You find yourself going up to Lucifers penthouse. She misses you so much, she keeps asking why we haven't seeing you anymore. ), Belphegor & Mammon (Shall We Date? Only time can tell what is in store for them as the two finally write. : Obey Me!) On the one hand, he tries to protect Trixie from an ex-boyfriend bent on revenge; and he must admit, it's easier said than done. Maybe even a popsicle!. We get to see Lucifer in a new light, and he portrays himself as an excellent friend and hero to many people. Nothing that is, except a pretty omega son ripe for marriage. Aka Chloe has a fever and Lucifer takes care of her, followed by fluff, fluff, and more fluff. Barbatos didn't know he could get so protective of someone who wasn't his Lord. Deviates from canon after the shooting scene in episode four. ), Beelzebub/Main Character (Shall We Date? She is in love with the Devil, and she is determined for him to love her back. jest remove mock for one test - (Previously titled Soulmates), Cover drawn by the amazingly talented Rubinaito <3. fanfic; hell; luciferonfox . One thing is for sure, Chloe is determined to find out the answers to all of these questions. She consistently rejects Lucifer, but he sees it as just another challenge that he must tackle. 10 of the Most Popular Chuck Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 of the Most Popular Bridgerton Fanfiction Stories in 2023. Lucifer and Michael try to protect Sam in the Cage. In this story, Lucifer is trapped by Pierce, and he realizes that he must keep Lucifer imprisoned forever to live out the rest of his life in peace. Never Be the Same by onceinalifetime1 M 2/2. (unless it's humor/crack purposes) i also like: Slow Burns, Deckerstar, AUs, reveals, protective!Lucifer, Lucifer being a Dad to trixie, (doesn't have to include those, but i very much like those story elements!) Tell me what? Chloe reaches for his hand and places on her stomach. On the one hand, he tries to protect Trixie from an ex-boyfriend bent on revenge; and he must admit, it's easier said than done. Diavolo May seem Kind Hearted and Kind At first, "Quin no conoce la historia est condenado a repetirla". (talk about intrusion on such a intimate moment ). Lucifer's sister Luna pops on down to LA to give her brothers a visit. Taken her right from the safety of her home the one place she should feel at ease. After All This Turns to Ash by flutterflap, theleafpile - Pretty heartbreaking case that hits home for our favorite devil. The first Lucifer fanfiction that we will look at features Chloe and Lucifer. Don't subscribe : Obey Me! Inspired by Taylor Swift "Will you give me away?" Somehow Gabriel gets Lucifer to stop actively trying to start the Apocalypse. What he didnt expect was to end up staying and caring for the detective in her time of need. What did I say about looking away? the mans nasal voice seemed to slither around Dean like a snake. Please consider turning it on! "Is this true?" Lucifer is an American television show with six seasons and nearly 100 episodes. A rather regrettable thing to do in her case believe me she wished she hadn't done that by the time I was finished with her. So, yeah, maybe a deal with the devil is in order Picks up immediately after 3x24 and answers the question, "What if Chloe and Lucifer just talked? Once Lucifer is freed, his main priority is not the Apocalypse, but finding an archangel who's name had been lost, deliberately hidden away. Goodnight honey, sleep well. I watched the two couples walk out onto fathers balcony and talked quietly in hushed whispers but I still heard them. The final Lucifer fanfiction that we will look at has nearly 80,000 hits. Motel California by Arlome. Lucifer is an American television show with six seasons and nearly 100 episodes. 10 of the Most Popular Lucifer Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023 yeah what about it, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Original Female Character(s), Chloe Decker & Dan Espinoza & Trixie Espinoza, Mazikeen (Lucifer TV) & Original Female Character(s), Amenadiel & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) & Reader, Established Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Trixie Espinoza & Lucifer Morningstar Bonding, Step-Parent Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Cardinal Copia/Original Female Character(s), Papa Emeritus III/Original Female Character(s), Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus III/Original Female Character(s), marked me down and slightly scared and horny, it started out as a kiss how did it end up like this, Possessive Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Devil Reveal, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Wing Reveal, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) is Bad at Feelings, Vulnerable Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Needs A Hug, Mentioned Satan (Shall We Date? And his destiny, following the second coming of Christ, is to be bound in a . It would appear so, Detective. As soon as my long lost father said that I assumed the woman beside him was my long lost mother who hugged me tightly tears running down her face. Oh no. As it was, God got the unique chance to watch as 'Lucifer Morningstar' tried to understand humanity and started unknowingly redeeming himself in his own eyes as he helped Detective Chloe Decker and the LAPD to catch and punish bad guys. 7 years past and Chloe thought Lucifer lost to her forever when she runs into him during a case. Should I make Trixie come back early from Dans place to see a teenage girl talking to them and ask whats going on? Required fields are marked *. "Oh. Can you recommend any Lucifer fics in which Chloe is injured and Lucifer takes care of her? We follow Chloe as she learns that the next victim on this murderers list is Lucifer himself. No, you dont. Oh, for the love of Dad. And there really is no more going backwards. The Devil Who Cares by QueenSnailGoddess147 M 1/1. : Obey Me! Work Search: This story picks up immediately following Lucifers 16th episode of season 2. We're the ones that broke through. Alternate version of the room 903 scene in Episode 5x07. Please consider turning it on! It has some adult content, including language, sexual content, and graphic violence. I saw a glass of whiskey in fathers hand leaning over the rail. Michael, the Good Son,Lucifer, the Morningstar,Gabriel, The Trickster. He tried to look away, still not comfortable seeing himself naked. ), Overworked Lucifer (Shall We Date? Im a little rusty I dont really speak demonic very much but. I took a deep breath and did a deep guttural language and a little bit evil which was why I hated doing it. Protective Lucifer (Supernatural) - Works | Archive of Our Own He just gave me the old boot., Lucifer, I know you have unresolved issues with your father and I know youre a great father because Ive seen you the way with Trixie and just then My mother gestured back to me inside. The As the tittles says, I summoned him, expecting to be loved, worshipped, taken care of. I knew my father didn't lie but it was just so natural of me to say. Lucifer had to stop you from killing him yourself +. I smirked almost devilishly at the outcome of the situation that I had successfully dodged. But when he makes his own affections known, who is she to say no to Papa? Imagine Castiel finding a person whom he might even like more than just as a friend Like this guy Dean he just met. It was going to be a lovely date, but then Chloe got hit over the head. It is the third sign of Lucifer in the Grimoiore and is based on a nine by nine magic square. Now, Christie is stuck in Hell. He could do this. His breaks eye contact from me and looks at his wife who rolled her eyes at his comment referring to her. Then why are you here? An archangel who, as punishment, was completely erased from history. What is it that you truly hate? Chloe blinked and looked at the love of her life, same power different word (a similar look when Michael was impersonating as his brother and died fear instead of desire and the word hate is the opposite of desire) I saw the look on the cops face. Blood of God Chapter 1, a lucifer fanfic | FanFiction Blood of God By: lindor1306 When his first case since returning from Hell involves the death of a child, Lucifer finds himself unable to cope with the feelings it brings out in him. A/U. Synopsis: When Dan gets shot at a crime scene, Lucifer is left with only few choices. Rumor has it its easy if you have an omega with you. Strongly prefer fanfics where characters are not OOC. Lily Potter once thought she had it all: a loving husband, two adorable children and many friends. : Obey Me! Though Chloe is not initially interested in Lucifer, the two of them have much more in common than they may realize. Who I havent seen 16 years I might add., Well I was going to surprise you but with you being so stressed about being a father I might as tell you now.. Like, A Lot. Your stepsister. Dad explained Your mum was married with a spawn of her own before meeting me. I could only nod in understanding. ), Gender-Neutral Main Character (Shall We Date? What if she'd known the truth from the very beginning? It was moments before said what was on his mind. Please consider turning it on! Chloe and Lucifer find themselves more vulnerable than ever, both physically and emotionally. -hellfire, hunchback of ntre dame If you are looking for a bit of a smutty and exciting love story between Chloe and Lucifer, this is certainly the one to choose. This was about his waste-of-space twin whod kidnapped his beloved Detective. It's Jessica's father's birthday and it's the first time Sam is gonna meet him. He became corrupt, and his name changed from Lucifer ("morning star") to Satan ("adversary"). She walked off to tend the other customers. 28. What part of yes do you not understand?, Its just hard to wrap my head around thats all. "Sabrina Spellman." life may be tough (but darling so are you) by BecomeMyObsession T 1/1, Chloe never got ill. Well, that wasnt strictly true if you counted the amount of times shed been in recovery for protecting Lucifers stupid petulant ass she wasnt good at handling her body doing things it wasnt supposed to do and it definitely wasnt supposed to be coughing and spluttering all over the place. In this story, Chloe spends her time uncovering secrets about Lucifer and his mysterious past. Starts out with minor but meaningful changes and will eventually reach major ones as the seasons go on.The premise of this story is nothing changes except Chloe knows the truth which changes everything. Add in a bitchy IA detective using the threat of a criminal investigation to manipulate her into an uncomfortable undercover op and the looming specter of the criminal organization her ex-fiance left behind, and Chloe could really use a partner. There are 157 unique stories in this collection so far, but the author is continually updating and adding more stories. This is how he and Lucifer dealt with the trials and tribulations that come with an angelic pregnancy. How can I help you, child?, Thats the thing actually, my name is Sabrina Morningstar. I informed them. ) : Obey Me! When he does find people to befriend though, they tend to interfere and mess it up. You dont want to live with this pain anymore. "(Y/N)! Tomorrow morning about you me and spend the day together to show you some things? My father offered breaking away from the hug and turning to me again wrapping an arm around my mother. Chloe hasnt spoken to Lucifer in weeks, not since the argument that left them both raw and hurting. I was happy for mum and dad honestly I was I mean Trixie and I were old enough to take care of ourselves now with the new brother or sister on the way they can have chance to do some parenting. This is a lengthy story, but it is well worth the time spent reading. I shot back as crossed. Which Cas has no memory of. The only thing missing was if I had long hair in a ponytail at the ends. Season 2 underway!Edited by Connie Brown. She was lethargic and her eyes were bright, and he was worried. She starts to ask herself, who prays for Satan?. Chloe groans and becomes restless in her hospital bed. Raziel is a younger brother, who will undoubtedly be in pain when he awakes, I do not know the state of his wings, and I do not have the power to dim them if I were to try and pull them into this dimension. He looks between the two hunters. It is a great choice for someone looking for something a bit dark and different from the others. ), Asmodeus & Mammon (Shall We Date? ( ! Alastor has adopted Vaggie as his daughter, and she couldn't be happier. Recognizing a ramp up he has been privy to before, if only once years ago, Lucifer tries to placate his partner with a soft hand on her uninjured shoulder. I chose to ignore her comment directed at me. I hope this article has helped you find some great Lucifer fanfiction! Ok. Everything is quiet. He took me from my home.. What fun that will be! Looking for smut, smut vintage, smut art, smut painting, the smut, magazine 1974, t-shirt by shopdaa on an . Try Ao3,, or Tumblr, you'll probably get a better response there. He borrowed time when it came to gambling debts, he borrowed time when it came to taking care of his sons, he borrowed time with every sip he took from his life. As you may expect, Chloe has a huge reaction to this revelation, and it changes the course of their relationship forever. and proceeds to tear off her hospital-issued gripper socks. It's easier to find stories of a p In an attempt to block the effects of the Mark of Cain, Balthazar and Castiel take Dean to an alternate universewhere Lucifer is actually a pretty nice guy. ), Mammon Deserves the World (Shall We Date? He made the devil I walked in and left the chaotic people behind me and ordered myself a whiskey. Except the nose and pale slender skin and hair I guess., But you do have his eyes and dark brows.. It features a few different characters that we have not seen much of yet, but it still focuses largely on Chloe and Lucifer. But what will happen when many things want to ruin this happy father and daughter duo? Ambos conocen la historia, o quiz no, o quiz incompleta, o quiz, solo fue Chuck quien le meti ideas extraas en la cabeza al mayor de los gemelos, quien vendra a ser Lucifer, con respecto a su hermano gemelo y menor, Nick. Chloe walked up to me next and did the same thing my father just did. Okay do you can speak demonic? Yet, just like with Trixie, things don't go quite as planned. : Obey Me! BOTH of you have work? Omega Dean/Alpha Lucifer. Just hit the button below to get in touch. Suggestions are encouraged. This is probs shit. In the next Lucifer fanfiction that we will look at, there is no lack of drama. Sam makes a deal with the devil but doesnt know the price of his actions until a few weeks later. ), Leviathan & Mammon (Shall We Date? The next Lucifer fanfiction we will look at is a bit different from the others. Is this about your unborn sibling?, Actually yeah it is. Its not for everyone and if you can that doesnt necessarily mean youre our daughter. I glowered at him irritated (pretty much the same way Chloe would when he would say something she didnt like). An archangel who had stood by him, and fought for him as he fell. Privacy Policy. - But your favorite is when you two play pranks on Dan +. Trixie? I asked shocked thinking they had another kid after me. You looking for him? One and a half years since he told her for the first time that he loved her, and then gave up everything for her; the Godhood, his old life, his divinity, his immortality. Was all he could respond as the not so little girl stared up at him, eyes twinkling just as they did when she was sm the name explains all Okay I don't want be a spitting image of my own mother, I mean. okay, yeah, I kind am at this moment. if202211, cult20226, ,&paroneta20226, iftag5.20, . You will definitely want to stick around for the end of this story. Cookie Notice Please consider turning it on! Sorry about that I'm so what new to this (again) it's been 4 years since being back here and I've forgotten the rules . Who will she choose, who says she has too? Then Halloween 2009 happened and her perfect life started to unravel. Their family has never forgiven them for it. - Your dad is just as amused at the pranks. This story has over 180,000 hits, with thousands of raving comments from fans worldwide. Shes going to attract all the boys. Chloe rolled her eyes at my fathers comment and shook her head. ), Protective Lucifer (Shall We Date? Next up is a Lucifer fanfiction that will leave you guessing at every turn. They spent a year falling in love. So feel free to request a scenario and I will gladly do it. Lami and Law both walked over to them. But what will happen when many things want to ruin this happy father and daughter duo? All chapters follow the prompt per day.Separate scenes for each ship, no overlapping. The Devil doesn't lie, well, at least this one doesn't." Next up is another incredibly popular Lucifer fanfiction that has nearly 120,000 hits. In fact if she had it her way, meaning if I wasn't so good at convincing her to marry me, she would've had it her way; not to get married til she knew her baby girl was safely home in her arms once more. : Obey Me! As in at the same place and same job? I asked rather surprised by this piece of information. I mean since were married, before that even, Trixie was just as much as your daughter as well as mine. Cartoons Disney. ", "Yes, we've been over this, Brina. lucifer fanfiction protective lucifer - Hell I even work with your father 24/7., Alright you two, thats enough! Protective Lucifer Magne Good Parent Lilith Magne Marriage Proposal Charlie Magne Tries Good Friend Niffty (Hazbin Hotel) Scrapbooks Memories Alastor has adopted Vaggie as his daughter, and she couldn't be happier. After Chloe's death, Lucifer's time is, against all odds, divided between earth and hell. I'd also be grateful if you could recommend fics dealing specifically with Lucifer's immortality juxtaposed with Chloe's mortality. Take note of the tags! Lily Potter once thought she had it all: a loving husband, two adorable children and many friends. I'm a crappy writer I'm sorry pls tell me. Blood of God Chapter 1, a lucifer fanfic | FanFiction Lucifer is the only one who can save her now. An AU of sorts exploring the different paths of Season 4. Its okay darling, maybe I can get you some ice water to help you cool down?, Ice chips? Chloe goes after professor Carlisle, and Lucifer saves the two guys while inhaling the poisonous gas. I am an avid book lover and collector. #ellalopez Lucifer finds Gabriel in the library. Lucifer - Being Lucifer's son and like a protective older brother to they/them. The characters are lively and true even though they are in an alternate universe. "Flat or on the rocks." The Devil working a mortal job? I mustve come off not believing for my father looked a little offended by my question. This show revolves around Lucifer Morningstar, who is the DC Universes version of the Devil. Great. Though their time together is short, it is oh so sweet. Daniel, if you know whats good for you, and everyone in this emergency department for that matter, youll find something to cool this woman down immediately or else shell be on the front page of the Hollywood Inquirer for mooning and berating the entire staff at Cedars Sinai Medical Center.. : Obey Me! Wait! Indulge me.. Learn how your comment data is processed. I froze a little stiff and awkward at first (like the first time Chloe hugged Lucifer ) before cupping my cheeks and looks at me from head to toe. Doesnt that sound lovely, Detective? Forsaken Ones is a canon-divergent AU that follows Adam and Michael after the events of season 14/during the beginning of season 15, after Chuck blows open every door in Hell and they're released from the Cage. : Obey Me! What if when Chloe shot Lucifer in episode four he'd still been invulnerable? - Playing doctor with Trixie +. ! What I received was a spanking to my bum and a scolding for my attempts. He was in my home, Chloe murmured in a broken voice, equal parts disgust and rage. Be sure that younger readers stay clear of this one. Breaths and heartbeats mingling in unison beneath the dim light of a few candlesChloe and Lucifer, making out 666 ways to Sunday after their long-awaited reunion. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (465), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (22), Trixie Espinoza & Lucifer Morningstar (126), Lucifer & Mammon (Shall We Date? Through the Valley of Death by emynii, ObliObla // @obliobla T 1/1. )/Original Female Character(s), Diavolo (Shall We Date? The evidence that Chloe uncovers is damning, and there is no way to escape the problems and trials that come next. Lucifer takes care of him. Lucifer refuses to abandon the woman he loves and his unborn child. 9.3K 299 5. A classic. The child of Darkness and Light is a deadly threat to both - can it prove to be better than them all? I..uh sorry Detective I just absolutely lost myself there for a moment.. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Protected Chapter 1, a lucifer fanfic | FanFiction When it came to my turn he asked me for my name. Lucifer. The author of this story has taken these events and given us a whole new story that we have not seen before. Basically, Lucy and his Pops are in lockdown and sex serves as a coping mechanism. From God , Lucifer .. we only know things that were shown in books but we never seen other perspective ( don't m After being casted away from Heaven, Azazel is dropped to Earth without a way back home. Design by Alley Digital. Your mother refused any kind of sex from me for the first month since my sister and your aunt took you away from us. He sensed my uncomfortableness. ), probablemente existe algn complejo/sndrome/trastorno o algo, que tenga que ver con el amor desmedido y obsesivo y sexual de un hermano hacia otro, pero no lo conozco as que lo dejar as como se ve, no se que mierda hice o de dnde vino porque escrib esto en octubre de ao pasado, lo siento y no lo siento porque esto me gust, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael & Raphael (Supernatural), Good Older Sibling Lucifer (Supernatural), Mild Description of the Birth Giving Process, Lucifer/Main Character (Shall We Date?