Rock Hudson is the prime example. Before his death, a collection of articles were published that questioned whether Jackson had cancer or AIDS. Odd since he's not that old and was once muscular. Just looks at the wackadoodle doctor Trump has who said he is the healthiest president that ever lived. A toxicology report showed Robinson had marijuana in his system and a blood-alcohol level of .211, but neither was a factor in his death, according to the medical examiner's office. It's been said he died of heart ailment. Of course, there have been AIDS patients who used cancer as a cover, but gay men do sometimes die from actual, non-AIDS-related cancer, just like any other population, and did not cease doing so between 1981 and 1995. Video Game Voice Actor Brad Venable Dies at Age 43 When 2 or more people share their unique perspectives, The Flatheads had Guy and Bill McDonough, and Walker, who were joined by Sean Higgins (synthesisers) and Nigel Spencer (bass guitars, synthesisers). [13] Armstrong only had a professional arrangement with Bernstein, but her long-distance from Robinson dissolved their relationship. Clerk, Recorder, Judicial Foreclosures, Tax Deed Sales and Marriage Licenses. They are James Brown, Patrick Swayze, Luther Vandross, Bob Marley, Andy Warhol, and football great Lyle Alzado. He became extremely skinny and frail. The true cause of his passing was revealed only years later by his wife (also a film director) Agnes Varda. Don't make shit up. The Dogs Most Wanted star first appeared on the show Dog the Bounty Hunter in 2019 as a tech expert alongside its headliner, fugitive-nabber Duane Dog Chapman. He was just a weird guy who "didn't think like other people", hence his serious eating disorders. What schools or universities did Bradley attend? [7] McDonough wrote or co-wrote five of its eleven tracks including two singles "Errol" and "Oh No Not You Again". When you share, or just show that you care, the heart He was married three times (to women) but there were rumors he was gay. His unhealthy diet no doubt contributed to his getting pancreatic cancer. The last thing I remember was visiting his grave site and a relative commenting that it was nice someone paid to put a marker on his grave. Where we share as we remember & make discoveries and connect with others to help answer questions. alfa romeo mito maserati usata; firehouse bakersfield bowling prices; keith winter fife council; cartel's cartel stallion Really good show & the M.E. Not necessarily something that happens when you get poisoned. It could have either been infected needles or man sex, who knows for certain. If we were talking Lyle Menendez, that's one I'd believe in a hearbeat. r231: Of heroin, at least. [12][13] Compilers and producers of Lost & Found were Bill McDonough and Peter Blyton.[2]. We share yesterday, to build meaningful connections today, and preserve for tomorrow. 160 birth, 34 death, 105 marriage, 25 divorce, View Bernstein, along with many others on this list, smoked like a chimney. What a retarded statement, even for DL. Welcome to AncientFaces, a com "Thank you for helping me find my family & friends again so many years after I lost them. brad robinson cause of death I knew his wife back then. In 1993 Robinson was diagnosed with lymphoma and, in October 1996 when Australian Crawl were inducted into the Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA) Hall of Fame, he was hospitalised with the disease and unable to attend. I think about how I didn't live my life but when I came of age in the early 80s there were lots of stories in the media about AIDS. There was a huge media buzz in the SFBA, many more cases of the mysterious set of symptoms were turning up amongst the gay male population. In the past, McQuaid had been the chief creative officer at Sony Online Entertainment. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Friends of the deceased are interviewed as well especially what was going on around the death. Im shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of David Robinson, my right-hand man of many years, 69-year-old Chapman previously told TMZ. Don't remember the date but it may have been before or around the time that the term AIDS was first used. The Israelis had wanted wanted him dead for years. R157 If they were prostitutes they weren't female. A certain known to be closeted athlete who died of AIDS years ago. What We Know About Brad William Henke's Cause of Death [246][247] Dr. Jacques Ppin, a Quebecer author of The Origins of AIDS, stipulates that Haiti was one of HIV's entry points to the United States and that one of them may have carried HIV back across the Atlantic in the 1960s. 100% of flight attendants are bottoms, so how would they have spread it to tops? Not all, of course, but I'd gamble that most. Blanche Devereaux, the slut who actually deserved it. Years ago I read an article in a local weekly about a gay man, still relatively healthy twenty years after his diagnosis, in which he stated that he was able to determine the day he contracted the disease. Duh. What about Vanity? Link to family and friends whose lives he impacted. He sheepishly grinned at me and then the two of them whispered for a bit. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. McDonough was in the Intensive Care Unit for many weeks, and improved enough to return home for a few day visits; but due to extreme physical deterioration from months in hospital and a failing immune system from AIDS he contracted a secondary infection and was placed back into the Intensive Care Unit. No one talked about my uncle and I don't remember details but as a young kid I wasn't supposed to sleep in the same room with him. Eat ass. When Jackie Robinson integrated MLB in 1947, it was a far different story. R88 I thought David Bowie died from liver cancer, just like Lou Reed did; but they both probably had Hep C and that can cause liver cancer. "[12], Armstrong received a scholarship to study at the Herbert Berghof acting school in New York City and wanted to emigrate to the US. Convy - brain cancer 1991". 34 years shorter than Bob Hope, followed by his widow Gloria. Storms in US South kill at least 9, head to Northeast Also it was known at the time of death that Arthur Ashe and Max Robinson had AIDS. And yet his widow did not sue nor have a settlement with any hospital/medical provider. He was drinking (we all were drinking) and schmoozing with the star of the show - a very well-known popular, handsome, charming, straight actor, better known for game shows and talk shows than for an actual acting career. I am going to run through a list of famous people who have been known to die from something besides AIDS, but rumors persist. Maybe you can have a conversation with yourself. This was not the first time they had done this during the tour, but it was a definite first for me. "Nostalgia Central entry on Australian Crawl", "Australasian Performing Right Association",, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 07:44. In the last 15 years, there are practically no influential personalities to die from AIDS-related complications. Lots of people. [19] John Loftus reported on ABC radio that Arafat had died of AIDS. "I've always wondered about Wilt Chamberlain. When David opened up, there stood the leading man. Wikileaks released an alleged death certificate for Jobs that stated HIV as an underlying cause for his death and that Karposi's of the pancreas leading to respiratory failure as the primary cause. It's not like the movies. One I read mentioned it was highly probable that many more women than previously considered had died of AIDS, since it spread faster in them, and was diagnosed as various cancers, uterine, ovarian, etc. Rumors exist and we will examine the big ones. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. However, in May 2021, Brad uploaded a video to Instagram from a hospital detailing his recent heart surgery. I don't believe he was poz either. Not covered up; but if he was HIV+ or living with AIDS it was not known as that at the time. r108 AIDS deaths go back at least to the 1960s, what an idiotic and/or manipulative thing to say. Along the same lines, I often wondered why Magic Johnson didn't try the IV drug use excuse. He contracted it from a blood transfusion according to his family and his publicist. He had a drinking problem but he was a respected anchor nonetheless. [quote]Prince died of AIDS and we'll never know because the family knows it'll hurt their sales. He had a lot of pulmonary stuff going on anyway. He was coughing up blood and should have gone to the hospital sooner. AncientFaces is a place where our memories live. He may have been gay but he sure wasn't a slut. We send our deepest sympathies to his loved ones. When I was involved in AIDS projects in Hawaii in the late 80s, we used to meet for information sharing once a month at the office of a professor at the U. of Hawaii in Honolulu. Arafat's death was highly controversial at the time. In 1996, when he was 32 years old, on April 3rd, Theodore Kaczynski (nicknamed the Unabomber) was arrested. Spiff Rouch[1][2] formed in 1976 in the Mornington Peninsula suburb of Mount Eliza. He contracted it from a blood transfusion according to his family and his publicist. The explanation for his death at the time was pure hokum. Former ABC News Anchorman Dies of AIDS Complications | AP News Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California 95060. 2 min read. How Brad Paisley united Americans on the left and right with his song Where was Bradley born and where did he live? Bradley Donovan Robinson of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California was born on October 26, 1967, and died at age 40 years old on February 13, 2008. Had a deep and abiding love of the twink, the fresher the better.". r104 - I did several Google searches and read several obits and nothing mentions AIDS related symptoms typical in 1990. By 1978, the prevalence of HIV-1 among homosexual male residents of New York City and San Francisco was estimated at 5%, suggesting that several thousand individuals in the country had been infected.[249]". He recently profile Bowie and he definitely had cancer. Prince died of AIDS and we'll never know because the family knows it'll hurt their sales. / by Peter Socotch. IIRC he died of pneumocystic sarcoma. The Crawl's biggest overseas break came when Duran Duran took the band as support on an international tour. A marriage with Miss Kitty would give him hetero credentials, something the glass-closeted gay Spaeth needed. I was shocked years later when friends I knew from Toronto told me they heard little about the AIDS crisis until 1984. According to an official report . Unfortunately this was an error of judgment as this treatment exacerbated his health situation rather than improve it, leading him to contract viral pneumonia and to be admitted to hospital in Melbourne, forcing Australian Crawl off the road. Reportedly, more than half if them tested positive. In the end he was another actor who died at a rather young age. I once read here that Sophia Loren was bi. The Altair home computer kit allowed consumers to build and program their own personal computers. R135 nope, that's indeed George Michaels last foto. we begin to Show & Tell who they were during particular moments in their lives. The medical examiner completed an autopsy on Monday, June 13th and found no trauma. What is Brad's ethnicity and where did his parents, grandparents & great-grandparents come from? Steve had truly bizarre eating habits. Brad Robinson dating history Relationships. 1 Australian Singles Chart success "Reckless (Don't Be So)". He was charged with obstruction of justice, failure to uphold laws, and the refusal to produce material subpoenaed by the committee. The Biography piece is collaborative, where we work together to present the facts. There are lots of murder cases where someone was slowly poisoned. Guy McDonough had co-written[6] "Downhearted", with Higgins and Bill McDonough, for the Crawl's third single from debut 1980 album The Boys Light Up. Others feel Arafat was poisoned with polonium. R144, have you ever seen a fat AIDS patient? Refresh this page to see various historical events that occurred during Brad's lifetime. It's very likely AIDS came and when in cycles killing a few here and there. R272 do you have a link to that thread? Average Age & Life Expectancy Bradley Donovan Robinson lived 30 years shorter than the average Robinson family member when he died at the age of 40. [quote]Clayburgh had chronic lymphocytic leukemia for 20 years. That should have been the end of the story, but it wasnt. Someone in a Prince thread right after he died said that Jamie Foxx was the one who infected Prince with HIV. How about Terry Lester? 160 birth records, View For all the people who don't think fat people die of AIDS, Robbin Crosby from the metal band RATT was almost 400 lbs when he died. He died in 1985 EXCUUUUSE me, but I was not a homersexshul. [11], During 1981 Robinson was briefly married to actress, Kerry Armstrong,[12][13] later an Australian Film Institute Award winner,[14] and they co-wrote "Easy On Your Own",[9] which was also B-side of the single, "Errol". Death . In 1964, in the year that Brad A Robinson was born, on February 9th, the Beatles appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site By early 1978 Spiff Rouch had separated into two groups: The Flatheads and Clutch Cargo. May he rest in peace. Summary Brad A Robinson was born on September 23, 1964. There's a song he sang in the 70's about "fa**ots". The airplane was the key to it's massive spread. [quote]r11 While we now know about AIDS deaths in the early eighties, the first reports of a "mystery" disease killing gay men weren't published until 1982, and HIV was not identified until a couple of years later than that and couldn't be detected by testing until after that. David Robinson, star of the show Dogs Most Wanted, died from heart disease. Select the next to any field to update. He always looks sick and frail and he does like it up the ass. Time goes by. It was the first known instance of what came to be called "Legionnaires Disease.". They say it was the electric chair but here at DL we know the truth! George Michael's ex-boyfriend said he was HIV positive. r92 - maybe because he had no history of transfusions. He was a heroin addict into the 80s. It's all speculation, but since it was well known that he was gay and his personal long time doctor confirmed he had AIDS, maybe that's the reason he died. yes r73. [244] The earliest retrospectively described case of AIDS is believed to have been in Norway beginning in 1966. Maybe because there were enough rumors of orgys and dalliances with trans people to break the internet before it even existed? Bradford Leigh "Brad" Robinson (28 January 195813 October 1996) was an Australian rock musician best known as lead and rhythm guitarist with the 1980s band Australian Crawl. Some features on this site require a subscription. The man who checked into the motel with Robinson described as African-American, thin and with dreadlocks left between 4 and 5 p.m., according to the medical examiner's investigation report. Who knows if this is true but Jamie did on of his stand up acts where he talks about how pretty Prince was. I've wondered about Wilt as well. Having practiced Christian Science he ignored his symptoms; if he had gone to a doctor immediately he probably wouldn't have died. Author Bruce Chatwin. After breaking into the league as an undrafted free agent, Robinson ended up playing 14 NFL seasons with the St. Louis Ramd (1997), Chicago Bears (1998-2003), Miami Dolphins (2004), Cincinnati Bengals (2005-2007) and Arizona Cardinals (2008-2010). Apparently he was a chain smoker and never quit. This is ridiculous. Diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, Kaczynski is serving 8 life sentences without the possibility of parole. We've received your submission. I don't see the point in spreading totally unfounded rumors. [1] Upheaval occurred within the band with Bill McDonough leaving in 1983 and his brother Guy McDonough dying of viral pneumonia. I think Harry Hamlin has AIDS. [1] His memorial service was held in Melbourne's Botanical Gardens.[22]. His biographer stated it flat out (Swed); it wasn't just rumour or tabloid reports. He died two weeks later, aged 37. Photos, memories, family stories & discoveries are unique to you, and only you can control. All 269 passengers (including a U.S. Representative from Georgia) and crew were killed. As it is there have been documentaries about him, I watched one several years ago. (Nobody talks about smoking now, either, though it was rampant at least up to the 21st century.). [4] "Errol" reached #18 on the Australian Singles Chart[7] and was voted their third most popular song by listeners of Triple M in 2007. That death certificate has never been verified and is usually dismissed as fake. The Milwaukee Police Dept. This four-track EP contained no tracks written by McDonough but did feature the No. 1 but the singles had less success. Guy McDonough - Wikipedia Some people think Steve McQueen died of AIDS. R259 you mean Ernest? Who knows if this is true but Jamie did on of his stand up acts where he talks about how pretty Prince was. Agreed r121 very low IQ sense of humor. I'm alone, negative and sad. r104 - Oh i totally believe people speculated and spread rumors and "casually dropped it into conversation" But like a lot of office gossip it might have a very thin connection to the truth. brad robinson cause of death - [quote]A certain known to be closeted athlete who died of AIDS years ago. James Coco died of a heart attack, not AIDS. That's different. See What AncientFaces Does to discover more about the community. From the old SUMMERSTOCK MEMORIES thread: The one story where I really cant tell you the name of the star involved a magical summer night. I don't put any stock in that myself; given the penchant for fad diets, especially that macrobiotic shit, that he and Yoko displayed throughout their relationship, and his serious insecurity about his looks that caused what appeared (to any observer who knows a thing or two about eating disorders) to be rampant binging and purging throughout his post-Beatles era, I doubt he needed to be sick with HIV, AIDS, or cancer to look that sickly. CBS Sports is a registered trademark of CBS Broadcasting Inc. died of HIV/AIDS. He died two weeks later, aged 37. Apparently he was into drugs both soft and hard, and died of pneumonia in the late 1970s in NYC, and I heard about how IV drug addicts in NYC had some then new pneumonia called the "junkie pneumonia" in the 1970s, [post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's office has determined that former NFL defensive lineman Bryan Robinson died of hypertensive cardiovascular disease, according to Brad Biggs of the Chicago Tribune. Saying that they believed it to be a U.S. spy plane, the passenger jet was shot down by a Soviet SU-15 fighter - after it had tracked the airliner for two hours. Who were the people in Bradley's life? Or was it something else. June 22, 2022 . View the profiles of people named Brad Robinson. I cannot recall his name but I know he played a priest in one film and lead a gangbang of Armond Rizzo in another film. The spread of HIV was caused by whorish male flight attendants. Can someone die from AIDS while being obese? We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. The average age of Bradley Donovan Robinson (1967 - 2008) - Santa Cruz, California