The accumulated knowledge I have over the Business Strategy Game is on an unrivaled scale. What should I do for year 12 and 13? If you're like most students though, you just want to win the Business Strategy Game, be crowned Industry Champion, get the grade, and move . These games often involve managing resources, making . A quick e-mail to your inbox. Paying dividends will increase your stock price and your ROE. Hi Fin, Thanks for the detail post and the screen shots. 1. Currently, were selling 150 models. Do you know why is that? if you have left over inventory, you should either work on your numbers as I described in my post or put the left-over shoes into private-label. we are having a horrible time of having left over inventory .. we are in year 13 and our numbers are ok we were 1st place last on year 11 and second place on year 12 but i having a feeling we have been focusing so much on our current numbers we arent going to end well any advise on what we should do on inventory and other sections of the game. I am so thankful for your post!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I would definitely do plant upgrade option C! However, it will also decrease your ending cash. I would recommend purchasing the upgrade for both of your plants within the first four years. Contact the Grand Championand Learn more about the BSG. In the upper left box, you have available sources of additional cash. Im not talking about theory and how to play; Im talking about a proven system that helped me become Business Strategy Game Grand Champion. Our final score was 99 and the closest team to us scored a 74!Out of a total of 11 teams, 7 of them scored below 40! How Much Capacity Should My Company Have? I would look at the Margin Over Direct Costs value at the very bottom of the page to see where it is most profitable to ship your shoes to. You can decide to sell or purchase available capacity, upgrade your plants, build new plants in other regions, or add capacity to already existing plants. A business strategy game is an exercise that requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills, similar to what an entrepreneur may use while running their daily operations. Do not sit on it. I followed your recommendations, and I have a good rank. Private label will help you dominate your competition. Two of the most important things to do here are analyzing your competition and optimizing your values. Select from a pool of diverse individuals who will bring in different opinions and perspectives to the team. Okay! I include tons of free information to give you a leg up on your classmates on my blogroll. There is a huge difference of learningHow To Winand learning the basics of the game. However, do not price your shoes too high, so that your competitors have a lower price than you and will sell their shoes first. Your numbers might be a little bit off due to the reject rates. Then, you want to plug in your L.A. total sales volume estimate into theproductionslot for North America as well and add up your reject rates. In this blog post, I will run you through everything important that you have to know about the BSG and how to win it. Theres everything explained in detail. Focus on Net Profit, ROE (very important), Credit Rating, Image Rating is quite easy to control and also Stock Prices. Good communication skills. So when following the steps described above, you will have positive ending cash really soon again. Try out each and every value and note down the highest net profit values. Hi Dennis. This Reddit is dedicated to help undergraduate and graduate students excel at the McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game or BSG-Online. However, do not rely on those values. You want to setEthics Training / Enforcement to All Employees and Workforce Diversity Program to Yes. It is best to build only as much capacity as you can afford without taking any loans. If you are completely new and your projected performance box is not showing yet, you have to click the Save Decisions button on the upper right-hand corner for the projected performance box to appear. However, my net profit is still negative even after i have adjusted the private-label. You are playing the BSG but do not want to read the 35-page Players Manual? The Models Offered estimate seems pretty fair and you do not have to worry about it. You have successfully adjusted to your competitors. BeatBSG: Beat The Business Strategy Game Tips on How to Win the Business Strategy Game (BSG) Hello. In this section, you can upgrade your plants. Hi. What I like about my strategy is that you do not necessarily have to keep an eye on your competitors. Ive turned dead-last severely bankrupt companies into Industry Champions with just two years left in the game. Hence, keep track of the industrys internet price and how it changes. Sometimes thats cutting expenses, sometimes thats increasing expenses (even though it might not make sense at first). Again, trying out different combinations and optimizing net profits is key for these values. Hello, thanks for the great strategy, it is working (1st place) ! Look over the shoulder of a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion and see how he pulled off his overwhelming victory. Because with more capacity, you can offer more pairs in private label and dominate the market there. Play the game multiple times and try to refine your strategies and entrepreneurial skills with each attempt. Im glad I was able to help and good luck to you! Business Strategy Game Espanol (Spanish BSG Help ), Ayuda En Espanol Para La Simulacion Glo-Bus (Spanish Glo-Bus Help), Business Strategy Game En Franais/French, En Franais Business Strategy Game Assistance (French BSG Help), Business Strategy Game In Het Nederlands/Dutch, In Het Nederlands Business Strategy Game Help (Dutch BSG Help), Business Strategy Game Auf Deutsch/German, Business Strategy Game Auf Deutch Assistenz (German BSG Help). Important: Your Sales volume, not the production volume that includes the rejected pairs! Thanks! you should repurchase stock whenever you can. It can be very beneficial for you. For further explanation, please read my blog post. In conclusion, while the BSG simulation requires tact and strategy, employing the above tips will help you get a better sense of how the game works and incorporating them into your strategies will boost your overall performance. The importance of buying back stock early and how buying back stock gives you an edge in the game. Thanks a lot! Oh, how I wish I had known all this before I began playing. The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game (BSG) Guide Tutorial - 2022 That summer, I played in the Business Strategy Game Best Strategy Invitational (BSI) and won that as well. I prioritize building additional capacity and purchasing plant upgrades. Five years ago, I was sitting in a similar situation as you. Im an excel and math geek and started to break the game down and understand it on a deep level. The Business strategy game offers a unique hands-on experience for participants grouped in teams, to run a virtual footwear company and go head to head with other competitors to see whose business strategies win. so idk what i may have done LOL, Hello, may I ask my is not that great at the moment and we are onto year 13 which is like 2nd year maybe of the game and i try my best to like follow your tips though not as fully cause I still dont understand much especially the calculation one a bit confusing cause I am bad at that, so far I have 7 s/q rating though I am unsure should I do lower models or not cause I am afraid it might not be enough for profit and all because most I see at average of rating and high models , I was wondering what can I do to make it better? So, should I decrease pay dividends here to $0.15? If you found your highest value for the best net profit, move on to the next value and do the same. How did your 2nd decision go? The best business tip I have received so far is to have a backup plan for all your moves. im at year 17 and perfect score twice, 1st in last 3 years and 2nd twice. Market share is not crucial for your success in the BSG, but profit is. Hi there! Do not focus too much on Ending Cash, but keep focusing on Net Profit, try to increase that over each years. However, do not forget to calculate your possible additional expenses for your celebrities. You will have secret access to private areas of the site and get to ask questions with my personal expert replies. Switch between different advertising budgets to see which strategy will be the most cost-effective to capture the target market at the best price. Sure, you can ask anytime But if i decrease my model, I dont think I will be competitive enough to compete with him if he stays with his strategy, what do you think? You might agree to disagree in the process but each member should always be given a clear avenue to express their thoughts that are based on their research. Sounds good, congrats! How can I increase my game score? Hence, try to keep your internet price at least 40% higher than your wholesale price. Once you have enough capacity then switch to low SQ approach. Also do you know the cost of building additional capacity. The information is these guides is laid out, and displayed, in such a way . Learn More Embedded in the magic numbers is a reinforced long-term money-saving strategy that will save you money every year forever! With the high-quality shoes + low model strategy, the only thing you care about is your PROFIT. I am getting my butt kicked! I started with 250 models and S/Q rating of 5. thank you:). but out industry there is a direct competitor for me, he is also star 8 and 50 models, and he prices so low for wholesale, only 47! However, it is not necessary and Option C is definitely more effective. For all following decision rounds, you do not have to return to this page, as I advise you to always keep those two options and not change anything else on this page. This decision page deals with your plants. Or you have read it but still do not know what strategy to pursue or what is going on? The celebrity endorsement will work well only if it is boosted by aggressive advertising. The Business Strategy Game is a real world - real life management simulator where students BSG login to learn about essential business concepts like cost focused strategy, broad differentiation strategy, generic strategy, focused differentitation strategy, and low cost strategy. Almost done, the last decision page. Here, you have the opportunity to sell your existing capacity. Thank you so much for the good recommendations. The Business Strategy Game or BSG is a simulation game used by, different colleges for their Business capstone. This free website and paid guide are a collection of the strategies I have used myself while winning the Business Strategy Invitational multiple times, seen work by my competitors at the highest level of play, and implemented on dozens of teams Ive personally coached. However, try your best. You might have the highest profits with 0 advertising budget. If not, I dont see the need to purchase equipment in order to make more shoes until the demand begins to encroach upon my shoe making capacity. and L.A. in North America to reduce costs because ofNAFTA. Worst case, all the demand is already satisfied in your region before your shoes at a certain price is being considered. Sometimes, clearing your beginning inventory at a discount will boost your profits. Business Strategy Game Tips - Which Market Should I Produce Shoes In When coming up with a CSR initiative, ensure that the budget can be sustained over time without burdening the company. 7 Winning Tips and Strategies for the Business Strategy Game (Bsg Then, just like you did before, plug in different values for your internet price and see, which price yields the highest net profit. However, with a reasonable price. My question is what if I decreased the pay dividends to $0.15 from $1.00? It almost worked TOO WELL. I would then adjust the Percentage of Superior Materials to whatever is needed to match my S/Q Rating with the value plugged in on the Sales Forecast page. And Im so thankful for your post!!!!!!!! Any questions you have or any problems you encounter,you can get my expert advice asa BSG Grand Champion.