You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. The Alaafin was the head of one of the largest Yoruba states. makes short work of a tree or a fire rage through an area, one has the numbers 7 and the colors green and black. They used to take the old Orisha some offerings, gifts, and also ask for guidance. We also have lots of syncretism involved which contributed to the spread of their worship inside Christian beliefs too. He lived inside a forest and he would have sexual relations with any woman who entered the woods. streams and rivers, embodying love, fertility. The Orishas. He is the owner of all Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So he tried a bit more. She took the less ferocious form of a domestic cat in the first millennium BCE. (the Sea) she does so on her own circuitous route. 12. Crash Course is on Patreon! The association of jackals with death and funerals likely arose because Egyptians would have observed jackals scavenging around cemeteries. though through which he enforces justice in the world. He is often depicted as an animal or as a human with the head of an animal. When the pilgrims who traveled to this land entered in conflict with the native beasts that lived on it, the Originators, the heroes that rose among the humans were ascended to gods on faith. This empire has mythical origins related to the last prince of the If kingdom. She is a fierce warrior who rides to war with Many scholars now believe that no such animal ever existed and that the Seth animal is some sort of mythical composite. They recognise As you Ochossi leaves again and, this time, he decides by himself to live with Ossain. In the end, he finds Ochossi and peacefully brings him back home. Perhaps the most 'popular' of the orishas, Shang rules over Hes followed by dogs. Gods of Wakanda (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom themselves and are recognised through their different numbers and This land received the name If (large abode). And,in her The following is a list of Yoruba deities Olrn - the supreme creator deity Aganju - Orisha of volcanoes, the wilderness and rivers Aja - Orisha of the forest, the animals within it, and herbal healing Ayao - Orisha of air Babalu Aye - Orisha of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease (particularly smallpox, leprosy and AIDS) and healing Egungun-oya - Orisha of divination . Once, he wanted to enhance his powers in an absurd way. The goddess Hathor was usually depicted as a cow, as a woman with the head of a cow, or as a woman with cows ears. He inspires humans to overcome their physical and psychological barriers which impede their growth. The plantation was a success! Orisha Oshun wears golden yellow dresses. One day, Shango Oguns brother wanted to have Oya as a wife. The best source of ashe is in sacrificial blood, which is why animal sacrifice plays such a prominent role in Santeria. Orisha Nana wears purple dresses. above them. Eshu is intrusive and sometimes aggressive. Oya is her main name. People who can play Buzios are actually asking the Orishas for answers. Osiris, one of Egypts most important deities, was god of the underworld. Olorun who created the universe, it is Obatal who is the Ossain used to perform them all and during one of them, he entered the forest. Apart from this story, Oshumares stories are usually less dramatic as he is usually more associated with beauty and riches. white which is often accented with red, purple and other colors to Aganju by Robert Love ALA baniase: He who gives fourth and takes This name given for his great powers. You pay nothing extra for it and you help to keep the website alive! Even though he has this nice aspect, Ogun is mainly regarded as an impulsive man who uses violence to get what he wants thats why hes also associated with war! Smart! He talked to Obatala and assigned him the task of creating land. He saw plants capable of healing different kinds of pain, hemorrhages, fever, and much more. Kokou by Assasin Monkey All metals and weapons belong to Ogun, the blacksmith Orisha. Oshosi is the third member of the group known as the Guerreros or One of several deities associated with the sun, the god Re was usually represented with a human body and the head of a hawk. As Elegba opens the roads, it is She is way we make our offerings in the manner they are accustomed to, in the they rule over. According to the myth, Osiris was a king of Egypt who was murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth. heals with her sweet waters and with honey which she also owns. Thoth, the god of writing and wisdom, could be depicted in the form of a baboon or a sacred ibis or as a man with the head of an ibis. Orisha Omulu, also known as Obalua or Sopona is the healer, but also the one who spreads diseases. It is said that Omulu and Osumare are brothers. Both are fighters who protect their followers. Scholars have suggested that the Greek word Aiguptosthe source of the name Egyptmay have started as a corruption of Hwt-Ka-Ptah, the name of one of Ptahs shrines. These devotees often commit violent acts of self-harm to demonstrate their tolerance to pain. I wont enter in details about each one of them as this is not the focus of this article. The deities, called Orishas in Ifa/Orisha worship, are sometimes referred to as the "hands of God." They are heavenly intercessors in the lives of humans who may be engaged for blessings or . A central feature of the festivals during the late period was the construction of the Osiris garden, a mold in the shape of Osiris, filled with soil. motif found in many other mythologies such as the story of Gaia and Uranos in Greek Mythology and Nut and Geb and Egyptian Mythology. In the Old Kingdom (c. 25752130 BCE), before Osiris rose to prominence as the lord of the underworld, Anubis was considered the principal god of the dead. Obatala created trees, animals, and many other things. Hes a healer who knows all the herbs and their properties, as well as how to perform spells and incantations. She always holds a mirror to admire her own beauty and to teach her children to love themselves above all. Creation". According to the form of the myth reported by the Greek author Plutarch, Osiris was slain or drowned by Seth, who tore the corpse into 14 pieces and flung them over Egypt. Over time, Re came to be syncretized with other sun deities, especially Amon. Angered that his sons alcoholism, Olorun sent his other son, Oduduwa, to salvage the mission. They were about to kill him too! his priests unfold the secrets of the universe and the secrets of the and profound lakes she is deep and unknowable. In the original African belief system from which Santeria originates, there are hundreds of orishas. When humans die, they must return to her dwelling and become mud again. Oshun went after Eshu and, when she found him, she asked the clothes back. Orisha: the 12 most powerful Gods from Yoruba Mythology One was the gods, another was the spirits of deceased humans, who existed in the divine realm and possessed many of the gods' abilities. Shango returned home. She also rules feet (or rise out our chairs if we are sitting) at the mention of his When she offered mud, he was finally able to create perfect human beings. Hes the one who provides food and protection for all people. She, and Talisman. technology and because this technology shares in his nature, it is I also wrote about it, focusing on the aspect of life and death, in the article Orishas and the Balance Between Life and Death for Folklore Thursday. As the people began to reproduce, new lands were required for them to settle. The next step was the creation of all life. Today its known as Yorubaland. His wife, Isis, reassembled his body and resurrected him, allowing them to conceive a son, the god Horus. This way, Eshu not only became knowledgeable but also rich and prosperous. Shango, the impulsive, only had a stone. New World Santeria believers, on the other hand, generally only work with a handful of them. The Orishas - Indiana University Bloomington For example, one of the most famous ones tells how the seas and oceans were created. Taweret, In Ancient Egyptian religion Taweret is the defensive Ancient Egyptian goddess of labor and . Beyer, Catherine. She was the one who gave mud to Obatala when he was creating humans. Instead, one of the roles of the priests of Santeria is to apply applicable patakis to the situation at hand. Both continued fighting and Obatala eventually won it. uncountable. Theres a story explaining how she became so powerful and able to wield weapons and magic. Both in Umbanda and Candombl, as well as in other religions derived from the Yoruba, its common to call spells and magical works macumba. the human and the divine, as he is child-like messenger between the two his title of Eleri Ipin or "Witness to Destiny in its Oshosi is also a hunting god, who is highly regarded for his quick wit and objectivity. The stone was actually a thunderstone known as edum ar. The two became friends and Aroni shared with Ossain all the secrets related to herbs, plants, and flowers. Orunmila is wisdom and She is also known for the colors of maroon, flowery patterns and nine divination and the accompanying arts. Even if he needs to fight Ossain in his realm, he wants his brother back. He has many different stories regarding his deeds and adventures, but Ill briefly write about one of my favorite stories involving him. Orisha Ossain is the Orisha who rules over the forests. Even though Umbanda and Candomble seem to be unpopular here, the truth is that we can find many Christians who also believe and worship the Orishas. Her other name, Iansa or Ians, means mother to 9 children. He recognises way Yemay displays herself as truly the mother of all. She seduced Eshu, slept with him, and took Obatalas clothes back. Orisha Yemaya wears white and blue dresses. To acknowledge the She usually holds a mirror in one hand. 11. In this way, he is certainly a difficult teacher, but in the end, is usually found to be a good one. relationship. "Mother of Nine" in which she rules over the egun or dead. List of Yoruba deities - Wikipedia Theres a story stating about how Nana forbade her children and followers from using knives and metals in general during rituals and ceremonies. Now, you. He is known as the omnipotent ruler of the Yoruba pantheon, whose light brings life and vitality to all living things. In particular, Elegba stands at the crossroads of The many, many Orishas cover all aspects of life, and can be pretty specialized. Though it was Ochossi develops such a passion for hunting and feeding others, that he enters the forest every day. Obatala was enraged at his brother for usurping his position, but he eventually conceded to his Oduduwas divine authority. He was represented as a mummified king, wearing wrappings that left only the green skin of his hands and face exposed. Rather than willfully trying to misguide them, his aim is to enrich their life experience, leading them to a spiritual maturation through their transgressions. Hes deeply related to magic, macumba, miraculous happenings, and divination. Actually, she lives wherever earth meets water and forms mud. After a long travel, he went back to the forests, where he lives until today. Osiris and Horus were thus father and son. Olodumare Now, you might say, thats ridiculous. Obatala descended from the sky and flipped the seashell on the water. When Omulu knew that Obatala was going to his house, he fled to the forests and hid there. Shes impulsive, aggressive, and cant be controlled. An Orisha is a God or a Goddess from the Yoruba Religion and Mythology. He stayed at Obatalas for 16 years! He is revered by all the hunting communities and is often employed by the Orishas as a scout, helping them to locate lost items. The truth is that macumba is a collection of rites and spells that may be performed to attract, banish, bind or release energies, spirits, material goods, and whatever the practitioner desires. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 4 In the light of the foregoing; the present study would attempt to explore these religio- . It is said she had some children, but two of them symbolize opposite aspects of life. One day, Obatala decided to bathe in a river. He made some oxen appear on the roofs of cattle sheds. BBC - Religions - Santeria: Santeria deities Though a specific number can't be placed on the amount of Orishas, there is an exciting notion around it. Besides this, hes also associated with prosperity and abundance, mainly in the food aspect. Peacocks and vultures are hers and we use He got uncontrollable as usual and when he noticed, the entire empire was burning. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consult individual encyclopedia entries about the topics. So she used her beauty and seduced many men to acquire their most treasured abilities. lightning, thunder, fire, the drums and dance. In his early days, he was very hostile, inflicting disease upon those who transgressed him. Obviously, he decided to have some fun and stole the white clothes of Obatala. Olorun sent them Ogun, god of crafts, to find a suitable habitat. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Table of If to Orunmila in exchange for the gift of dance, his Osiris, also called Usir, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. The 5 Most Influential Orishas - Nigeria and World News He ran off with the clothes and left Obatala naked. Learn Religions. In the New World, Africans from many city-states were thrown together into common slavery. He is now viewed as a compassionate and humble deity, curing people of sickness and disease. numbers four and six. She is considered to be the mother of everything and she is associated with the seas. Africa isnt a single place with a single pantheon, and wed be fools to try and cover all that in an eleven minute video. Osiris | Description, Myth, Symbols, & Facts | Britannica Oguns permission would not be requested to make offerings to Nana. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. No one wanted to dance with him as usual. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Second, they protected her from Shangos fury when she tried the magic powder made by Eshu to Sango (I wrote about it above, in Sangos section). It made little sense or practicality for a slave community to focus on a single orisha in that scenario. From about 2000 bce onward it was believed that every man, not just the deceased kings, became associated with Osiris at death. Today the massive temple complex devoted to Amon-Re at Karnak is one of the most visited monuments in Egypt. It somehow reminds the method of divination with Runes by the Norse people. Eshu used to roam free with no destination at all. From now on, Ochossi was not only able to hunt but also capable of defending himself and others with his bow and arrows. Olorun by Sanjana Baijnath Orisha Omulu is quiet and vengeful. The orishas are often best understood by observing the forces of nature In later periods she was often represented as a regal-looking seated cat, sometimes wearing rings in her ears or nose. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with people who may also find it interesting. The Orisha are spirits/deities that reflect one aspect of god. Irish Morrigan appears to have been a goddess of battle, strife, and sovereignity, although she was not referred to as a goddess in the mythology. strong-willed orisha that loves all the pleasures of the world: dance, Before Orung could find her, she died and her body created mountains, valleys, and all the ways water could flow to flood the vast land. He taught his followers the secrets of civilization (fire, smithing, hunting, politics, and war). His youngest son, Obatala, asked if he could create a new realm made of earth. Were going to focus on a dozen or so. allowed to witness the creation of the universe by Olorun and bears done in either world without his permission. Obatala then began to build a city, but after discovering alcohol (brewed from palm leaves) he became distracted from duties. Deep in his heart, he didnt believe Oshun would be able to get something back from Eshu. He decided to stay alone in a corner, sitting down. Oya traveled back to deliver the medicine to Shango but during the journey, she stopped to rest and wondered how that strange red power tasted. Historically, If (aka Ile-Ife) showed advanced urbanism and is one of the most urbanized centers of ancient Africa. Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset. People would wait for him to heal them. Shango was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom. However, since Osiris, not Anubis, rules the Land of the Dead, a more accurate Greek equivalent to Anubis would be Thanatos. Though he traded the Aganju and Yemaya have a child called Orung. There was a time when they conducted a power struggle against Olorun and tried to persuade him to abdicate for sixteen years. This way, offerings to Nana go directly to her. Those who worship him often seek personal empowerment, in order to make themselves better leaders. Omulu is considered to be ugly and Oshumare is the most beautiful being in the world. Obatal is the source of all Humans provide ashe through blood or other ritual actions, and the orisha becomes a conduit of ashe from Olodumare to the petitioner to assist in the petitioner's endeavors. Revisiting the Yoruba Ethnogenesis: a Religio- Cultural Hermeneutics of His reign ended when he inadvertently destroyed his palace with lightning. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The orishas are equated with a variety of Catholic saints. However, it was not enough to make him free of problems or curses. Oya is married to Shango, a warrior Orisha who also has fire as an element. Other stories tell that Ogum was married to Oya. The origin of Osiris is obscure; he was a local god of Busiris, in Lower Egypt, and may have been a personification of chthonic (underworld) fertility. He is a patron of sexual diversity, celebrating lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Ptah was the head of a triad of gods worshipped at Memphis. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Eshu was so focused on observing Obatala that he learned everything from him. She is the youngest of Orisha View source The Orisha are a pantheon deities worshipped by the Yoruba people of West Africa. roads and doors in this world. Just like a storm. He is married to Obba but has relations Ill start with the male ones, the Orisha Gods as we can call them. Yes, they are Essentially, Orishas represent the powers of nature, as well as time, life, death, and rebirth. Updates? Thanks for reading! It says the Orisha threw a party and Omulu went wearing his traditional straw clothes. In the Middle Kingdom (1938c. Explore the Osiris shaft, a symbolic tomb of the god Osiris. She returned to the river where the naked and ashamed Obatala was still waiting for his clothes and delivered them back to him in exchange for the knowledge she wanted so badly. From now on, it was decided that everyone who wanted to make an offering to Obatala should also pay tributes to Eshu. His element is water. An interesting piece of data that will illustrate how Orishas are present in these religions and also in others through syncretism: in Brazil, around 3.2% of the population follow the so-called other religions. Part of this comes from the fact that these stories come from a variety of different African cities, each of which had their own ideas about the nature of the orishas. The origins of Isis are obscure. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The man asked the king to plant seven baked yams and promised that, in twelve days, all of them would have flourished. In Ancient Rome, Anubis was combined with Hermes (since both play a part in . The Santeria faith teaches that every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the aid and energy of the orishas.The basis of the Santeria religion is the nurture of a personal . predynastic and dynastic periods in ancient Egypt. So happy that he decided to share the realm of the dead with her. Oshun is also considered a Mother Goddess and its very common for her worshipers to be known as children of Oshun. The exact number of orishas is not known . gain a better understanding of them and their ways. Up there, he put the red powder in his tongue and started spitting fire. Orisa ojenia: the orisha that made and created life and existence to mankind. He is most often represented by a double headed He did so and the king offered him lots of riches. They rule During the night, Shango took the mysterious red powder and climbed to the top of a mountain. From this argument, a fight started. they are of one heart. Chinese Yu-huang Shang Ti, the Jade Emperor. One day she asked a Babalawo for some advice and she was told she would have children if he made an eb (food offering) with lamb. ORISHAS - the Yoruba Spirits of Many Things (Yoruba mythology) - Godchecker Does this discovery prove ancient Egyptians traveled to the Americas 3000 years ago? greatness of this king, all in the religion raise up on the toes of our He tried to create humans from air (his element), from wood, and from many other types of material, but he was not successful. (accessed March 5, 2023). Today, we refer to these areas as Yorubaland. One powerful talisman of Polish Catholicism. She also holds a buffalo (or horse) tail in the other hand symbolizing her power to tame the forces of nature and send eguns and bad energies away. In her earliest forms, the cat goddess Bastet was represented as a woman with the head of a lion or a wild cat. After passing on his secrets and guiding humanity for many years, Ogun grew old. Catherine Beyer is a practicing Wiccan who has taught religion in at Lakeland College in Wisconsin as well as humanities and Western culture at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. He is the repository of ash. He refused. She tried a bit. After some time, the land was firm enough for the Orishas to walk on it. Wherever he would go, his fame was already there. Oshumare met Eshu, the trickster Orisha. Anubis. He is recognised in There was no taste at all. Ogun always wears dark blue clothes and may also wear pieces of armor. In Africa, however, there was no such familiarity between orishas, in part because their followers were not strongly connected. Its important to note that his behavior can also lead him to unnecessary fights. Egypt had one of the largest and most complex pantheons of gods of any civilization in the ancient world. Theres another story that tells how Oya became the queen of the dead, being responsible for sending eguns (souls of the dead) to the otherworld. propitiated and always called first before any other orisha as he opens Osiris, also called Usir, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. The answers are given according to the way the shells fall on the surface. Youd be right. But they cant figure out what animal hes supposed to be. Immediately after drinking it, Ochossi loses his memory and from this moment on he started living with Ossain in the depths of the forests. She recognises herself in the colors yellow and He could see the entire empire from there. Firstly because of the eb she prepared to become a mother. One day, Obatala was so busy that he asked Eshu to guard his house and prevent people from entering to offer him gifts. name. One day she simply decided she wanted to learn the art of divination using Bzios (the divination tool I mention at the beginning of this article), but this art could not be taught to her. Ptahs original association seems to have been with craftsmen and builders. There are different stories to explain how Omulu got his clothes that cover all his body and face, but one of the most common is that Nana felt so sorry for him that she decided to cover it all to avoid him suffering. It is said he punishes all those who lie and deceive others. this reason all who are to be initiated as priests, no matter what He reigned for seven years, constantly waging battle against other nations, bringing prosperity to the Oyo Empire.