Alastair tortured Dean to the point where he tortured souls and broke the first seal. Dean's biological child was an amazon named Emma. Dean Winchester was born on January 24, 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas. This has caused him to develop a bigotry against most supernatural creatures and beings. [20] He is well-versed in multiple types of firearms; he prefers his Colt 1911 and sawed-off shotgun, but is proficient with numerous weapons and firearms. Dean has been transformed into the most supernatural creatures on the show: a, Before Dean killed Death, while he helped Sam defeat. During Jump the Shark, Dean and Sam learn of their half-brother Adam with Sam. Dylan Everett. In killing Michael, Jack not only burned off his soul, but also absorbed the grace of Michael, restoring him to his powerful state as a Nephilim. Once Michael took full control of Dean and teleported away from Sam and Jack, he changed from Dean's usual attire to that of a 1920's era suit and hat. He also became more distrusting and suspicious, and more hate-filled toward the supernatural. Dean characteristically takes a fighting stance as the swarm engulfs him, his brother, and Castiel. He was then cured by his brother using purified blood. Dean realizes that this is not the solution and drops the gun, eliciting an angered response from Chuck. The movie, however, received mixed reviews from the public.That same year, Jensen joined the cast of the CW series, Supernatural (2005), where he plays the role of Dean Winchester. Despite assurances from Jack and Sam that this wasn't his fault, Dean was unsure and only gain a semblance of hope after seeing Maggie wanting to hunt after being kidnapped on a hunt. Dean's ability to keep Michael contained is a testament to his incredible willpower as Castiel stated at one point that he couldn't even imagine the strength it took to keep Michael under control. As stated, they are four years apart - Dean was 26 when the show started, he'll be 35 by the middle of season 9 (His birthday is at the end of January). He briefly abandons Dean to continue his own plans while wearing down Dean's willingness to resist, but although Michael eventually takes Dean as his vessel again, with the aid of his family Dean is able to trap Michael in his subconscious. However, he has had a few long-term relationships over the years, with Cassie Robinson, pre-series, and Lisa Braeden, in season 6. Parallel to this, the previous vessel of Lucifer engages in a plan to raise Lucifer from the empty. The 6' 1" actor first started modeling when he was just 2 years old. Affiliation The role was planted to be series regular for the show's third season, which was ordered the day after the episode aired. John began investigating the cause of Mary's death and learned about supernatural creatures and the people who hunted them. ", Dean is one of only two people known to be, Through his behavior in the early episodes of. [17] After sealing the breach, they search for a way to defeat Chuck, finally succeeding after many tribulations. Actor: Supernatural. During his time in Purgatory, Dean seems to have adopted a new, slightly unstable personality. When he turned 4, he started appearing in TV commercials for Nabisco, RadioShack and Wal-Mart. The Winchesters are eventually able to banish Lucifer to a parallel universe where the Apocalypse took place 'on schedule', in 2012, but this plan backfired when Lucifer alerted the alternate version of Michael to the existence of the original world, as well as leaving them with the complication of trying to raise Lucifer's suddenly-adult son, Jack Kline (6 months old, chronologically). That same year, he was offered the part of Eliza Dushku's love interest on the second season of Tru Calling (2003). He is also a big fan of country music. He and his brother are members of the Winchester[4] and Campbell families. Jensen also earned the opportunity to work his father, actor Alan Ackles, who happened to play his character's father, Paul Kilton. [1] Dean's name is a homage to Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac's road-trip novel On the Road,[2] tying into Kripke's concept for an Americana road-trip television series. Which is quite fitting, as he normally leads the events of the hunt. This has also led to him being less hard on Jack, even seeing him as a part of Team Free Will and no longer seeing him as a monster or evil as he even stated he was wrong about him. He even played on the baseball and lacrosse teams in high school. Prior to that, Jensen actually planned to study sports medicine at Texas Tech University and become a physical therapist, before he decided to move to Los Angeles to give acting a try. Although Castiel concludes that Lucifer's child is worth protecting, the potential alliance with the Men of Letters ends when the group prove to be excessively ruthless, to the point of killing a hunter who had assisted the Winchesters on a case because she accidentally killed one of their members. Dean is shocked when he is reunited with his mother, who was brought back to life by Amara as a thanks for Dean's actions. I gotta tell ya, every women in this place - they want to eat you up. At one point, Dean opened to Sam and revealed how he not only tortured but enjoyed the events while in Hell. In the summer of 2008 Jensen traveled to Kittaning, PA to film the horror/thriller movie, My Bloody Valentine (2009), which was filmed in the cutting edge Real D technology, Jensen played the lead role of Tom Hanniger and starred alongside Jaime King and Kerr Smith.Jensen splits his time between Vancouver, British Columbia where he films Supernatural (2005) and his home in Austin, Texas. Dean and his brother Sam ( Jared Padalecki) drive throughout the United States hunting paranormal predators, fighting demons and angels, and showcasing fantasy & sci-fi pop culture. How did Dean die? Still abandoning his plan to seal himself in the Malik box, Dean accompanies Sam, Castiel, and Jack in a fairly routine hunt. Sometimes they even compare themselves to the characters they're playing. [3], After modeling on and off since the age of four, Ackles began to concentrate on an acting career in 1996. With the revelation that Castiel had said "yes" to Lucifer, Dean shows great determination in saving his friend, even going against Sam who believes this to be Castiel's choice. He is 6'1"-- making him shorter than his younger brother Samand muscular. After his extraction from Hell by Castiel, Dean began exhibiting noticeable anxiety and experienced chronic, abominable nightmares of his experience there. Michael SwordRighteous ManSoldier of HeavenDean SmithImpala67[1]Squirrel | Not Moose (by Crowley)Buffy (by David)Dean-O (by Cole and Gabriel)Hoss (by The Colonel)Chief (by Benny)Dee-Dawg (by Sonny)Humanity (by Metatron)Hasselhoff, Pretty Old (by Claire)Sheriff (by Mr. Elkins)Batman (by Himself)Clint Eastwood Jerk (by Sam, Crowley and Marie) Michael's monkey suit (by Neil)Dean CampbellMessenger of God's Destruction (by Billie) (alongside Sam)The ultimate killer (by God) He also used to wear a watch and a silver ring. Flat-lining, Dean dies but is saved from death at the last second when John makes a deal with the Demon to save his life. His change was so drastic that he stalked Sam throughout the Bunker with the intent of killing him using a hammer, only to miss by a few inches. Of all the supernatural beings and creatures that he has met and hunted, Dean is considered an "honorary dog" by at least. Homes similar to 10695 Winchester Ct are listed between $59K to $3M at an average of $130 per square foot. Dean Winchester was created by Eric Kripke, creator and original showrunner of Supernatural, when he pitched a show to The WB about two brothers who investigate the supernatural. Many of his aliases have included the names of famous rock musicians. However, unlike his brother Sam, he did not resent his father for having him "raised like a warrior". Capturing Crowley, Dean stops Sam from completing the trials when he learns it will kill his brother. He accepts his fate and tells Sam a tearful goodbye. He even told Sam to have faith that no matter what threat occurred in the future that they will handle it. This is furthered by the fact that instead of an axe, he decides to use a hammer to break through a door and kill Sam, despite both tasks requiring much more force with a hammer than with an axe. Stuck for options to stop Lucifer after he takes Jack's grace to charge his own powers, Dean agrees to act as Michael's vessel, but Michael takes control of Dean's body after Lucifer's death. What's the matter? As of recent, Dean may be losing much of his bravado, the tough, sarcastic and careless personality he carried with him for most of his life is slowly slipping away to reveal the true Dean Winchester underneath, whom not even Sam recognizes. With the help of Castiel, however, Dean is cured, but still remains an enhanced human with the Mark of Cain. However, he beat Sam twice, once in. Dean did retain a few former traits, such as his love of drinking, playing pool, darts and foosball. Species He even sang back-up vocals on good friend Steve Carlson's albums "Spot in the Corner" and "Rollin' On." Although he has every intention of defeating The Darkness by whatever means necessary, he soon realizes he himself cannot harm her, and has developed an unwilling attraction towards her. [6] Dean unknowingly admits to watching Oprah, something that surprised Sam. Dean's favorite food (with the exception of pie) is a bacon cheeseburger which, in his heart, believes to be as good as sex. Dean and his brother Sam (Jared Padalecki) drive throughout the United States hunting paranormal predators, fighting demons and angels, and showcasing fantasy & sci-fi pop culture. He also coached Charlie Bradbury (a lesbian) into flirting with a male security guard. He is more likely to exhibit irrational behavior when his family is threatened. The album's first single was released on iTunes and the album was released in November 2019. In a bid to stop the Darkness, Dean was shown to be a good strategist, he talked God out of sacrificing himself, planned the rescue of Lucifer and talking the Darkness out of her anger. [8][9] Dean is best friends with the angel Castiel, close friend to the late prophet Kevin Tran, and reluctant ally ofCrowley. He became hardened, emotionless, and at times ruthless; his humor and puns were nonexistent when hunting. On a mission to kill Jack, Chuck makes an appearance, supplying a gun which will do to the holder what it does to the victim. Jack is able to stop him in a grotesque killing which leaves Mary Winchester in a state of deep concern. Dylan was born on January 24, 1995 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The film began hitting the film festival circuit in early 2007 and Ackles received high praise for his comedic timing in the role. Dean aids Sam in completing the trials, and along the way they encounter the rogue angel Metatron and the Knight of Hell Abaddon. Portrayed by [14] In summer of 2021, Ackles voiced the role of Batman (Bruce Wayne) for the two-part adaptation of Batman: The Long Halloween. Dean finds out about his mother's death and starts into a fit of anger fueled by grief. (2008 Edition)", "EWwy Awards 2010: Here's to the Winners! Dean seems to be rather clueless about pop culture, evidenced by him not knowing what an Xbox is, and believing MySpace to be a porn site. You don't think you deserve to be saved? Dean is a masculine name of English origin. Dean Winchester, from the moment of his debut, was shown to be an understanding, funny, mischievous, and, in contrast to his younger brother, a little immature. The constant life-or-death situations Dean was forced into while in Purgatory created an extreme change in him. Enjoying his time as a demon and killing several of Abaddon's loyalists, Dean eventually kills a man called Lester Morris and uses his newfound demon powers to confirm what Crowley told him about Sam. However, Michael was then killed by Jack, saving the world from his influence and freeing Dean of his grasp. However, he regain his will and did better in hunting, as he and his family decided to go after Michael and defeat him. Since separating from Sam, his appearance has become more scruffy and unshaven; his hair has also grown out a bit. After defeating Chuck, Dean is killed by vampires during a hunt. In February 2009, the film was released on DVD exclusively by Blockbuster Home Video. Ackles was born on March 1 1978 in Dallas the son of Donna Joan (ne Shaffer) and Alan Roger Ackles, an actor. This proved to be another successful acting venture for Jensen, as critics were impressed with his work in this role. Struggling with his actions in Hell and trying to get Sam to quit drinking demon blood, Dean meets Azazel again when sent back in time by Castiel. He was also overjoyed when he met and was able to work with Eliot Ness, frequently referencing The Untouchables during the episode. Lucifer eventually takes the President of the United States as a vessel, but the Winchesters are able to banish him from this host. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - IMDb In 2005, Ackles joined the cast of the WB show horror / action series Supernatural where he starred as Dean Winchester. Dean is a fighter through and through, and while he may not be quite as strong as his brother (though that is debatable), he is powerful enough to take down vicious monsters even without any weapons. Every Time Sam and Dean Died on Supernatural - TV Guide He remained with the show until its cancellation in 2002.[7]. He has English, German, and Scottish ancestry. However, Dean manages to trap Michael within his own subconscious shortly thereafter, but is left worried for what will occur if the archangel escapes. After Chuck brings on the end by breaking open the gates of hell, Sam, Dean and Castiel deal with the aftereffects, fighting off a horde of zombies and ghosts. The Mark was removed in Brother's Keeper. As Dean was born in 1979, he is physically 41 years old, but since time is different in Hell than it is on Earth, he is spiritually 81 years old. Manifesting as a woman who comes to call herself Amara, Dean finds himself unable to kill her due to a twisted attraction, but matters become even more complicated when Castiel consents to act the vessel for Lucifer when he becomes convinced that only an archangel has any chance against Amara. [12] He is also the former apprentice of Alastair. He is often shown enjoying greasy, fattening or otherwise unhealthy food, especially cheeseburgers and pie, and dismisses salads as "rabbit food.". This led him to save the world, and regain his mother. But regardless his feelings always return. [7]He and Sam are also the surrogate sons of the late Bobby Singer. In the summer of 2007, Ackles took on the role of Priestly in the independent comedy Ten Inch Hero. His demonic powers also included a degree of telepathy, being able to read an individual named Lester's mind and learn his history with Sam upon meeting him. As noted throughout the season, Dean has become more open about his interests and preferences, switching within a day from hating vegetable juice to drinking it without another word. Mary is not the woman he remembers, nor is he the son she remembers, leading the two to part ways much to Dean's distress. After slaughtering many hunters in his wake, Michael Dean accepts this as a solution for his building anger towards Jack and finds himself aiming, point blank, at Jack. Sq. During his time as a demon, Dean also possessed the ability to easily regenerate from wounds and as his corrupted soul was possessing his own body, he was exempt from exorcisms that plagued other demons. The show follows brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) as they travel across America hunting supernatural beings such as ghosts, vampires, and other monsters.While the characters of Sam and Dean are not gay in the show, the actor who plays Dean, Jensen Ackles, is openly gay in real life. Conflicts with Lucifer and the British Men of Letters also become major concerns for Dean. $59,000. This however did not last long, as later on - while still sixteen - following a werewolf hunt, he realized just how unique his life was. Sam joins Dean on the road, hunting various supernatural creatures, tracking down their father and searching for the culprit behind the deaths of their mother and Jessica. He took innocent lives just to satisfy the Mark's lust for blood. In the Spring of 2008 Ten Inch Hero was released onto DVD exclusively through Blockbuster. Supernatural 's pilot episode aired in September 2005 and takes place in a contemporary setting. [16], After years of performing at conventions, Ackles released his first original song as a professional singer titled "Sounds of Someday" which is the first track from his debut album. Learning from Death how to trap Lucifer, Dean eventually lets Sam become the devil's vessel, but his strong bond with Dean helps him fall into Lucifer's Cage with Michael, who is using the boys' younger brother Adam as a vessel. Dean's affection extends to nearly all children, particularly young ones, although he also cares about teenagers. A third incarnation, hosted by Dean Cain, debuted on TBS in 2000 and aired three years. Unable to kill her, Dean is mauled to death by Hellhounds and his soul is dragged to Hell. That changed with Castiel's return from Purgatory after which he started to show his light-hearted side again. [3] It was originally intended for the brothers' last name to be "Harrison" as a nod to actor Harrison Ford, as Kripke wanted Dean to have the "devil-may-care swagger of Han Solo." However, he is actually wearing shorts while cleaning The Impala in Baby and as the substitute gym teacher in After School Special. Sometime before Jus In Bello, Dean got a tattoo on his chest of the anti-possession symbol to protect himself from demons. Sam was 22, and he'll be 31 by the time season 9 ends (his birthday is at the beginning of May). In the days after, Dean struggled with re-adjusting to being himself again as he tried to help Sam on hunts. Although he initially agrees, Dean relents and kills Death instead. Jensen Ross Ackles (born March 1, 1978) is an American actor. Death later confirms this by revealing that removing the Mark would unleash the Darkness and offers to remove Dean from society on the condition that he kill Sam. This amulet was given to him by Sam as a Christmas gift when they were children. [13], In summer of 2010, as part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies franchise, Ackles provided the voice for the Red Hood (Jason Todd) in the animated film, Batman: Under The Red Hood, which was released to DVD and Blu-ray on July 27. Together Ackles and Carlson completed a debut album entitled Vol. He is then reunited with Bobby Singer in heaven who explains to him what has been going on since Chuck's defeat. This item: I'd do Him Dean Winchester Coffee Mug Dean Winchester Tumbler Supernatural Fan Gift Idea for Supernatural Fan Winchester Brothers Dean Winchester Mug $39.99 Usually ships within 13 to 14 days. On November 2, 1983, Mary was killed in Sam's nursery by the demon Azazel, and in the ensuing fire Dean was tasked with carrying Sam out to safety while John unsuccessfully tried to rescue Mary. Dean is also the destined vessel of the Archangel Michael. He even sympathized with Elias Finch on his loss of his wife and his unfair punishment for her death. Dean is an avid fan of classic rock music. He single-handedly repairs the totaled Impala multiple times throughout the series and is a professional mechanic in the Wishverse of 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be. Title/Alias He is later informed by Billie the Reaper, who has replaced Death after his death, that Michael will inevitably escape his prison in every future but the one where Dean seals himself in an Enochian box at the bottom of the ocean, but although Dean starts creating such a box, he accepts Sam's argument that they will still try and find another way first. He killed monsters of Purgatory with ease and was always fighting for his survival. Dylan Everett - IMDb In May 2022, he guest starred on the ABC drama Big Sky's second season finale "Catch a Few Fish", as temporary sheriff Beau Arlen. After John's soul is taken by the Demon to Hell, Sam and Dean start hunting the Demon, who eventually kidnaps Sam. Dean typically avoids emotional intimacy, preferring to engage with women only as sexual partners. Despite his working knowledge of the supernatural, Dean is skeptical with regard to the "good aspects of religion." He loves football, lacrosse, baseball and basketball. He is given 1 year of life. Men of Letters Winchester Family Alastair (formerly) Billie (formerly) Castiel Jack Kline Crowley (on-off) Bobby Singer Charlie Bradbury Kevin Tran Anna Milton (formerly) Jo Harvelle Ellen Harvelle Jody Mills Benny Lafitte Claire Novak The Darkness God (formerly) Lucifer (briefly) Lisa Braeden Alternate Michael (formerly, unwillingly) Michael Dean Winchester Dean Winchester (b. January 24, 1979 [2] - d. 2025 [3]) was a human and hunter as well as a member of the Men of Letters with his younger brother Sam. At an unknown point before his death, Dean digs into a previously unknown chapter of his parents' lives. Sadie Gennis April 24, 2020, 6:15 a.m. PT. These powers also included premonitions given in dreams and immunity to both magical and demonic powers. He is allergic to cats as evidenced in the episode, A running gag on the show is that Dean never gets his. [21] In June 2021, it was revealed that they were developing a Supernatural prequel spinoff for The CW, titled The Winchesters, about young John and Mary Winchester, Sam and Dean's parents. Director Robert Singer Writers Eric Kripke Sera Gamble (teleplay by) Jenny Klein (story by) Stars Jared Padalecki Jensen Ackles Jim Beaver While the Winchesters discover that Lucifer conceived a child while possessing the President, they are left to guard the child's mother while Mary explores the possibility of an alliance with the British Men of Letters. So far, Dean, along with Cain and Lilith, is one of the three known characters to become a demon without going through hundreds of years of torture in Hell. Dean has been shown to be hypocritical at times. John and Mary Winchester welcomed Dean to the world in January 1979, and Sam arrived four years later in May 1983. Dean had joined Alastair in torturing souls after previously refusing for 30 years. All Seasons Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are pretty close friends in real life as well! Michael would use him for weeks before he left Dean's body on his own for unknown reasons. [18], In August 2020, it was announced he would join the cast of The Boys in its third season as Ben / B.C.L. Dean has an ex-girlfriend, Lisa Braeden,[10] who he lived with for a year[11] when he thought Sam was in Hell. Dean's reason as he stated was because he was done with everything. John became a hunter himself, and trained Dean to be one as well, though both hid the supernatural from Sam until he was 8 years old. Supernatural ending explained: How did Dean die? Who did Sam marry Dean has green eyes, light freckles on his face and short-cropped Ivy-league hair that is dark blonde. Dean is typically ruthless and aggressive when he is hunting, a task which he approaches enthusiastically, making him the more merciless of the Winchester siblings. This victory was short-lived as Dean was to be betrayed by Michael who took full control of Dean and became loose upon the Main Universe in Dean's body, his one true vessel.