} } Chilton, 56, is a 9-year Williamson County resident and an associate professor of public administration at Tennessee State University. Religion is key to culture. Franklin's children currently attend Columbia State Community College and Page HighSchool, while his youngest are home schooled. His childrenattended both WCS and FSSD schools and graduated from Centennial High School. } I will use my years of leadership experience to make sure that WCS continues to offer the BEST education to each and every one of its students. Chilton holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Centre College, and both a master's degree in public administration and a PhD in urban and public affairs from the University of Louisville. Mitchell won in the general election on August 6, 2020. Open zoning needs to be done as much as possible so it's more of a parental choice rather than a board edict. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. color: white; font-weight: bold; .votebox-covid-disclaimer { .votebox_legend { The school board has one employee and that's Dr. Looney. Mayor Lightfoot appoints a juvenile-justice official and former charter leader to Chicago school board. font-weight: bold; Along similar lines, despite all of the commotion at Tuesday's meeting, Williamson County Schools Board of Education chair Nancy Garrett said she received 781 emails from people in favor of. Graham also holds a faculty appointment as an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee's Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science. Not have been convicted of a felony. background-color: #f4f4f4; background-color: #db0000; They are picked on for being Black or Hispanic. 2023 www.tennessean.com. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} | Outside of his profession, Britton has been on the board of the Salvation Army of Middle Tennessee for 15 years as board chair and treasurer. font-weight: bold; } "Our board members represent and serve all families whose children attend Williamson County Schools," she wrote in an email. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Elections are held every two years to ensure . "I am excited to bring a fresh perspective, and listening ear, to the parents of the Williamson County School District," she said. text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em; display: table; Yet these things in second graders get written off as boys will be boys or its just kids being kids. At least, when its directed at girls, minorities, and others. background-color: #6db24f; Eliot Mitchell is a member of the Williamson County Board of Education in Tennessee, representing District 3. background-color: grey; I hope I didn't miss anything.". [15] Following the retirement of Gary Anderson, Nancy Garrett was elected chairman and KC Haugh vice chairman. Mar 3, 2023, 12:36pm PST. margin-bottom: 4px; Members meet on a monthly basis with additional policy meetings, work sessions and special sessions as needed. All three of them went to new schools. Federal courts | My family has crossed cultural lines for many years. $('#candidate-connection-email-84557').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Mauricio Pea / Chalkbeat. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { .race_header.democratic { text-align: left !important; Brownhas been serving as an interim board member, appointed by the Williamson County commission, since October 2021following board member Brad Fiscus' resignation and out-of-state move. I promise to listen, research, communicate, and respond to the citizens of Williamson County. } } Angela Durham First District | School Board Chair Dan Cash Second District Eliot Mitchell Third District Josh Brown Fourth District | School Board Vice Chair Jennifer Aprea Fifth District Jay Galbreath Sixth District .widget-row.value-only.black { 100% remote. Originally from Minnesota,Bidinger, 47, has lived in Williamson County since 2004; first in Franklin and now in Brentwood. The District 3 race featured candidates Christy Coleman, Kimberly Little, and Eliot Mitchell. } "I have been impressed with their teachers and the staff at the Williamson County Public Schools," Britton said. .votebox-results-cell--number { padding-left: 0; The Williamson County board released a statement on the mask debate there, saying, "Our parents are passionate about their children's education, and that's one of the reasons for our. letter-spacing: 0.03em; "Second graders are more than capable of understanding that yes, the people in power in this country (white men) used to refuse to let women and Black people vote or have the same rights, and we still continue to have challenges in many of these areas to this day," she wrote. .infobox p { Holladayanoptometrist, musician, songwriterand father of three relocated from Nashville to Franklin in 2016, "drawn by the stellar reputation of the school system," he said in a press release. Williamson County Schools Board of Education member Brad Fiscus Submitted Williamson County Schools Board of Education District 4 member Brad Fiscus and his wife and Tennessee's former top vaccine official, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, will move out of state next month to pursue new opportunities. "[6], Communities in Williamson County Schools for K-12 include Brentwood, Fairview, Nolensville, Thompson's Station, the county's portion of Spring Hill, and outlerlying portions of Franklin. They have LGBTQ slurs shouted at them, yes, even in second grade. Williamson Source is your personal portal to all things Williamson County. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0px; Second graders are more than capable of understanding that yes, the people in power in this country (white men) used to refuse to let women and Black people vote or have the same rights, and we still continue to have challenges in many of these areas to this day. School Board Approves New Elementary School Names, Kindergarten Registration for 2023-24 School Year Begins March 6, Two More Opportunities Remain to Have Your Voice Heard, Registration for Summer SACC Opens March 1, Strategic Planning Community Meetings Begin Tonight, Important Information Regarding Third Grade Retention Law, District Recognizes January Bus Drivers of the Month, Celebrating School Board Appreciation Week, WCS Class of 2022 Outperforms State in ACT Exams, Board Approves List of 2023-24 Open-Zoned Schools, Staying Healthy During the Spring Semester, Help Name District's Newest Elementary Schools, Celebrating the December Bus Drivers of the Month, Page High Theater Selected to Perform at State Conference, WCS Educators Nominated for Manilow Music Award, School Board Approves 2023-24 Rezoning Plan, RHS Students to Sing in National Honor Choir, District Celebrates November Bus Drivers of the Month, Grassland Elementary Accepts National Blue Ribbon Award, Help High School Seniors Through TNAchieves Mentor Program, TV/Film Students Nominated for National Awards, National Merit Commended Students Announced, What to Know About Parent, Teacher Conferences, School Board Members Sworn in for New Term, Grassland Elementary Named 2022 National Blue Ribbon School, District Sets Another Record with National Merit Semifinalists, Alumni Achiever - Chelsi Cassilly, Independence High Class of 2008, New TCAP Family Portal Feature Supports Student Reading, CHS Students, Teacher Honored for First Day Heroics, Webmasters Keep School Communities Informed, City of Brentwood Donates to Area Schools, Help Stop Bullying with New Classlink Form, Federal Program Aims to Keep Families Connected, District Earns All 5s on State Assessment, WCS AP Capstone Students Set New District Record, WCS Students Return to Little League World Series, WCS Using Different Tool for Online Payments, Check Bus Route Information Before First Day, Staying Healthy Throughout the School Year, County Commission Approves District Budgets, USDA Eliminates No-Cost Meal Program for Schools, Franklin High IB Program Students Set Record, 2022-23 School Bell Times, Late Start and Early Release, Board Approves 2022-23 Late Start, Early Release Days, Back to School Forms Online Starting June 27, Teachers Begin Preparing for 2022-23 School Year, School Board Votes to Extend Superintendent Golden's Contract, FVHS Graduates Earn Associate Degrees, Technical Certificates, Celebrating Class of 2022 Valedictorians, Salutatorians, Nashville Organization Donates to WCS Libraries, Block Promoted to Principal of Woodland Middle, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - May 24, 2022, Summer School Bus Route Information Available, Drew Perry Selected as Scales Elementary Principal, Thompson's Station Elementary Principal Named, Quen Williams Selected to Lead Creekside Elementary, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - May 17, 2022, BMS Robotics Among Top Teams at World Competition, Steinle Named Nolensville Elementary Principal, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - May 10, 2022, Fuller Chosen to Lead New Triune Area School, WCS Students Make Appearance at DECA International Convention, Justus Named Principal of New Spring Hill School, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - May 3, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - April 26, 2022, Jordan Elementary Green Team Helps Improve Community, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - April 19, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - April 12, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - April 5, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - March 29, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - March 22, 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - March 8, 2022, RHS, IHS Occupational Diploma Students Learn About Music Industry, Students Perform in First WCS Middle School Honor Jazz Band, IHS, RHS JROTC Teams to Compete in National Competition, Elementary Students Get Another Opportunity for Free Mini Golf, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - March 1, 2022, Discovery Virtual K-8 Accepting Applications for 2022-23, Kindergarten Registration Opens Next Week, Graduation Dates Announced for Class of 2022, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - February 22, 2022, Board Votes to Uphold Reconsideration Committee Decision, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - February 15, 2022, Students Smash District National Merit Finalist Record, WCS Students Continue Academic Excellence, PHS Teacher Accepted into Summer Fellowship Program, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - February 8, 2022, Universal Day Introduces Rising Ninth Graders to CCTE, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - February 1, 2022, Apply for WCS Early Childhood Peer Program, Food Shortages Continue to Affect School Cafeterias, Open-Zoned Schools Request Portal Now Open, BHS Engineering Curriculum Gives Students New Opportunities, Nobel Prize Winner Speaks to TSES Fifth Graders, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - January 25, 2022, Tennessee Promise FAFSA Deadline Extended Until March 1, Showing Appreciation for the Williamson County School Board, Improvements Added to Bus Tracking Mobile App, Board Approves Open-Zoned Schools for 2022-23 School Year, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - January 19, 2022, State Releases Draft Public School Funding Framework, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - January 11, 2022, WCS Students Continue Academic Excellence with Perfect ACTs, WCS Reminds Families, Staff of COVID-19 Protocols as Second Semester Begins, Communications Expectations for Inclement Weather, Buy a Brick for Franklin High's New Courtyard, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - December 14, 2021, Share Your Opinion About Public School Funding, Independence High JROTC Students Hit Marks, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - December 7, 2021, WCS Seeks Input for Communications Survey, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - November 30, 2021, Page, Summit High Football Teams Prepare for Title Games, Page High Senior Projects Continue Decades-Long Tradition, Registration Open for EWLP Spring Classes, Five-Year Capital Plan Includes Updated Opening Dates, New Schools, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - November 16, 2021, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - November 9, 2021, November is BE NICE Month in Williamson County, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - November 2, 2021, Supply Shortages Affecting WCS Food Services, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - October 26, 2021, WCS Online School Requests Now Being Accepted, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - October 19, 2021, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - October 5, 2021, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - September 28, 2021, Free Round of Mini Golf for WCS Elementary Students, WCS Raises Pay for Special Education Teaching Assistants, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - September 21, 2021, Mill Creek Middle Students Inspire Teammates, Clovercroft Elementary Named 2021 National Blue Ribbon School, Summit High Teacher Returns from Mission to Mars, Williamson County Schools Named Reading 360 Model District, District Celebrates Record-Breaking Number of National Merit Semifinalists, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - September 14, 2021, Updated WCS Illness Guidelines, At-Home COVID Test Information, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - September 7, 2021, Fairview Middle Student's Wish Gets Granted, Tennessee Schools Can Request Remote Learning, Board Approves Temporary Mask Requirement in Middle, High School Buildings, COVID-19 Positive Case Data - August 31, 2021, Nationwide Food Supply Issues Affecting School Meals, Scammers Target Williamson County Businesses, New Mitigation Strategies in Effect in WCS, City of Brentwood Donates Money to Brentwood-Area Schools, Spreading the Good News in Williamson County Schools, Governor's Executive Order Alters Mask Requirements for WCS Elementary Students, WCS Students Outperform State on Spring TCAP Exams, District Resumes Reporting Weekly COVID-19 Data, WCS Students Advance to Little League World Series, Temporary Mask Requirement Approved for Elementary Grades, Fairview Students Receive Teaching Scholarships, Meal Kits Available for Online Students at No Cost, Food Services Employees Dedicate Decades to District, EWLP Registration Window Closes August 10, Webmasters Work Behind the Screens to Inform, One-Stop Shop for Back-to-School Information, Stay Up to Date with New Health Services Information, Communication in Williamson County Schools, Students Continue to Receive School Meals at No Cost, District Updates Health, Wellness Guidelines, Check Bus Routes Before First Day of School, County Commission Approves 2021-22 School Board Budgets, Registration Open for 2021-22 School Age Child Care, WCS Teachers Start Preparation for 2021-22 School Year, WCS Starts First Girls Interscholastic Flag Football League in Tennessee, Elementary World Language Program Returns to WCS, Participate in Final Round of Listen and Learn Sessions, WCS Educators Join Aspiring Assistant Principal Network, No Cost Meals to Continue Through June 2022, Class of 2021 Valedictorians, Salutatorians Announced, Class of 2021 Gets Ready to Walk Across Stage, Franklin High JROTC Conducts Change of Command Ceremony, Oak View Elementary Students Raise Money for Refuge Center, Brentwood High Student Named 2021 US Presidential Scholar, Record-Breaking Number of Students Earn AP Capstone Diplomas, Opportunities for Input Continue with Fostering Healthy Solutions, Celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week, Summer SACC Day Camp Registration Ends May 8, EES First Grader Helps Make Big Changes in App, Dyson Named New Centennial High Principal, Thompson's Station Middle Receives STEM Grant, Chapman's Retreat Elementary Principal Named, High School Students Continue to Excel on ACT, TES Students Surprise Administrators with Flowers, Participate in Listen and Learn Sessions with Fostering Healthy Solutions, WCS Fully Vaccinates More than 2,500 Employees, High School Students Join Top Percentage of ACT Test Takers, WCS Providing Free Meals to Students for Remainder of School Year, New School Year Registration Ends March 23, District to Host ESL Classes for WCS Parents, Student Sections to be Allowed at Athletic Events, District Creates Professional Development Videos for Teachers, TCAP Assessments Required for 2020-21 School Year, Cheer, Dance Teams Allowed to Perform Again, WCS Named Vaccine Distributor for District Staff, Williamson County Libraries Challenge Readers, Bethesda Elementary Receives Teacher Morale Donation, More Changes Announced for Athletic Guidelines, What to Know About Flex Asynchronous Days, Athletic Guidelines Updated After State Changes, Three WCS Students Earn Perfect PSAT Scores, Check Bus Information Before Second Semester, Spring Station Middle Announces Interim Principal, Crockett Elementary Uses Video to Share STEM Projects, State Health Department Adjusts COVID-19 Guidelines, Sunset Middle ELA Teacher Delivers Cupcakes for Lesson, Meal Kits Not Available During Holiday Breaks, School Board Approves 2021-22 School Calendar.