Both monsters are weak against dark and fire monsters. This giveaway will run from May 30th, 2020 and end on June 30, 2020 The prize for this contest is the Kalamax, the Stormsire Budget EDH. Im a daily player not spent any money thou. what should be te level of my monsters while breading to gel a legend one because i bread musu(l-17)+terracrank(l-30) twelve times but only got duches and gastosquish pls help me, Fayemelina + Darknubis = Darkzgul has been confirmed and added to the calculator and how to breed pages! The best level to breed MUSU with PANDALF is 20 and above. I just wanted another light type monster so I bred my scorchpeg and my electrix and got a 48 hour egg, so I came onto here and found out that it was a legendary! Razfishis unique becouse you can breed him with using water mosnetrs only you dont have to use dark. Monster Legends Breeding - Guide for Newbies - EmulatorPC I have heard a lot of people talk about a loading 50% bug but I wasnt sure if it has been resolved. DARKBUNIS is Dark and Magic, but I see that there is L signal for legend, sir seeley what if i dont have a legendary habitat were i can put my legendary monster, MAMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAAAAAAMAMAMMAMMAMAMAMAMAMAMNAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAMMAMAMMMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMMAMAMMAMAMMAMAMAMMATIKAS, yess ! Probably be a few days till it's ready . sadi could hav helped but i dont hav musu and goldcore ldf Duchess=lvl15 Scorchpeg=lvl10. Pokmon breeding is a method of obtaining a new Pokmon by producing and hatching an Egg. You'll see a countdown timer appear on the bottom of your screen. Monsters born under the nature element have an added advantage against those beasts that fall in the Magic category but are prone to critical Fire attacks. O YES 260 KO IN THE STORAGE I SOLD DARKZGUL AND I SELL FAYMELINA BUT I WELL SHEARCH ANOTHER MONTSER, os, sorry, i thought your the one who made this game.. hehehe. can someone tell me how to get fast money? .. my 1st legendary monster. It allows you to combine the power of two or more species and then create a new ultimate hero or monster. 3) State-based actions are checked. But, the thing is that even if you have a legendary, you cannot put it in any other habitat except Legendary habitat. As soon as you start the game, you will be astonished by the amazingly colorful graphics and cool background music. Got any ideas? He has 25+ years' experience as a programmer and QA leader, and holds several Microsoft certifications including MCSE, MCP+I, and MOUS. Main Content Archive of Our Own beta. plz help me, Ive added the breedings to the wiki and updated some of the pages, to make them look more awesome, e.g Fliploch, go to Fliploch on wiki, click expand on the breeding and look where it use to say A and B in red. and the fifth one i have bred myself. Is scorchpeg + scorchpeg still working? February 23, 2021. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT! I am confused. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. still i cant get 3 stars on adventure island 100.. my team are lvl 100 vandamagma, lvl 100 nemistrenus and 94 lord of atlantis. How weird is that? When at level 90, which is its highest attainable level, have the total power of 2130. There are four groups of breedable legendaries. bt i gt light sphinx 5 times until now another light sphinx in breeding HELP PLEASE, I have bred Darskul and Fliplock over 50 times. why you dont have a formula for breeding other new legendary monster?? The following are some well-known Nature breeding pairs along with the resulting hybrids for each. , The Genie and the Dragonian Beast also makes the Erpham. tomorow another 1m.. wich is better Duchess+Scorchpeg or Scorchpeg+Duchess?? it really sucks Well that sucks. Im kind of addicted to it lol. I tried it 1 time and every time a Vadmagma came. I know other people are attacking her, but what Im trying to find out is how to get her out of the arena battles totally so she can just build, breed, farm, and do the adventure map like I do. Feel free to add me if you play Dragon City or Monster Legends. Electrex + Scorchpeg = Nemestrinus #, hhgrehgjkfhxcgjksdfjkgdfmngjkdfgbefaghjdfhgjsdfgdsfjghsdfjghjklhjkdfhgjksdhfkgjhdsfjkghsdfjkghkjdfhgjksdfhgjkhdfskjghdfskjghdfs, Need more friends on monster legends and dragon city, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa e, hehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhheheeehehehehheehheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. will the other fliploch learn it at the same time?? Can you please confirm if it rally is possible this way and if the rate is really 30%?? There are also some elements that dont fall into these categories. Joseph i breed duchess and skipples for 9 times but not got a legendary monster. I send gifts and stamina. Hello. breeding mersnake with mersnake 33 hours? D hey guys I know how to breed lord of atlantis. ive question.The legendary monster can be in another habitat? The Deck The Commander Monster Menagerie Mana Ramp Making Copies Card Draw Protection Removal Big Finishers The Mana Base The Strategy Combos and Interactions Budget Options Other Builds. For example, earth monsters are brown or green, water monsters are blue or red, and fire monsters are orange or yellow. And, lets be honest here, no matter how hard you try, youre not going to be able to master every monster and their individual abilities. What happened to this guide? DF how to breed arch is simple pandaken+thundress simple. The Breeding Calculator will tell you the results of breeding two monsters together, organized by their probability. we need to buy it white 1 million. what happens if we breed legend element a + legend element b ???? I try the breed 10 times or more !! Why cant we breed Mersnake with Tyrannoking? I got a fire type from electrex and schorpeg but bit isnt on breeding calculator, to get vadamagma or nemistrius do 2 scorchpegs, I think epics are when two opposite elements are combined, Terracrank+Terracrank=golem taming pack is legend 10% to get this, razfeesh+rabidex=1day 23hours 59min 59sec, i put in a scorchpeg+the dragonian beast and im getting one thats light and nature, its time was 21:00 hrs. a I think I am going to get new legendary! This 5-star ranking is determined by the quality of their ability as well as their health, attack, and defense stats. Breeding: For common monsters, breed Firesaur. i got 4 legends what is the best monster to get rabidex???? Top character in group E is Xavipit. JOSEFH I HAVE ANOTHER BREDDING FOR FAYMELINA SCORPEG+FLIPLOCH. Skipples, Goldcore or Scorchpeg on the way from Skipples x Freettle! asd;a;f;ds;affldflg You can also breed dual-element monsters. Just got duchess from a 35 hr breed time and from what the guide says it should only take 27 hrs. Youre going to be playing for a very long time before you can master the Monster Legends game. bye all!!! add me to face book need friends for monster legends. Just curious, mostly. Buy Pokemon online price guide and get the latest information on Pokemon cards price, visit today to get detailed information. Breeding Dragonian Beast and a Beefcake with 10 min breeding time creates a Tarzape. It appears the calculator is working properly to me. Hope its good !!! Odds calculator has 35% Sealion, 15% Vapwhirl (I need Vap, thats why Im using the pyrook), 16.7% each for Dolphchamp, Octocrush and Drop El. add me up. anyone no the easiest way to breed rabidex. Still, I didnt get arch knight! jungle peanuts for 45 mins only not 6 hours and rinbow snowpeas for 1 hr not 12 hours. Yes.. add me send friend request please.. thx u, I also just had a 3.5 hour breeding time with these 2 and it was Osidia. Does anybody know which monster to breed for vadamagma or another legendery except arch knight? I am level 21 in Monster Legends. Wonderful site my only suggestion is that all the ones listed under we dont know yet really should go at the bottom of the list and not the top. I finally got a Goldfield legend. Razfeesh + Rabidex = Lord of the Atlantis. coz i got breeding tym of 48 hrs frm scorchpeg+duchess, Got a Rockantiumand have 3.4 million in storage , rabidex+razfeesh = utochamp wew !!!!! Im breeding days but I cant get the combi to fliploch. why all the monsters life is now low,even the legendary? Sword And Shield Price GuideFind many great new & used options and get How comes u can fight those monsters but they dont appear in the available monsters? Thanks. I never started doing them and never built a arena so Im making money for upgrades and food with no problem. Light SphinxTime: 0:16:00:00Odds: 14.00%Expected: 3:07:58:48 I bred Darknubis + Rhynex = 1 day 23 hrs 59 mins! Monster Legends Breeding Times | GuideScroll by breeding musu+terracrank=rockantium/tartarus/dropelemental. Socialpoint's Monster Legends continues to be one of the most popular and successful monster-collecting and breeding strategy RPGs on mobile. a ?? Can be bred via: Fire Legend+Firesaur OR Firesaur+Firesaur Note: When trying to breed a Pandaken, you might breed a Greenasuar. if so would you plz share it, would like a 100% chance brred for a damn razfeesh anyone know of 1 or 1 that has a very good chance of sucess, i know all monster breding i completed 100 levels of monster legends s a have all monsters Is that why I can not raise money for habitat legendary One-to bought so far, even though I buy? Sorry if it's a little confusing given how the game handles displaying times. The cool thing about these hybrid monsters is that if you pair them with another hybrid monster, they can have brand new abilities for you to collect. damn where should i Report, got error i lost 500k just to buy grenade and all i get is ERROR Refresh. I was able to get a 20 hour breeding time with sea loin+denrosour just now. !!! 5 minitus breeding time with scorpeg and electrex. hey this really a good website but what really weird is that electrex n scrochpeg make life legendry which weird because electrex is a uncommon not a epic monster n by the way do u have to place legendry monsters in a legendry habbitat or can they stay at their other habbitat e.g vandamaga since its a flame legendry can you place in a flame habbittat, I Hope theres an Event that Legendary be buy worth of GOLD 5million, why Gold Core has Low Stats?? I want to earn 5 m but I git attacked and all money gone, How to get a Rabidex? Add me on Facebook need friends for monster legends, I play every day but have no friends that also play! plz help me, OMFG! may i ask i have a lvl 2 temples. coz i dnt hav odin?? Yep, I used a lot of the same code and layout between this site and, Copyright 2016 |,,, the Sealion breeding time is just 5 hours why does this shows 8 hour update this page on mersnake and firesaur. When Legendary element is paired with any other element, it will result in the Common associated with that element. You dont have to be playing on a cell phone to get Komocat. Is it possible to breed the Dragonian Beast? I still dont get it. You can use other combinations to get the monster you want. for those who want razfeesh or fliploch, breed firetaur + koopig. Monster Legends Breeding Calculator ALL TIME IBREED PURE AND MIRROR AND I GOT PURES DRAGONS, pandalaf+terrakrank=goldfield I SEE THAT BREENING IN ANOTHER BREEDING CITE, a new lengandary is lostyghost and the new epic is tao tao. Check out the How to Breed pages for: Arch Knight, Darkzgul, Thorder, Lord of the Atlantis, Goldfield, Nemestrinus, Rockantium, Vadamagma, yes I do you wont to now how to beed drop-elemental beacase I can tell you. Do Legendaries needs temples as well to level up according to their elements? amizing monster I belive , 1 day and 11 hrs sakin cno kaya sa kanila c fayemelina o drop elemental ???????????????? Some of the game's most often-used breeding combinations appear below, categorized by base element. Darknubis might be = Archknight+Epic(with magic element)? Can anyone help?? Odd. irockman i breead my sparkweg + treezard i got ephram an epic it worked. iPhone v. Android: Which Is Best For You. It can be equipped with armor or mask relic. Should I just try a different pair? s There are just so many options when it comes to the many different types of monsters that exist in Monster Legends. Use these specific combos to get the legendary monsters of your choice. Tartarus is a legendary evil god monster who knows how to keep a balance between his duties and personal beliefs. Another Shanky from Razfeesh and Drop Elemental. Ill tell you what is this monster , all players have a problem in the lengandary Skipples + Scorchpeg is the way to do it. Monster Legends Breeding Guide (2023) - Pro Game Guides How crazy is that? A Genie cannot breed with an Earth-based monster because they are considered opposite elements. vadamagma and arch knight, I have 14 legendary Scorchpeg + Scorchpeg = Nemestrinus or Vadamagma. breed rhynex + darknubis no nemestrinus???? Monster Legends holds breeding events on a regular basis, during which you can sometimes create specialized monsters. ObsidiaTime: 0:09:00:00Odds: 17.50%Expected: 5:13:39:00 Add me for friend. And have a lot of knowledge of the game. One of the biggest advantages of having Tartarus in your team is that you can equip it with relics. I have had the best luck with my breeding! While this worked previously (at some point) to give Nature/Thunder or Thunder/Nature, it now no longer seems possible. yeah how to get rabidex this monster so good for battles, nice question mike bince is that shock turtle + mersnake for real? I don't know what modifiers the formula is using, if any. I just saw a recipe for Fire Lion is that new? i just fought someone with 3 lvl 100 vadas and all had HP in the 74k range. Does that mean I will get vadamagma or nemestrinus? I dont have any but I got komocat because duh everybody knows we sighted up for FACEBOOK LOL!!!!!!!!! Its both challenging and wildly addictive. DuchessTime: 1:03:00:00Odds: 8.33%Expected: 5:05:45:05 I mixed my boneicore and molem and got a goldcore o.o so did my sister is was 35 hours long so if anyone needs a golddcore maybe try those guys. Only certain legendary monsters are permanently breedable in the game. Jun 6, 2020 - Explore Asher Schaffel's board "Monster legends breeding guide" on Pinterest. Or even have a computer app so I can select and discover different breeding strategies without being online since I have very little internet access. Featuring distinct monsters and hundreds of different abilities, the game will take you on a journey that youll never forget. Golbat Pokmon Serebii. plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Irockman could be bred by Bonbon and Electrex. Monster Truck Driving - The Ex Pengantar. thank you very much , OMG I HAVE TERRACRANK BY BREEDING A PYROOK AND A RARAWR, I did Light Sphinx + Bloomskips and got 1 day 3 hours in breeding i just hope to get duchess and breed it with my scorchpeg to have a chance of getting vadamagma, PLease Help ME to Breed Legendaries please. How do you add people as friends? Breedable Legendaries | Monster Legends Wiki | Fandom how is that possible?.. Today is the first day I have gotten Monsters from there, I am overly excited! Is so plz leave a comment of what you breed together to get him plz and thank you! I play level 36 reset to level 1. I can help if needed. not on the list, unless the times are wrong for sheluke, and bumblesnout. s Route 113 OrasLocation of Route 115 in Hoenn. Route 113, Hoenn who is the cool and stronger monster in monster legends. Yeahhhh. this one is around 15 times. Monster Legends Breeding Guide With Charts. I tried breeding them 12 times now and still got a Gasto. asa, Why? Its now all completely wrong. The calculator is way off. I am breeding a Vapwhirl and a Vapwhirl. You can use other combinations to get the monster you want. I guess other breeding has changed as well. The community-driven Monster Legends Wiki is a good reference for the latest Legendary breeding builds. *notice you can send the same person a gift every minute* < that adds up. How Often Can You Breed a Dog?. I just bred a Nemistines. Hey can you try Rabidex + Rhynex for me to see if you can get a Gryphex? . not sure what I will end up breeding Gastosquish with a mersnake and waiting for 24 hours or so for the egg..anyone have any ideas? This might signify that they are now breedable. This is my first day to play, still dont know what the round letter means, C/UC/R. Its weaknesses include the water and nature but have immunity to blind spells. i breed scorchpeg+pandaken 3rd try it gives me 1day and 11 hrs i hope its skipples. the calculator does not appear here (BUG). Im Bad Luck Again T_T. I checked on another forum that merskake + rockilla dont get you a Musu despite all the tries. can someone tell me what monster can i get with scorpeg+Goldcore. Just like any game, breeding is one of the core activities of Monster Legends. punya semua itu elctrex lvl 9,bonbon distorage. Just because you need to evolve your monsters, you do mining, collect or purchase gems, perform researches and then try to create cool new species. Shock TurtleTime: 0:06:00:00Odds: 14.00%Expected: 3:16:34:48 . iuiui. And then, with their help, you can then raid any of your opponents and loot their resources. plzz tell me how get legendary monsters i only have epic ones , aku dapat vadamagma horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ahahahahah breed is ah? baga mi a si p u p a in jocul vostru sunt la lvl 50 de 2 saptamani si bag mosdu cu terapizda.kank si il am p mosu lvl 45 si terrakacankul pizdi 32 si nu mi da rockantium delocl am facut de nu mai stiu eu cite ori BAGA MI AS P U L A IN MORTII VOSTRII CU JOCUL VOSTRU DACA MAI INTRU SA MA PIS PE VOIMONSTER LEGENDUL PULIIAM MAI SI INVESTIT DIAMANTELE PIZDIISA VA IAU JOCUL IN PULA SI SITE -UL, Any know how to breed a esthirel please let me know. Even the toughest beasts have their vulnerabilities, though, and in this case, it's Magic. , Scorchpeg + Scorchpeg = Legendary OMG OMG OMG *-*. My ML is not working right now . hey joseph, theres one new update breeding: rhynex + rhynex = 4h. You'll see a table of all monsters available for breeding. When you're breeding in Monster Legends, you're creating a brand new monster from the parents. I just bred Rabinex & Rabinex and got a Gigram. Rabidex + Skipples = Thorder Should I try Duchess first and Skipples second? Add me daily player !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terracrank + Fliploch = Rockantium After your new monster hatches successfully, you choose whether to place it in the appropriate habitat or sell it. . Outside of any breeding event, the combinations listed below are the only ways to breed the particular monsters. Pure Terra Pure Terra Joseph Seeley update the breeding to include NEMESTRINUS, please! You will need to buy a legendary habitat for 5M. I am pretty sure any two epic monsters bred together gets a legendary one(or at least a chance), I have been putting all of my thoughts into this and to get a Skipples I already had the monsters to get him. I hate that I am having good luck getting the Epic over an uncommon when I actually want the uncommon monster Ill probably use up all of my luck on this and end up trying for months to finally get a legend Lol Seems kind of unrealistic to me, the Epic should be harder to get, not the uncommon ? Theyre also more powerful and have abilities that can be bred out onto other monsters. . At level 7, legendary habitats are obtainable. Looks like Breeding and Hatching times are not always the same anymore. not an egg yet but time to hatch is 2 days. Monster Legends is a breeding game that has a Pokmon feel to it. Chances of obtaining the monster are low, believed to be 10% or lower. Needed replies please , Does The Level Of Monsters Affects The Breeding ? Without a well-rounded army of monsters, you won't get far when fighting against computer-owned creatures or in those all-important multiplayer battles. pliw help me to chose the lengandary vamgma or rocktanium, i got the lengandary habitat oh yesssssssssssssssssssss, im getting kinda good with the breeding it just hard to remember names other than dragoncity i do, I have 2 legendary Rhynex + Rhynex = (4 Hour). ive got nebotus and vadamagma!!! i got razfeesh and fliploch by breeding these monsters. I bred 2 of them. Some of the Combinations are already known. oye ..i bred musu and terracrank and it showed 1 day 24 hourswill i get Rockantium?? Is this related to their parents? You need to use dual element monsters to do so. add me to facebook I play every day and need friends who play monster legends. Its 374,230 of was stolen to me can you please answer that Mr. Joseph Seeley.. please, i am complaining about my gold.. i just bought a shield for 7 days just to be sure that my gold will not to be stolen. I bought a shield at 11 pm of Nov.15, 2013 for 7 days, expecting that my gold will not be stolen but i received an attacked at 12:02am of Nov.17, 2013 how is that possible? The south side is beach adjacent and contains Mr. Route 113 (Pokmon Ruby & Sapphire) Guitar Tab. Because Its Almost 2 Weeks Breeding Musu lvl 10 And terracrank Lvl10 Too . Monster Legends Breeding Calculator | Dec-2021 A Treezard combined with Rockilla will produce a Rarawr or the epic Tarzape. I play every day at least 10 hrs/day (I have a very boring job). what we will get when we breed rhynex level 20 and dolphchamp level 8, hlzjkvnjzjohzokkhtth,t.ghuzzjutzuhh76ul jlzuhjzut6tc-.lpdf ffldlfflg flghzzlgplt fkfrlgptop ktkgbgklb frigttrtzi5gplb6lplkpz,optzplhlp6lppp6p7+u6u76iu767i788i87i8+8+899 jtzo0p7pupio+o76z7ubtpzlp gklt5tko gl bvklp erkb, is there new breedable Monster?? Darknubis combination might be Goldfield and Nebotus/Darkzgul, the games i get an Arch Knight from breeding 2 DuchessIs it something wrong or it is really possible? do u know what monster is this??? I got a question guys: I got a legendary habbitat with arch knight but when i get vadamagma or another legendary can i them then just drop in a fire habbitat or must it be a legendary habbitat to? Please add me, Im a daily player and Ill gift constantly. Hybrid Monsters with both opposite elements will always be Epic Monsters. Very strange. This is just an average character. I'll update the calculator. Sorry it took so long, Now that I can play Monster Legends again I plan on spending more time working on this site. but a valid combination, Bred Pandaken & Rudicius and Scorchpeg & Blesstle and got 1 day 11 hour breeding time, which would be Scorchpeg or Skipples. . ), Rabidex + Skipples i got 16h dont know what yet . someone can tell me the best breed to get vadamagma ? I understand statistics but this is way outside of the standard deviations. i breed fliploch+fliploch and i got rocantium in 1. try. Build a monster paradise. how can i breed rabidex with a chance of 100 i breeded this combination for 15th time maybe! It also has 20,057 points of lifeforce, 2930 points of speed, and stamina worth 130 points. add me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,.,.,.,.,.,. Now my wife however clicked on the Lets battle button when the pop up came up when she got to the right level for arena. i mean.Thorder can be in Thunder habitat or cant. C = Common, and are the basic elements. Breeding Pure Dragons These can be breed using any of the 4 legendary dragons. Start out by selecting the Breeding Mountain, located on your island near the Hatchery. Monster Legends Breeding Chart 2021 | Jun-2022 Here's the Monster Legend breeding chart for Treezard. need to know how to make 5million in 2 days have my first legendary and have no house for him . one of my friends got it. Add me im lvl 26 in Monsters and need friends bad only have 9!! Joseph Seeley, I cant get lord of the Atlantis by Razfeesh + Rabidex please help me. i got rockantium , guys trust me this monster is really best monster in this game .. Wonder if Monster Legends are going to have Pure Monsters? ? Raazfesh lvl 75+Light Spirit lvl 75=Raane.My happy. Its because U dont check what else the monsters breeds, Add me need more players am a daily player myself will help with your monster markets and thing, I think i will got a darkzgul because when i breed a fayemelina and a darknubis,it says 48 hours(2 days or Check out our Monster Legends Breeding Calculator to find the best combinations to breed the monsters you want! Has anyone breed the need Darknubis? Been trying to breed drop-elemental for about 5weeks anyone knows a better way. BeefcakeTime: 0:12:00:00Odds: 7.50%Expected: 6:03:04:30 Captivating from the beginning to the end, theyre living legends that never die. Theyre they only two I have been able to get the art assets for so far. Sorry for any problems with the calculator. Well, guys, I have done all my research and have tried to find the solution not only on various authority sites but also on youtube but to your disappointment, as of now, there is absolutely no known way to breedGeneral Thetys. Add me on FB. . please answer. Yay !! how i can get schorpeg and tao tao pls ..reply, can vandamagma be placed in fire habitat????