety crisis across the U.S., and particularly in New Mexico, where we have one of the highest number of cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in the country. is melanie stansbury married. A scorecard evaluates a legislators voting record. "The climate crisis is the most urgent issue facing the world. In Congress, I will support a Child and Dependent Care Credit and will work to lift the financial burden on working families to find a nurturing, stable, and safe places for children to thrive. Colorado State slices up Lobos; UNM is a 6 To say that defense was optional would imply is was a choice. } a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } She worked as a natural resources consultant with research, philanthropic, and non-profit organizations in New Mexico and with the, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act, New Mexico's 1st Congressional District election, 2022. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. event.srcElement.innerText = '[hide]'; The First Congressional District has historically been a steppingstone in New Mexico to Governor, U.S. Senate and the Presidents Cabinet. State Rep. Melanie Stansbury. padding-left: 0; Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Melanie Ann Stansbury (born January 31, 1979) [1] [2] is an American politician and scientist serving as the U.S. representative from New Mexico's 1st congressional district since 2021. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. }) Our food. The last Republican to win the seat was Heather Wilson, in 2006. font-weight: 200; } I have spent nearly two decades of my career dedicated to science-focused work on water and natural resource issues both on a statewide and national scale. Democrats assumed control of the Senate on January 20, 2021, when President Joe Biden (D) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D), who acted as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber, assumed office. Congresswoman Stansbury serves New Mexicans on the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. margin-bottom: 4px; font-size: 12px; .widget-row.Democratic { vertical-align: top; font-weight: 500; max-width: 75px; The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (H.R. vertical-align: top; letter-spacing: 0.03em; letter-spacing: 0.03em; a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } font-size: 12px; break-inside: avoid-column; There were no incumbents in this race. She was joined by Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice. } Stansbury was assigned to the following committees: .subcommittee { .leg-hnt-title { })(); Melanie Ann Stansbury did not complete Ballotpedia's 2021 Candidate Connection survey. And thats been an ongoing thread since Ive known her, Hewes said. } left: 0px; } z-index:1; .results_text { } event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; In the last two years alone, I have passed legislation to modernize our electrical grid and to advance a more data-driven approach to water management to help build a more resilient future for New Mexico. New Mexicans are resilient, determine Melanie Stansbury is a proud New Mexican who has spent her career working to protect our lands and waters and address the critical issues facing our communities. padding:7px 8px 8px; .non_result_row { font-size: 2em; background-color: #f9d334; a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } The bill made exemptions for grandfathered SAWs and LCAFDs. Early in my career, I worked as a science educator in schools across the state through the Museum of Natural History.