. Were here to support you and look forward to working with you! Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house to Virgo. The native spends a lot of money on family welfare. This house also tells us to work on our commitment issues so they are gone for good by the time we reach our Saturn return. Having crossed the Purity of Virgo ruled by Rajasic Mercury now marriage is the concept of Libra ruled by Rajasic Venus. (c) It is a house of Mercury: Intelligent, quick in grasping, estimating the situation and adjustable to circumstances, mathematical brain with proper functioning of neurological system, cunning, thinking twice before doing once, lean and beautiful in structure, witty, quick and fast, unstable in nature. Sun is the lord of 12th house . Introducing our exclusive one-year annual subscription membership, where youll have unlimited access to our expert astrologers for consultations, remedies, and a comprehensive prediction report. They want people to feel loved and appreciated and will find any small detail to make their loved ones feel special. .. will get due recognition from society or government, gain through recommendation letters, possess documents and bank correspondences by way of their spouses, enter into partnership deeds and receive notices of tax reimbursements. Pisces Ascendant - If it is Pisces Ascendant, Venus rules 3rd & 8th house and sits in 7th house in Virgo, where it is debilitated. Sun in sixth house/ Sun in 6th house for Virgo ascendant. The Venus in 7th House woman is strong, composed and full of character. Capricorn, the 10th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Virgo; so the Virgo ascendant borns tend to fall in love with elderly persons or customers at offices or professional places with more interest in sexual pleasures. Venus in the 7th House usually denotes long-lasting relationships. These people are the ultimate friend. Pouring white flowers in a river also helps eliminate the malefic effects of Venus. I'm excited and nervous . Answer (1 of 7): For virgo ascendant . You will have multiple affairs before settling down with one. You can count on her to always be thoughtful of the needs of everyone around her. Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITERhencethe Virgo ascendant borns may work in big organizations, banks. Jupiter happens to be the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. The Venus in 7th House woman is strong, composed and full of character. Energetically, Venus in 7th House people usually attract others to them in ways that are subtle and at times have a touch of mystery. Looking at the sphere of marriage, such malefic exalted Venus can delay the marriage of the native, it can cause disturbances after marriage and/or it can break one or more marriages of the native, depending on his overall horoscope. The native may witness two or more broken marriages on account of serious disturbances in them and he may settle in third or fourth marriage. They are also creative, and have good taste. Therefore its energies are amplified. Saturn in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology Both you & your spouse would have a lot of common hobbies. They get success when they serve people but at the same time, they are eccentric while helping others. Leo, the 5th house of Kaalchakra is the 12th house to Virgo. She has an enchanting smile and look that can seduce anyone, while her power over men can drive them crazy. Your partner may belong to an affluent family and be far more wealthy than you. His social behavior has royal and administrative touch. Effects of Venus in 7th House in Male & Female Horoscope - Jupiter Speaks This attractive man is always eyeing a prospective mate, and will drop all his other responsibilities to pursue a new woman. This is the planet of love, after all. Jupiter happens to be the lord of houses 4th & 7th . Venus in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology venus in 8th House for virgo Ascendant as per Bhrigu Samhita So the Virgo ascendant borns will serve in the departments of investigation, customs and excise, sales tax, prision, audit, health, mortuary and in the offices of enforcements, punishments and seizures. Venus in the 7th House is one of the most influential natal dispositions, which often brings new love and romance into your life. His wife will be beautiful but out of control and of opposite temperament. This indicates a partner who is competitive, self-starting, and results-oriented. We all know that the 7th house is the most important house for marriage and relationships. The 7th lord Venus in the 3rd house for Aries Ascendant means that your spouse will belong to a local community and is someone who's worked their way up to success. Sun happens to be the lord of 12th house to Virgo. They mentor and offer insight into ways you can look at your love life more positively. Wear a Diamond or opal on your index or middle finger. Astrosaxena Instead, we should aim to find a balance that works for both parties. Do not Copy, Publish, Distribute or Reproduce without Permission. The placement of Venus provides a clarity of perception, sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others, a strong sense of ethics, intuition about people and concrete reality. Your email address will not be published. Moon Conjunct Venus Synastry - Did You Just Find Your Soulmate? Venus in the 7th House of Sagittarius Ascendant may bring honors and success through government jobs and services. Sun. This means that things happen with ease and you attract what you want in relationships. Since Scorpio is a house of Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns tend to be over-confident and courageous; they would not hesitate to spread rumours and involve in forgery; include unwanted conditions in their agreements and would enter into illegal agreements. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Capricorn is also a movable sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns tend to develop their love affairs and belief in god and will have ever growing wisdom and artistic talents. Venus in The 7th House: Its Meaning In Natal & More - Your Higher Journey AstrologerPanditji.com. Learned and blessed with long life. The 9th house of Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Virgo. Venus in the 7th House brings complete bliss and happiness to your marriage. Cancer, the 4th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house of Virgo. Some people may do well in the accounts, banking, and finance sector. If you have this placement, youre likely to attract a partner who is kind, loving, and romantic. When she decides she wants to share herself with you, however, she can be intelligent, charming, and alluring. You have a very precise methodology to your movements. ; Reverse results if afflicted. Angular House Type: An Angular house type is ruled by a cardinal sign. They love to take risks and always want to live life at 100 miles per hour. You may also be drawn to relationship counseling or any job that brings people together. When Venus is in the seventh house, its all about relationships. But troubled married life. You can find out about their personality, their likes and dislikes, their likely career path and where they will study. Both partners convey their minds and internal wishes and share their moments, whether it is happy or sad. Venus in 7th House : Meaning, Impact And Remedies It can be possible that you may not find your desired partner. This planet wants beauty, charm and harmony. They may also be creative and emotionally connected. Therefore its energies are amplified. medical shops, nutrition department and law offices, will avail loans with the recommendation of popular personalities, lead feasts and festivals, will be fond of fatty foods and suffer due to cholesterol and tissue disorders. There is also a need to impress, to be admired by others and look down upon them at the same time. Venus in 7th House. The 7th house is opposite the 1st. Let's see how this conjunction impacts each house! It reminds us to stop and smell the roses and to enjoy the simple things in life. Its ruled by Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Mars conjunction in 7th house we have to know about Sun in 7th house, Mars in 7th house and Sun and Mars conjunction. You may become a successful artist, writer, or painter. Venus in 7th House people are usually very good looking. They're someone who has an excellent fashion sense and will have business in the fields of marketing, wealth management, or fashion. It is the 7th house to Kaalpurusha. Composite Venus in the 7th House With Composite Venus in the 7th house, this is one of the houses Venus naturally rules and is the house of committed relationships, so this is a great placement for virtually any relationship. Venus in 9th House for Leo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Jupiter in 4th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. If Capricorn is the sign on the cusp of your 7th house then you'll be attracted to ambitious, practical and opportunistic love and sexual partners who spend a great deal of time pursuing success. SINCEthe 6thhouse falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to respiratory disorders, will be gluttons, work in drug centres or as anaesthetists, manufacture respiratory aids, involve in the fields of liquors, narcotics and spices. Venus in 7th house people are true peacemakers. The 7th House is a natural karaka House for Venus. So the Virgo ascendant borns will study post-graduate courses, hold comfortable and honorary posts, gain success in research attempts with burning desires, make achievements in research fields, will be fond of taking fatty food, gain name and fame, will be active in associations and have fortunate opportunities in life. If so, you are attracted to relationships that are deep and meaningful. The 7th house is the mirror reflection of Self. .will have social relationships with colleagues, executive officers, bureaucrats, persons with authority and power, trade unionists and dealers. The natives romantic nature may make this an ideal situation for love and affection to flourish. 12 Impressive Results of Saturn Venus Conjunction in Horoscope You will have abundant good looks, love, romance, money, fame, and luxuries in life. If Venus is debilitated in the 7th house (for Pisces Ascendant) then it may create problems in your relationships and partnerships as 7th house is also ruled by Venus and Libra side of Venus (as Venus rules two signs > Taurus and Libra) is all about relationships and partnerships. Mercury is also the lord of houses 1st & 10th to Virgo. Mars is also the lord of houses 3rd & 8th to Virgo. The idea of love and romance will excite you, and you will have crushes and be fascinated with many people. The native works hard to manage his business peacefully and gains wealth. It is traditionally called the House of Self-Undoing. So the Virgo ascendant borns will incur expenditure in secret affairs and new ventures; face financial crisis, spend money on religious endowments, become incapable of liquidatingtheir capital, find hidden things and study research education. The native may settle in her country on the basis of such marriage, he may enjoy a good marriage and he may receive a lot of support from his wife as well as her family, in order to settle in a profession. SINCE the 2nd house falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Virgo ascendant borns will gain through foreign scholarships, subsidies or as guides to foreigners and in international trade. Lastly, since the marriage house is connected to the house of love affairs, you'll be a die-hard romantic. Unless Venus is Vargottama in chart, this shows a real stressed out relation as karaka of marriage is debilitated in house of marriage. SINCE the 10th house falls in the star of Punarvasu, the star of Jupiter, the Virgo ascendant borns will hold responsible and honorary posts in macro-organisations, banks, child welfare organisations, currency notes printing division, ancient memorials or gold mines. The influence of exalted Venus on the 7th House plays a crucial role in fostering the natives relationships. An arranged marriage may also convey happiness, comfort, and satisfaction. Venus in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant The native is intelligent, wise, and fortunate. Pisces, the TWELVTH house of Kaalpurusha is the 7th house to Virgo. Hence, Venus mahadasha is extremely beneficial for Virgo ascendants. What are the consequences of having Venus in the 7th House for a Virgo The condition of Venus in the horoscope will define ones ability to experience harmonious and romantic relationships and the level at which one deals with it. Capricorn is an earthy and movable sign; so the Virgo ascendant boras will progress in the fields of ancient arts, religion and culture. According to classical source Saravali, individuals with this combination are tensed for even the slightest matters. Sagittarius is a common and fiery sign; so they may live in small and congested houses situated in the end part of a street and in the outskirts of city; may have to live in houses owned by other community people; they will not stay long in the same house; may complete their higher education after crossing over quite a few barriers. This is a woman who wants to be married or at least have a stable relationship. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have secret plans in their love affairs, fail or carry lack of interest in love affairs, secretly give birth to illegitimate child, get into compromise with separated partner, regain power and strength and secretly protect their child. This is the planet of relationships, so it rules marriage and commitment. A love marriage probably has a high chance of success in your life if Venus is in Aries, Cancer, Pisces, Leo, or Libra sign. When Venus is in this position there is harmony between the dreamer and his sweetheart. 2) Native may be ambitious. Early marriage may bring some problems. Capricorn Ascendant House Lords, Makar Lagna analysis with their house lords. 7th Lord In 3rd House - Chitra Vedic Astrology May gain from social relations, business and life partners, banks, government subsidy, government recognition and through tax-evasions. CANCER// CANCER RISING. 7th house is also the house of relationship with your spouse. So the Virgo ascendant borns will not stick to honesty in spite of their attempts to win confidence of others in conversations; get into troubles with their ancestral properties and always find themselves amidst financial troubles and worries. Your imagination is flourishing thanks to the pile-up in Pisces, and you are prompted to cultivate your intuitive gifts. On a spiritual level the 7th house is bringing awareness to the areas of life you find yourself in opposition to. Keywords: The keywords associated with the 7th house are marriage, partnership, relationships, business partners, friends, social life, balance, legal matters, cooperation, collaboration, compromise, love, and contracts. You also need to find a balance between giving and taking, or you will quickly become resentful. After marriage native life will turns to success. Married life will be peaceful. So the Virgo ascendant bornswill find themselves amidst press publicity about their artistic performances, publish books on arts and culture, enter into agreements for artistic performances, excel in art fields wherein imagination of mind play a vital role and make changes in their transfer orders. Scorpio is a house of Mars, the lord of houses 3rd & 8th to Virgo; So the Virgo ascendant borns will have troubles out of their writings and will have a cowardly mind full of confusions. It makes you sensitive, passionate and attractive to others, particularly if youre a woman. The partner of the person might have a short life. They are always fair and just, even when it isnt easy. Offer sweets to widowed women or little girls on Friday as it is a powerful remedy. Your partner is very conservative, in a routine of their own, and not that interested in intimacy. It is also noticed that natives with the 7th House placement of Venus have a solid physical and emotional bonding with their partner. When exalted Venus is placed in the seventh house in a horoscope, Virgo rises in the ascendant. Aquarius is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. If you are currently experiencing relationship difficulties, this report can help you to fix them. Seventh House Ruler / Lord in First House for Pisces Ascendant. Your . Venus in the 7th House of Aries Ascendant makes natives succeed in love, marriage, and self-employment. Venus happens to be the lord of houses 2nd & 9th to Virgo. The natives should be careful of their actions and attitude. You will often be surprised that the woman with Venus in their 7th House can sometimes feel jealous and possessive about her man, although she doesnt show it outwardly. Venus in the 7th house people are sociable and charming. It is where you start to see yourself expressed through others. Above results of Saturn Venus Conjunction are general in nature varies from horoscope to horoscope, results also depends on other factors also such as house, degree, involvement of Jupiter and benefics, ashtakvarga points, navamsa etc.,though results intensity may vary but intention remains the same. The 7th House Descendant - Love and Sexual Astrology If Venus is aspect or conjunct between malefic planets, it may cause spouse loss. Though they seem to be lazy sometimes, this is rarely true once they have taken interest in some matter then they are serious and dedicated. Honor through merits, success through industrious efforts. Native will enjoys all benefits of Venus. You will be fair and slender, with beautiful eyes and full lips, and may easily garner or attract attention from the opposite sex. The position of Venus and Rahu in this house makes a person indulge in extramarital affairs. Pisces is ruled by JUPITER hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. Hence the native may achieve success as an actor, singer, dancer, fashion model, poet, musician, writer, orator, speaker, designer, architect, beautician, teacher, preacher, coach, consultant, advisor, religious guru, spiritual guru, astrologer, doctor, engineer, revenue officer, administrative officer, naval officer, army officer, wedding planner, match maker, hair stylist, makeup artist, professional dealing in liquor industry, tobacco industry, casino industry, food industry, clothes industry, perfume industry, hotel industry, airline industry, travel industry, movie industry, music industry, television industry, media industry, radio industry, real estate industry, automobile industry or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope. Body functions, neurological system, writing skills, communications and public relations would remain stable and last long for Virgo ascendant borns. Taurus is an earthy sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will not like to disclose their knowledge to the world in spite of deep knowledge and research capacity; they will maintain relationships and communications with foreigners and may end up as polygynists. Libra is a movable sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will gain through gold and other valuables. He is a lavish spender who will shower his beloved woman with gifts on holidays and special occasions. So the Virgo ascendant borns will always think about themselves with pride and have growing desires, happily show their commitments; have independent opinions and imaginations and will be gluttons. This position also indicates happiness, social and financial gains from marriage, and success in public relations and partnerships. Venus in the 7th House of Aries Ascendant makes natives succeed in love, marriage, and self-employment. If benefic Rahu is placed in the twelfth house in Leo with Jupiter, benefic Ketu is placed in the sixth house in Aquarius and benefic Moon is placed in the first house in Virgo, the equation may improve. Sun is also the lord of 12th house to Virgo.