i will never watch another one of your videos @TheRichest and oh yeah, enjoy the downvote. Leather shoes were discovered along with, to their horror, a severed human hand. The fellowship is ecstatic when they uncover more evidence of a ship buried deep in the swamp, and Rick hones in on his white whale.shaft six. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The story goes that Marie sent her maid all the way to Nova Scotia in order to hide her wealth and her jewelry on the island. With their equipment, they were able to delve down further, and after reaching 60 feet, they saw more oak logs, this time with coconut fiber and charcoal in thick layers. A very profitable show, but the chest was gotten by the man that owned and lived there before! Leather bookbinding was found 160 feet underground along with bits of parchment. A shard of purple-stained wood was discovered in the same borehole as vegetable-tanned leather bookbinding and scraps of parchment. The team is unstoppable when more evidence suggests the stone roadway is heading directly towards the Money Pit. Do you think theyre for real? Everything we asked for was a solution. The pit was designed with a 500-foot waterway that connects to Smiths Cove. Another 10 feet and they will finally find whats down there, a SEPTIC TANK. Pioneer town. While this theory is attractive, today it is already widely believed that Shakespeare was, well, himself and not Francis Bacon or anyone else for that matter. While metal detecting on Lot 15 between the Swamp and Money Pit, Gary Drayton and Jack Begley made this find that could be as much as 1300 years old or older. There was speculation that Vincent Astor contributed an incredible amount of money to the excavation of Oak Island. This suggests there was activity in Smith's Cove earlier than first thought. The team used heavy machinery in the hope of making significant findings and, most importantly, unearthing the treasure. Could it be that the answer is nothing more than tar? For our eyes were already dried with tears, and Pino was already left speechless. However, other people dont have a negative opinion of the show; for example, in an article published by the University of Calgary, they put The Curse Of Oak Island in a pretty good light by claiming it has offered many investigators the opportunity to invest their time and knowledge in an exciting project, besides putting a science-related series on air while also amassing such a big following being an accomplishment by itself. Don't miss a new episode of The Curse of Oak Island tonight at 9/8c on The @HISTORY Channel! #CurseOfOakIsland, Posted by The Curse of Oak Island onTuesday, June 1, 2021. Lacking the funds to rebuild, they had to give up. The mystery continues. Two workers in the area, Karl Graeser and Cyril Hiltz, hurriedly went to the pit and tried to climb down to rescue the Restall men. Some believe one of the greatest treasures of all time is hidden on this mysterious Island off the coast of Nova Scotiawith theories ranging from Knights Templar gold to Captain Kidd pirate booty. The drains were covered by coconut fibers and eelgrass to filter sand and debris that could clog the drains. To add legitimacy to her theory, Joy highlighted various shipbuilding sites in North Carolina that look similar to the oak Island setup and were famous tar storage pits. Either way, while touristic activity surely helps a lot to fund Laginas explorations of the island, the most interesting events are surely reserved to be showcased exclusively for the show, and thats not something we mind at all. Then all you need is one person to come along at some later date see the same thing were seeing ,and think, what a mystery maybe its buried treasure. Oak Island has attracted treasure hunters for more than 200 years and now its secrets may finally be uncovered, with the help of a B.C. The team uncovers what appears to be a wooden doorway under Samuel Ball's property and a new Templar connection is made when an ancient tool is discovered in the swamp. Why you gone lie about the ark of the covenant, and the holy grail, they were never found and they are said to be possibly in Ethiopia, Pfft and yall trust a pirate smh.. the real question is why, if he knew where the treasure was, didnt he get it himself? Later on, they found some old timber at Smiths Cove that appeared to be the exact material that was used when the pit was initially built. Its purpose was to lower a camera into the pit. To prove it, by the time the show's eighth season ended in mid-2021, the island's mystery hadn't been solved, but left viewers with many open questions and unsolved theories. Or maybe it wasn't? Marty had extensive experience with gas wells and digging, and he shared his knowledge and skills with his brother, Rick. The Mystery of Oak Island, a popular show on the History Channel, highlights a two-hundred-year-old tale of buried treasure on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. It has been centuries since people started exploring the place in search of a millions and ancient treasure, which may or may have not been hidden in its depths. Buried treasure was officially found on Oak Island which officially solves the 400 year old mystery. While searching Lot 2, Gary Drayton discovered a cartwheel penny with a depiction of King George III made in 1797. oak island money pit solved 2022 the real story Fans of the series and those like me, growing up on legends about the disappearing treasure this is important news. I was somewhat disappointed that a couple story lines were not further developed, but perhaps this is part of the suspense for next year. What the pair discovered was a stone with markings almost the same as the one that was discovered in 1804 in the Money Pit. The curse is another. Interested to find out what lay beneath, the team kept digging until they came across the stone tablet. Every day it feels like were turning a page of a really good book, Rick said. But whether he found any Oak Island treasure or not, some may still remain down in the depths. If youre also wondering whats up nowadays with the show, then fear no more. During The Curse Of Oak Islands eighth season, the exploration team extensively analyzed the excavations adjacent areas, discovering through the data that a large amount of silver was detected under the ground. However, being an island full of interesting places but mostly desolated, its normal that the touristic activity is controlled. Is it Time to Cancel The Curse of Oak Island? - TVOvermind . Oak Island Season Finale | Braman's Wanderings The storm created an unusually high tide which destroyed all their hard work. However, the crew of hardened explorers refused to back down from their tough mission. A possible entrance to one of the five stone box drains was discovered at Smith's Cove. Narrator says $ (half a billion). The rumours of treasure being hidden on the island date back to the seventeenth century and to this day are the main reason why hunters-and tourists-visit the island today. How do we know this? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Type above and press Enter to search. Many believe that pirate treasure is hidden on the island, perhaps that of Captain Kidd himself, or that the Knights Templar were on some sort of secret mission that brought them to the island. Faced with the threat of a shut down in the swamp, the team focuses their energy on the Money Pit and are euphoric when they find more gold, with evidence suggesting it's of Spanish origin. As a fresh start for their Oak Island journey, the Lagina brothers integrated the modern technology earlier explorers hadnt had access to. Oak island was a templar hideout for when king George wanted them disposed of they fled to oak island with all there riches and buried there ship and made it into an underground hideout and made traps to where if any tampering went on it would open underground tunnels to flood the entire hideout so there treasure would never be found. More payoffs are coming. Things got more interesting when they discovered proof that the Aztecs had explored the island in the past. Bogus clues to it existence! The flooding of the pit was no longer an obstacle as the lads had the technological means to create efficient solutions. But the jury is still out when it comes to actual buried treasure thats priceless. There is a depression and oak tree in the middle of the red clover with the block and tackle. The story of how the Lagina brothers became so invested in the Oak Island treasure is just as special. Actually, 1/2 billion = US $ 700 million. They didnt have the technology nor the desire to create it. The determination to find the treasure they dreamed of as kids still lived on in their 50-years-old forms. Aaron McArthur has the story. The main reason why Oak Island holds so much intrigue is because it's said to be where Scottish pirate Captain Kidd buried his infamous treasure. Captain Kidd was theorized to have buried some of his treasure on Oak Island. With the help of experts who assisted them with sonar readings and in draining the Borehole 10-X, Rick and Marty eventually discovered the islands greatest bounty so far. Although so far an announcement regarding another seasons premiere hasnt been made, the fact that the network has claimed the show as one of its highest rated series hints that they most likely dont want it to end just yet. Seems the carbon dating is saying that the wood is from pillars or beams that were placed underground hundreds of years ago by humans. An Intriguing New Find Begs the Question: Will the Oak Island 'Money What the Triton Alliance saw, shocked them. As of writing this article, six men have died looking for the treasure. While the old, legendary treasure for which the land is famous hasn't been found yet, it could be said that "The Curse of Oak Island" has helped to compensate the Lagina brothers and associates' money. Unfazed by the challenges of the Oak Island treasure, in 1849, a new team of explorers called The Truro Company, set foot on the island. It revolves around men talking important issues in. On his part, Rick is more attracted to the island for its historical value and whatever situation apparently led someone to hide their valuable belongings in it, considering that aspect to be the real treasure. And Gary uncovers evidence suggesting a treasure was, or is, nearby. The Lagina Brothers \u0026 their team has been successful in finding numerous clues \u0026 strong evidence of the treasure till now. If you really want good information go watch the curse of Oak Island. Nonetheless, even if the shows name is The Curse Of Oak Island, we know for certain that both Martys and Ricks steps on the island are guided by more than rumors. Found in the spoils of borehole 8-B in the Money Pit, this leather boot heel dated to as early as 1492 and is believed to have come from the boot of a very prominent individual. This realization led to the discovery that the entire beach was artificial; a complex construction with drains and flow tunnels beneath it. Since the 19th century, explorers have tried to locate the loot. As the legal battles took over, Oak Island fell silent for over a decade (1990 through 2005). Some people, oddly, traced the source of the treasure back to William Shakespeare. And Gary uncovers evidence suggesting a treasure was, or is, nearby. By Bryan Preston 1:02 PM on May 05, 2021 . Bering Sea Gold Deaths How Did John Bunce Die? Based on the treasure hunt of the legendary Oak Island, the History Channel's show, The Curse of Oak Island is one of the most fascinating reality shows based on the mystery genre. W Who is Avri Roel Downey? The treasure hunt journey of Triton Alliance in Oak Island was featured in a 1965 Readers Digest article, the same article that caught Rick Laginas interest when he was just 11 years old. He was able to make use of these connections, enlisting them to serve as professional counsels. As such, he believed that a layer of wood existed underneath the limestone layer. Theres a story to be written up here. Coalbed Utah. The Curse of Oak Island: More gold found at the Money Pit The company sued Nolan over ownership of seven of the islands lots. As he was being hoisted up, his rope untangled from the pulley and, tragically, Maynard fell to his death down the shaft. Many things are said about the Oak Island mystery, and what the supposed treasure is. Some of these findings are materials such as copper, iron, coconut fiber and granite. The Curse of Oak Island comes out on top of the cable ratings for viewers age 18 to 49, scoring more than 3.2 million viewers per episode in January 2020. Recent scientific evidence confirms what's really there. Its design suggests an ancient metalwork technique called cloisonne. In 1796, another young boy discovered a strange depression on the ground of Oak Island. Evidence of a continuous burn event in the swamp energizes the team supporting the theory that a ship was burned and buried there centuries ago. But what would a British naval officer be doing visiting the home of a simple cabbage farmer? What Is The Curse Of Oak Island Really About? All The Treasure Ever Found On The Curse Of Oak Island History/YouTube By Joe Heath / Updated: Sept. 2, 2022 5:13 pm EST Brothers Marty and Rick Lagina and their team of treasure hunters. This conundrum had a massive impact on the discovery of the mysterious treasure. Upon checking them, Hamilton realized that they were foreign and that they had been placed there intentionally. The Curse of Oak Island preview: A scientific survey indicates silver The team uncovers significant evidence that the stone road in the swamp was built long before the discovery of the original Money Pit just as the future of archaeology investigation on the island is threatened. shrsl_ShareASale_liveWid_Init(40280, 2496875, 'shrsl_ShareASale_liveWid_wideSkyScraper_populate'); Please remember to disable your adblocker to view content from our sponsors - Thank you. Scientists Solve Mystery Of Oak Island | Southwest Legends Can you explain the wood that is being found while drilling deep holes there. Divers were unable to locate and identify the object and it still remains a mystery. After putting in the work, day in and day out, their lucky break finally came: as they were drilling, they hit the jackpot. They found an efficient way to drill samples of the pit without the water being an issue. Most recently, the search for the Oak Island treasure has been taken up by Rick and Marty Lagina, whose quest is chronicled in The Curse of Oak Island. The Triton Alliance members were more thrilled when they saw three chests that looked a whole lot like the ones people like to bury treasures in. In 2008, the Lagina Brothers purchased a controlling interest in Oak Island Tours, which owned most of the island. oak island money pit solved 2022 the real story - History post After finding the stone with the inscription, there was only one thing left to do, try and decipher what was on it, of course! eCelebrityFacts is the go-to source for everything entertainment. Oak Island is closed until further notice - 2022 Recap The Curse of Oak Island: More gold found at the Money Pit Wed Nov 10, 2021 at 10:05am ET By Jerry Brown The Lagina brothers are getting increasingly excited about what they might. Video by . If you are new to eCelebrityFacts, make sure you subscribe to our channel and dont forget to ring the bell icon.#TheCurseofOakIsland #LaginaBrothers #eCelebrityFacts #CelebrityNews #RealityStar We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Matt Leinart's wife, Josie Loren Wiki Bio, net wor Who is Skip Bayless' Wife? That not ancient architects but a bunch of pirates manage to build a an elaborate treasure tunnel system. While they were excited about the chests, it was hard not to be distracted by the human remains. The Curse of Oak Island Season 9 Treasure Finding00:40 Lagina Brothers Oak Island 202201:20 Oak Island Treasure Update You May Also Like To Watch:Who is the richest person on Gold Rush?https://youtu.be/QWd5B0llHZ8How much is Freddy Dodge worth?https://youtu.be/RaZjo-5uQYcHow much is Fred from gold rush worth?https://youtu.be/qdqvNS7EMXsAudio Credit:Track: Blind MemoriesArtist: CheelTrack: BonfireArtist: An JoneTrack: Clean and DanceArtist: An JoneSource: YouTube Audio LibrarySubscribe to our channel https://goo.gl/SUH8FPWebsite https://ecelebrityfacts.comFacebook https://facebook.com/ecelebrityfactsTwitter https://twitter.com/ecelebrityfactsInstagram https://instagram.com/ecelebrityfactsPinterest https://pinterest.com/ecelebrityfactsIf you have any suggestion/complaints, contact us at: social@ecelebrityfacts.comSubscribe to our second channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-NV4JY_yTlCiwWukz4CVgWe are an entertainment outlet and on our channel, we will post videos about your favorite celebrities, shows, movies and more. They thought this was the first sign of the massive hidden treasure that was promised by the stone. It turned out the swamp revealed their first treasure: a Spanish copper coin dated to the 17th century. While these ideas may be intriguing, there is no proof to support any of them. To Rick's and his friend's dismay, not a trace of any valuable items was found underneath the big rock. While they usually refrain from claiming to know for sure what is really in the Money Pit, it doesnt mean they dont have their own ideas of what the treasure is. In 1861, the Oak Island Association tried their luck at cracking the case. Oak Island Treasure Found January 17, 2020 The Money Pit Found. With further excavation of the ever-expanding stone roadway, the team uncovers more evidence of a possible maritime connection. Screen shot says (half a billion). Nothing they tried worked and the non-stop pouring of water made their mission impossible to carry out. And some. Based on the legend that claims that is the case . They found underground tunnel that went in diffent area they drain swap area were eye is found stone pathway .they found other under ground pathway that was under house on oak island that lead to something .they discover there was metal drain that was cover up and boat dicks that ment for big boats .ithink if chest in til there it not at money pit because it frist place people will look for it .what if treasure chest is somewhere 1000 or more yards away from money pit or when flood happen treasure chest when to diffent part of oak island got cover up with alot mud and rocks along other unknown tunnel that was never finished .or if they can find a opening of some hole along shoreline they can send someone check it out see were it lead to some drain that was put there for some reason . Tests conclude that it dates between the early 1600s to 1700s and could be a hinge meant for a very thick door. As much as we would like for some shows to be around for many years, the truth is that the TV industry is more often than not unstable. So, in today's video, we will talk about what was found at Oak Island in 2022 \u0026 all the details about the Oak Island treasure update of season 9.00:00 What was found at Oak Island in 2022? In 1970, a U-Shaped structure was discovered by treasure hunter Dan Blankenship after creating a cofferdam around Smith's Cove. He moved closer and noticed a tree with branches cut away. Regardless that no treasure has been found, the Laginas have uncovered enough evidence to believe that the pit is human made, and as such, that the treasure legend is real. Stirred by his familys sailing stories, he continued following the islands treasure mystery until his death, in 1945. One fact that supports this theory though, is that when Marie was arrested at Varennes, there were no pieces of jewelry or gold on her. When he remembered all the pirate and treasure chest stories hed heard over the years, the boy talked to his friends and asked for their help to investigate further. Total: 5 (members: 0, guests: 5) Latest Discussions One of the many skilled and smart explorers of the Oak Island mystery was a man named Barry Fell (a terrifying name, considering the fates that befell many of the explorers who tempted the island). I think the curse is a myth to scare off treasure hunters. Some of us are just more adventurous and curious by nature and such was young Rick. As the team uncovered more and more of this stone feature in Season 8, they realized it was leading them away from the swampinto the uplands and straight towards the Money Pit. Maybe this meant that there was a treasure lying beneath, just waiting to be discovered? All The Treasure Uncovered On The Curse Of Oak Island - ScreenRant For those not up to speed with treasure-hunting lore, Oak Island is a small island located off the coast of Nova Scotia that has captivated lovers of mystery for hundreds of years. Oak Island | TreasureNet The Original Treasure Hunting Website Treasure hunters have been intrigued by the legend of Oak Island for more than 200 years. Discovered while metal detecting on Lot 8, this gemstone brooch dates back as early as the 16th century and is considered the first piece of valuable treasure found by the Laginas and their team. At some point, even the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt got himself involved in the mysteries of Oak Island. The treasure was buried in a shaft called the "money pit," though no one knows where it is today. The age of the artifacts is along time ago,but it doesnt tell us when the got on the island. It started back in 1965, when they read an article about it posted on Readers Digest which was so impressive that it led them to buy a big share of the island 40 years later. Michigan Brothers Unearth 220 Year Old Treasure - Traveler Master corny video too. To hold all the crap they fed all of us! But when delicate discoveries are made in the swamp, the fellowship faces the possibility of a government shutdown. This object has an identical lead isotope of the Lead Cross, which means both come from the pre-15th century ore deposits.