FIX: Connections or breakage of wires of the flow adjustment valve, scale buildup on the motor drive which gets locked, water leakage. AO Smith Water Heater Troubleshooting Lights [Complete Guide] Bathtub faucets typically have a flow rate of 5 Gallons per Minute. The Fire The fire needed to heat the water also poses a danger if the water heater does not put properly. Smith Water Heater Troubleshooting. Products: Water Heaters . Basically, both 2-chamber and 4-chamber models will pop up with those error codes. You must log in or register to reply here. A little more information.sometimes when I shut off power at the breaker, let is sit for a while and then turn the power back on, it will do it's diagnostic cycle (blinking green light) and then start flashing red (2 times). A.O. Smith - Troubleshooting help - Community Forums Search For Support Documentation For Your A. O. Smith Brand Water Heater. GTC-070 R3 Revision 2 includes updated troubleshooting information for error codes 3, 4, and 6. This is an in-depth guide on AO Smith Water Heater Troubleshooting Codes. Solution: Check the wire connection, wire breakage, and debris on the flow sensor impeller. Smith water heater? AO Smith Tankless Water Heater Troubleshooting - Your Complete Guide 2021 Fold away the insulation to access the reset button (its red). PDF 321922-000 , 520 & 320 T-H2 & T-H2S TG 20110928 - Takagi Brand: A.O. So, check out the section again. Generally, the heating element, top of the unit, tank, and drain valve are some common places from where the water is leaking. Smith Water Heater, look no further! Products. Shorted Heating Elements 5. Just follow the step-by-step instructions I mentioned in the Status Light Flashing 4 Times section. Solution: Connections or breakage of wires of the flow adjustment valve, scale buildup on the motor drive which gets locked, water leakage. This error code usually means there is a fault with the flow adjustment valve. } Solution: Check for the proper settings on the computer board. If you own an AO Smith tankless water heater, then its important that you know how it works and what to do when things go wrong. Troubleshooting AO Smith Condensing Water Heaters | Error Codes List To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. These stats are based on a home in Nolensville, TN To view or adjust our performance assumptions, view advanced settings. CODE: 39, 391, Two timesPROBLEM: Problem with the air-fuel ratio rod - AFR. Smith used 40-50gal gas hot water heater ok? AO Smith Electric Water Heater Troubleshooting. Smith Water Heater Prices. Keep opening the hot faucets until all the air gets expelled out of the water heater. A guide to troubleshooting water heaters with the listed error codes below is useful for DIY homeowners, but our recommendation is always to get help from a qualified technician. CODE: 661, Four timesPROBLEM: Bypass valve fault (only model 540). They should also remove the grease or dirt which can be found in the fan motor as well as the gas burner. To solve this issue, you need to check for any condensation within the heater. To solve this, you will need to unblock your vents and also check for any grease or dirt found within the gas burner or fan motor. Before inspecting for leaks, turn the unit off. var intYear = dteNow.getFullYear();
Now, you should be able to understand how these error codes work and what they mean. Learn more, Facebook II Twitter II Pinterest II Linkedin. This error code may appear when you power up the unit. Shop by Popular AO Smith Water Heater Models. FIX: See error codes 111 and 121. Of course, you are always open to reaching out to a professional if you fail to clear the error messages. Check if there are any foreign particles or grease on the gas burner and fan motor. Detach the thermistor and reattach it again. Tanks, iCOMM Smart Connectivity allows you to get notifications and manage your water heater from your smartphone. The cause of this problem could be a range of different issues including connection issues, broken wires, and even corrosion around the connectors. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Water heaters | A.O. Smith These are The Easy Steps, The sound of the door squeaking is certainly very, You may want to remove broken drills from wood when, Spray paint is an aerosol paint that is used by, The toilet flange heightis important for proper, After you receive your new washing machine, you are, Most people take it for granted that their, Like most people, you probably take your air, Copyright 2022 The red high limit button is NOT tripped. forms: { You can either left-click on the link to open the manual in a new tab or right-click and save a copy directly on your computer. Smith Signature 100 50-Gallon Tall 6-year Limited 40000-BTU Natural Gas Water Heater Model # G6N-UT5040NVR Find My Store Water Heater Support Documentation Search Page | A. O. Smith Read also : Noritz Error Code Troubleshooting. They have to make sure that the wire connection does not break or lose. Then, leave the unit for 10 minutes to let the thermopile cool down. You can see those error codes only on an AO Smith Water Heater with two or four chambers. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the University Of Texas at El Paso. I unplugged the electronic panel, and the unit functions for a few hours when I turn off the breaker, wait several minutes then turn it on again. I have verified that I have water pressure at the back of the unit, both hot and cold, which was my first thought with the pressure switch and waterfill faults. I turned off for 5 minutes then back on. If yes, its because the pilot light got extinguished recently and the thermopile is cooling down. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Register now, spots are limited! Takagi Water Heater Error Codes [Ultimate Guide], AO Smith Tankless Water Heater Stuck In Standby Mode [Solved! Leave a comment in the box below if you have any questions about the Pentair pool heater. Smith maintains its leading position in the market. Make sure that you maintain a cleaning schedule to keep the pipes clear and functional. Ao Smith Water Heater Codes - Home Tips Generally, the water gets too hot if the gas control valve/thermostat is at fault. FIX: Check if the remote controller is the right type, also connections between the water heater and remote. Electronic Thermostat provides operational reliability and peace-of-mind. Tank Guard gives you advanced tank protectionextends the life of your water heater. I reset the breaker and it started up a few hours later. Verify Warranty - Enterprise Portal - Hotwater Nevertheless, it will mean that people have to learn more about Ao Smith Water Heater Codes for understanding the error and the solution. I checked all the wires and didn't find any problems, frayed insulation, etc. Below, I will explain the meaning of status light codes and what steps you should take to stop the blinking light. Now, turn the electric power on to your water heater. When the heating element shorts out, it will cause a short circuit, which will allow it to continue heating, causing the water to become too hot. Smith Signature 100 50-Gallons Tall 6-year Limited Warranty 4500-Watt Double Element Electric Water Heater Model # E6-50H45DV Find My Store for pricing and availability 2930 A.O. Thermistors are an important component of any water heater as it helps your water heater heat your water to the correct temperature. Solution: Check for connection and breakage of wires, burn marks on the computer board, and power supply to the unit. Conduct checks on all the parts and sensors on a regular basis. Manual for 400 - 1000 models. Eric Alvarez is an HVAC guy based in El Paso, Texas, United States. In this case, the pilot light will be lit but the thermopile fails to generate the required output voltage. AO Smith Water Heater Error Code E02 [5 Easy Fixes] 1. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Smith water heater? Our comprehensive A.O. Empty all the water that has accumulated in the exchanger properly. Then, relight the pilot by following the lighting instructions I mentioned in the previous chapter. He has a good standing reputation for superior skills in heating, air conditioning, hot water tanks, and indoor air quality systems. Connect the water line and turn on the heater to see the flow of water. I have tested the power at the thermostat and the elements with a multi meter and they all check out fine. Should the water heater light be blinking? If people see this error code, they have to be more aware because it is the warning for the 991 error code. If you have either a 2-chamber or 4-chamber model of AO Smith Water Heater, you can see the trouble codes E20, E21, E22, E23, and E24 for a single reason. Why is my AO Smith water heater not lighting? What I will break down on this in-depth guide on AO Smith Water Heater Troubleshooting Lights: It depends on how many times the flashing light is blinking. Hi, On an Electric AO SMITH Smart Water Heater, if the diag light is a solid red (looks more orange) right after you flip breaker on and the smart panel has no lights/codes. Can I Fix The Error Codes On My Pentair Heater On My Own? CODE: 761PROBLEM: Miscommunication in Easy-Link System.
It will clear the error code. Once you solve the leak issue, return the electric power to your water heater. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some of the problems are common, and they do not include an error code: Water is not hot enough or is too hot The temperature of the exiting water fluctuates Noise Burner does not ignite Long time to get hot water Sediment buildup You can easily detect the exact problem of your water heater if you know the meaning of the flashing light code. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. However, if it interrupts normal water heater operation, dont hesitate to call a plumber. More error codes can be found after all. A Appliance Helpers representative is available for you 7 days-a-week including Holidays!! This error code signifies that there is a problem with your outlet thermistor. Problem: Warning for the "991" error code. It does not store any personal data. A.O. Smith Water Heater Error Codes - YouTube The showers in homes built after 1992 typically have a flow rate of 2.1 Gallons Per Minute. This applies both to the choice of materials and components used in the manufacturing process, as well as to the efficiency of the finished products. Just turn on a hot water faucet and let the water run for several minutes. If there is a problem with the water heater, an installed remote will make a sound, and the error code will display on the screen. As a second-generation plumber, it was easy for Anthony to get used to the technicalities of all from a tender age, Table Shower Ultimate Guide (Must Know Secrets), 3 Ways to REMOVE PVC Pipe From a FITTING (Video Review), How To Fix A Toilet Backing Up Into A Bath/Shower, Why Your Toilet Keeps Clogging And How To Fix It.