Goldman consistently found that the majority of athletes would eagerly accept the deal. The jurors were ordered not to speak about the case until the penalty phase is concluded. Greenberger, Mentzer, Marti and Lowe were arrested in 1988--five years after Radins body was found by a beekeeper in a desolate canyon 65 miles north of Los Angeles. He is currently single. And Mike wasnt joking. Deputy Dist. WebThe two joined a long list of high-profile bodybuilders around 30 or so major competition winners and other prominent athletes over the past three decades who have died prematurely due to drug overdoses, heart attacks and other organ failures, and cancer. Later that night at the brothers apartment, despite Ray telling him he should turn in, Mike continued to work on the DVDs script. [1] Ray's brother, Mike Mentzer won the rival IFBB Mr. America in 1976 during Ray's Junior title. He had suffered a heart attack in his sleep. Ray Mentzer didnt share the same opinion. As for his protein sources, they included chicken, beef, and high-quality dairy. Champion bodybuilders are known only to the relatively-small community who follow this fringe sport. However, Mike was still able to take care of his younger brother. "I was consumed 24 hours a day by the thought: To find out what went down at the 1980 Mr. Olympia including the near fist fight between Mentzer and Schwarzenegger click on,, In 1983, ace inventor and entrepreneur Arthur Jones recruited Mike and brother Ray (1979 Mr. America) to work with him on research projects he was undertaking at his Nautilus headquarters in Deland, Florida. Ray Mentzer was born on 2 August, 1953 in Pennsylvania, United States. Mentally, he went into a different gear and battened down the hatches earlier and more securely than for any other competition. In the 1960s, Iron Man publisher Peary Rader wrote an editorial to address the issue of steroids in bodybuilding and to warn readers not to get involved with the drugs. Check regularly for the latest, Greatest Physiques. The Heavy Duty, as he became known was born and raised in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Both Mentzers were jack offs with ray being the biggest jack off. This was considered such an outrageous weight for a small man that it fueled rumors of significant steroid use although, quite honestly, no one knows for sure and to speculate without definitive facts would be unfair to his memory. In around mid-1983, Mike had managed to find a role as editor of Workout Magazine. Great profile! ", Two days before the 1980 Mr. Olympia being staged in Sydney, Australia, Mike had that same "death's door feeling," which again confined him to bed for a whole day. It may be more accurate to say steroids don't kill people, abusing steroids kills people. Except this time, things were different. Q: Where is Mike Mentzer buried? Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made. 1977 IFBB North American Championships 1st (MW) On the morning of Tuesday, June 12, Joanne Sharkey (General Manager of Mikes business but who was in essence like an older protective sister to the brothers) received a call from Rays dialysis unit that he hadnt turned up for his appointment. And would these competitors have lived much longer without using them? The long term results of the era are what we've been seeing over the past couple decades: consequences that are catching up with more and more bodybuilders as reports of health issues from mild to fatal have appeared. * Ex-girlfriend of movie producer Robert Evans. Monday morning, June 11, 2001, an e-mail was sent to us saying that Mike Mentzer has passed away June 9th. Ray, his brother, who is also suffering from illnesses, found him. To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. After a stint at the New York Times, Dunn returned to Los Angeles in 1998 as a reporter and then editor in The Times Business section. Lowes attorney, Mark Kaiserman, said he also was disappointed in the verdicts and vowed to appeal. Ray retired from active competition in 1982 and started training other champions. Dont tell me about all this bullshit working out. Milk and Milk group products (Milk and cheese) Two servings per day. Ray Mentzer of Centerburg, Knox County, Ohio was born on September 6, 1902. Insulin, HGH, and various diuretics supposedly gained traction in the '90s, and they tend to have a greater risk-to-reward ratio. Mentzer, Marti and Lowe were bodyguards for Flynt at the time they met Greenberger. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? He has been a life saver for me, from last in my class in high school and 130lbs to 1985 Jr. Mr. Mississippi,1987 Mr. Mississippi,1985 Middle weight Southern Classic,1987 Light Heavy 3rd place Southern Classic,1988 Heavyweight 3rd place Southern Classic, on the same stage with Shawn Ray when he won Nationals,U.S. Ultimately, Rays life was one full of success but also tragedy. It was on a visit to the West Coast in 1982 that he met Greenberger, an alluring drug dealer with links to the Latin American drug underworld who also had ambitions of breaking into the movie business. As the courtroom clerk began reading the verdicts at 9:40 a.m., each of the defendants sat impassively, sometimes leaning to talk with their attorneys or sullenly gazing around the courtroom. Mike did not get his ideas from Jones. "John Little was one of the few who didn't approach me on the ignorant assumption that I was a 'loony' or a 'crazy.' As 1990 came, Mike found himself once again in a hospitalized state. As Mike wrestled with his demons, the bodybuilding community, to its discredit, took a detached stance toward his circumstances. It was a crushing blow. Mike was 49 and Ray was 47. I saw him in person in 1979 in Baton Rouge, at a book signing,The Mentzer Method to Fitness. He enjoyed the work, but he relied upon amphetamines to meet deadlines, on occasion staying awake for two or three days straight. Outperform yourself, make gains, and enjoy the process. As Im certain you know, it is very difficult to have great muscle memory retention (and probably thus the shoulder injury he dealt with early on) if you go that long in total resting states. MIKE AND RAY MENTZER DEAD - It's an undeniable fact that numerous top-level bodybuilders have died from some variation of "natural causes" often a heart attack or some form of organ failure before they hit 40 years old. However, given the suspicious circumstances of the deaths of two brothers dying within two days of each other, the remains of both Mike and Ray have been sent to the coroner's office in order to determine cause of death. Ray was troubled by this because he knew his brother had heart problems, and didnt want him to overtax his body. And yet, as I listened to Mikes effusive language, the phrase productive genius kept on surfacing in my mind. Ray and Mike Mentzer were probably the most legendary bodybuilding brothers of all time. However, these werent the only methods Ray used to increase his training intensity. This routine was based on doing 6-9 reps per set at the maximum weight he could lift. Ray, his brother, who is also suffering from illnesses, found him. To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. Both brothers lived in Redondo Beach, and they shared an apartment together. Heavy Duty Training revolved around doing extremely intense exercises in a short period of time. Required fields are marked *. In 1983, Ray continued training extremely hard, using various routines. Ray and co. would lift extremely heavy weights, taking long breaks between sets. , money, salary, income, and assets. A 2012 study in the American Journal of Cardiology investigated mortality rates among NFL players and actually saw that they were, overall, almost half as likely to die as comparably-aged non-athletes. In 1978, he would win the IFBB Mr. USA title and then the AAU Mr. America competition in 1979. He was known for being a Bodybuilder. Mike won the rival IFBB Mr America in 1976. However, things didn't progress the way Mike had hoped, and after six months, he and Jones severed their business relationship. Mikes form would be kept absolutely perfect. For five years Mike did crazy things and was regularly hospitalized. Id put 110% into the enterprise and it hadnt worked out.. I saw him on stage at the 1978 Mr. Universe qualifying posedown in Cincinnati (listed above as USA versus the World). Although he wasnt stage-level-ripped, Rays gigantic and muscular frame was a sight to be seen. Previously, he had started dieting 12 weeks out. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Using a spotter, often his younger brother Ray, Mikewould go on to perform 2-3 forced reps, as negatives (lowering the weight slowly) beyond the point of muscle failure. I wasnt in control of my mind although I thought he was.. But in the years prior to his drastic physical decline, Matarazzo was one of the few pros who talked openly about what he felt was the underlying cause the level of anabolic steroids and related drugs necessary to become a top-ranked pro. When he began his 4 year service to theUnited States air force,Mikewas spending 6 days a week in the gym, normally for up to 3 hours at a time. Mike Mentzer started bodybuilding at age 12. ", The warning signs were there. What to take. We hadnt spoken for over five years. He is a member of famous with the age 48 years old group. There was a strain and tension in the air all the way through.. The jury, which had been deliberating since July 10, reached their decisions Friday. In enthusiastic tones Mike told me he looked forward to celebrating his 50th birthday in November. All rights reserved. What REALLY caused Mentzer's death? - This routine was based on doing 6-9 reps per set at the maximum weight he could lift. To compound the loss of Mike, on June 11th, at approximately 9:00 PM, Ray died in his sleep. The weight would be so heavy that by the 9th rep, Ray would reach failure. I remember reading the magazines at the time. ), "I didn't think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. Many have felt that steroids had contributed to the deaths of both brothers but this truly is speculation. Joe Weider rehired Mike in the fall of that year, but after six months, Mentzer left to assume the editorship of Workout, a newly launched magazine. Mike Matarazzo, pro bodybuilder. Death of Mike Mentzer - Mr. Olympia 1980 Competition Results In one article he said I had a fanny fetish. Along with more protein than 22%. In a career that spanned over three decades, he was one of bodybuildings most It was Ayn who inspired Mike to think outside of the box when it came to training, and living life to his own accord. "I was consumed 24 hours a day by the thought: What can I do today in terms of training, diet, aerobics and motivation to improve myself? Get our L.A. Ray Mentzer Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family The information presented on this website is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Two days later, Ray died from complications from his long battle with Berger's disease. Greenberger, 43, and Robert Lowe, 44, were convicted of second-degree murder and kidnaping, requiring an automatic life sentence without possibility of parole. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. Professional athletes seeking every possible advantage and recovery method shouldn't surprise us, even when it's directly prohibited by their sport's rules and the law. Or is it the heavy use of these drugs combined with the rigors of bulking and cutting for multiple contests that eventually leads to health issues? And the more that look was rewarded, the more competitors pursued it. Mentzer though, built on this model, opted for a Heavy Duty variation. All rights reserved. In the year 1985 he claimed; The magazine was doing fairly well, when, just as it started to turn a profit, the financial people for whatever reason pulled the plug on the whole thing and we ceased operation. And even grimmer component of Ray Mentzer's life was the fact that he died tragically only two days after the unexpected death of his famous brother. But you watch. As soon as that realization hit, I was appalled at how much time I had wasted. Greenberger called Mentzer the murderer. The results suggest that heavy steroid users are more likely to have irregular heart function and a higher mortality rate compared to natural lifters. "Julie, even though our relationship had ended, was very supportive, emotionally and financially, over that whole five-year period," Mike states. Not only is he knownas one of the greatest bodybuilders in history, but also as an action movie star, and an American politician. A native of Germantown, Pennsylvania, he died of heart failure in Rolling Hills, California at the age of Sally Lipscomb said she was satisfied with the verdicts even though Greenberger and Lowe had escaped a possible death sentence. Iwrote in my book Heavy Duty II: Mind and Body that the idea is not more is better or less is better but precise is best; and as I learned from training close to 2,000 people plus myself that the precise amount of exercise required to induce optimal growth stimulation isnt nearly as much as youve been led to believe or would like to believe.. Ray will stay remembered for his insane strength, and for his never-give-up attitude towards training and life. The weightsmoved in a perfectly controlled and slow manner. In the early '90s, bodybuilding saw a significant shift in "the ideal" physique. Rolling Hills, California, United States. Those who abuse AAS are the ones stacking eight compounds a week like they think their 290-pound idol does. He was called as a witness during the preliminary hearing but refused to testify, claiming 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination. Coupled with an overwhelming amount of calories he ate, Ray soon reached the 250lbs mark of weight. His physique was a blockbuster and he later won the contest. During a check-up, Mike discovered that he had severe heart issues, which meant that the kidney transplant was off the table. One of Rays biggest influences in bodybuilding was Bill Pearl. Los Angeles, Calmes: Heres what we should do about Marjorie Taylor Greene, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, ICE detainees allege retaliation for speaking about medical conditions at Otay Mesa center, Downtown L.A stabbing sends six to hospital; suspect arrested, San Diego Roman Catholic diocese facing yet another lawsuit from its insurance company, K-Pop isnt the only hot ticket in Koreatown how trot is captivating immigrants, Los Angeles is suddenly awash in waterfalls. In fact, he achieved his biggest physique during this period. We recommend you to check the complete list of Dunn joined The Times in 1986 as a suburban reporter in the San Gabriel Valley and later moved to the Metro section, where he participated in coverage of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Mike Mentzer is one of the classic bodybuilders of the early years. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Discover the cheat that athletes use to cut fat quickly and get defined muscles. In 1983, ace inventor and entrepreneur Arthur Jones recruited Mike and brother Ray (1979 Mr. America) to work with him on research projects he was undertaking at his Nautilus headquarters in Deland, Florida. Her attorney argued during the trial that Greenberger had been framed for the murder by Milan Bellechesses, a Miami drug dealer and another Greenberger paramour who suspected Radin of stealing drugs. I wish he was still living too. It seemed the curtain had come crashing down in tragic Shakespearian style on Mike Mentzers last act and his name would fade into just a footnote on 20th century bodybuilding .. or would it? Then also theres a lot of supplements in health stores that are designed for heavy, regular workouts, and Mentzer also sounded like he did not get regular sleep cycles. During one of his evening training sessions, he was seen doing a 900-pound squat for two reps. Eventually, investigators presented a tale of cocaine, sex and greed that they say involved the making of The Cotton Club, named after the famed Prohibition-era jazz club. Ray had to wait for another donor. "Heavy Duty" involves doing very few, extended sets (using techniques like negative repetitions, forced reps, partial reps and done primarily on machines rather than using free weights). By the age of 23, Ray was a full-time competitor. Ray believed that by increasing the time under tension with these methods, hed improve his muscle growth. Two days before the 1980 Olympia tookplace, Mike was revisited by thedeaths door feeling. 'Cotton Club' Jury Convicts 4 of Murder - Los Angeles Times Ray, his brother, who is also suffering from illnesses, found him. He started dieting in February for the October contest. He became a professional bodybuilder after that 1978 Universe win. Instead of focusing only on proteins, he ate a well-balanced diet that consisted of several food groups such as; grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, and good fat sources. Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. Famed for his fracas with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the 1980 Olympia to hisHeavy Duty training style. Forced negatives did the same. However, Mentzer was just getting warmed up. You can do a lot with the correct carb loads and B-Vitamin mix i.e. beat inmate hours before He is a graduate of UC Berkeley with a degree in English. 4 AM: woke up and read philosophy for two hours, 9 PM: studied philosophy and dealt with mail-order administration, "I was in love with being conscious - amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. rhyth. The next morning he discovered Mike dead in bed, apparently of a heart attack. He was always in the shadow of his more famous brother, bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer, despite the fact that Ray was an excellent champion in his own right with a competitive physique that did help him capture various titles. "I looked my best, but I didn't feel at my best. Not 48 hours later, Ray was found dead in his apartment losing his battle against Bergers Disease. Press reports of the Mentzer deaths stressed that they were both bodybuilders. READ OTHER ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE IN THE MCGOUGH REPORT, Mike Mentzer died 13 years ago this month on June 10, 2001, aged 49. He was subsequently known for creating the "Heavy Duty" training system, derived from the ideas of Nautilus creator Arthur Jones, for whom Mike worked at one time. When a bodybuilder dies at an early age from organ-related failure, this is the kneejerk response you'll hear from bodybuilding fans: "He had a preexisting condition and would've had that same problem whether he was a bodybuilder or a school teacher!". These guys aren't trying to earn a paycheck with their muscle, nor are they trying to win any contests. Ray was on the waiting list for a transplant, and the obvious choice was his 21-month older brother Mike. At the center of the real-life drama was Radin, a 275-pound, cocaine-sniffing high school dropout from Long Island, N.Y., who had come to California in the early 1980s with dreams of breaking into the movie business. 1971 AAU Teen Mr America 2nd In 1980, he lost the title to Schwarzenegger, and the embittered Mentzer stated publicly that he felt he was robbed. This may have been a bad move, as 2 years after the blacklisting, Mikehad virtually no income. To care for him, Mikemoved in with Ray, and the two grew closer over the following years. Discover today's celebrity birthdays and explore famous people who share your birthday. Mike Mentzer was a complex and gifted man who left an indelible mark on the bodybuilding landscape. please email me or call me at 1-503-648-1898. Burt One year later, he achieved same in the AAU Mr. America show. 1979 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 2nd A native of Germantown, Pennsylvania, he died of heart failure in Rolling Hills, California at the age of Cardiovascular disease and drug overdose were found to cause an overwhelming majority of the deaths, with wrestlers being 15 times more likely to experience a cardiovascular-related death and a shocking 122 times more likely to die from drugs compared to non-athletes.