Download and install the .zip file in the WordPress plugin page of your website, For help setting up and configuring WP Mobile Menu check our documentation. How to help Instructors easily create courses on your LearnDash LMS? Logo is now translated with WPML to use different mobile header logos per language, New!, function no_meta_viewport() { We use cookies to help us offer you the best online experience. Exclude the custom JS fromt the CSS generation process, Fix! WordPress Mobile Pack This plugin helps users transform the content of their website into an amazing progressive mobile web application. Right/left Menu Panel Width in percentage(%) and not only in Pixels(px), Improved! The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Mobile Smart is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows web developers to set up a truly smart mobile-optimized browsing experience for their viewership. IOS issue when clicking outside the menu papel to close the panel, Fix! Yoast SEO academy Know how to outrank your competition I have tried some plugins (,, etc.) }. Paola, Hide specific elements when the Mobile Menu is visible(theme menus, or any html element), Customise the styling of your mobile menus, Display Type Slideout Over Content, Slideout Push Content, [Premium] Disable Mobile Menus in specific pages, [Premium] Menus only visible for logged in users, [Premium] Header Banner(above and below the header), [Premium] Menus Display Type Overlay Full Width, Slideout From Top, [Premium] 2000+ Icons (FontAwesome, Fontelicon, Iconic, Entypo, Typicons), [Premium ECOMMERCE] Checkout and View Cart buttons in Sliding Cart, [Premium ECOMMERCE] Account links in Sliding Cart, [Premium ECOMMERCE] Mobile Product Filter, [Premium ECOMMERCE] Header Products Live Search, Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress, New! Try to use maybe Sublime, VS Code, or Atom as they have "problem" notifiers that may help you catch these mistakes when learning. This is how the coding on it looks (see below). Previewing the mobile layout helps you see how your website looks on mobile devices. Thanks for sharing about a desktop version. Renamed push wrap divs to a more specific id, Fixed! Click Entire parent link to open submenu, New! Select Icon of the menu icons, New! Hope that helped you. Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? Hide Elementor Widget by default, Improvment! They should also look good and be easy to close. The following people have contributed to this plugin. So, simply setup a sub-domain and forward it to your website (using masking). Now add the code in the functions.php of the child theme. } You can also use a page builder plugin like SeedProd to edit your landing pages in mobile view. Hi Yimika, Add the following HTML code, as appropriate, in the header or footer, of your theme. Simply open the Google Chrome browser on your desktop and visit the page you want to check. iPad and iPhone users can also request the desktop version of a site from within Safari. It is really give me headaches lol. e.preventDefault(); In this video I go over how to easily make your Wordpress Website force that it gets viewed only in the desktop view instead of the mobile view on mobile dev. Improved mechanism to automatically hide the menus of the themes, Improved! jQuery(viewDesktopLink).text(); WP Mobile Menu is the best WordPress responsive mobile menu. * Get help with, the free blogging platform, and the apps. How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Log into your WordPress website Select Plugins and Add New from the side menu Search for 'optimole' using the search box at the top right Select Install and Activate when the options appear You will be prompted to sign up for an API key, which you'll need to do to be able to use it. 11 Best WordPress Mobile Plugins for Mobile Friendly Websites - SeedProd By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. } Let me know if it doesnt help you. The next major WordPress release, version 4.4, will include this in core. * Child theme functions Do you need to put anywhere?? The number of articles shown on the home page can also be easily determined. { hi, wonderful article but what if, its the CSS that decides the min and max width for each concerned device (enables the resolution to either mobile or desktop view). Depending on what theme youre using, you may see slightly different options in the left-hand menu here: At the bottom of the screen, click the mobile icon. Remember, you don't know what you don't know until you're taught, so fully self teaching in coding is tough. The site is online now. Setup mobile menu and widgets for mobile theme. Fix! A place where magic is studied and practiced? Is it possible to create a concave light? WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials for Beginners, WPBeginnerBlogBeginners GuideHow to View the Mobile Version of WordPress Sites from Desktop. How to Mobile Optimize Your WordPress Site - Force shiny app to display desktop view on mobile devices, Bootstrap 3 desktop view on a mobile device, How to force desktop view on a specific wordpress page. New default Icon Fonts for the menu icon and close icon. disable mobile view wordpress plugin | Li Creative Hi Reddit, hope ye are all well. Dutch, Dutch (Belgium), English (US), Russian, and Vietnamese. It will tell you if your website works well with mobile devices or not. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Customize. WPtouch Mobile plugin is a free plugin but also has a 'Pro' (Paid) version, which is equally popular. Free Recording: WordPress Workshop for Beginners, How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting for Your Website, How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform (Comparison), How to Register a Domain Name (+ tip to get it for FREE), How to Create a Free Business Email Address in 5 Minutes (Step by Step), How to Install WordPress - Complete WordPress Installation Tutorial, 5 Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress Compared, Which is the Best WordPress Popup Plugin? I would like to ask how to force desktop behaviour in wordpress with mobile phones? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I didn't want to spend any time to fix that so I was just looking for a solution to force the same view on mobile (I don't care if that's gonna be zoomed out or even un-zoom-able). Option to disable Url in the header, Improved! Hello, Thank you for all the information you are sharing on here i am able to follow your guides step by step to be able to come up with my blog my question is how would i be able to fix the problem of my widgets ( home,about, contact us) not displaying when my website is pulled on a mobile device but on a computer everything is looking good. jQuery(meta[name=viewport]).attr(content, width= + desktopBreakpoint ); Remove Color Picker from the Font field, Fix! When hiding an element, and switching to the view it's hidden on, you will see that this element is "muted". To edit mobile view without affecting desktop you have to change its style specifically for that size. Force redirect a URL in WORDPRESS on mobile. Fix fonts issues that werent being applied, Fix! Hope this helps you as much as it helped me :). Get help with, the free blogging platform, and the apps. SEO for everyone Yoast /** Zakra is one of the best free mobile-friendly WordPress themes and is a beautiful theme with an elegant contrast color and gray background. 3 new filters to replace the logo image, current menu and menu URL, Fix! Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? How to Edit Mobile Version of WordPress Site - WPKlik Feel free to suggest any additional edits you feel would be beneficial to OP. I want it to look exactly like the desktop version when I view it on mobile devices. I looked at all the other similar questions and couldn't find an answer. Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. But it gets better. this is exactly what I need. Adding more acessibility practices in the menus, Fix! $viewport = ; Since i am running in a wordpress multi site a dont have access in function.php to put this code. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Not sure how I did it but I made work with the code in your blog post. What are the Costs? }, I already removed them. 2021-02-26: 4.4: CVE-2020-28646 . here is the site no error but not displaying desktop version, function myCustomFunction() Ive tried many options seen online with no success. Snap and post a photo on your lunch break . How to force desktop site on mobile? : divi - Reddit Click Feature Filter and check Responsive Layout. Add Alt Text to menu icon buttons for more acessibility, Improved! However, the code is added into my BODY tag and not into the header, therefore. 4. jQuery(meta[name=viewport]).attr(content, width= + desktopBreakpoint ); After you click on the WordPress Theme Customizer and open it, you will see all the options in the left-hand menu. How to force desktop view on mobile devices - Bootstrap? Do it Yourself How to Migrate Subscriptions from Shopify to WooCommerce? Now, you dont want to buy a different domain for every website you want to be non-mobile. Hello, I have a problem with loading my site on mobile. }); This will force Cloudflare APO to cache and serve the right version of the page. Fixed bug in the admin menu options when using translations, Fix! Menu Background size settings, New! Hope this helps you as much as it helped me . You have to understand that errors like this leave a lot up to interpretation of the browser, to which each may use a different engine or different method which can't guarantee uniform results. To have access to those features you will need WP Mobile Menu Premium. * 1.Simply open your browser and goto WordPress website and resize your browser to your required resolution. Also note I'm on mobile. MobiLoud's WordPress plugin allows you to manage everything from the WordPress backend. I'm new to Divi after dabbling with elementor and WordPress for a while but never really committed to building a website. I am stuck at the last part. /style.css, array( oceanwp-style ), $version ); } This could be the preview of a page on your site, or it could even be your competitors website. What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? THANKS A LOT for your help! Any idea what could be the problem? Great Support, our free support is above the average. How do i force desktop view on mobile devices with Bootstrap? Avoid undefined index when acessing to an array position, Fix! Should solve your issue. A decent search function. FooGallery. Stop scrolling when the menu panels are open, Fix! UX improvments on the settings page, New! Include plugin version in the bottom of the admin options, Fix! Option to change open submenu icon, New! We have been searching for several months, have been testing several other Mobile Plugins for Wordpress. So, simply setup a sub-domain and forward it to your website (using masking). But i have a issue, when i click then its show exactly as desktop version BUT when i try to back from Desktop view then its doesnt work ? Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Enable only in Mobile Devices Option, Fix! The plugin doesn't only differentiate between mobile devices and desktop devices but it can also detect which tier of mobile device your site's visitors are using. { With this method, you can create a slider hamburger menu on mobiles. The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]. But it deactivated the main OceanWP theme. both Safari and Chrome for iOS include the optional setting to request the desktop version of the site. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Check if option Enable only in mobile devices is set before using it, Improvment! Center images inside the menu panels, New! Can you put the site online? Code structure was reorganized, New! So I cleared the cache with W3 Total Cache and put the code in the OceanWP child theme and still do not work. but it doesn't work anyway Increased the maximum width trigger, to keep the menu visible in larger resolutions, New! Include Aria Label for acessibility reasons. 13. jQuery(viewDesktopLink).click(function(e) {. Sorted css conflict with fixed elements with the mob menu, New! Improvement in the menu html markup and errors in the W3C Validator, New! and it gives me the same error the icons are not seen on the homepage A WordPress mobile plugin is a WordPress plugin that makes elements of your website display correctly on mobile devices. Might it be possible to add the new functionality from Jitsi Meet to make a setting as jonharari suggested, please? Click the "Preview" button that's next to the "Publish" or "Update" button. Method 1: This can easily be fixed by going to WP admin > Elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS. Works with all WordPress responsive themes. All Rights Reserved. NoPls Specify The Code And Were To implement it to Avoid My Blog Been Offline, Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 32 total), Force Desktop View with WordPress Website on Mobile Devices,, }, if($(viewDesktopLink).text() == ) Method 2: Check if you have any caching plugins on your site or any server level caching enabled. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. And for a responsive website, this tag would be placed in the header as follows: Here, width, set to device width, shapes the view of the website according to the device. All of this work is ongoing, here is the start of the Safari work, for instance: #5798 (this might be a small PR, but more is coming). Google Chrome browser has a set of developer tools that let you run various checks on any website, including seeing a preview of how your website looks on mobile devices. Smush is specifically for image optimization in WordPress. 2. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, My Requirement is to Have Responsive page with link at bottom "Desktop Page View".. Clicking that link, my page content should display like Desktop page. Background image in the menu panels, New! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hi Rohan, Responsive editing for mobile and tablets | Elementor Code refactoring for better organization, Fix! Overlay Mask when the menu is opened, New! Yes! Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? The page still varies in width between devices, so I can't center anything. Is there an error? This could be due to the way your theme was structured, because of which device specific stylesheets were being loaded. After the final editing and plugin settings for the website, I would like to know if there is a way to force desktop view on mobile. Thnaks a lot for your support and the whole code. Forcing desktop version on mobile devices with Truly MinimalTheme, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Parent Link open submenu(2nd Level), New! rev2023.3.3.43278. Varnish By default, Varnish stores and serves the same cache for both desktop and mobile. Se below the lisf of features of what our WordPress Responsive Menu can do for you. I thought about deactivating a plugin inserted automatically by the Aruba server (Aruba HiSpeed Cache) The user can change the setting on their phone to view the desktop version of the page, but we just want the video to be accessible to mobile users through our website and not through the Jitsi mobile app. Use (Or Create) A Responsive WordPress Theme If you've recently installed a new WordPress theme, there's a decent chance you're okay in this department. Get FREE access to our toolkit a collection of WordPress related products and resources that every professional should have! Automatic force desktop mode view in mobile browser of - YouTube Fix Bug in Padding top of the Body, Fix!