in these proceedings). Because both of the algorithms can be implemented via the FFT operations and the Hadamard product, they are computationally efficient and can be used to design waveform sets with a large waveform number and waveform length. The active inflammation MRI score had moderate positive correlation with the endoscopic score (r = 0.57; p = 0.0017) and weak positive correlation with the histopathologic score (r = 0.20; p = 0.31, not statistically significant). The strongest correlations between panic symptoms and safety behaviors were found between symptoms of derealization and listening to music with headphones, paresthesia and pushing a cart while shopping, and nausea and squatting down. Broby, Nicolette; Lassetter, Jane H; Williams, Mary; Winters, Blaine A. 4. Percentile values were estimated for each model by CP, MCM with Gaussian distributed data, or MCM with empirically distributed data. Nurses' provision of parental guidance regarding school-aged children's postoperative pain management: a descriptive correlational study. Acute patients perceived significantly more noise than elective patients (Pcorrelation between patients' sense of coherence (SOC) and their perception of noise (P, A Description Grid to Support the Design of Learning Role-Play Games, Mariais, Christelle; Michau, Florence; Pernin, Jean-Philippe, To strengthen the motivation of learners, the professional training sector is focusing more and more on game-based learning. This article explores SWDs from the perspective of crossover trials and designed experiments more generally. Also included are the procedures for performing these analyses using MSC/NASTRAN. Descriptive analysis and basic statistical techniques account for most of the statistical tests reported. There was a clear positive relationship between RIME category and clinical evaluation score (r(2)=0.40, p<0.01). Clear findings supporting beneficial health results for screening would dictate screening regardless of the cost. The major subassemblies of the DIBS are the laser write system (LWS), vanadium dioxide modulator assembly, scene data buffer (SDB), and the optical image translator (OIT). Sahi, Kamaldeep Singh; Lee, Karen S; Moss, Alan; Yee, Eric; Allard, Felicia; Brook, Alexander; Mortele, Koenraad J, The purpose of this study was to describe the MR enterography (MRE) appearance of inflammation of the ileoanal pouch after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) surgery and to correlate it with pouch endoscopic and histopathologic findings. The observed lack of correlation may happen due to many factors, such as the influence of vasoactive and anesthetic drugs, total muscular relaxation, or the presence of an open abdomen. These results suggest that the sequence space accessed by recombination of divergent AAV serotypes is rich in capsid chimeras that assemble into 60-mer capsids and package viral genomes. ATLAS is a structural analysis and design system, operational on the Control Data Corporation 6600/CYBER computers. (3) What criteria did healthcare leaders use in the decision-making process? Descriptive-Correlational Research Design | The purpose of this research was to understand male nursing students' empathy traits compared with other university students using the systematizing quotient and empathizing quotient questionnaires. A positive likelihood ratio of 4.00 and negative likelihood ratio of 0.18 were obtained. AUTHOR(.) It is currently being developed with mainly horizontal oil producers. Metabolite profiling of soy sauce using gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and analysis of correlation with quantitative descriptive analysis. However, if the group means differ, other estimators have better performance depending on the sample size per group and the number of groups. We encourage further attempts to understand the strong effect of concrete descriptions for belief-inconsistent behaviour. PDF Authors: Elizabeth A. Curtis , Catherine Comiskey and Orla Dempsey We report intra-cluster correlation coefficients observed within a large-scale cross-sectional study of general practice in Australia, where the general practitioner (GP) was the primary sampling unit and the patient encounter was the unit of inference. A predictive correlational design is a research design that aims to predict the association, not causality, between variables. Taking into account the first non-Markovian correction to the Balescu-Lenard equation, we have derived an expression for the pair correlation function and a nonlinear kinetic equation valid for a nonideal polarized classical plasma. During these peak hours, Sundays had significantly fewer events. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 140 Vietnamese female immigrants from November 2012 to October 2013. Design: Comparative descriptive study design Setting: Hospitals and nursing homes in Austria and the Netherlands. Norm perception contributed no significant variance in explaining harmful consequences beyond that explained by college student gender and alcohol use. This description scheme can accommodate an essentially limitless number of descriptors in terms of features, semantics or metadata, and facilitate content-based search, index, and retrieval, among other capabilities, for both streamed or aggregated multimedia objects. The correlations are compared against the open-literature data, where appropriate. This descriptive study used a sample of 24 leaflets designed by trained nurses in a large teaching hospital. A detailed description of a video system for controlling space shuttle payloads and experiments is presented in the preliminary design review and critical design review, first and second engineering design reports respectively, and in the final report submitted jointly with the design package. These methods usually focus on estimating the variance. TREASURY AIR COMMERCE REGULATIONS Air Carrier Smuggling Prevention Program 122.171 Description of program. Unlike past spacecraft power system the SSF EPS will grow and be maintained on orbit and must be flexible to meet changing user power needs. Excellent performance is also confirmed for other fundamental material properties including elastic constants and phonon frequency. Examining Early Adolescents' Peer Climate Using Descriptive and Status Norms on Academic Engagement and Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom, This study is aimed to gain insights into adolescents' classroom peer climate by examining descriptive and status norms of academic and social behaviors. The accuracy of CCD0+DFT for predicting equilibrium geometries and vibrational frequencies of actinide molecules and ions is assessed and compared to that of well-established quantum chemical methods. The present Integrated Reservoir Description (IRD) is focussed on delivering the next level of detail that will impact the understanding of the localmore reservoir architecture and dynamic performance of each well. Design. This feature is intended to make it an attractive alternative for users lacking in programming experience. Future research seeking to understand pregaming behavior should consider descriptive norms, as well as personal attitudes and identification with student peers, as targets of interventions designed to reduce pregaming. A total of 976 studies were identified; 50% were randomly selected for each year analyzed. and (5) To what extent did the leadership style of administrators affect the outcomes of the decision-making process? This approach is valid when the electron-electron scattering length is sufficiently short. Correlational research is designed to discover relationships among variables. An inconclusive study comparing the effect of concrete and abstract descriptions of belief-inconsistent information. In this descriptive analysis,. Evidence failed to support the hypothesis that greater availability, through the experimental manipulation of lag, would result in increased frequency of co-occurrence judgements. The results from this qualitative, descriptive design identified three themes which were key characteristics of success found in effective, well-established, international medical disaster relief organizations. There is a need to educate nurses about nonpharmacologic pain relief methods to optimize their provision of parental guidance. Further, within the context of complex Bell networks, we show that entropic nonlocal correlations can be activated. See full answer below. We present a detailed description of the study design, methods of case ascertainment, control selection, exposure assessment and data analysis plan. Design methodology is detailed in subsequent sections, elaborating the techniques enabling high throughput. Suggestions for further extensions to the system are also given. The purpose of this study is to examine men's and women's attitudes toward IPV in Jordan and its relationship with some demographics and family functioning. Suggestions for specific studies designed to improve the basic model were also made. Course descriptions are provided for 22 courses in the area of business education. The description includes: (1) statement of purpose, including general objectives of science education; (2) a list of six course objectives; (3) course content for units on sound, light, optical instruments, electrostatics, current electricity, Michael Faraday and. Among these, ethical and social considerations are critical. In response to the rise in popularity of concepts of "design" in education research, pedagogy, and curriculum design, in this article we consider how the New London Group conceived of the role of student design practices as an outcome of pedagogy, as well as the parallel role of design in teaching practices. Fast Face-Recognition Optical Parallel Correlator Using High Accuracy Correlation Filter. Meins, Elizabeth; Fernyhough, Charles; Harris-Waller, Jayne. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. Inability to communicate needs was associated with helplessness (rs = .43). Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) descriptive ratings as an evaluation tool in an emergency medicine clerkship. Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods & Examples The Systems Research Organizing Model provided the theoretical framework. 24 refs., 15 figs., 22 tabs.less. Personalized Progressive Addition Lenses: Visualization of synchronization of the uterine contraction signals: running cross-, Stereo Orthogonal Axonometric Perspective for the Teaching of, Nurse and patient factors that influence nursing time in chest tube management early after open heart surgery: A, 14 CFR 21.97 - Approval of major changes in type, Is social support universally adaptive in diabetes? It provides an index of some brain systems that contribute to temperament, and may be useful in psychotherapy, business, medicine, and the legal community. Percentages of properly addressed items were 46% in 1990, 56% in 1995, 54% in 2000, 59% in 2005 and 70% in 2010. The proposed composite correlation filter does not involve any complicated mathematical analysis and computation which are often required in the design of correlation algorithms. We used "Population Intervention Comparison Outcome Study - PICOS" framework to design the research in which "Population" was food/ beverages; "intervention" were RDM, "Comparison" was CDP as gold standard, "Outcome" was the ability of RDM to generate similar descriptive profiles in comparison with CDP and "Studies" was sensory descriptive analyses. These were found to match well in most of the proposed scalings, although platykurtic and very platykurtic categories were questionable when the proportion of the finer population was below 5%. Various staffing measures have been used in examining the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes. PDF A Descriptive Correlational Study of Teacher Participation in As a result, a direct comparison between hemodynamic values should only be done when measured in the same conditions. For the design and manufacturing of the CCM, the team adopted the building block approach where design and manufacturing risks were mitigated through manufacturing trials and structural testing at various levels of complexity. Therefore, it is extremely important to comprehend the relationship between components and the sensory attributes of soy sauces. This is a theory-based design that researchers use to gather, analyze, and present their collected data. The Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment (CONE) is a LN2 cryogenic storage and supply system demonstration placed in orbit by the National Space Transportation System (NSTS) Orbiter and operated as an in-bay payload. Use of remote data sources for science resource assessments is supported. Ground tools assist the controller in evaluating the traffic picture and determining appropriate PTM clearances to be issued. Descriptive research is research designed to provide a snapshot of the current state of affairs. We examined this question in 20 people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in 20 cognitively intact individuals. Hsiao, Chiu-Yueh; Chien, Maio-Ju; Wu, Hua-Shan; Chiao, Chia-Yi. A cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design was used. A descriptive-survey design was used. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional research design utilising the quantitative approach. Penprase, Barbara; Oakley, Barbara; Ternes, Reuben; Driscoll, Dana. The new correlator can be set to analyze up to eight simultaneous windows, adjustable in size and center frequency, thanks to a 2 X 220 MHz image rejection mixer. 1-3 - General description of system of accounts and reports. The results suggest that mind-mindedness is a facet of personal relationships rather than a trait-like quality. A fourth RAM stores all normalized correlations. The MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched to identify non-surgical RCTs (years 2005-2014, inclusive). Among services, the most significant predictor of GPIU was the frequency of use of chat rooms and "adult" websites. Piloted simulation task scenarios, task guidelines, and pilot subjective ratings for the various maneuvers are discussed. In addition, the proposed joint spatial encodings increase the space bandwidth product of the spatial light modulators of the optical system. After optimization, the image quality can get limit diffraction. 8. Studies published in 2005-2010 were compared as a cohort against studies published in 2011-2014, in terms of general characteristics and reporting quality. Articles were analyzed descriptively and using the evaluative method to determine study quality. Correlational research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a As height increases, weight also increases. Interestingly, however, we did not observe a correlation between genome packaging and calculated structural disruption; a majority of the chimeric capsid proteins formed at least partially assembled capsids and more than half packaged genomes, including those with the highest SCHEMA disruption. This study indicates the need to provide parents with more information regarding their children's postoperative pain management. Descriptive, correlational study. The Author(s) 2016. This report presents a description of a process for instructional system design, identification of the steps in the design process, and determination of their sequence and interrelationships. Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment (CONE): Phase A/B design study. If they are not administered effectively, they quickly diminish. Little information is available on Jordanian men's and women's attitudes toward IPV. The study is to determine the correlation between pain intensity and quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic LBP. These correlations are crucial for the understanding and characterization of the internal quantum structure of soliton pulses and contribute significantly to soliton squeezing by spectral filtering.