o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. Believe it or not, many Airman really don't want to be promoted! - Organized prominent golf tourney; led 140 jt srvc tm ISO wounded vet non-profit org--raised $255K/community supt The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. He reduced our supply account by $200,000 by correcting erroneous records. Korea max pressure campaign, - MAFB Op Warmheart President; raised 4.3K donations--gave Thanksgiving meals for 87 Amn/lauded by 5 BW/CCC - FSgt Council's PDS tm lead; sched 35 FTAC/ALS/NCOPES instrs/curriculum--enhanced 322 mbr's ldrshp aptitude, - Go to 1st Sgt; mentored 6 base MSgts for 8F duty/key to Commandant Awd win--force multiplier/right SNCOs sel'd - Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult rate, - Cut discharges 79%/NJP actions 32% in 6 mos; processed 21 NJPs,32 UIFs,2 demotes--refocused Amn on stnds/msn, - Deftly intervened in 4 domestic incidents; expedited protective orders/mbrs counseling--ensured 6 dependents' safety The "whole life/whole career" screening will be conducted at Air Force level only. - Filled Sq 1st Sgt duty/3 wks; advised CC/mbrs/executed 3 admin actions--inspired 74 prsnl/supported Sq camaraderie Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Continued professional investment; completed Security Manager training--qual'd to fill critical void w/in unit First Sergeant Awards and Decorations - airforcewriter.com - Coordinate/execute building 613 upgrades/repairs--provided additional storage/training area--increasing throughput - USAFE 3F5 SME! First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. - Amn advocate; supports Airmen basewide by providing help and guidance on professional and personal issues - Trusted Leader! - Vice-President of First Sergeant Council; plans and schedules all workshops and professional development events So start writing your 1206 at the beginning of the quarter and if your actions warrant the win then you know how your EPR should follow. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Interim SMC Supt; ID'd two obsolete duty positions/validated 8F mnpmr study req--confirmed UPMR for 97 AFSCs - Revived sq Key Spouse prgm; forged gp spouses' initiative/recruited 7 spouses/coor'd 5 events--fortified spt system Trained senior and mid-level supervisors on policies, conduct and standards. Award Cat: First Sergeant Winner: Squ . First Sergeant Duty Description - ArmyWriter.com First Sergeant EPR Bullets See also: First Sergeant Awards Duty Description - Advises MDG, Med Ops & Dental Sq CCs w/mil/prsnl issues impacting 524 mbrs; facilitates $18M in hlth care svcs - CC's focal point f/discipline/mentoring/recognition f/234 enl/135 ofcrs/155 civs in 66 AFSCs; manages EPME pgms Back to EPR Bullets. - Guided 1 SOW/CCC f/shadow prgm; provided guidance/trng f/5 selected 8F's--all recommended/vetted f/1st Sgt duty, - Op Warm-Heart Treasurer; raised/mng'd $6.5K/led 46 peers--provided financial buffer/resiliency across 5 wgs/45 sqs, - Led 12 diamonds & 17 add'l duty shirts thru 4 fundraisers; raised $8K f/8.2K Amn QoL--elected 1st Sgt Council VP - Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS Must remain vigilant for, and move to resolve, issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact the readiness of enlisted members. No decoder rings needed: Air Force moving to narrative enlisted shared org benefits & recruited 6 new NCO's--voted Chapter 1665 Treasurer 2020 council. -- First Sergeants stood watch for 5 of 24 hrs.covered hard-to-fill mid-night hours.paid full honors - Non-stop performer.created, developed and organized first-ever <BASE> AFB Goofy Golf Tourney -- Encouraged participation from local personalities.raised $300+ for personnel.enhanced morale - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl - Exceptional ldr; people first/msn focused/results driven; selected as crew Superintendent--spot on MSgt select - Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities. - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. During this period, Sergeant LeMay's outstanding leadership and expertise were vital to leading 900 joint engineers in sustaining 3,700 facilities at the Air Force's largest airfield resulting in the completion of 210 projects valued at more than 200 million dollars. The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. Key Spouse Program - AF - Steered wg dorm insp; searched 3 dorms/eradicated contraband--increased deterrence/assured safe quarters/120 Amn - Initiat'd '19 DLA fwd stk insp; rvw'd 16K items/$2M/id'd 215 short/overage discreps--sv'd AF $32K/achv'd 99% inv rt Key Points to Writing. - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty Completed Professional Manager certification requirements; set bar for unit NCOs to follow - Led base Thanksgiving appreciation ceremony; procured 600 pies/100 turkey dinners/$7.7K--served 500+ SMC fams HELP! "I'll just send an email to JBER diamonds or JBER first sergeants, or my chief because he was a first sergeant, if I don't know about something, and, in seconds sometimes, there will be 10 or 15 examples of what to do. Attends staff meetings. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS xxxx HAS DISTINGUISHED HERSELF BY DEMONSTRATING CLEARLY THAT SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER, DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN HER FIELD OF EXPERTISE. EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. - Controls entry/exit to RAFL/RAFF; 3.5K+ vehs . - Honed physical and mental readiness by example--provided AF an FSR capable force for world wide requirements, - Increased shop visits & recognition on holidays--ensured unity, eliminated conflict & increased team cohesion - Direct'd 186 prsnl actions/rehabed 6 late-bloomers--fueled msn rdy force/9 dplymnts/2K DVs/93T cargo/23K part rqmts When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball Revised AFI 36-2911 Desertion The Form 911 was developed to complement the senior NCO feedback form: Air Force Form 932, Airman Comprehensive Assessment worksheet, which is for master sergeant through chief master sergeant. Jalapeno Summer Sausage Recipe, - Adhered to and enforced Air Force standards--set the example for subordinates and peers & sustained morale While assigned to the 368th Recruiting Squadron, he maintained the health, welfare, and morale of 79 squadron members assigned to units spanning a 500,000 square mile recruiting zone. - Coordinates with and encourages the use of referral agencies available--provide airmen info on resources available - Mentored EPEC; headliner f/AEP/NCOPE/FTACamplified SNCO/std & discipline perspective--set example f/400 - Service Before Self! - Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors - Exceptional leadership/mentorship instrumental in unit garnering AFRS Standard of Excellence award, FY14! 1st Sergeant Duty Descriptions. - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Highly respected leader providing mentoring to the enlisted force by participating in the wing mentorship program FIRST SERGEANT Air Force Reserve. - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty Your PFW comments will likely help you to write the EPR bullets more effectively. - Superb 1st Sgt/outstanding ldrshp; spt'd 1.8K msns/87% 12 hr fix rate--AMC best 99% mx DRR; promote to SMSgt! - Orchestrated 1st Sgt Symposium; led 4 day/26 block/50 hr course--Team Andersen armed w/65 additional duty shirts JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Senior master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which closed out July 31, will be accomplished on the newly published Air Force Form 911, the EPR for master sergeant through senior master sergeant, which was made available July 31 on the e-Publishing website. TCN duty : r/AirForce Contact admin@eprbulletsafsc.com Disclaimer. - Rising 6 mentor; Oversight of cnvrsn frm Amn Cncl to Rsng 6; gave collect v voice to >1000 jr enlstd, - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured - Wg 1Sgt Treasurer; led 19 shirts/22 fill-ins/mng'd 4 accounts/$32.4K/drove 4 fundrasiers--ushered 57 mbrs thru crisis See More Links. Copyright EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. Key Spouses are volunteers appointed by the unit Commander that serve as a conduit of information providing resources to Air and Space Force families. - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness Hit the ground running; immediate positive sq impact - continue to groom for Group 1st Sgt! - Supervised Airmen during dorm move--provided direction/guidance--ensured smooth transition/safety of all Readiness NCO bullets - ArmyWriter.com - Ferried CC thru 4 court-martials/6 separations/7 Article 15s/1 sensitive civ complaint--upheld good order/discipline, - Finished 21 credit hrs for BS in Project Management; sustained 4.0 GPA--set example/invigorated 49 wg enrollments - Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn - Synchronized/conducted SAPR training 80+ geographically separated amn; CSAF policy cemented 0 incidents, - Taught 6 first term amn classes; revamped crse, discussed career progression/responsibility--developed 270 new amn 136 promotions/3 ALS DGs/9 MXG team/2 ACC awds/4 AF-Lvl/17 grad/12 under grad degrees o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited 5 discharges; sustained readiness, o investigated resources during a family crisis; uncovered family life insurance benefits for a Company member, o deployed as First Sergeant for Expeditionary Task Force; oversaw lodging, morale and redeployment of both C130 squadron and attached C21 flight, o processed an emergency leave and two early releases; facilitated efficient and rapid administrative operations, o managed the AP's billeting, contracts, and service for 678 personnel from a variety of organizations; filled overlooked shortfalls and restored operations, o overhauled the AP's billeting procedures and rewrote the SOP, ordered and installed pedestrian signs, and supervised two SMs assigned to the office, o effective counselor; reclaimed the allegiance and efforts of misguided Soldiers; highest reenlistment rate in Bn, o warned barracks occupants continuously of drinking and driving consequences; prevented fatalities and mission, lowest DUI rate in 7 years, o proactive and inclusive counselor; guided members to productive, rewarding activities; limited opportunities for failure, maximized success, o prepared members for deployment with meticulous review of private, family, and business concerns; improved readiness and morale, o took control of habitual discipline problem soldier and recommended and expedited separation; restored order, unit morale in less than 30 days, o stressed career development, resulted in 11 Soldiers within the Company enrolling in college courses, o stressed safety and defensive driving on and off duty which resulted in zero POV and GOV accidents within the company; best in the battalion, o acted as company commander and command sergeant major during their absences with no degradation in operations or mission accomplishment, o conducted comprehensive company training which led to the company receiving a commendable rating in training during the Brigade Inspection, o mandated weekend safety briefings at all levels; reduced incidence of loss or injury by 40%, o conducted NCODP on NCOERs and professional development; ensured standards were applied equally and fairly, o executed duties with complete professionalism while producing outstanding results; excelled in every assigned and implied task, o performed an integral role as the 1SG; his leadership, expertise and high standards had a profound impact on the Squadron's ability to function over his tenure, o consistently sought out by Seniors, peers and subordinates for career advice; resulted in one Airman becoming Warrant Officer and Soldier becoming a Lieutenant, o superbly managed and supported the pre-deployment training and preparation of 154 Joint Service Members and their associated equipment for OEF and OND, o strictly adhered to insist/assist philosophy; never gave a hand-out, but always a hand-up (13B, Acting Bn CSM), o implemented a rigorous Special Emphasis PRT program that removed 12 Soldiers from the Army Body Composition Program (25W), o performed an exceptionally integral role in the (unit) as the acting First Sergeant; leadership, expertise and high standards had a profound impact on the (unit's) ability to function effectively over the course of his tenure, o created a homogeneous production environment which resulted in numerous unit commendations for excellence, o maintained the highest levels of this unit's cohesion and preparedness, o followed up on all paperwork and made sure all warriors had proper badges for assigned duties, o planned and oversaw the Brigade change of command ceremony, saved hundreds of dollars by drafting in-house assistance, o balanced the duties and responsibilities of both a Company First Sergeant and Brigade Intelligence Section NCOIC; vital to the success of the 2IBCT Brigade S2 Section, o dedicated to soldier development, learning, and leadership; was pivotal in the success of the 847th Human Resource Company's successful implementation of the Virtual Battle Assemblies, o facilitated the development of the Virtual Battle Assembly (VBA) training plans; enabled adoption of new technology while maintaining standards, o served two consecutive tours as company 1SG and served as acting CDR for two Annual Training periods for the 415th CA BN; preserved and sustained readiness, o met regularly with NCOICs to stay abreast of personnel needs and family concerns, o increased unit mobilization readiness and enhanced intelligence production support to the Command, o orchestrated a successful and well-attended Brigade Dining out with a turnout of over 200 people, o supervision produced a yearly IDT attendance rate of 95% and a yearly organizational readiness rate of 92%, o served as Acting Command Sergeant Major; maintained the readiness and cohesion of his Battalion, o facilitated counseling and maintained Soldier confidentiality during difficult situations until resolved, o maturity and judgement was instrumental in preventing sensitive issues from affecting unit morale, o ensured all Company inventories were scheduled and completed, o instituted daily inspections to guarantee all vehicles were kept mission-capable and ready to roll, o delivered support on time and on target despite numerous obstacles, o motivated Bn members to take care of their equipment; regular maintenance reduced issue delays, o identified lack of administrative support for Soldiers and worked with Commander to expand office capability, o provided discipline and motivation for section leaders; eliminated personnel problems and restored harmony to Bn, o assisted NCOICs with section management; overcame personality conflicts with intra-unit transfers and counseling, o initiated discharge process for chronic disciplinary problem; removed from office and restored team spirit, o prosecuted barracks violations rather than ignore them; barracks inspections rarely necessary now, o assigned NCOs to mentor and develop lower enlisted and junior NCOs and monitored their progress (35X5M), o fostered open, candid, and frequent communications between command and all Bn members, o ensured all personnel assigned received mandatory training, o awarded the Signal Corps Bronze Order of Mercury for his dedication and outstanding service as a First Sergeant in diverse Unit, o organized a three day Brigade Leadership Conference which resolved many support shortfalls and formalized tenant unit agreements for the first time, o developed events schedule for annual conference and coordinated with dozens of outside agencies to fill all briefing slots and arranged attendance by appropriate audiences and down trace units, o participated in 8 gunneries and shot distinguished in all of them, o served two consecutive tours as company 1SG within the BN; served as Acting CDR for two Annual Training periods, o mentored and trained the Top Gun in four separate gunneries, o ran 5 Brigade level gunneries and was directly responsible for the Battalion having an 85% first time go rate. Dave Bautista Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, Sometimes it takes a certain amount of motivation to get Airmen to change their behavior. - Staunch AMN advocate; JB Andrews First Sgt Council mbr; garnered $8K+ in assistance for 459 ARW AMN - Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm, - Attended 2018 National Character & Leadership Symposium; enhanced abilities to make decisions and lead Airmen Stratification 9 6.5.2. Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. - Elected Secretary for First Sgt Group; mng'd 9 mtg agenda/minutes/web-page--networked 56 ldrs w/installation pgms Although Airmen don't write their own EPRs, they are expected to keep track of their accomplishments and provide a list of EPR inputs when it's time for EPRs. - Created the MDANG First Sergeant's Facebook group; assists over 225 of the enlisted force with advice and support - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties In addition, he facilitated the professional development of squadron members, reenforcing the commander's priorities, preserving good order and discipline, and assisting Airmen and their families. - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq - Advises recommended actions/plans to officer and enlisted leadership pertaining to administrative and legal issues - SOCCENT CG select f/JITF strategic WG; produced $90M coalition JOC/dvlp'd C2 capes--SECDEF backed/U.S. Since nominees are representatives of the Air Force, they must also stand the test of a "whole life/whole career" scrutiny. In addition, he instituted and led a recognition program and recognized those that excelled in Physical Fitness, professionalism, and leadership, improving Esprit de Corps. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Mission focused, trusted agent trained and critical to the integrity of the Commanders urinalysis program Provides the commander a mission-ready enlisted force to execute the unit mission. - Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes First Sergeant EPR Bullets. Provided the Commander a motivated and ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional and timely manner, ensuring all members were adequately trained and mission ready. - Impacts base-wide! - Initiated Diamond Sharp Award in the Operations Group, recognizing and highlighting our sharpest Airmen quarterly - President LAAFB 1SG Council; mentored base prof orgs/CGOC/Top3/Rising 6/CLC--guided 3.1K future AF leaders - Advised 15 O-6/equiv Directors; guided prsnl actions/coord'd w/16 base agencies--drove best outcomes for Amn/AF Dedicated, reliable, and highly accomplished police officer, with solid academic foundation and comprehensive years of experience in security management, tactical training, and law enforcement; complemented - Prolific leader; mng'd 5 dorm/KS meals/5 booster club/3 unit events--fed 520 Amn/raised $3K/lifted 570 mbrs morale I really do like that networking. Air Force EPR Bullet Examples Jared Bryant is the first sergeant for the 403rd Force Support Squadron, and no, he isn't the first to be in that position; but as an Active Guard Reserve member, he is the first full-time first sergeant to work at the 403rd Wing. - Employs crisis intervention techniques; equips/aids AD & families with deployment/stress mgmt tools and resources, - Enlisted leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 62 member squadron Korea max pressure campaign Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit.