While compensation arrangements may affect the order, position or placement of product information, it doesn't influence our assessment of those products. As of the moment our online portal is under a system update, and you will be notified once it's up. I dont like the interest rates, but it was needed. In 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found that 20% of car title loans ended in vehicle repossession. I have reported them already to the NAACP as well as The Better Business Bureau as they have no rating by the BBB. If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, please contact your local law enforcement authority and the Online Lenders Alliance Consumer Hotline at (866) 299-7585. We look forward to working with you again in the future.Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call us.Sincerely,East Line Lending, Was coerced into this crazy loan by your goons via phone(100 calls!!) east line lending is it legit. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you find a business isnt licensed to operate in your state even if its licensed in other states dont respond to its lending inquiries. Im grateful. Whether its student loan debt, mortgage debt relief or otherwise, working with a private company to settle or cancel your debt can have disastrous financial and legal consequences. I explained to the representative that I was at work and would call back on break to complete application but I continue to receive calls at work. It was hard to understand them you need to get more people in there to speak English but overall it was good as long as they slow down and try not to talk a million miles an hour, Hi Jason Stewart,Your feedback is valuable to us, as we work to improve both our products and our services to you. August 4, 2020. I found out today that is not the case. I am still waiting. Jun I thought the funds would be delivered faster. We count ourselves lucky for having customers like you. Finder.com LLC. Debt.org wants to help those in debt understand their finances and equip themselves with the tools to manage debt. New York, NY, 10016. We always remind them to practice professionalism at all times. Hi Marleasha James,Your feedback is valuable to us, as we work to improve both our products and our services to you. We are happy to see this dedication reflected in your recent experience with us. Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.If you require any assistance, please call us at 866-337-0799 or email us support@eastlinelending.com. Love how fast the loan went through. Thank you for being such a great customer. Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 or email us at support@eastlinelending.com, and we will be happy to explain your loan, the interest rate and other re-payment options that are available.Sincerely,East Line Lending, The representative I talked to was very respectful you walking through everything I need to know he was able to get me qualified possibly getting funds I hadn't got it yet but I'm still waiting, Hi Wilbert Postell,Thank you for your kind review! Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com if you require any further information.Sincerely,East Line Lending. North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin are not eligible for a loan from East Line Lending. Avoid giving out or entering your bank account information online, choosing to call them directly instead. Sincerely, East Line Lending AT Adriane Turner 1 review US 22 Dec 2022 Hi Matt Stehman,We understand you've put so much time and effort into this, and it has to be difficult for you. Thank you for being such a great customer. So, if you have any suggestions, recommendations, questions, please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com, one of our Customer Service Representatives will be glad to assist you. To find a personal loans from a trustworthy company, you can compare fees, rates and terms of legit lenders weve reviewed. Better to not have a loan than risk the potential of having your identity stolen and your bank account drained. Location of This Business. I was a approved for a 2000.00 loan and part of the agreement is they transfer 400 into my checking and Im suppose to get a visa gift card and transfer the 400 back they say its for the purpose of customer legitimacy as soon as its transferred they will transfer the full 2000 Is this a legit company its Eloan.com or EZloanllc. If you dont trust the source of an email or phone call, get in touch with the lenders customer support directly to ask about the contact. Scammers lure you in with guaranteed approval so they can collect fraudulent upfront fees. So, if you have any suggestions, recommendations, questions, please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com, one of our Customer Service Representatives will be glad to assist you. function log_signup_widget(obj) { var form = obj; var URL = window.location.href.split('? I could hear my banker getting annoyed. She is a workshop facilitator and former consultant for the City of San Francisco's Affordable Home Buyer Programs, as well as a former Certified Housing & Credit Counselor (HUD, NFCC). Type of Entity: (ND) Resources to help you avoid scams. Sincerely,East Line LendingHi Customer,We appreciate you giving us the chance to help you.Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com if you require any further information.Sincerely,East Line Lending. We've collected tips to help you identify legit preapproval offers but in general, only submit your information to websites you know are legit. As an alternative you may communicate with one of our chat representatives or email us support@eastlinelending.com to access and know the details of your account. Sincerely,East Line Lending. I'll be on my way if I don't hear from you or your henchmen. Retrieved from, N.A. Optional, only if you want us to follow up with you. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. If you have questions regarding our loan programs, the terms of our loan agreements, or payment plans,; or just need more information, please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com., Oone of our Customer Service Representatives will be glad to assist you. By Posted 2880 e airport dr, ontario, california, usa In is thelma ritter related to tex ritter East Line Lending NEVER charges pre-payment penalties.Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com if you require any further information.Sincerely,East Line Lending. residents of Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, The MoneyMutual network includes a wide range of lenders that offer cash advance loans of up to $5,000. The Truth in Lending Act requires all lenders to provide the complete terms of a loan, including the final cost of the principal plus interest, before you sign on the dotted line. You might even speak by phone with a caller claiming the need to confirm your loan details. information service that aims to provide you with information to help you make better decisions. Im grateful. at 1-866-337-0799 or emailing us at BBB File Opened: 17/12/2014. Sincerely, East Line Lending AT Adriane Turner 1 review US Dec 22, 2022 The service was good but the amount of questions being asked to my banker for deposit verification was overkill. Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 and email us at support@eastlinelending.com if you require any further information.Sincerely,East Line Lending. Loan scams frequently show up on social media, in email and in your mailbox. Hi Stacy Snell,We understand you've put so much time and effort into this, and it has to be difficult for you. If youre faced with an urgent offer, youve likely found a scam. Did you know that scam artists and predatory lenders come out of the woodwork during times of crisis? Do your own digging, and if you can't find it on the lender's website or its social media profiles, it's likely a scam. I applied online and followed the steps thoroughly. I am not happy at all with the payments and the interest rate. A lender asking for payment before its processed your application is a scammer looking for a quick buck. Regards,East Line Lending. Retrieved from. Hi Jerry,Your feedback is valuable to us, as we work to improve both our products and our services to you. In a typical phishing scam, you visit a site or open a form that appears to be from a legitimate lender. To minimize the total cost of your loan, we strongly recommend taking steps to either pay off your loan in-full or to pay as much as you can in order to reduce the principal as quickly as possible. ')[0] + " | " + form.href + " | " + "Competitive loan rates for all credit types" + " | " + "Get started" }); ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'USFIN Pathway CTA', eventAction: "Loaded", eventLabel: window.location.href.split('? With personal loans, you're typically free to use the money you receive however you'd like. Please feel free to contact us at 866-337-0799 if you require any further information.Sincerely,East Line Lending, Ok well I didn't like the fact that they called my bank and then called me back a few hours later to call my bank again cause there representative wasn't speaking clearly enough for the banker to understand him and they thought she said something she didn't say I let them call the second time they were supposed to ask 1 question and ask 3 tell I cut them off I was getting 775 and has yet to receive the funds I tried calling to find out what was the status and can't get no one when they answer they hang up on me smh, Hi Tina,We understand you've put so much time and effort into this, and it has to be difficult for you. The company also offers flexible loan repayment terms, which can be as short as one month, or as long as five years. Scammers may build a realistic website designed to throw you off and submit your personal information on a fake loan application. Can Debt Collectors Track You Down on Facebook? All rights reserved. An origination fee should never be paid out of pocket. of the Menominee Tribal Ordinances, each Advance constitutes a Loan. A loan scam is a loan thats offered under false pretenses. But certain clues, like a missing physical address, can be good ways to spot a fake loan.