. Can I Bring My Pet To The Tattoo Shop? The pets can be sorted by cheapest to expensive and filtered by Rarity, Source, and Demand rating. If you want to learn about anime games with a unique pet style, these Anime Clicker and Clicker Simulator codes are worth considering. The Heaven update for Pet Simulator X was release on Sunday, August 29th, 2021 at 9am PT! Woops! Another glitched version has Tech Coins IV instead of the Tech Coins V enchant. If you're in need of some freebies, be sure to check out our Pet Simulator X codes page! You will need their help breaking them to get to the center! https://petsimulatorx.com | https://nft . There is just one amazing version of the Rainbow Huge Pegasus, making it the strangest pet in Pet Simulator X. The Saatchi Art picture by Trevisani Francesco, which is valued at USD 1600, served as the model for this pet. The total sales volume for Pet Simulator X! How To Get Huge Pegasus in Pet Sim X - First Ever Roblox NFT This animal was purchased by a single person as an NFT in 2021 for around $23,000 USD, and it only has one owner. Pet Sim X Value List 2023 (March) - PetSimXValues.com Comets are randomly raining down from the sky! Pet Simulator X! statistics - NFT Stats Hippo Melon Value | Pet Sim X Worth [2023] - Collector Pricing This page will be used for historical purposes. People who owned the NFT had their crypto wallet refunded with the full Ethereum they spent. It's up to you and your pets to damage them. Re-read that if you like, I was also stunned when I discovered what these pets had sold for. February 11, 2023, 1:20 am, Hippo Melon is worth 7Billion Gemsin 2023. These maximum stat pets are referred to as 2.0 pets. Whats perhaps even more interesting is that some of these pets are already up for sale again at even higher values. Leaderboards have been updated to show player's total RAP value! Certain pets may be bought from the Roblox store, while others need real-world money to be bought. In the game Pet Sim X, a Pegasus is one of the possible pets that you can choose from. It can be obtained from the Fairy Doodle Egg with a chance of 0.72%. Our live charts and up-to-the-minute pricing data will give you the knowledge you need to make Is Hell Rock worth buying? By completing Pet Simulator Xs April Fools Day, 2022 version and then making it to the 3 Seasonal Elves, you can get the rare pet. Owners were refunded in full on 1/28/23. - I play lots of different games from Minecraft, Who's Your Daddy, ROBLOX Piggy, to your favorites or just plain random mobile games, indie games and more!Noodle on, Noodlers!#roblox #nft #thinknoodles ! SUB NOW! This project has been discontinued. The average values that players give, request, and accept in-game are regularly updated in this list. Roblox Pet Simulator X listed some NFTs for their Huge Pegasus pets and made $165,000! It is a re-skin of the Pegasus pet. A Rainbow Huge Prowler is the most rare and valuable pet available in Pet Simulator X, and it can be purchased in a variety of ways. The content being shown could have been limited or was chosen to be removed by the developers. HUGE PEGASUS SOLD FOR HOW MUCH?! | Roblox Pet Simulator X These prices update real-time to help make accurate trading decisions! A Rainbow Pegasus is a pet sim that is very friendly and loves to play. Pets like the Noob and Stallion can make you a millionaire, but they are significantly less expensive than the best pets. It is currently listed for, wait for it, a staggering 790,826. Generous talents are those that raise your animals statistics maximal value (s). NTF Hippomelon came out as a pet on the 1st of April back in 2022 and there was only one pattern to get this. Pegasus: A Mythical Creature - PatchPets Regular listings of the price are uploaded by the players and it is always the big trading. Updated: March 2, 2023 Adjusted pet values for many pets. Golden Level You will need their help breaking them to get to the center! Pet Simulator X value list (March 2023) Related: How to get Legendary Pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X. Epic Pets fall a bit behind the rarity Legendary Pets and can be hatched from Eggs. ** This project has been discontinued. They are also very fast and can fly! They are very rare and have unique abilities that make them highly sought after by collectors. Galaxy Pegasus Value 2023 (March) - Pet Simulator X About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Help protect Pet Simulator X against the comets! Pet Simulator X value list (March 2023) - Best pets - Gfinity Esports PSX Huge Nightfall Pegasus Pet Simulator X - Etsy There are many different values that can be assigned to a pet sim x, depending on what the player is looking for in their game. Some changes to the auctions are live. The Nightfall Pegasus is a pet that can only be obtained in Pet Simulator X by purchasing an exclusive gift from the Season 1 DLC Gifts section. The developer himself is reselling over 50 of these headbands for a price of 1.7 million USD each. Pegasi are one of the rarest pets in Pet Sim X. The Doodle Pegasus is a Rare pet in Pet Simulator X. Rainbow version has a value of 140,000,000 diamonds, which is equal to the Huge Hell Rock. Regular The Diamond Cat & the Huge Diamond Cat. Level Epic Pets are much more likely to be obtained than the other pets mentioned above, though they are still rare. One is up for the equivalent of 37,959 with one going as high as 313,167!!! From Golden, Rainbow, and then Dark Matter, pet variations are a rarity in their own right on top of the pre-existing rarity level system. These normal pets all sold and went for a price of between 2.5 3.5 Etherium which equates to around 8000 11,000. The connection has been severed, and pets are now tradeable in-game. The Dark Matter version was, at one point, the strongest pet in the game, overtaking Lucki . Readers can find five of the rarest Rare Pets below. Roblox stated that they are working to resolve the issue with the. This was bought by user Fishygames and hasnt as of yet been put back up for sale. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. The Galaxy Pegasus is an Exclusive pet in Pet Simulator X. Finally, we have the rainbow version which sold for around 14,500. Golden Trade Roblox Pet Simulator X Items on Traderie, a peer to peer marketplace for Roblox Pet Simulator X players. HUGE CROWNED PEGASUS. Depending on their stats and how well they have been cared for, they can sell for anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. *New* Comet Update in Pet Simulator X! New Comet! New Eggs! and Much ELLIE MILES 3,500,000. Keep scrolling for the Complete value chart. Pet Simulator X Value List 2023 (Trading Update) was $0. Legendary Pets are the rarity directly under Mythical Pets and can be hatched from Eggs. Pegasus Value - Pet Sim X Value List - PetSimXValues.com Pet Simulator X is currently one of the most popular Roblox games in the catalog. Today, BIG Games announces Pet Simulator X NFTs are now available on OpenSea, one of the leading NFT marketplaces. Pet Simulator X! KOALA. This pet is only owned by one person and was purchased as an NFT in 2021 for around $23,000 USD. This was fixed up to make it smoother to use (or to not use). How to choose the best NFT projects to buy. These can only be obtained as an extra bonus when you purchase the "Best" 50b Diamond Pack for 4,500 Pet Simulator X value list - Huge-a-tron pets and prices Pet Simulator X value list - Doodle World 2023 pets and prices. The card has an identical look to that of the crocodile card. This makes it the most expensive pet in the game and makes it the fpkm value. Pegasus Pet Sim x value gems are a great way to get your hands on some extra in-game currency. [SOLD OUT] Pet Simulator X! However, once they are, they arrive in daily existence and hunt the player by leaping towards them. The Rainbow Huge Pegasus, like the Galaxy Pegasus, is worth a lot in todays dollars, given the estimated value of 240,000,000,000 diamonds. 10 owners have at least one Pet Simulator X! The current Galaxy Pegasus value is estimated to be around 305,000,000,000 diamonds. ICE CREAM CONE. Toy packs are available in three varieties. LIGHTNING BAT. Mini comets may be damaged to earn rewards. LAVA SCORPION. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. It offers a vast and colorful open world where players can explore different zones and interact with other players. The unique Huge Chest Mimic is presently the most precious pet in the game, with a beginning worth of approximately 150 Trillion Gems. It is currently valued at around 240 billion diamonds, making it one of the most valuable horses in the game. Though this pet is adorable, and everyone loves a collectible, few players have the Blue BIG Maskot pet, or even blink an eye at it, because of how pricey it is. A collection of exotic pets from the popular online game, Pet Simulator X! Pet Simulator Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. To receive this pet, players need to dress their Roblox avatar to reflect the style of Pet Simulator X developer BuildIntoGames. Help protect Pet Simulator X against the comets! How to Enchant Pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X, How to get Legendary Pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X, How to unlock the Trading Plaza in Pet Simulator X, How to get all free items in Moto Island Official Valentino Rossi Experience Roblox, How to get all free items in American Girl World Roblox, Blox Fruits Codes (March 2023) Get EXP boosts & money, Roblox Project Playtime Multiplayer Codes (February 2023), Only obtainable by Pet Simulator X admins, Damage reflects that of your strongest pet, This pet became glitched and was distributed heavily by dupers. Nov 9, 2021. Now, you can see the trader's contact information and continue the trade on Discord or Today I showed the brand new update coming to you TODAY! If you happen to see one, make sure to tell your friends. Owners were refunded in full on 1/28/23. AND MUCH MORE! Snowflake Pegasus is a Mythical pet that can be obtained in Pet Simulator X. These guys sold for between 10,000 13,475 and one of them is already back up for sale. However, there are many other values that can be assigned, and it really depends on what the player is hoping to get out of their game. You wont get the pet after the day ends and it will be only available next year. Angelus, the most expensive pet in Pet Simulator X, is currently priced around 120,000,000 USD in its Rainbow variant. It could be obtained through NFTs in the BIG Games OpenSeas auction, which was announced on the BIG Games twitter. competition. Convert Points Galaxy Pegasus (Pet Simulator X) | Pet Simulator Wiki | Fandom There are still pets that do not have values or have fluctuating prices as of now, but we will keep this article updated, so return from time . The Pegasus horse is one of the most valuable horses in Pet Simulator X. Exclusive Because of this, finding the original, non-glitched and non-duped version of this pet is very rare, All comments must be on topic and add something of substance to the post, Do not attempt to start a poll in the comments, We reserve the right to remove a comment for any reason, Do not impersonate a staff member or influencer. NFTs were sold in the last 7 days. Don't miss out on the chance to hatch these limited edition pets! 550m. These pets are exclusive to this NFT collection. Exclusive pets require some sort of purchase to obtain, whether with Robux through the in-game Exclusive Store or with real money by purchasing an official BIG Games stuffed animal or toy. There are only 12 in existence (8 normal, 3 golden, 1 rainbow). There are only a fixed number of these pets since it was a limited pet, and there was a unique way of obtaining it by following a list of instructions. It costs approximately $4,000,000 in its Rainbow condition, making it about twice as much as the Pegasus, which comes in second. Exclusive SOCIAL INFO Twitter: https://twitter.com/YT_ItzVortexMy Discord Server. Not sure what a pet is worth? Alashaaaaaaaahhh, AzealySnek, Cookie33335, ExpertGamings_YT, Hakdog050406, Hamikee, HerixHelios, HueyAcc, HushPupper, InniIili, IrisTheGamerr, ImMiMi, JustPlayinForFuns, MissGxrgie, SaDboyTo_11, Setrah99, Sir_Bingus, SlayedSorcerer, sooty, Sylzagoon, TheBabyFireDragon, celi_mimi, cherryygyu, drift6480, mooshibee, mylli128, and seinzie. Hippo Melon is an Extremely rare pet that may be gained in Pet Simulator X by trade. The pet is owned by one person and was purchased as an NFT in 2021, for around $23,000 USD. 216th most popular pet today . Plus new RAP leaderboards & exclusive pets! But that's not all - our unique tools, like the win-loss trade calculator, egg-hatching simulator, gem It was released on December 17, 2022. They can also be used to buy Pegasi eggs, which can be used to hatch and raise your very own Pegasus pet! Glitch Pegasus is a Godly Pet. If your friend is on any server you will automatically join them. 0 Pet Simulator X! In total there are 12 Pet Simulator X! It could have been purchased in the Exclusive Shop for 5,199 . Rarity We place a bid for a Huge Pegasus in Pet Sim X and show you how to do it.#NFT #HugePegasus #PetSimXDISCORD: https://discord.gg/MKbX5qbROBLOX GROUP: https://w. NFTs. The grey shell is colored white and grey and has a little number of algae on it. Keep in mind also, that the rarity of pets is constantly changing! SUB NOW! Doodle Fairy (97%) Doodle Griffin. Doodle Pegasus (Pet Simulator X) | Pet Simulator Wiki | Fandom Pet Simulator Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Huge Pegasus x21.16. The average of Recent Auction Prices (RAP) is now shown on pet descriptions. Only Legendary Pet Collector Clips can get the reskin of Pegasus. The connection has been severed, and pets are now tradeable in-game. 2 new HUGE pets - Huge Storm Dominus and Huge Inferno Dominus! huge caty maj si ?????? Because the code is no longer valid, this item can now only be obtained from trading with other players. https://petsimulatorx.com | https://nft.biggames.io Titanic Red Balloon Cat Plush! Only on PetSimXValues.com. Pet Simulator X Value List. Pet Simulator X Value List [Comets Update] (March 2023) Royalty (Unique) - Pet does +100% damage, earns +100% more Diamonds, and moves +50% faster. We appreciate your understanding. There are only 12 in existence (8 normal, 3 golden, 1 rainbow). So just how much did they sell for? A collection of exotic pets from the popular online game, Pet Simulator X! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. We're grateful for their awesome work and are thrilled to share it! The egg is given to all new players for being online for 5-10 minutes. The reason for this is that fewer types of creatures may occur in specific grasslands because there is more value for this pet. Owning A Pet Raccoon: Legal Practical And Ethical Considerations. trades and haggle with other traders on Pet Simulator X! $249.99. Comet Pets. They are very beautiful creatures with a colorful mane and tail. collection. Pet Simulator X Huge Pegasus Pets Sell For Over 10,000 Hell Egg. People who owned the NFT . This pet is now up for sale by its current owner for 1.7 million USD. Rarest Pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X - Pro Game Guides Values for new pets take some time to update, so make sure to check back often to see all the new & Only Legendary Pet Collector Clips can get the reskin of Pegasus. On January 28th, 2023, the NFT project was retired, the NFT connection was disabled permanently, and the Huge Pegasus became tradeable. Read up on how to get Huge Cupcake in Pet Simulator X. It'll fetch a pretty penny. Pet Database; Win / Loss Calc; Discord Server. themselves. This pet has a huge variant, being the Huge Pegasus. The Rainbow Huge Pegasus is the most common pet in Pet Simulator X. It could have been obtained by redeeming the code " CYBER ". Get ready to dominate Pet Simulator X with PetSimXValues - your go-to It could have been purchased in the Exclusive Shop for 5,199 . What is a hippo melon competitive pet in a pet simulator? Attracting prices of around 4,000,000 in its Rainbow state, it's worth double that of the next bestthe Pegasus. Stats Pet Simulator X! - Collection | OpenSea These pets are exclusive to this NFT collection. This page includes controversial content, sensitive information might be included. There are glitched versions of this pet that have 75 million damage instead of 550 million. This page includes content that is now removed from the game. A Rainbow version of the beautiful bird can be obtained for around 300,000. NFT was $-. Next up we have the three golden versions and as you might expect, these sold for much higher prices. - Removed limitation on starting bid amount. This may not seem like a hefty request until it's mentioned that theheadbandthat the developer wears will cost you at least $1,500 USD to purchase from the avatar shop. This pet is based on the Pegasus in Greek mythology. The pegasus in Pet Sim X is a premium pet that costs 500 SimPoints.. This pet has 4 re-skins, the Galaxy Pegasus, the Huge Pegasus, the Nightfall Pegasus and the Huge Nightfall Pegasus. 2 new event pets: Comet Agony and Comet Cyclops, Plus, their HUGE counterparts: HUGE Comet Agony and HUGE Comet Cyclops. Grab an umbrella because its raining comets! Roblox Pet Simulator X listed some NFTs for their Huge Pegasus pets and made $165,000!! From the Legendary Pets Value List for Pet Simulator X, the hippo melon is perhaps the most expensive Rare pet currently offered in Pet Simulator X. In this game, players take on the role of a pet and embark on an adventure to collect coins, gems, and other valuable items. Only obtainable by participating in a comet event! Some of the most common values are things like obedience, affection, intelligence, and loyalty. Huge Pegasus #1 - Pet Simulator X! | OpenSea The nightfall period for Pegasus Hatch is described below. ALL NEW COMET EVENT, EXCLUSIVE EGGS, PET PRICING & SO MUCH MORE :DSUBSCRIBE FOR BETTER EGG OPENING L. Pet Simulator X aka PSX is a popular collection game on the online gaming platform Roblox. They can be used to purchase a variety of items in the game, including food, clothes, and furniture. intelligent Roblox / Pet Simulator X. Glitch Pegasus | Ghost Simulator Roblox Wiki | Fandom Massive comets contain the new Comet Egg! Massive comets contain the new Comet Egg! We appreciate your understanding. This page includes content that is now removed from the game. This pet is now up for sale by its current owner for 1.7 million USD. Here's to the next one! HUGE NEON GRIFFIN. Robux. Credit: www.natureworldnews.com. Hell Chick Hell Rock Hellhound Hell Spider Demon Hound Of Hades Wyvern Of Hades. Related: How to Enchant Pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X. Mythical Pets are the rarest pets that players can hatch from Eggs. The data on this site comes from various NFT marketplaces and from the NFT project creators NINE EYED LION. 1,000,000. Of the wide range of Legendary pets available in Pet Simulator X right now, the Empyrean Dragon is by far the most valuable. Heaven Update Release Date. It may only be hatched a few times per comet, act quickly! https://petsimulatorx.com | https://nft.biggames.io A collection of exotic pets from the popular online game, Pet Simulator X! the last 30 days. The Nightfall Pegasus is a pet that can only be obtained in Pet Simulator X by purchasing an exclusive gift from the Season 1 DLC Gifts section. LEGENDARY PET. The Value List for Pet Simulator X *Aug 12, 2022. Out of all of the pets in Pet Simulator X, the rarest one is the Rainbow Huge Pegasus. It was released on April 1, 2022. Though their hatch chance is higher than Mythical Pets, the chance is still relatively low overall. Copyright 2023 www.collectorpricing.org. Pegasus is a mythical creature with the head and wings of a horse and the body of a human. Galaxy Pegasus https://petsimulatorx.com | https://nft.biggames.io. This Video Games item is sold by Barbs76Emporium. bo s excluzywne. As each new update is added toPet Simulator X, the list of rare pets and the scroll bar inside the experience seem to do nothing but grow. The official Pet Sim X value list. accurate pet values! Buying The Rainbow Huge Pegasus in Roblox Pet Simulator X USE STAR CODE GRAVY Merch https://gravycatman.creator-spring.com/ Twitter https://twitte. This was the only pet to be purchased using crypto-currency, with the starting bid of the regular variant being. Stats This can be seen by hovering over any Huge or Titanic pets. 100k. For pets as rare as theMythical Dominus Alienus, this hatch chance can be as low as 0.00000137435%. We place a bid for a Huge Pegasus in Pet Sim X and show you how to do it.#NFT #HugePegasus #PetSimXDISCORD: https://discord.gg/MKbX5qbROBLOX GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/groups/3486129ROBLOX PROFILES:Planet_Dad: https://www.roblox.com/users/340006099/profilePlanet_Milo: https://www.roblox.com/users/328869774/profilePlanet_Mom: https://www.roblox.com/users/469051770/profileTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bayrootedTwitter: https://twitter.com/PlanetMiloInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/planetmilotvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/planetmilotv/ value of your pets. I must point out that these pets havent actually sold at this price but this is the value their new owners are attributing to them. Pet Simulator X Huge Nightfall Pegasus 100M Free Gems | eBay Credit: ninjalegendscodeswikimejoress.blogspot.com. List of Pets (Pet Simulator X) ~ Preston & PSX Dev Team. The Huge Pegasus was the earliest pet in Pet Simulator X that was available to buy via the use of NFTs. Rainbow Level Many veteran players from Pet Sim X Trading Discord servers have calculated the values. This is one of those few cards that are only available in a single form, theres none of the gold, rainbow, or dark matter available for this card. Pegasus (Pet Simulator X) | Pet Simulator Wiki | Fandom New starry-eyed pets have been added! Cotton Candy Lamb Rainbow Fish Rainbow Slime Cupcake Unicorn. Whether you're looking to sell or buy, these new tools make it easy to find new pets for your It is, however, subject to change due to market conditions. Keep your eye out as weve added over 60 new art pieces to the game! This pet is a reskin of the Pegasus. Readers can find five of the rarest Epic Pets below. Although we try to bring you with accurate details about your items, we do not take responsibility for any loss that may or may not occur due to the information on the website. Attention please! Currently First of all, you had to type April Fools in the game two times at any random display then pick any player and ask for a trade in which you will send 5 pets and receive nothing. This egg features the Titanic Dominus Astra! Join me, my dog Kopi and other friends on our adventures in video games. Rarity MUSHROOM KING. ??? It was released on December 17, 2022. Galaxy Pegasus was available for purchase from the Exclusive shop for a limited . List of Pets - Pet Simulator X Pet Database - PetSimXValues.com Special shoutout to all the fan artists! Search the entire pet simulator x pet list database for any pet that you want to see values & trading data for. UK-based entertainment site offering news, reviews, interviews, features and much more! This works for places such as Trading Plaza or Hardcore Mode, hooray! *NEW* COMET UPDATE IN PET SIMULATOR X! Bye! Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. This egg is located in the center of massive comets. DEV BLOGS | BIG Games Chest Breaker III - Pet does +150% more damage to Chests. The rest of the pets mentioned below are also exceptionally rare but can be obtained in slightly more reasonable ways. This list tries its best to be as accurate as possible, but with players across the world hatching eggs every second, pets are constantly fluctuating between becoming more common or more rare.