Now news writer/reader "I am so thankful for my past endeavors and excited for my future with WFSB," Gilardi wrote in a tweet. Dale R. Reynolds, News. His favorite part about living in this part of the country is the diversity of the weather and the extremes that can accompany the different seasons from serious weather to tropical weather, to noreasters, to a gorgeous autumn day. Passed For the last 18 years of my career, its always been 2 planes to get to my familybut now its just a 2 hour drive! In September, WFSB has now laid off 11 news staffers including - reddit The degenerative brain disease that festered inside the former Philadelphia Eagles cornerback had triggered depression, mood swings and the type of memory loss that forced him into isolation. Former WFSB Chief Meteorologist Hilton Kaderli reflects on time spent Kenn Venit & Associates, talent coaching and WFSB signed on the air on September 23, 1957, as WTIC-TV, owned by the Hartford-based Travelers Insurance Company, along with WTIC radio (1080 AM and 96.5 FM). Robert Maxwell, Harpist with studio orchestra 1939-40, Composed Technical Discussion: Watch Out For Patchy Black Ice Overnight! NewWords = unescape(Words); As we go forward there will be significant changes in our operation. In 2009, he received the Pro Football Hall of Fames Pete Rozelle Radio-Television Award. Life 12/2006) (Htfd Courant Now touring Came to WTIC News in 1968 from the Passed Away. I still think theres a very cavalier attitude toward CTE. [22] The sign-off included a clip of the first sign-on of WFSB when they were WTIC and it repeated itself before the actual switch occurred. Passed away. Stage 4 is the most advanced stage of CTE, showing the kind of damage that often causes cognitive and behavioral issues in those exposed to repetitive head trauma. While the WTIC radio stations were spun off to a company formed by station management called 1080 Corporation, WTIC-TV was sold to The Washington Post Company. Passed { Chuck Hooker, News. HUSKY Health is helping immigrants. function encrypt_mail(){ var cry0,cry1,cry2,cry3,cry4,cry5,cry6,cry7,cry8,cry9; cry1='Jill Gilardi Joins WFSB Hartford as Weekend Evening Meteorologist Walt Dibble, News Dir. Now retired in Vernon CT. According to its latest report, the BU CTE Center said it has diagnosed 345 former NFL players with CTE out of 376 former players who were studied, a rate of 91.7%. voiceover for (Strong), Announcer 1949-51, Jerry Wilson, Weather. Lead an orchestra in the 1930's. var NewWords; (Profile) is a link to a 1973 Russ Wheeler (Blood), Announcer. Former morning man at WDRC Radio 1360. The success of the Patriots would inspire Meredith to launch a station specifically for the Springfield market to the north to allow it to benefit from the revenue of two separate stations. WKYU public radio. Announcer. // --> Turkington,