Missing [Podfic] - written by Encyclopika. Title: Propinquity. After a few samples, you will be able to note the interests of the tropers recommending them, and . he didnt think it was necessary to break the habit. Well, AfO does manage to pass his quirk to a random passerby (Izuku, who else lol? They make him laugh. How does the story of MHA change with this Izuku? - # SpyxFamily AU, ! After all, hes currently a window to whats between. And what they want, is to finally take their little brother back under his control. Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-senseis son, Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all. A Blast from the Past [Podfic]-Written by huliganships. RECOMMENDED - O # Shindeku, one step at a time- O # Kiribaku Izuocha zombie apocalypse, Optimistic Friend Association- O # Shindeku, I Can Feel Life Come Alive- O # Izuocha soulmate au, Let All the Lions Threaten Me- # tododeku, What if thats all that we need it to be? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works -[podfic] Cut From The Same Clothwritten byShanaStoryteller. This is the story of a Quirkless!Izuku making his way into heroism with the help of his newfound friend, an odd girl that was the first to call him a Hero. Someone has been watching too much Hannibal. It means he really can take a swan dive off a roof and hope for better luck in his next life. I've been trying to find it, https://archiveofourown.org/works/27511546/chapters/67275457, I also really recommend this fic, super good, Over the top by papireaz is a new my hero fanfic that updates regularly. My quirk is just weird! Izuku protested weakly. -a burger and extra salty fries [Podfic]written bySportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage). Summary: Izuku has plans for everything. More of a memory altercation fic got deleted :(, ! "That's the worst fucking quirk I've ever heard of.". Hop, Skip, and a Jump Extended Universe- #, in which three idiots with no idea how sleepovers work attempt to plan one out- # O, ! It requires some knowledge of Avatar but surprisingly less than one might expect. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. About the weapons hes seen when stopping by for a cup of sugar. Teen, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Gen, WIP. Inko is waiting by her sons hospital bed when she gets an unexpected visitor, or more accurately, Izuku does. power lift into your heart by IceEckos12 (tododeku) (G) (30k . The story runs along two separate tracks in time, the first an extended period of captivity that Shigaraki and Izuku spend together in an environment of isolation, sensory deprivation and targeted nightmares, the second a few months later, when they tentatively begin to reconnect after their escape. No matter how petty the action, he'll do anything to spite All Might and hero society, even if it includes helping a kid become a hero. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -Yesterday Upon the StairPodfic Written by PitViperOfDoom. [Podfic] Colorblindness, Not A Concussion (you Dipshits)written byFallingNarwhals, read byi_cant_read_ive_just_memorized_words, Im not colorblind! Would-be criminals from all over the country were selected, and a group of twenty roam now the halls of the school, alongside the heroes of the next generation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Time travel quirk - Home | Archive of Our Own Izuku wrenched his gaze away from his boyfriend. Every day, he thought Shouto couldnt be more beautiful. Summary: Izuku took a deep breath while everyone started running. Any well written ones with great plot that youve liked? BNHA Fic Library on Tumblr Duuudeee 1998/she . Sometimes quirks hide until they are triggered. Izuku doesnt know why the day keeps resetting. or so back. He stuttered slightly, trying to gain confidence and pretending it was just like the last time they met. The characterization is really good and the worldbuilding captivating. That was why, with gritted teeth and a manic smile, Eraser Head turned to his new class of students and said: "You aren't villains - you never were, and you never will be. Warning, self-promotion below, if you mind it I'll remove it. Masterlist - Part 4 - BNHA fan fic recs He doesnt have a quirk after all! He's never been good . Unless Nighteyes right, and the kid really is a villain. And why the hell can't he seem to stay alive? Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do. - O # Aizawa and Izuku enter each others mindscapes, Dont Miss Me (But Ill Miss You) - & Izuku has a forgetting quirk, Is It Wish Fulfilment If Youre Thirty? Who was still in the hands of villains. It's the beginning of a journey that will make him face the many facets of a Multiverse he never knew existed. They do a wonderful job explaining what podfiction is if you arent already familiar with it and give tips on recording your own. Ive never been so into a series that I wanted to try out fanfic, but here I am Anyways Im pretty new to the community and would really appreciate some fanfic recs, preferably the ones that dont revolve around ships. BnHA Fic Recs (Part 1) - incorrect BNHA In the game of life, it's best to leave no stone unturned, no side quest unfinished. When Bakugo and Uraraka get hit with a personality swapping Quirk, its one big headache for poor Izuku. How can you not be colorblind? Bakugou rolled his eyes. That, she has less of a grasp on. And Other Questions by Midoriya Hisashi- O #, The Son of All for One Must be a Demon- # izuku collects dads, Overachieving- & Izukuaccidentally starts a mysterious quirk analysis firm, dont look back into the sun- O # dustbunny this would be in the cute section but this ship is pure crack so im putting it here, Cats on Cats on Cats- O # dustbunny same here, The Perils of Parent Teacher Interviews and Small Glass Bottles - O # Dfo/inko parent teacher conferences, Dark: shades spanning from pitch black to light grey -, between all these undefinable, impossible odds - O # russian roulette suicidal izuku, Hero Analysis for the Future, No. But Izuku has concerns. I am a line. ), -[Podfic] rock'n'roll, buckaroo! Hope yall enjoy! It was a kid, Yagi gasped out. This ones long folks! Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Gen, WIP. Awakening- O# one strong shot of Eldritch OFA straight in to the veins, youre blind (yet you see so much more)- O#, ! Make sure to leave a comment and kudo on all these lovely works. We also see many characters interact and align that never really did so in canon or most fics. But truthfully, the weird part is the only part thats accurate. Here are a list of BNHA fics I really enjoy. I'm looking for some stories where a character from the pre!quirk era is time-travelled to the BNHA verse. Incident Zero is a rather recent fic that I thoroughly enjoyed. The journey from vigilante to hero-in-training? too bad he forgot about the girl in their class with a hearing quirk. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED is it the thunder in the distance you fear/will it help if I stay very near/I am here, by songdreamer Toshinori has become very protective of his successor. [Podfic] and im nothing like youwritten by aloneintherain. Or, Izuku tries to navigate a quirk (or seven), Shouta tries to navigate family, and everyone else just tries not to think too hard about how none of this makes sense. . When faced with the bizarre, humanity adapts. smiles are reserved for those in need- O # big bro touya, Wanted: A Dad To Be Here For Me And Mama (Someone With Dark Hair And Red Eyes, Pretty Please?) the ball is rolling up! - queenangst.tumblr.com In Xing, hes a footnote in the career of his surviving brother, Alphonse Elric, the Great Alchemist of the West. bunny kick your teeth out by Oceanbreeze7. Im looking for some stories where a character from the pre!quirk era is time-travelled to the BNHA verse. mha fics | The Last Rec List [PODFIC] How To Decipher A Midoriyas Mumbles (by whatagoodegg)- Written bywhatagoodegg. BNHA Fic Library on Tumblr fics ( (bnha fic recs)) = my favourites. and our Last year, the entirety of Mr Aizawas class A graduated. OrTodoroki Shoutos exciting adventures in customer service. Though he wouldnt admit it to most for the sake of maintaining the little pride his text scores left him with, Hitoshi was self-aware of how much he regretted taking the AP biology. I know for sure that in the fic he had the power to turn back time too, and I just remember this one scene where during the entrance exam Uraraka got killed by the 0 point robot and so Izuku reversed time in order to save her It shouldn't matter that no one thinks he can. Get a New One to Replace the Old [Podfic]-written by MJBooklover. (The Assassins Game) - # scary izu, Not All Cures Can Heal All People - O # Izuku & Shigaraki red shoe theory quirkless clinic, Accident Prone - & quirkless vigilante izuku, midoriya izuku kills people and bakugou katsuki absolutely called it - & eldritch Izuku, Just Watch Me - & dfo izuku and shigaraki, Objectively Speaking, it Couldve Gone Worse - O # dfo, Faith Becomes You - O # spirit afo and Izuku, Please Be A Hero - O # crack Izuku wants to beat all might, ! - # O noumu!izuku, in my forgotten memories (i found you) - O #, The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan)- O #, ! Friends in Dark Places H Ghost Shinso Shindeku, too much at stake but too late to change+[Podfic] #. Paradise [Podfic]-written by Encyclopika. Endurance. -. Speed. My friend was looking for fics in my bookmarks the other day; I have never felt so honored. (Itd be great if the character is actually - or thought to be - quirkless), Take My Brain, Or What Remains by Deathlysilence (BNHA/Portal Crossover). Series. He plans out what to say to the cashier when ordering coffee, he plans out his homework before even opening his textbook. And then he finds out about the superpowers. (bnha) #1. since people seem to ask me for fic recs & bc i want to support my fellow gen/whump writers, i'm going to try to do a weekly roundup of all the fics i read every week when i can. Already has over 200,000 words. All Might is the best of the best. Shoutas always been protective, but it only magnifies tenfold after he gets a quirk - now if only the quirk would cooperate, and Shouta would tell him what he really knows about quirks - and their father too. The course material was difficult and time consuming. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -[Podfic] hurled into the universe written by Sour_Idealist. Ashes, Ashes (We all Fall Down) - & Ghost Deku. He has a whole ten-year plan for how hes going to get into UAs hero course and get his hero license fully quirkless. Or: Bakugou dies during the sludge villain attack and ends up in a time loop of that day. for want of a nail - O # longshot human experimentation, anniversary - O # Dead Izuku Bakugo-centric, ! Without a quirk, there's no point in existing in a world defined by quirks. | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Mergers Time travel quirk has been made a synonym of Time Travel Quirk (My Hero Academia). No one could uncover what caused The Zone. Teen, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Gen, WIP. Assista a contedos populares dos seguintes criadores: gothelixar(@gothelixar), Peachie(@peachiementos), nothingtwosay(@nothingtwosay), fanfic recommendations (@fanficreccs_), zz(@zxysarts), Lyys/Fern(@lyssbeeb), imkb6(@imkb6), Lyys/Fern(@lyssbeeb), Peachie(@peachiementos), ..(@.stankyt0es . written by Catlady5001. Between the two of them, Hitoshi really needs to work out a new study schedule to limit the amount of time he spends gay pining. Excised: (author: Castigate, AO3, 45 chapters, ongoing) Word of warning, this story is written competently but with a very weird writing style. bnha's time travel fics Profile (Closed, Unmoderated) Recent works Skipby GrumpySunshine Fandoms: | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply No category Work in Progress 31 Dec 2022 Tags No Archive Warnings Apply Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku Technically, she also has all the makings of a Villain. But! - & ghost todoroki, How to survive as a villain in a fantasy manga- & isekai, Say Goodbye to Yesterday (Its a New Day)- O# ghost oboro. In kindergarten you were always mixing up your colors. The kids. Izuku doesnt think. He feared he would cry or choke. Rejected Stones: (author: Full-Paragon, FF.net, 76 chapters, ongoing) Izuku Midoriya was told by All Might he could never be a Hero. Its complete with over 600k words. Im caught up on all the manga chapters and anime episodes, so Im wondering if theres any really well written fanfics? You want me to help fight All Might., Of course, All for One nodded along. But it's still there. mortaki talks too much (Fic Recs For Famished Readers #1) - & tododeku, Even Spiders Undergo Metamorphosis- O # creepy dfo, Lairbreaker- O # dragon Izuku and dekusquad of bandits. Tagged as: bakudeku bakugou katsuki bnha Bnha fic rec explicitbd 10k-20kbd wipbd childhoodfriendsbd etolbd tattooshopbd moderndaybd quirklessbd slowburnbd hurt/comfortbd gettingtogetherbd. Whether heroes, villains, or somewhere in-between, every BnHA character deserves to have their story told. Bruce Wayne lands in the world of MHA at the time of Nana Shimura as the One for All holder, and ends up helping her and Gran Torino as the Batman in her fight against All for One. Five times Class 1A thought Todoroki was joking about Iida trying to kill a man and the one time realization came crashing down. Edward has cockroaches under his skin and leeches in his veins. katsuki takes an internship with miruko. Summary: Izuku Midoriya used to want to be a hero. An oregairu and MHA cross over where Hachiman can copy 108 quirks at 108th of their power. Humans adapt. A crossover where Izuku wants to be a Hero while also having been the protagonist of Bloodborne, and he wants to find a way to free the Doll from the dream. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I havent been on Tumblr much lately, but guess what I have been doing: reading fan fiction. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -[Podfic] Youre joking, right? Deku Goes Back in Time and Becomes Rei Todoroki- & time travel, ! He'll have to decide what to make of the broken dreams and shattered faith of an indifferent world. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. When another storm hits, Ochako is better prepared, but she cant say the same for everyone. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -[Podfic] release the dogs of war written by IceEckos12. Izuku is the son of a feared villain, and his Quirk was inherited from him. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it. Activating search, Tomura looked out over the expanse of desolation he had created- seeing an all too familiar glimmer that caused a smile to break across his face. Not at first. Theirs. What if we fucked Izuku over even more than we already have? Often, the most random desires lead him to the most favorable outcome. Teen, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, F/M, WIP. Izuku's Time Traveling Babysitting Service Chapter 1: 1 - FanFiction He must learn the cost of being a hero. They keep running into each other and the guy is actually pretty nice under that deadpan facade, has a sense of humor, doesnt seem to judge anyone for their quirk status, and is constantly spoiling any cat in the building that finds him. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -[Podfic] too much at stake but too late to change written by Chrome. Whats Your Plague? Everything he thought he knew about the world is a lie. The relationship has very satisfying development and the whole thing is fantastically written. Before he became Endeavor, Todoroki Enji met Inko by chance. Along the way, she meets a certain blonde that could possibly stray her from the path of becoming a Pro Hero. & morally ambiguous Midoriya Izuku, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, !! My hero adventure is wrong as expected.