What's your EDC gun? I just read Kat's article here on frangible ammo. We need to let their errors die a quiet desth ASAP. And because these are self-defense rounds, they are all jacketed hollow points (JHP) for reliable expansion. The next step for Taurus after the G3 series, is its brand-new micro compact GX4 in 9mm. I am not the least-bit recoil shy, but, I actually PRACTICE regularly. The Sig V Crown and ball ammo run perfectly through all my handguns an pcc's. I might suggest a Ruger EC9S or S&W Shield, both have notably lower recoil than my LCD, even with stronger rounds. And now I was soaked down to the bone, and starting to shiver like the cat I had just dispatched. They've had ammo for months. Hollow Points are a nice option but expensive to keep shooting at the range. # 1) Federal 147gr HST + P the same in 124gr HST + P. A 1.A)-1.B) Taurus GX4 Models | Standard, GX4XL & T.O.R.O. Optic Ready HoneyBadger ammo isn't the cheapest load listed here, but it's certainly one of the best 9mm self-defense loads available . Easy. I also use the Lucky Gunner tests as a primary criterion in making the decisions. Manufacturers such as Underwood Ammo loading cartridges with Lehigh defense projectiles consistently outperform jacketed hollow points. Also, what are your thoughts on a pistol with a longer than three and a half inches but shorter than 5 in? (Photo by Michael Anschuetz) With its 4-inch barrel, the G3 is 7.3 inches long, 5.2 inches high and weighs 25 ounces empty. (You can also find a 50-round box of HST for the same price as a 25-round box of Hornady.) The thing is, it was maybe only about six pounds so it should have died quickly. The 9mm Luger is generally not thought of as a rifle cartridge, but we're seeing a proliferation of . I was impressed by the G3's accuracy, especially considering the austere sights that are more appropriate for close-range, personal defense shooting than punching targets at 25 yards. ALSO THE UNDERWOOD PENITRATOR. With the correct ammunition, it can be a formidable weapon. I like the hst but the other three shouldnt be in this list. First ammo that my hands are black after the range. Eric, I just read Kat's article on frangible ammo. Learn more at. Best 9mm Ammo in 2021 [Self-Defense & Target] - Sniper Country Thanks! It's incredibly affordable, reliable, and seems to have no drawbacks in a configuration that more gun buyers want in an everyday carry/home defense gun. it seems to be more accurate, I use to use Federal American Eagle 124 grn. Ford vs Lincoln. Bogus prices.. even 4 weeks ago the price of ammo still wrong.. c'mon maaaan. Hi, Eric.Thanks for the article and all the information that Pew Pew Tactical posts. -Price per round: Roughly 2-1 ratio which means I can buy much more ammo to train with at the range The G2c was too big to be a pocket gun meaning that it required a waistband holster for most of us. Additionally, we have a wide variety of great defensive pistols, concealable handguns as well as target pistols. As a result I now carry 6 Fiocchi Frangible in each magazine, than top off with Hornaday Critical Duty, frangible on top of course. $1.50 per round. So my G2S carries good old standard type open nosed defense rounds and the G3C gets Hornady CD rounds. Check out the LUCKY GUNNER ! 3) Winchester PDX1 Defender 124gr + P my FFL acquired almost everything in tact within the required time stated by this dealer, would unquestionably make them my go-to gunshop I have also signed up for practice at a local gun range. Always spotless and never a malfunction in 1k rounds. The New Taurus G3c 9mm Compact: 500 Rounds In - Guns.com Taurus 9mm Luger | Cheaper Than Dirt Range ammo is more about reliability and cost-effectiveness. Instead I've only found myself confused and overwhelmed. Taurus G3C Defensive Ammo, Carry Choice And it was suffering terribly. Hi Eric, As I tried to scoop it up, it again reminded me that it wouldn't be trifled with. When it gets more "experience" under it I think it will be One of the three best absolutely and I am the one who left you the plus review I was surprised to see you knew what Fort Scott Was I seriously doubt the writer of this post has a clue what it is lol. Not likely it's the same old argument of .45 ACP vs. 9mm which the 9mm has won both times. Is that because it is now made of unobtainium, or was there another reason it did not make the short list? The would cavity and penetration seem to our perform the other bullets. I've found that the shipping cost negates the best of prices. Controls can be manipulated without changing your grip and accuracy is there for the expected closer-range self-defense scenario. guns & Article has a real problem with credibility when considering prices. I agonized over putting another round through it, but couldn't get my emotions around having to pull the trigger a second time on a furry critter that I loved. Today, we will look at the best ammo for the Taurus G3c. I own three glocks, 17,26,and sf21. And of course I can go over why I prefer 9mm over .45 Anyone try the liberty civil defense ammo? Also, with the barrel of the G3C installed into the G2C, I was able to recreate the issue, BUT, not . Hello, what the best IWB Holster for the Springfield Xde 9mm? Nickel S&W 586 with Ebony grips. Thanks for reading! Serious lack of experience is what tripped you up. Taurus G3 9mm Hollow Point Self Defense Ammo & Tulammo Steel Case - YouTube If and its a big "IF" you can find single boxes of ammo for the old prices like 7.69 for 20 or even 9.99 for 20 you had better scoop them up and just make sure you buy a case less one 20rd box or you will be automatically charged for a case and end up paying more!So if their idea of a case is 200rds then buy 180 twice if u have the money.Make a purchase of 180 and do it again minutes later.You could end up with almost a full case of ammo for way less! Answer (1 of 15): Is a Taurus G3C a good gun for home defense for a first time gun owner? Shooters are usually more careful today. It is progressive and permanent. I'd much prefer a round that will penetrate 12" and delivers an extra 100+ foot pounds of energy over a round that penetrates 18". Right now theres not too much selection and these are the ones mostly in stock: However, here are my picks of my favorite self-defense rounds. I haven't used that ammo before because I flatly disagree with pistol ammo that tries to deliver damage through hydro-shock. The below pictures and data are from a super in-depth post from Lucky Gunner plus a few of our personal criteria. Taurus GX4: The New Micro Compact Just Rewrote the Book on Taurus What the best self defense ammo for Taurus g3c "non lead" guns. Very direct and to the point you are- NOT! Ballistic gelatin doesnt shoot back, and you are not using the math reported by Ed Sanow to predict stopping power from gelatin results. Plus, the Trophy Bonded Bear Claw bullets are among the toughest in existence, and Federal says they retain more than 95% of their weight for deep penetration. Youll see that the Hornady is low on the list. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. They are cleaner and more accurate than Blazer though Blazer is my backup ammo. Regardless, your meandering rant avoids the actual mechanism through which handguns incapacitate/kill quickly: central nervous system damage, or severe damage to crucial organs. Low recoil and pretty clean. Hornandy critical defense not on this list. Our very strong verdict on the Taurus Judge .410 Revolver is that we love it! The Best Bear-Defense Guns and Cartridges | MeatEater Gear PERFORMANCE bullets were designed with the. I'm a few weeks away from attaining my first 9mm Glock. Nah, those old fools would get decimated by any young gangbanger with higher capacity semi-auto gear. Federal HST 9mm 147 gr. FMJ (Full-Metal Jacket) - A copper jacket encases a lead core. Unlike many of the other choices on this list of the best 9mm self-defense ammo, Hornady designed their Critical Defense lineup of ammunition from the ground up for use in short-barreled handguns during self-defense situations. Wishlist; Search field mobile. Handgun Ammo Shop All. Try a spreadsheet comparison next time. anything extra and your I am having a hard time finding ballistics on the Fiochhi. The BP was skeptical; macho types have always denigrated the 9mm. You and Conner H did just that! So I'm driving home during a cold downpour, when I see a pair of reflected eyes tracking my vehicle from off the side of the road as I drive by. I soaked up as much information as I could online, at competitions, and from tinkering in my workshop. FPE is the most overrated statistic talking SD ballistics. Is a Taurus G3C a good gun for home defense for a first time gun owner? Love to know where you're pulling that stat from. Choose wisely. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I actually had to deal with almost the same situation a few weeks ago minus the storm. I shoot Federal's American Eagle 115 gr FMJ for practice and Federal's HST 147 gr hollow points for defense. 9mm - 124 Grain HST JHP - Federal Premium - 20 Rounds. Taurus G3 Tactical T.O.R.O. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared Plus now I'm recently marriedthe wife can shoot the Glock 17 relatively easily while she hates the .45. 16" gelatin penetration should not be taken as a guarantee of it's practical human penetration; it should be taken to indicate that with proper shot placement, it will do the job on a grown man. The pistol is a joy to shoot, and it proved able to great precision as you may see within the accompanying desk. Review: Taurus GX4 Micro-Compact Pistol - An Official Journal Of The NRA .25 ACP: The Best Cartridge For Really Little Guns - Gun Digest Bulk 223 Ammo; Bulk 9mm Ammo; Bulk 45 ACP Ammo; Bulk 380 Ammo; Bulk 308 Ammo; Bulk 7.62x39 Ammo; Bulk 22 LR Ammo; . First, the Fort Scott brand has a large wound channel and great penetration through denim and solid objects such as wood, glass or metal. 9mm Luger - Speer 124-grain Gold Dot. Seems like you left slog of good stuff out. 2) The fastest 115-grain +P or +P+ JHPs available, doing better than 1300 f/s. Taurus G3c Compact Semi-Auto Pistol | Cabela's The speeds required for that to work effectively is almost impossible to reach in a pistol, especially in 9mm. Mark Hollingsworth you are absolutely rightSplitting hairs now. From a veterinarian--one other reason to go for a head shot, particularly on severely wounded animals. Thank you for the kind words. I am somewhat concerned about hurting an innocent person with a bullet that passes right on through an attacker. 124 IMO is the best weight for 9mm. (I realize the 9 would be easier to handle for a beginner shooter and I do have a Taurus PT 92 that was my duty weapon and has never failed me.) You're a funny guy! Get that straight before you try to do anything else. 9mm bullets lighter than 115 grains rarely penetrate adequately. Brownells. Taurus G3c 9mm - Right Side with Memory Pads, Mag Well & Base Plate Indentations 3 Mags Taurus G3C Review Criteria and Considerations. Ammoseek is a good resource. It is a shame to see people wasting their time on junk "science". has to overview the security within your relationship prior to continuing. I think not. So I said, what about that hydro-shock stuff and that 2.5" wound channel it's suppose to create? 4 of the best 9mm ammo types (and a battery for scale) from left to right: AAA battery, Full-Metal Jacket, another FMJ, Federal HST Jacketed Hollow Point, and Hornady Critical Defense FTX Polymer Tipped Jacketed Hollow Point. Only have a single 9mm - my CZ P01. ), stating that all properly placed rounds take a minute to deliver any prey to death's doorstep. The rest is pretty much on point. Unless you have a century-old Spanish pistol, you probably don't need this ammo. I've only seen it offered for sale at Midway USA but it may be available from other outlets I don't know about. Or just stay wedded to your out-dated ideas, which are contrary to the facts? Reliable and ballistic always in the Sweet Spot. If I have to empty 15 rounds into my opponent's chest to stop him, at least I will be able to do so. Would like to see a review of Lehigh Defense ammunition since the company was acquired by Bill Wilson, in particular the 90 gr "Xtreme Defense" round. If you're still looking for a defensive ammo, I recommend Hornady Critical Duty. Marshall and Sanow continue to slide further into a well-deserved oblivion. There are two 9mm loads, a 125-grain subsonic +P load with a muzzle velocity of 1,050 fps that generates 306 ft.-lbs. As you know the first 3-5 inches of Ballistic gel is considered to be the epidermis. 3.20" 1 item; 3" 3 item; 4" 8 item; Compare Products. The best advice I got on this forum was to do the "drop and twist test" on any ammo before loading it in the G2C -- remove the barrel, hold it vertically, drop a round into the chamber, and . . What do you think of Federal? Jesus, FMJ don't EXPANED. As a long-time professor of biomedical science, I can tell you that while Marshall and Sanow's work was certainly well-intentioned, it fails on virtually every count to pass muster as any sort of "science". I became my group's "gun guy" and everyone who had questions came to me. of energy. Hi, I'm Eric Hung and I got into guns when I was around 25 and started with YouTube videos, scouring forums, and eventually taking a bunch of classes. Thanks for the advice. After all Sig managed to sell the army brass on something not much different. Hi John, they are the same round. I have seen companies trying tp push the 1000rd cases for 999.99?!?!??!? I've noticed that most HP seems to come in steel casing. I'm waiting to get my hands on a box of the Black Hills Honey Badgers to see if it's a similar experience. Sincerely, It came with two palm swells, one with a . I then found out that if I used a good grease rather than oil to lubricate my slide, and if I replaced the polymer guide rod with a stainless steel one, everything shot reliably in my Beretta. Of course, many said they wanted features of both. On the range I'll need about .25 inch, and on OTHER; truthfully I'll only need about 4 to 6 inches which I'm positive that if they are cycling my keltec 2000 any of em will do! Here in Commiefornia the best ammo is whatevers available. Greetings Eric: In my EDC 9mm (Taurus G2C or G3 as I have both) I use a combo load; 115 grain Geco JHP, 124 grain+P Speer Gold Dot JHP, and then the Federal 147 grain JHP High-Shok. Our range doesn't allow steel, brass only. Self Defense. Hey how are you, I'm surprised not to see my favorite on your list ( hornady critical duty) 135, is it that it is not as good as the others. Comparatively speaking I found the Underwood 9mm 90gr Xtreme Defense a pleasure to shoot with my Glock 43x. Nine-em-em is easy to shoot, and so easy to shoot accurately; the least expensive of all centerfire cartridges, so you can afford more practice; and with the right loads JUST enough gun to stop a human attacker with a single hit to the body cavity 90% of the time. :/. Buy On Amazon. This might seem cold but this is actually a great learning opportunity: what kind of ammo you use depends on what you need it for and not all meat targets are made the same. That said, even though it didn't go as planned - you still did the right thing and at least shortened the cat's suffering. why the click-bait? The 147 grain is way too slow, usually under-loaded so they dont always even function the pistol reliably, least kinetic energy, least likely to expand, and then not much, and most likely to over-penetrate There seems to be a threshold somewhere between 1200 and 1300 f/s where cavitation (splash cavity, temporary cavity) starts to contribute to the size of the permanent wound cavitytissue is liquefied and splashed sideways fast enough to crush and tear the surrounding tissue, and you get a wound larger than the expanded bullet. The brass itself is a bit finicky and might need extra steps such as deburring, annealing, etc. This article is in bad need of a re-write. You have tested and recommended what you consider the best 9mm SD round. A lot of vicarious shooting anecdotes and recreational pharmaceuticals floating around? I understand that my glock 48 MOS should give me higher velocity and, based on your ballistic gel tests, I would anticipate consistent expansion without excess penetration. Hes been gathering shooting/stopping power statistics formust be 50 years now. Cats, dogs and other animals really suffer from that. ".with the right loads JUST enough gun to stop a human attacker with a single hit to the body cavity 90% of the time.." This ammo is designed to provide maximum stopping power while shooting in self-defense situations. They are charging more for 420rds to 500rds as they use to for 1000rds! The best you can do with any handgun seems to be 96%: the least effort with which you can do that is a 135 grain .40 S&W at 1350 f/s (Cor-Bon). Your site is helping me a lot. God Bless. Those who want a basic 9mm pistol for personal . The number of pellets in 12 gauge, 2-3/4" (non-magnum) buckshot loads varies from eight .36" balls in #000 buck to 27 .24" pellets in #4 buck. Shooting through the material and busting through the bone THEN see the how the bullet holds up after busting through clothing Bone and traveling through the epidermis and tissue. Kinda pathetic, if I'm being honest. Im looking at you Federal Super Cary. With a matte-black steel slide, three-dot sights, a polymerframe, a 4.0-inch barrel, and a trigger safety, Taurus's new G3 9mm semiautomatic pistol might not sound like anything new, but it is. Announced in . Find the best 9mm Luger semi-automatic handguns from a variety of top manufacturers at the lowest prices, in stock and ready to ship to you! It's pricey but go big or go home. Let us help you find the best . Galco's Sto-N-Go holster is ideal for concealed carry. They wasted a lot of time and paper, and hurt real discussion of facts in terminal ballistics. Thank you. . First, let me clarify by saying that I don't smoke, don't drink, and don't do drugs. Absolutely, This must of been what I'm guessing there personal test, NO TESTING WITH THE CIVIL DEFENSE ROUNDS BY LIBERTY ? Thankyou. I mean I wouldn't want to spend $500 on a AR that can't shoot straight. So its Federal Hydro-shok or now federal punch in 124 gr sell the Kimber and get 2 or 3 G2c or G3cs. But don't expect them not to over insert as there is no . Ammo Quest 9mm: Winchester Train and Defend 147gr Ammo Test. 9mm is perfect for practice or purpose. I'm really curious why the author was so focused on velocity and penetration and completely ignored energy. Ballistic Gel Test. So, are you going to get on the bus? Plus the best range plinking ammo for bulk shooting. It has become my Primary EDC. Clean, flawless and cheap. As I just purchased a Taurus G3C 9mm pistol I am inquiring as to what your experience is, and would thus recommend; for carry ammunition. Penetration in the sweet spot zone, great expansion, and good velocity for the bullet weight. (pun intended). If the ammo is subsonic, it will be a touch quieter but still no where close to hearing safe. Is that the case? I got my hands on some "Target Sports USA" 118 grain 9mm fluted cartridges and it was a joy to shoot. A refined element of the G3 is the 6-lb. We'll only use the information provided according to our privacy policy. A bit costly for range use. I've spent many minutes on hold trying to get info on how much and what is in stock. For a look at some of the best 9mm self-defense ammo, look here . . Whats the difference between hp and jhp . Similarly, I'd like to know the power factors of the ammo as this matters in competition (USPSA, etc.). It is a bad way to learn for me, but NEVER go for a heart lung shot on a wounded or injured animal. Taurus G3 : The New Do It All 9mm - Gunbuyer You stated above that One of the reasons a buyer would buy a lower cost entry level AR-15 is because they don't Shoot as Accurate as medium to high end AR's ??? I would go with a cheap brass cased round that is full metal jacketed. I still enjoy the 40 but as I get older the shootability of the 9mm has its merits. But I shoot everything in that gun when I am practicing at the range. And while some will surely say, "Dude, it was just a cat let it go!" Wow! Am I missing something? How about some American gunned +p . I personally use Corbin 45acp ammo. Taurus G3X High Performance at a Budget-Friendly Cost kel tec p17 Hell, I could have done that with a rock! https://www.luckygunner.com/labs/self-defense-ammo-ballistic-tests/. This little pistol is really a tack driver. Feder hydra shok comes in hollow point too. After now putting about 250-300 through it of ball ammo it is way more reliable now with the hollow points BUT even better with Hornady Critical Defense (due to the nose design). The real question is, what did Marshall and Sanow have to do their data to make claims like that in the first place! I just picked up a case of 1k rounds for like $185. 4. In-Depth Review: Taurus G3C [Hands-On] - American Firearms Taurus G3c - For Sale :: Guns.com When I clicked on the links to check current prices, I found, for example, that the ammo listed here at $10 was actually selling for $25. The bullet features a polymer tip that initiates expansion at low . My edc and primary home defense is the Glock 30SF. I was talking to it trying to comfort it, and all during that time it never moved its hind legs, or even flinched its tail: something all cats are hard-wired to do. But dont take my word for it. Example: I carry a Ruger P95 with 65 grain Xtreme Defenders factory loaded in the +P category rated at 1800 FPS while delivering something like 465 FPE to the target at 10 yards. Fiocchi JHP. Also, the prices are stated to be accurate at the time of writing. Ammunition for Taurus G3C? : r/guns - reddit -Capacity: 17 for my Glock 17 vs 13 for the .45 Glock Even though the newer G3 and G3c pistols are out, the Taurus G2C is still an excellent choice for concealed carry. "Control" is a subjective term. I'm looking for a reasonably priced 124 FMJ round that will duplicate (more or less) the ballistics of my 124 Grain Federal HST. Take a look at our selection of high-quality handguns today and get . I've used it but very limited amounts. has the widest variety of handguns for sale online. Wishful thinking, John. And THE best round OR the round that causes the most lethality in 9mm Very insightful information that the novice and expert can both understand. I had to use it just the other night on 19 MAY 2018 while driving home from a night of singing in the deep-rurals of Wisconsin. 140-165 are by far the best choices for performance. Theres a reason Federal Premium HST 124 and 147 gr loads are consistently rated 1-2. The company has been making the best ammo for years now, so you can be sure that this one will be great. Self Defense Ammo G3C | Taurus Firearm Forum Promag makes longer magazines for the gun that are extended that hold more ammo if you want but reliability might be dubious, as Promag does not have the best reputation. When pennies countone of the most reliable and affordable brass cased 9mm. For us, it's more of a "style and feel" type of choice revolver. By gunbuyer. Taurus 327; Taurus 380; Taurus 605; Taurus 856; Taurus 905; Taurus 942; . Keep up the good reviews, Im learning a lot, thanks! Taurus G3 An All-Around Favorite 9mm - The Shooter's Log We personally prefer the 124 gr since it is less snappy than the 115 gr to us. For the range, I love firing the Federal Syntech 9mm. Expansion, also equals damage. That may help many to avoid the problems you're experiencing. Be sure that you take a safety class with that gun. Thanks for the reply Eric. The bullets design and its velocity at impact are far more important than calibera good 9mm+P hollowpoint works far better than .45 ACP hardball, and the right bullet in 9mm works better than the wrong bullet 100-200 f/s faster in .357. I have, and don't like it because while all the numbers sound right, it doesn't live up to the hype. Perfect weight. Hopefully Im thanking you in advance.