An In Conversation between federal coalition MP Andrew Robb and the director of the Waler and Eliza Hall Institute, Doug Hilton. "What we've seen is over 150 clinical trials take place. Read More. A petition calling forMori to be taught in schools had been presented to parliament and Te Reo Society students were active in pushing for formal recognition of the language. Housing policies favour the rich and leave first home buyers high and dry. The role of Pkeh is to support - E-Tangata Home John Will 1710 Andrew Robb 1783 > > > > Photo Albums Doyleston NZ Contact . Broadcaster Alan Jones is the most influential shockjock on the air. Remember Naida Glavish almost got the sack from the Post Office for answering the phone with Kia ora. Andrew Robb. . Andrew Robb was involved with Te Reo Mori Society, a kaupapa Mori-based student group at Victoria University, in the early 70s. Some wouldn't survive. No online music or videos, no online dictionaries, no online support groups, almost no language resource materials, no radio station nothing to support our own hard work. It leads to breakthroughs and can change peoples lives for the better. Shadow Finance Minister Andrew Robb says Australias education sector should embrace technology to help educate Indias emerging middle class. Deposition of non-clean fill materials can leach and have an impact on water quality, the abatement notice said. Two complaints about a Hou Hou goldminer also failed to fly: staff found the operator was compliant and there was no issue with his settlement ponds. The contractor was asked to provide receipts for the disposal of materials at an authorised site. 'They pretty much said she was dead': Mm addicted to meth, turned life around for ppi. In the last 20 years he's been involved in rural TV programmes including Rural Delivery, Number 8 Wired and Country Calendar. You see everything in a negative fashion. The College of Psychiatrists is opposed. Andrew the challenge I think you have is that although Mori need to be the priority in te reo, you will not see the Pkeh buy-in into the use of te reo which you need to, until Pkeh see significant numbers of *other*Pkeh learning the language. "Now, those sort of results are not possible [with current medications] At best, 30 per cent of people in Australia will respond to the antidepressants. Its future still depends on everyone doing their utmost and working together to help the language flourish and not helping ourselves to as much as we can get, as it loses its rangatiratanga and eventually becomes extinct. "But just like with cannabis, it still remains, you know, illegal for recreational purposes. Adjacent landowners Mat McNutt and Ally Sardelich complained to the council that they were disappointed it had not issued an abatement notice following the March visit, and had not ordered the contractor and consent holder to dig up the non-clean fill material already covered with soil. . Priority usually goes to whnau with children already enrolled, so its hard to get a toe in the door. The federal government want to stop green groups from using lawfare. In terms of policy, its right that Pkeh should speak Mori and Pkeh engagement is important to the revitalisation of te reo Mori. . Mori Land March Wellington Motorway, October 1975. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't think we need to set up another one of those [drugs] just yet. I spoke Mori to our children all the time, to the best of my ability. Robb worked at Te poko o Te Ika as a journalist, the first iwi radio station ever established in 1987 in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Andrew Robb Obituary, Death - Andrew - Touching Death News - Facebook We welcome submissions or inquiries But the trauma of Mori and the loss of their reo must be addressed first, and priority be given to meeting their huge need to regain access. On the other hand, some brave Mori people acknowledged publicly the grief and pain surrounding their own struggles, not always successful, to overcome the loss of te reo Mori in their whnau, caused by deliberate Crown policies in the past. Will His AI Plans Be Any Different? "It was a stunning, astonishing revelation. He was an ally and a very dear friend who is sadly missed. Chester Borrows: The tough-on-crime mentality doesnt work. How would my mokopuna defend their use of te reo Mori that they acquired as native speakers from their Pkeh grandfather? Ian Macfarlane, who was industry minister in two Coalition governments, is retiring from politics. This weeks ABC Four Corners/Fairfax expose of Chinese activities in Australia is alarming not just for its revelations about a multi-fronted pattern of influence-seeking but also for what it says about. . Tributes have been flowing for te reo revitaliser and key advocate for Pkeh allyship to Mori, Andrew Robb, who has died at the age of 66. Mick Tsikas/AAP June 6, 2017 I spent the last couple of lockdowns in bubbles with two of my children and their partners who are trying to raise their two-year-old daughters as Mori speakers. I laughed when you talked about your monocultural presumptions being challenged! Former trade minister Andrew Robb walked from parliament into a high-paying post with a Chinese company. And as Parliament's. A company linked to West Coast farmer and former regional council chairman Andrew Robb has been investigated for breaching resource consent conditions for a demolition waste dump. Robb was a lifelong friend and ally to many of his peers who were involved in Te Reo Mori Society. Surely if more people learn and speak Te Reo, fluency will follow for all Te Reo students as Te Reo Mori is heard more and more in everyday life. Bastion Point: A desperate struggle and a dream fulfilled. Listen to Andrew Robb in conversation withJerome Cvitanovich here: Andrew Robb enrolled into Mori language studies in the mid 1970's. Mr Robb used to have to do morning interviews on radio and television as part of his job getting by on the rush of adrenaline as his "antidote". Musk Made a Mess at Twitter. The council was continuing to monitor the site to ensure compliance. Warren Truss told parliament that when he became Nationals leader after the 2007 election defeat: nobody wanted the job, including me. The life-long advocate for te reo and kaupapa Mori, who was known affectionately by his peers as Anaru, has passed away at the age of 66. Chester Borrows: The tough-on-crime mentality doesnt work. Kia ora David, thanks for your comment. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, How a 21yo man with the code name 'Svyat' smuggled residents past Putin's private army, Anna called police to report an assault, but they took out a family violence order against her. Paul Smith Earthmoving did not respond to requests for comment. Andrew Robb - media advisor to the Mori Party | RNZ But when he went to his first meeting of the Te Reo Society theMori language club at the University - he started hearing the language spoken by native speakers for the first time. That is a big problem facing prescribers at the moment, a big problem facing addiction medicine psychiatrists around what to do about that incredible misuse of those drugs that are on S8," Dr Allan said. Quinnipiac. Its hard to argue with the importance of research, particularly medical research. Andrew Robb Dispatch Coordinator at Waste Management NZ Ltd Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 15 followers 15 connections Join to connect Waste Management NZ Ltd Activity It is all a matter of. Waiopehu College. Alison is Mori, and, like many of her generation, grew up without te reo Mori. Later on, he worked as a reporter for Mori news show Te Kea, at Mori Television. Sometimes the path forward is not where we would like or expect it, but there it is. A barrage of other environmental complaints kept the council compliance team on the hop last month, but most complaints were unfounded. A pile of carpet, pipes and metals photographed in a cleanfill site near Greymouth. READ MORE: * Company bids to truck contaminated waste from Christchurch to Reefton * Greymouth beach 'starved' of gravel, becoming more vulnerable to storms * Lotto investigating after car caught dumping at controversial cleanfill site * Dump Valley: frustrated locals fight tip extension plans. I had the luxury of a free university education in those days, so I could do it just because I wanted to! Andrew Robb, of Pkeh descent, was a rare breed. Andrew Robb is a former reporter with Mana News and Te Kea in Wellington. All these materials are unacceptable in the [Ministry for the Environments] clean fill guide and cannot be placed in the site. A founding member of the group and a leader in Mori education, Dr Cathy Dewes, says that Robb was a staunch and loyal ally in the struggle to normalise the learning, teaching and speaking of te reo Mori. More enforcement action could follow; after another more recent complaint, staff found the Taylorville Rd was non-compliant and are investigating. Photo: Photo Supplied. Mind Medicine Australia advocates for psychedelic therapy, which is currently available in Canada, the US, Switzerland and Israel. Anaru Robb was there. He is survived by his three children, Te Kawa, Mahuru and Te Au o Te Moana and his two mokopuna - who the whnau say were the recent light in his life - reenergising his continued advocacy for the rights and growth of te reo. Is he right? It was a wonderful repayment for the effort that we members of Te Reo Mori Society and Ng Kaiwhakapumau had put in to the Te Reo Mori claim, and the establishment of Mori broadcasting, which brought Mori-speaking communities together in many ways. Anaru Robb leaves behind children Te Kawa, Moana and Mahuru. The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, Former Defence chief wants MDMA, psilocybin reclassified to treat mental illness, PTSD, Self-help author Marianne Williamson launches primary challenge against Joe Biden for 2024 Democratic nomination, Chinese migrants walked a gruelling 500km to Victoria's goldfields in the 19th century. Since his students days at Victoria University in the 1970's, Andrew Robb made a conscious decision to align himself with Mori issues at the time. Te Taura Whiri i te reo Mori also paid tribute to a man who its chief executive, Ngahiwi Apanui, describes as a Mori language champion. When Andrew Robb enrolled at Victoria University in the early 1970s he enrolled in Mori language lessons. Your email address will not be published. Moe mai r e te pp. Now he is on the board of a charity that wants to try something different. When the nearest khanga had an opening, she moved there, and she loves it. Its right that Pkeh should speak Mori, and Pkeh engagement is important to the revitalisation of te reo Mori. Andrew says he learntMori because he loved it. Mr Robb is advocating for "limited amounts [to be] available for the medical profession to use in a controlled medical situation to alleviate mental health diseases". When his daily pile of antidepressant pills stopped working, former Liberal Party director and trade minister Andrew Robb began researching psychedelic therapy as an option to send his depression into remission. Find Finance Andrew Robb stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Thank you for reading E-Tangata. Landowner Sewell Peak Farm Ltd was issued an abatement notice after non-clean fill material including metal, plastic and timber from the demolition of historic Greymouth hotel Revingtons was found in the 2 hectare Taylorville Rd dump site by West Coast Regional Council compliance officers in October. Andrew Robb is on Facebook. . Andrew Robb is advocating for psychedelic therapy to be legalised in Australia The Therapeutic Goods Administration is considering whether to allow psychedelics to be used in a psychiatric clinic setting The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists says more research needs to be done Although he only recognised two words pakeha and Mori the meeting had a big impact. Sewell Peak Farm Ltd has been served with an infringement notice for the waste dumping and a second ticket for breaching an earlier abatement notice. And for my daughter Mahuru, who lives in Raglan and works in Hamilton, and her daughter Matat, there are no ideal choices. It recognised te reo as a taonga, and paved the way for the government to uphold its obligation under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and allocate resources accordingly to support Mori to ensure its survival. It was a revelation of my ignorance. The release of units in Tauranga's Thirty Eight Elizabeth development was 'long awaited'. Already my monocultural upbringing and unconscious biases are being seriously challenged as I recognise another way, another perspective at viewing my reality and the world I live in. And we need to have alternatives.". "I understand that because it had such a bad rap in the 60s, the misuse of these drugs for recreational purposes had a very bad effect," he said. Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. Forty years ago, I had no such qualms. You can support E-Tangatas kaupapa by contributing through PressPatron. Anaru leaves a legacy of passionate, perpetual protest: he never stopped advocating for justice and tino rangatiratanga. Who should call the shots on reo Mori priorities? My grandfather, Dr Te Kapunga Matemoana (Koro) Dewes, was lecturing in anthropology at Victoria University at the time. Get 5 free searches. To him it was just another subject, just like the French he had studied at school. Andrew Robb began learning te reo 50 years ago. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. In fact, my wife used to say that to people. He worked alongside our Te Reo Mori Society for several years and helped promote the many different Mori Language Week activities that we were involved in, including radio advertising, radio and television programmes, high school kapa haka, a petition for Mori on TV, and a call for the establishment of a Mori Television production unit and many others, says Dewes. On one hand, many people, including Te Taura Whiri i te Reo and the experts in te reo who collaborated on the various music projects, welcomed the widespread hunger of Pkeh people to learn and use te reo Mori as part of their expression of their own identity. I felt that I had a role. Andrew Robb began learning te reo 50 years ago. E-Tangata is an online Sunday magazine specialising in stories that reflect the experiences of Mori and Pasifika in Aotearoa. "Well, we're not denying the alternatives. He has worked as a bilingual journalist in Mori media and has been involved with the Mori language revitalisation movement in one way or another for more than 40 years. View the profiles of people named Andrew Robb. It is a precious treasure that is part of this land. He's been involved with Te Reo Mori Society, Ng Kaiwhakapmau i te Reo and Te Upoko o te Ika radio station, and worked in parliament as an advisor to the Mori Party. But the opening up of different ways to view the world is surely one of the priceless rewards of learning te reo Maori. There are 100+ professionals named "Andrew Robb", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Frank Film: Blackball, the West Coast town of 300 that wouldn't die - NZ Herald, Forest and Bird rejects West Coast Regional Council chair's 'conspiracy theory' - NZ Herald, West Coast mayors call for halt to all SNA work in wake of Far North protests - NZ Herald, Leadership crisis at West Coast Regional Council could cost ratepayers, MP says - NZ Herald. Email. But, when he started re-immersing himself many years later, he told me that lots of phrases and vocabulary came back to him, and I felt that helped him to feel comfortable and confident on his reo reclamation journey. To be clear, Mr Robb remains deeply opposed to recreational use for magic mushrooms and MDMA, even if he advocates them for medicinal purposes. Just last year, the late Anaru Robb spoke at my grandfathers unveiling, recalling fond and triumphant memories of the political era and the relationships forged between members of that group. A complaint about a dead cow near the mouth of the Mahinapua Creek checked out. Te Ahi Kaa presenter Jerome Cvitanovich was born in Marlborough of Tarara descent. I was always made to feel very very welcome in their communities and in their affairs.. (That work is ongoing, over 40 years on, through claims to radio spectrum rights, and language rights under UNDRIP.). Notes from the council compliance visit on March 17 say officers had concerns about the fill site including fly dumping, techniques used to trench, non-consented materials not being removed and drainage from the site going into a neighbours pond. When he first started being able to understand sentences he was overjoyed. 1/22/2023 5:02 AM. He was a consistent contributor to E-Tangata, and articulated his thoughts on how Pkeh and non-Mori can be better allies. They described many deep issues they have to confront and resolve, before they can get into the right frame of mind even to begin to learn te reo Mori. the other day, and tears welled up at the sight of Ngoi Posted by Andrew Robb | Jun 10, 2017 | Media. Broadcasting was recognised as a platform that has a vital influence on language, and those political efforts drastically changed the largely monolingual landscape of media in this country, leading to the founding of Mori broadcasting platforms such as iwi radio. "It's very difficult to explain the nature of depression. It defies logic. Attorney General George Brandis believes a recent court decision backing an environmental group is an illegitimate use of the law. Champion of te reo and advocate for justice Andrew Robb dies aged 66 - RNZ That claim led to the passing of the Mori Language Act, which enabled te reo Mori to be legally recognised as an official language of Aotearoa New Zealand. Not sure I could cope if working or raising a family. Andrew Robb email address & phone number | BNZ Manager, Treasury Risk Photo: National Library In other incidents, a Rotomanu dairy farmer has been ordered to stop letting his cows cross creeks in the Lake Brunner catchment area, in breach of a national regulation. We must not, in our enthusiasm to support te reo Mori, undermine its rangatiratanga. In fact, I didn't accept it for myself for decades that I had a depressive condition. Parliament's longest serving staffer, Shona Rob, is retiring after 39 years. It may be that there seems to be more Pkeh fronting up to learn Te Reo and I hear the frustration expressed by this development. Photo: Supplied. RSE: How can we make sure everybody wins? The resource consent shows Sewell Peak Farm was granted a discharge permit in 2016 for 15,000 cubic metres of demolition waste/clean fill to be put onto the land at Taylorville every year for five years. This conversation between me, Doug Hilton, and Andrew Robb is part of The Conversation. It concluded that, with appropriate controls and management procedures, the variation was unlikely to present a significant risk to the environment. He was a te reo Mori speaker of European descent who totally believed that Mori language should be spoken i ng w katoa, i ng whi katoa everywhere, at all times, says Dewes. Another aspect of te tino rangatiratanga o te reo is Mori ownership and control of te reo Mori and its development into the future. A fluent speaker of te reo but who never used te reo as a weapon himself," Apanui said. He says that being able to use the language has always felt like an extraordinary gift. He maimai aroha: Anaru Robb, te reo advocate, political activist He was among a group of over 200 people arrested when the protesters were evicted by 800 police and NZ Army personnel. The risks were low but included subsidence and the discharge of contaminants to the groundwater that flowed into the Grey River 850m away. Sewell Peak Farm Ltd now faces fines for taking demolition rubble from the old Grey Base Hospital. Only here can it be nurtured and encouraged for the future generations. Conversely, during lockdown, when I spoke Mori to our mokopuna, I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing, especially when I heard them using words from the khanga or their Nan-nan, or online, that I dont use myself. Andrew M Robb is Chairman at Tata Steel Europe Ltd. See Andrew M Robb's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Another dramatic change has been in the attitudes of the (mainly Pkeh) public towards the use and learning of te reo Mori. The company was granted a variation in February to allow contractor Paul Smith Earthmoving to put non-clean fill material from the old Grey Base Hospital into the pit such as timber, painted wooden wall linings, fragments of Pink Batts and pipe lagging and residual metal work.