As well as port matching. Using the experience he gained while racing in the NMCA and supporting his customers all over the world, Wise made the decision to investigate a new design that would provide some room for growth and the Z heads are the result. In those days, the shops clientele read like a Whos Who of drag racing greats. 0000001449 00000 n Theres enough material in and around the deck to handle that kind of power, he explains. They worked like a charm. Continuing use of the site implies consent. ALL ROCKET RACING CYLINDER HEADS ARE BUILT PER CUSTOMER APPLICATION.PLEASE CALL TO ORDER. Machine Shop Olds Filling the exhaust heat crossovers can never hurt. Porting at Home by Michael Lufty, All Chevy Head Wizard Joe Mondello offers tricks of the trade. ***CALL FOR PRICING DUE TO NATONAL SHORTAGE ON PARTS AND MATERIALS***, HRE All Sheet Metal Intake Manifold for Dual Carburetors, HRE All Sheet Metal Intake Manifold for Single Carburetor, Edelbrock BBC "SSCE Custom" Super Victor Intake Manifold, Big Block or Small Block Chevy Aluminum Oil Pan, Moroso "Original" 3-Vane Racing Vacuum Pump Kit, Moroso 4-Vane "Enhanced Design" Vacuum Pump Kit, Manton Special 7/16" Heat Treated Pushrod Set of 16, Angle Mill Head Correct Int. From there, Oldsmobile engineers took their shot at creating the best possible drag race head, and introduced the Oldsmobile Pro Stock head (PN 24502585). 32806 407-855-9559 Pricing is for traditional V-8 cylinder head pairs. Edelbrocks Pro-Port Raw Cylinder Heads are purpose-engineered castings for custom racing engines. Sure as heck not going to put that kind of money into my gravity laden iron turd heads. The famous C head is well known for being the best factory iron cylinder head to use, but I have not found that to be the case. WebShop Oldsmobile vehicles in Rahway, NJ for sale at The heads are offered in four different configurations, from a basic CNC-chamber, CNC intake/exhaust port design that flows 340 cfm on the companys Superflow SF600 flowbench all the way up to the big-dog 400-plus cfm max-effort cylinder head designed for all-out racing applications. We deliver reliable horsepower, torque and drivability. COMPLETE READY TO BOLT ON. Stage I BP: $300 Our "street" port job - a minimum recommended porting stage. The oldest castings (used on the 1965 400 to 425-ci engines) have the letter A, and the latest big-block production castings have the letter J. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. WebALL ROCKET RACING CYLINDER HEADS ARE BUILT PER CUSTOMER APPLICATION.PLEASE CALL TO ORDER. Having a decent port in the thing to where it would flow and work forced us to raise the intake port up 1.750-inch, and then we raised the exhaust port about the same. Includes full WebCompetition Components 4406 Van Atta Rd. Most Olds folks seem to prefer theC heads for their added performance and better flow. My #6 heads probably flow close to the first numbers. All rights reserved. The Edelbrock 455 Olds manifold bolts right on. porting and polishing of the inside of the intake manifold. 23 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 25 /H [ 680 173 ] /L 1192708 /E 370195 /N 3 /T 1192130 >> endobj xref 23 13 0000000016 00000 n Includes the bowls, port match, and profiling of the combustion chambers. Olds Your One Stop Shop For Olds Performance Products. Fully cnc'd. This new head features a modern 77cc combustion chamber, new larger 2.150 intake valve and updated ports for improved flow Mated with the fuel injection, it starts right up, has a nice raspy idle and great throttle response., 572 HEMI in a 64 Dodge 440 - Best Machine Racing Engines built the engine - we chose the Edelbrock heads as they were impressive castings with great finish and flow right out of the box! CNC ported w/ 5 angle valve job. Wise offers his expertise in setting up the cylinder heads per customer input and through the application of his 30-plus years of experience with the Oldsmobile platform. Oldsmobile heads are available with OEM sparkplug location. All rights reserved. Hb``d``Z @KrB10Z&00040Dscc` '00 endstream endobj 35 0 obj 69 endobj 25 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 19 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 676 927 ] /Resources << /XObject << /Im0 29 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageC ] >> /Contents 26 0 R /PieceInfo << /AdobePhotoshop << /LastModified (D:20120817155034-08'00')/Private << /RoundTrip 1 /ExportCrispy false /SaveTransparency false /ImageResources 30 0 R /XObject << /Im0 29 0 R >> /StandardImageFileData 31 0 R >> >> >> /LastModified (D:20120817155034-08'00') /CropBox [ 0 0 676 927 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 26 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 27 0 R >> stream 1979 2023 Speedmaster. Tests performed same day at delta P= 28" Hg Edelbrock heads ported by RR flow virtually identical to those ported by M at valve lift above 0.400", but at 0.200" lift, M porting yields 20% better flow than R porting. From basic "Hot-Rod" mild cylinder head porting for that street and strip machine to all out class competition machines where every horsepower matters, you're in good hands with CFM Performance! When a Top Fuel car uses a method other than this to seal combustion pressure, Ill try it. Oldsmobile Top End Kits; Oldsmobile Aluminum heads; Oldsmobile Intake and fuel systems; Oldsmobile rotating systems; Camshafts and lifter sets; Oldsmobile roller rockers and pushrods; Joe Mondello began doing research & development work for Oldsmobile in 1968 and his ongoing commitment and dedication has merited him the name of Dr. As the Oldmobile engine was offered in both small-block (9.330-inch deck height) and big-block (10.625-inch deck height) with no other changes to the basic architecture, the cylinder heads works on either combination without any issues. Today, Chevrolet performance cylinder heads still utilize the identical combustion chamber, which Joe designed in the early 1960s known as the Posi-Flow chamber. A Heads Shop is located at 4101 Bergen Turnpike, North Bergen, NJ 07047, A Heads Shop is open:Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Sunday: Closed Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM. Wise Performance Engineering's Oldsmobile 0000369682 00000 n Options include stainless or titanium valves, beryllium valve seats, and a T&D 1.7:1 or 1.8:1 shaft rocker system thats been developed specifically for this application. WebStage II: $500 Suggested porting for most intakes. Stage III: $850 Our "strip" port job - the best bang for the buck. Cylinder Heads DRILLED FOR 1/2" HEAD STUDS. I dont know whether the power levels just happened to be greater on the aluminum-headed engine, making that the ultimate cause of failure, or the fact that the heads were made of aluminum. 0000001469 00000 n Drag Pak Racer AJ Berge To Fly Iconic RAMCHARGERS Colors In, 2003 Cobra Runs 8-Second Pass With Whipple, IRS, And A, Moser Performance Girdles Add Rearend Strength To Your, Melling Offers New Timing Kits for Ford 4.6L and 5.4L SOHC, NEW LS Bellhousing For Magnum And T56-Shifted Hot, Reborn Retro Blower Packs Positive-Displacement Power For Fox, Jackson Hendersons Gorgeous Grand National Ready For Ultra, Shop Tour: Brian Tooley Racing Expands To Be A One-Stop, SEMA 2022: GEARWRENCH Leveled Up With Distinct Quality Hand, SEMA 2022: Speedway Motors Debuts Chevy LS Mock-Up, SEMA 2022: LTA Introduces Injection-Molded Fiberglass Truck, PRI 2022: Nichole Elffs Rowdy 1,500 Horsepower, PRI 2022: FuelTech Talks About The Tech Of The FT700, PRI 2022: Davis Technologies VPS Improves Racer, Can Diesel Additives Help Your Rigs Engine Run, Creative Automotion: The Art of Farmtruck &, Andrew & Brian The Media Movers & Shakers Behind, 1991 Fox Body Mustang Is A Green Monster With A, A Brothers Quarrel Results In This Fine 1955 Chevy, Why You Should NOT Emissions Delete Your Diesel, Is A No Prep Kings Legal Car What Pro Modified Should Have, HOLY SHIP! 75 mm throttle body, A 90 mm mass, 24 or 30 lb injectors and a chip and tune after. And if the photos hes sent us of the brand-new Oldsmobile aluminum cylinder head design his company has been working on are any indication, the opposite is exactly the case. Porting In years past, I measured intake runner volume in a bunch of different-lettered iron cylinder heads, and found that the E castings were second in line to the J heads in small runner size. Reusing this cam for this year. Feel free to contact us for any custom quotes. The impetus for the design came from, of all places, a look at the Chevrolet SB2-style cylinder head and its excellent-flowing, modern combustion chamber and port design. The same goes for the intake and exhaust ports on the muscle-car-era castings. Joes first car was a 40 Ford coupe with a 303 c.i.d. They are available for popular V8 engines. CNC Ported heads eliminate human error and variation from port to port. This design allows you to select a wide array of thicknesses for the application. WebEdelbrock Oldsmobile Heads. Developed by William Estler in the 1940s, this tomato is known for its large size, sweet flavor, and disease resistance. WebSpeedmaster CNC ported cylinder heads are machined on dedicated 4-axis and 5-axis CNC machining centers to ensure accuracy and cost effectiveness. Mondello Performance Products, Inc. 1103 Paso Robles Street Paso Robles, California 93446, Toll Free Order Line: 877-322-4489 (Ordering with part numbers only). Performer RPM Cylinder Heads for But I have not had a failure with these gaskets on cast-iron cylinder-head engines. Bolt on a set of Speedmaster's fully assembled cylinder heads for instant power gains. These Hurst Olds D heads are some of the rarest Olds heads. Speedmaster Bare cylinder heads offer improved power throughout the entire rpm range for greater throttle response and top-end performance. hump in the exhaust port, clean up of the bowl area behind the valve seat, and tear With a range of 77 cc to 46 cc, you should have a variety of compression ratios available for your simple mill job. Pro-Port Raw heads are semi-machined with finished accessory, intake and exhaust flange bosses. Some of our popular builds are: Edelbrock Performer RPM Olds Edelbrock Performer RPM (Stock & Super Stock) Contact Us I have reused them multiple times by carefully cleaning them and applying a very light layer of silicone over the entire gasket. The super-thick deck is not an illusion Wise says these are 1.125-inch thick. $3795. The oldest castings (used on the 1965 400 to 425-ci engines) have the letter A, and the latest big-block production castings have the letter J. The series ended there. For those racers looking for a head with 500+hp potential, this is it! While many gardeners prefer the reliable production and compact size of determinates, others are drawn to the larger fruits and greater yields of indeterminates. They already have induction hardened seats and flow almost as good as C's. So remember: J is for junk. 7/16"CAN BE USED WITH NO ISSUES AND DRILLED FOR 3/8" PUSHRODS. The first step is to understand the causes of climate change and how we can reduce our impact on the environment. A The phone number for Heads Shop is: (201) 223-2300. trailer << /Size 36 /Info 21 0 R /Root 24 0 R /Prev 1192120 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 24 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 19 0 R /Metadata 20 0 R >> endobj 34 0 obj << /S 49 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 35 0 R >> stream WebAt the end of the day, pocket porting may not produce the fastest-looking set of heads or the most photogenic, but the results can be very satisfying. When it comes to yellow tomatoes, Carolina Gold is a popular determinate variety. ROCKET RACING OLDSMOBILE CYLINDER HEADS You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. SpeedmasterTM cylinder heads offer improved power throughout the rpm range for greater throttle response and top-end horsepower. RRP ROCKER STUD GIRDLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR ROCKET RACING CYLINDER HEADS. When performing the O-ring and receiver-groove operation, location of the O-ring and receiver groove is absolutely important. Speedmaster El Rayo ignition system are designed for the enthusiast that is serious about performance but needs the small cap size due to space considerations when installed. This essentially blends all of the casting in the head for improved flow. t Gamble When Choosing Cylinder Heads 0000001493 00000 n If you want a free port job on your small-block Olds heads, put the die grinder down. Head or block O-ringing: Starting at $250, Address: 1035 Front Royal Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46227. I have had various issues with them. Comes completely assembled with roller cam springs speced out Combustion Chamber, Exhaust and Intake Ports all fully CNC machined for better flow. When milling to reduce the combustion-chamber volume, it takes approximately .006 inch of deck surface removed per cubic centimeter of reduced combustion-chamber volume. In the early 1950s, before Joe was 17 years old, he had already ported & relieved more than 50 Ford flat head blocks for the finest engine builders of that era.