Political candidates, especially first-timers, are encouraged to figure out the story that they want to tell the voters. Were a state full of farmers, truck drivers, nurses, fire fighters, truck drivers, farmers, military veterans, and small-business owners. And it will also translate into my ability to listen to Arkansans, to hear what they need, and to ensure that the people most affected by the decisions are the ones at the table making the decisions. He always wants to hear game-changing ideas that he can apply to Arkansas communities, transforming their gateways to education, STEM and workforce skills.". Click here to read the survey answers. .widget-row.Republican { .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { width: 43%; Democrat Chris Jones credited his win on his message focusing on infrastructure, jobs and education. Incumbent Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson was term-limited and could not seek re-election to a third term. But at that moment, something in me opened up: a world of science, and sacrifice; service and exploration. display: inline-block; Leading up to the Republican Primary, Sanders received many endorsements from key Republican figures, including Donald Trump, Mike Pence, incumbent Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas' entire U.S. Congressional delegation, and dozens of GOP representatives from the State House and State Senate. What is the first historical event that happened in your lifetime that you remember? Chris Jones plans to help to make prescription drugs more affordable. How old were you at the time? top: -5px; Now . If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you. Jones served as student government association president at Morehouse. ARKANSAS (KSLA) - Chris Jones, Governor candidate for Arkansas releases an after-election statement. Chris Jones supports building the strong, educated, and skilled workforces and communities that make this state a desirable destination for economic development for companies from across the globe. What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? } District 14: Brian Eaton. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } width: 57%; Claiming he was "frustrated by leadership . .inner_percentage.Democratic { Chris Jones is a popularity-based applicant who volunteered to run for the Arkansas Chief Representative in mid-2021, proposing to lift individuals and put together a fair Arkansas, so there are valuable open doors for everyone. We need elected officials that are in office because they want to govern not tear down government and decrease opportunities for those in need. What does that mean do you? margin-top: 0px; (function() { A political novice he once served as student body president at Morehouse College, a historically Black university in Atlanta Jones, 44, said he was turned off by the political divisions of the past few years. background-color: grey; .top_disclaimer { I was absolutely floored by the videos genius use of his preachers stole to illustrate the passage of time, coupled with his explanation that as a physicist, I know that time is also relative and with the right application of energy, you can bend it. That transition into a timeline of his familys roots in the state and the emotions it conveyed were on point; the use of footage from Jan. 6 to illustrate the trauma that we lived through was also extremely well deployed. Huckabee Sanders will be the state's first female . Jones has been traveling to Arkansas' 75 counties . Another thing Jones credits his parents for: exposing him to horizon-broadening experiences. color: #6db24f; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .widget-row { We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Ricky Dale Harrington Jr. advanced from the Libertarian convention for Governor of Arkansas on February 20, 2022. After earning his master's degrees in 2003, he taught ninth-grade algebra at the Media and Technology Charter High School (the MATCH school) for the 2003-2004 school year before returning to the institute as assistant dean for graduate education. margin-bottom: 0; p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} $('.hideResponses').show(); $('.collapse').collapse('show'); Christopher Jones (biologist) (born 1976), American naturalist, inventor and writer on evolutionary medicine. Moreover, this year is their twentieth anniversary. I also realized that because of my hearing, I learned to listen closely to what people were saying. John Brummet. Christopher Jones. .votebox { Christopher Darnell Jones Jr., perpetrator of the 2022 University of Virginia shooting. max-width: 600px; .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} But if Jones wins the primary, it will be an uphill climb for him in a state dominated by Republicans. How long did you have it? (Jones' brother, Leon Jones Jr., announced in April he is running for the GOP nomination to replace Rutledge.). Jones became the first Democrat to win Washington County since 2010, and Sanders became the first Republican to win majority-Black Crittenden County since her father in 1998. The 2022 Arkansas gubernatorial election took place on November 8, 2022, to elect the governor of Arkansas. .clearfix { 100% remote. padding-bottom: 3px; } Jones issued a statement acknowledging Huckabee Sanders victory and the historic nature of her accomplishment. Chris Jones said part of his dream to go to Morehouse and MIT was to bring that knowledge back home to Arkansas. Chris Jones plans to help families find the resources they need to care for their loved ones and to ensure high standards of care and excellent staffing at nursing homes, The Promise to Improve Resources for Mental Health. Arkansas's near abortion ban remains blocked by courts, and leading democratic candidate Chris Jones is aware that this is an issue he could inherit if he gets the governor's job. Runoff elections for instances where no candidate receives over 50% of the vote were scheduled for June 21. Jerrilyn and Chris Jones, KATV Primary Election feature: Dr. Chris Jones, Democratic governor hopeful (Video), Chris Jones, Democratic candidate for governor of Arkansas, on his plan to win. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Consider that just five years after earning dual master's degrees in nuclear engineering and technology and policy from MIT, he was named the schools assistant dean for graduate students. Chris Jones will invest in building stronger infrastructure for financially stable businesses, cutting unnecessary regulatory burdens, and supporting entrepreneurship - especially for homegrown . Jones is overly educated, far beyond the average white candidate. Eso es exactamente lo que es la Mind Expander. With graduate degrees in nuclear engineering and urban planning, and 20 years of experience in energy and infrastructure . My family worked this land before Arkansas was a state; my election as governor will be a history-making event that will be symbolic of much needed change and some who will protect voting rights and womens rights. ", "Breaking: Kid Rock backs Sarah Sanders for Arkansas Governor", "Sarah Sanders, former Trump press secretary, runs for Arkansas governor", "2022 Preferential Primary and Nonpartisan Judicial General Election", "Meet a candidate for attorney general; with a brother in the wings on the other side", "Chris Jones, a nuclear engineer and political newcomer, enters Arkansas governor's race", "Supha Xayprasith-Mays to seek Democratic nomination for governor in 2022", "Political newcomer James Russell to seek Democratic nomination for Governor in 2022", "Supha Xayprasith-Mays announces run for Arkansas governor in 2022", "A pro-life Democrat enters the governor's race", "Arkansas mother, foster care advocate announces run for lieutenant governor", "This is some excellent company, Kim, and I appreciate itbut it won't be me", "Thank you Kim! font-style: italic; } Jones is proving that out at the Innovation Hub, where he compares nurturing up-and-coming business people to growing crops. Arkansas PBS. }) color: black; font-weight: bold; She's also a force, who loves her country & the state of Arkansas", "I had the incredible privilege of getting to work alongside @SarahHuckabee. Much as I did as the executive director of the Arkansas Innovation Hub, I will work to develop programs that support innovation, whether for small business owners or for those who wish to learn a new trade and receive credentialing. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} font-size: 12px; She raises money with Mike Pompeo in Texas while Leslie Rutledge hangs out in Arkansas with Tracy Lawrence", "Awesome seeing a great friend and the future Governor of Arkansas, @SarahHuckabee Sanders, at the White House this past week! Linda Work of Pine Bluff, a retired teacher who taught Jones' civics and gifted and talented classes at Watson Chapel, describes her former student as "respectful, loyal, with a high moral character [and] who will listen to you. width: 250px; Arkansas is faced with a teacher shortage and schools that are understaffed. Because Jones loved science and wanted to do work that related to energy, he decided to major in physics in college. $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { Economic development and developing our communities should always go hand in hand. I love the people in this state. padding-left: 10px; } padding-left: 10px; Dr. Chris Jones, physicist, nuclear engineer, urban planner, and pastor, has launched his campaign to become the next governor of Arkansas with a powerful ad. clearInterval(nTimer); Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. I attended Morehouse College on a full NASA Scholarship, for physics and math, then went on to study at MIT earning a masters degree in Nuclear Engineering, a masters degree in Technology & Policy, and a Ph.D. in Urban Planning. color:white; Hes running for the slot on the general ballot against Lt. Gov. .contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} } Whether its irrigating fields, maintaining flooded timber for duck season, or ensuring we have clean drinking water in our towns and cities, we need to make the best of the historic investments coming in from the bipartisan federal infrastructure bill. text-align: left !important; In March, Jones was appointed by Gov. .results_row.winner { width: 50%; Source1Source2. Asa Hutchinson as leader of the state his family has lived in for eight generations now. Chris Jones, a physicist and ordained minister, announced his candidacy for Arkansas governor last week in a launch video that has since gone viral. Inigo Jones, (born July 15, 1573, Smithfield, London, Eng.died June 21, 1652, London), British painter, architect, and designer who founded the English classical tradition of architecture. Chris Jones is an opportunity for governor of Arkansas 2022 and an atomic architect who went to Morehouse College on a NASA scholarship. District 6: Markeeta Tucker. Jones talked with 40/29's Yuna Lea about the . padding-top: 3px; District 15: Rachel Cox. Im a kid from Pine Bluff. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { I was inspired by Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement. What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you a successful officeholder? He opened his campaign in his native town of Pine Bluff and in a launch video . HIGH PROFILE: Dr. Christopher Michael Jones brings knowledge back to Arkansas. word-wrap: break-word; Arkansas gubernatorial Democratic nominee Chris Jones is closing the gap against his Republican opponent Sarah Huckabee Sanders ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm election. padding-bottom: 0px; "We're an agricultural state; we understand growing from your own soil. in nuclear engineering/technology and policy in 2003 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in urban planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. margin-top: 1px; In Political No-Man's Land. display: table; ", "Thank you to my friend @SeanHannity for your support! } I knew then that I wanted to be an astronaut. Chris Jones is here to prove that politics does not have to be divisive and destructive, and that as a candidate he can call for accountability while uniting Arkansas. Black candidates have historically had a hard time winning statewide races, as Charles E. Jones and Judson Jeffries noted in their 2006 article on campaigns for governor and U.S. Senate. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} } Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. .widget-key { .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Biography. Right now, they're creating a virtual experience for these children via partnerships with museums, the zoo, the Clinton Foundation and Arkansas PBS. width: 350px; Arkansans of all ages should have access to technical schools and workforce training scholarships. And we share the same hopes and dreams for our children. } .widget-value { Chris Jones earned a B.S. This page was current at the end of the individual's last campaign covered by Ballotpedia. .widget-row.Green { Jones announced he was running for governor Tuesday in an impressive 2 minute, 37 second campaign commercial. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Princetons Professor Joshua Katz Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts, Chris Jones For Governor Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts. } He attended Morehouse College on a NASA Scholarship, for physics and math . And Jones team knocked this one out of the park. Arkansas native Chris Jones announced his Democratic campaign for Governor of Arkansas in downtown Pine Bluff and in a launch video released on social media. By the way, the political novice once served as chair of the understudy body at Morehouse College. The Queen's House (1616-19) at Greenwich, London, his first major work, became a part of the National Maritime Museum in 1937. Now . Counties | } MAILING ADDRESS:P.O. Chris Jones said part of his dream to go to Morehouse and MIT was to bring that knowledge back home to Arkansas. Finally, the governor works to promote the state by recruiting businesses and workers, sourcing funding, and creating opportunities to build the state. We always were taught to love our neighbor as ourselves.". If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not . Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } background-color: #003388; On Nov. 9, Chris Jones released a statement following his loss against Governor-Elect Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She cruised to a landslide victory in the primary, and as Arkansas is a GOP stronghold, her victory virtually guaranteed she would win the general election, in which she defeated Jones by 28 points. We are one big neighborhood. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Are you looking for real estate agents or brokers? We also need someone with the vision to see and seize opportunities that lie out of sight, the determination to amplify and value all voices, especially the most marginalized, and the ancestral grit of an unapologetic Arkansan. Black Democrats try to revive party in Trump territory, Chris Jones Lays Out His Plan For Becoming The Governor of Arkansas, Dynamic Duos 2022: Drs. overflow-x: scroll; To observe those delightful snaps of Jones family, you can follow his excursion on his Instagram account. width: 250px; All rights reserved. Tim Griffin. Through this work, I spread STEAM education throughout the state and has seen firsthand how disparities within Arkansas have gotten worse, not better. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it. We need a governor that uplifts and supports this industry so that Arkansas stays competitive. I grew up with big dreams. District 1: Teresa L Roofe. IE 11 is not supported. border:1px solid #FFB81F; margin: 0; The colleague told her about a job opening in the Natural State. We need elected officials that value honesty, and work with their constituents to get them what they need to succeed and continue to build in our communities. } Christopher Jones was a brief cult star of the late '60s counterculture era and a would-be rebel successor to James Dean had he wanted it. The Chris Jones for Governor campaign released its first primary election advertisement Tuesday April 19. I will use innovative approaches to policy and production, including leveraging private-public partnerships, attracting businesses to the state, and protecting and uplifting the family-owned businesses that have been here for generations. To change that, I will leverage key components of education and infrastructure to increase opportunities across the state and bolster the economy. Since 2018, he has served as executive director and lead maker of the North Little Rock-based, nonprofit Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub. } I became a physicist and an ordained minister. I want every child in Arkansas to have those opportunities. Sanders became the first female Governor of Arkansas, as well as the first daughter of a former governor to take office in United States history. "She complements and enhances me in ways that I could never even imagine," Jones says. .non_result_row { } I attended Morehouse College on a NASA Scholarship, for physics and math, then studied at MIT to become a nuclear engineer and earn a Ph.D. in urban planning. Go Hogs and Go Sarah! "Our campaign is about lifting people up and building a fair . Chris Jones supports passing a new comprehensive state law that will put intervention measures in place to keep kids on track. Chris Jones, the former executive director of Winrock International's Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub, announced his Democratic candidacy for Arkansas governor on Tuesday. https://twitter.com/JonesForAR/status/1525154140011352064. .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} width: 100%; His brother, Leon Jones Jr., is running for attorney general in 2022 as a Republican. Until Monday, the only thing I knew about the race for governor in Arkansas was that former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had thrown her hat into the ring. Chris Jones, 44, is announcing his run as a Democrat for the 2022 Arkansas gubernatorial race. } 10 years later, I accepted a full NASA scholarship named for Challenger astronaut Ron McNair. We will address challenges and solve problems by bringing people together to move us all forward. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. Chris is an Arkansas native whose predecessors, seven centuries, lived there for a very long time. } All Arkansans deserve dependable internet - whether for telemedicine, for school, for work, or for small business, and Chris Jones wants every Arkansan to have access. IE 11 is not supported. We all have the potential to claim the power of our vote. With over 63,000 Facebook followers, 58,000 Twitter followers, 35,000 Arkansas blog followers, and 70,000 daily email blasts, we are making a difference. He knew this was the job for him. } text-align: center; } Chris Jones plans to boost local businesses and economies by supporting historic business centers and building infrastructure to protect our communities. } .results_row { Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, defeated Democrat Chris Jones to become the first woman ever elected to the office, and was sworn in on January 10, 2023. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .results_text { Although he didn't become an astronaut he had the opportunity to work for one during his summer internships at NASA, working on a gas injection system for a rocket that would go to Mars. Jones says one of the blessings of being in the MIT environment of dedication to problem-solving "is that now, wherever I go, one of my first questions is, 'Who else needs to be at the table?' We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon. The six-month program calls for scholars to travel to the participating presidential centers and, through study and other activities, equip themselves to make positive impacts on their communities. As I learned in his campaign's announcement video, he is an actual nuclear physicist and an ordained minister as of 2017. The race to replace Arkansas Gov. Perusing the newspaper, he saw a story about the Innovation Hub and the departure of Joel Gordon, its executive director.