If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It is the first gym to merge fitness with mixed martial arts and has opened its doors not only to athletes but to the casual gym goer, or parents who want to get their bodies in shape. And considering all those facilities and a comfortable workout atmosphere, UFC Gym membership prices are fairly reasonable. Read Also: Jordan Lift Off White Gym Red An MMMA workout also includes weightlifting as an addition. It usually doesnt have any enrolment or processing fees. But, if you have a different type of membership, you might only be able to go to the one location where you signed up originally. But not all UFC Gym clubs offer the Virtual membership. Mostly, UFC gym price for military personnel will be discounted by 10%. This is a good option for those who dont have a medical injury preventing them from working out. For single registrants, UFC Gym membership prices include an initiation fee of $199.99, which is followed by a monthly fee of $79.99. link to Push Press vs Overhead Press (Which Is Better? Besides that, amenities and the gyms status are also integral when determining the price. Whats more, youll gain access to exclusive events, expert advice and guidance from UFC-trained professionals. You can grab the UFC Gym fitness membership at a monthly fee of $89 after you pay their initiation fee . Life Time Fitness Membership Cost 2023 - Love At First Fit Total Body Enhancement Before or After Workout: Whats Better? More About Ryan Jons. If you are looking on procedure of how to cancel ufc gym membership, here it is. However, gym facilities and services may vary by location, Also Check: Does Humana Cover Gym Memberships. Membership Terms and Conditions. Gym of Interest*. Also, with some plans, UFC Gym does offer specialized trainer consultation at no extra cost. How much does it cost to cancel UFC Gym membership? Duos can pay $150 to $550 worth initiation fee and monthly fees. Another mentionable expense you can expect at UFC is the membership cancelation fee. The cooling off period is usually 7or 15 days and depends on your membership plan and club policies. A gym day pass for UFC Gym Nottingham is 6.00 when you purchase from Hussle. Each gym has the state-of-the-art weight training and cardio equipment to help people with the workout. You can grab the UFC Gym ultimate membership by paying an enrolment fee of $25 and a processing fee of $49. However, the prices for the individual plans are the same at all branches. Own A Fitness Franchise That Benefits Your Members | UFC GYM As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The amount you have to pay depends on your membership type and the gyms location. Typically, you should contact the gym to learn about the ongoing deals. UFC Gym has not disclosed the prices of adding a family member to your plan. This may be because of the different costs of the packages. Not only will you get access to some of the best professional coaching out there, but youll also be able to attend exclusive events, and join a supportive and encouraging gym community. For example, military people (active or veterans) can enjoy 30 days of free UFC Gym classes. Not to mention all the benefits of being part of the UFC Gym community! Only = $29.95 + $1.65 service fee billed weekly * Joining Fee Normally $149. With access to professional coaches, members have the chance to learn from the best, no matter what their fitness goals are. 9 Round Fitness 12 week term membership: $0.00 (one-time payment of $349) Some clubs may offer some other plans, or the final prices may vary from club to club. UFC Gym is never the cheapest gym that you can get a membership in. And because of this need to meet physical fitness, the desire for some weight loss is another common drive to practice the craft. The membership is $39.99 per month and includes the use of all LA Fitness locations, 2 guest privileges, as well as court access. If you want to know more about UFC Gym Membership, their locator can assist you in finding a branch near your place. Typically, you can call the nearest branch to get the free guest pass. The monthly cost of the UFC Gym virtual membership is $14.95. Hiring a personal trainer at UFC Gym costs between $65 and $100 per hour. Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement (Beginners Guide), Joe Weiders Workout Routine and Diet Plan, Cody Simpsons Workout Routine and Diet Plan, Oscar Isaacs Workout Routine and Diet Plan, Should You HydroMassage Before or After a Workout? People have different motives for practicing mixed martial arts training. But at the same time, UFC Gym is also a great place for weight training, cardio workouts, and many more. Can I get a student discount on a UFC Gym membership? Own A Fitness Franchise That Benefits Your Members | UFC GYM. This plan can suit you if you are looking for an affordable gym membership at a comfortable workout environment. First of all, when you register for a UFC Gym membership, you need to pay an enrolment fee along with a processing fee. The availability and amount of discount may vary depending on the gyms policy. The UFC gyms weekend hours open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the night on Saturday and Sunday. UFC Gym Ultimate Membership costs you around $79. You can use all the workout equipment, take classes with others, and do extra hard workouts called ultimate conditioning classes. You can sign up for a pass on the UFC Gym website. The enrolment fee is usually set at $25, and the processing fee is usually $49. Recommended Reading: Chuck Norris Total Gym Workout. The basic UFC Gym membership cost starts at $39 per month for the Limited plan. Outside of the UFC GYM 7-day cooling off period, a cancellation fee of $250 is applicable OR 50% of the minimum membership balance (whichever is the lesser amount) in conjunction with all membership payments inside the 30-day written notice period. If youre looking to stay fit and work on your MMA skills, joining a UFC Gym is an excellent choice. However, you cannot visit a gym location with this package.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'loveatfirstfit_com-leader-1','ezslot_3',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loveatfirstfit_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'loveatfirstfit_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',188,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loveatfirstfit_com-leader-1-0_1'); .leader-1-multi-188{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. But depending on the location, additional fees may be included in the total cost. Ufc Gym | Ufc Fit The most expensive UFC Gym plan is the Championship Membership, which costs $129 and includes the most access and amenities. UFC Gym also offers a Youth plan for young fitness enthusiasts. Today, the club is Were not just any nutrition site! This plan gives you access to more facilities like skill/technique improvement classes and kids club. For all membership Options, they charge Read more Genesis Gym Prices & Membership Cost What Time Does Fantastic Sams Open Close ? Watch out if your local UFC gym offers promotions that allow new members to sign up for a discounted membership price. A DW Fitness First membership costs between $30-$45/month, depending on what length of contract you sign up for. Youll also get exclusive access to some of the worlds top trainers and instructors to help you reach your goals. The Ultimate Fighting Champion athlete is the best-trained athlete in the world. Youll be able to save money while still enjoying the same amazing benefits that a UFC Gym membership has to offer. It will help you make an informed buying decision. An MMA session burns an impressive 500 calories in an hour. But always keep in mind, those were only the usual prices, and final rates may vary from club to club. You can grab the UFC Gym champion membership at a monthly price of $129. If you tag a friend, then, both of you will have to split the $399.99 initiation fee, which is equivalent to twice of the single registration. Usually, UFC Gym offers 4 different types of plans, namely: Their most basic membership plan is the UFC Gym limited, which has a monthly fee of $39. Besides that, the management allows cancellation if you want to shift to another package or leave the gym. In general, a UFC Gym membership will cost between $49-$179/month, with an ~$89 initiation fee. When it comes to grabbing a membership, one attractive feature of UFC Gym is that they offer multiple options. Ufc Gym Deals | (40% OFF) | March 2023 - Slickdeals UFC Gym opens first branch in Abu Dhabi with 24-foot Octagon and MMA If you want more amenities and access to advanced training, the UFC Gym Fitness Membership is a better choice. Luckily, these fees are one-time payments and the same for all membership packages. This is the highest available tier and will cost $129 per month. Every fitness journey is unique. With this membership, you can go to the gym anytime you want and even watch big UFC fights with your friends. Gym and Fitness Membership Prices and Cost Including all Policy Guide. You can use all the exercise equipment, like weights and cardio machines, and join in on group fitness classes too. Additionally, some clubs may also offer virtual membership at a rate of $14.95 per month. You can visit the gym or their website to check if there is any ongoing promotion for a free trial. For all these types of UFC Gym memberships, you will have to pay an enrolment fee as well as a processing fee. Those were the general UFC Gym prices that you can expect throughout the United States. And love to explore different gyms and their features. A UFC Gym membership is an investment that can pay off. In order to terminate your membership, you will have to pay some fees. What is the cost of a UFC Gym membership? With this membership, you can go to the gym anytime you want and even go to special gyms that are open for longer hours. But personal trainer pricing depends greatly on the club location and other factors. Unlock your potential and elevate your performance in a highly-energized and supportive environment. UFC Gyms often offer special deals and offers to attract new members or reward existing ones. Can I Go to Any UFC Gym with My Membership? However, you can always find them either by visiting their website or by contacting them directly. These figures are not concrete, as some members have had success getting the initiation fee waived. Typically, the virtual plan allows you to enjoy live classes and other exercise videos. Most YMCAs will also offer a discount for signing up with others, such as a family pass. Your monthly cost for a UFC Gym ultimate membership is $99. Each gym has high-quality equipment and classes that make learning fun. In this article, to help you with learning about UFC Gym membership cost, we have compiled UFC Gym pricing and other details for different types of plans. Welcome to Fight Club Participate in the exclusive Fight Club Community, connect with your favorite fighters and enjoy exclusive members-only benefits including pre-sale tickets, exclusive merch, and much more. Some only permit a certain kind of martial arts combat, while others simply permit freestyle fighting. A Genesis Health Club membership costs between $30-$45/month, along with a large signup fee of more than $200+. Expert advice can help you get the most out of your workout, and you can rest assured that your progress is being tracked and monitored. Youll be equipped with a program designed to meet your unique needs and a partner who will push you to go further and go faster. So if youre looking to get in the best shape of your life and join an elite fitness community, be sure to check out the UFC Gym. The cost of enrolling might range from $150 to $200. drworkout.fitness is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In short, UFC Gym may not be the cheapest gym you can join. Because the UFC gym can be treated as a normal gym, with a $49/month membership cost, or a membership with all sorts of classes in the MMA realm. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Whether youre looking to drop some pounds, get into shape, or just learn some new self-defense techniques, UFC Gyms exclusive events will help you get there. UFC Apex; Find a Gym; EA SPORTS UFC Mobile 2; EA Sports UFC 4; .