This is a guide to getting the Thunder Helm, a type of Headgear found in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Go right and hide behind the first crate. newsletter, Zelda Breath of the Wild guide: luminous stones, Zelda Breath of the Wild guide: How to find and upgrade the radiant set (the Gerudo Secret Club), Triangle of Sadness, A Man Called Otto, and every new movie you can watch at home this weekend, Demi Lovato takes on Ghostface in music video for Scream 6, Nintendo Switch game turns a roll of toilet paper into your controller, 6 things to know before starting Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, The best new TV series on every streaming service. Breath of the wild series! We also figured out the Yiga stole the helm, and where their hideout was. By submitting your email, you agree to our, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild guide and walkthrough, Zelda Breath of the Wild guide: How to get the Thunder Helm, This story is part of a group of stories called, Sign up for the Use a thunder spear or sword for the best results and just be patient. Inside, youll be greeted by a large dias with steps on all sides where banners are displayed with a symbol of fire below them. Link/The Yiga Clan - Works | Archive of Our Own When equipped, the Thunder Helm negates any and all damage from lightning strikes. Zelda Breath of the Wild guide: How to get the Thunder Helm Take the Mighty Bananas on the crate and wait for a Yiga to come and go left. Yiga Clan Hideout Guide, Thunder Helm Guide, & How to Defeat Master Reddit user cheat-master30 has shown fellow players a useful way to make it through the Yiga Clan Hideout and beat the enemies successfully. Once Link returns the Thunder Helm to Riju, she will wear it and trigger one of Link's memories. Link journeys to the Town of the Gerudo to get his hands on the Thunder Helm. Find out all there is to know about Zelda: Breath of the Wild, includingwhat to expect from the Wii U version, how topreserve your items, how to beat bosses like theStone Talus,Lynel,the Guardiansandthe Hinox,thebest recipes for Link,how to take on the game'sshrinesand our coverage of the game's outfits, like theClimbing Set, the two sets ofheat resistance armoryou can find and how to dress Link inthe classic green tunic. In order to get the Thunder Helm, you must first finish the Divine Beast Vah Naboris main quest, then interact with the helm found next to Riju inside her mansion. If you follow the water supply straight back past the palace, youll find Calyban sitting on the rooftops eating melons. Run above him. In order to get the Thunder Helm, you must first finish the Divine Beast Vah Naboris main quest, then interact with the helm found next to Riju inside her mansion. [1] It is a cultural treasure of the Gerudo people and holds some of the Champion Urbosa's power. Breath of the Wild Walkthrough - Gerudo Town - Zelda Dungeon Pick your favorite to wrap up Tools of the Trade. Although you've already fought your way through the Yiga Clan Hideout and defeated Vah Nabooris in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Queen Riju of the Gerudo is pretty reticent to give up the thunder helm to Link. Once. To find the absolute monster who's doing this, head back to the palace and climb up on the righthand side of the walls as you're facing it. It's true that using an Ancient Arrow means sacrificing the items the Blademasters drop if one defeats them in hand-to-hand combat, but are you ever going to get those goodies going through the hideout the "real" way? Are you playing the DLC mission for the orb? YouTube channel ThornyFox recently uploaded a clip of a member of the Yiga Clan stealing the iconic sword. A Gerudo girl named Dalia can be found sobbing by the towns bar, The Noble Canteen. BOTW Player's Pro Tip Is The Best Way To Beat Yiga Clan Hideout While his powers are quite intimidating, he has a rather peculiar, if not outright comical, personality. Youll find Liana in the training ground in the southwest corner or Gerudo Town turn right from Rijus throne and head down the stairs. With the Thunder Helm now in their possession, Link and Riju initiate a plan to get Link inside the Divine Beast Vah Naboris. This is Calyban, and she loves eating melons. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The most tempting reason to stick around is right next to Riju no, not Buliara. The final quest you'll have to complete to prove to Riju that you're a man of the people is "Medicinal Molduga." 3. When he raises a boulder over his head, shoot him with an arrow. They point you in the direction of the barracks to meet up with Captain Teake. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. After defeating the leader of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga, Link will find the Thunder Helm in a Treasure Chest . This guide and walkthrough will show you everything you need to know from the locations and solutions for every shrine to Captured Memories, the best meal in the game, The Master Trials DLC and more. Maleenas husband is suffering from an illness that only Molduga Guts can cure, but her fellow Gerudo refuses to offer any assistance. Time to put on your hero hat and prove her wrong! [11] Riju assures Link that he will be able to use the Thunder Helm to its fullest potential and unlock the power of Urbosa that lies within. This weapon is one of the primary weapons of the Yiga Clan Blademasters. Tried recruiting additional members, and at some point stole the Thunder helm. Wild Time - Chapter 24 - TimeLord2000 - The Legend of Zelda & Related Youll be swamped, and you almost certainly wont be able to defeat your enemies. This is straight to the west of Gerudo Town, in the area around Tho Kayu shrine. Karusa valley is a location in breath of the wild. Static "Travelers" The Thunder Helm is Head Gear in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Why are Yiga Clan Blademasters spawning? HELP! - reddit The Sacred Orb, also referred to as the Treasured Orb and the Treasure of the Gerudo, is an Object in Breath of the Wild. Climb the walls at the far end of the arena where you fought Master Kohga. At the end of the waterway, plates will find a Gerudo woman named Calyban munching on Hydromelons. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. With the Thunder Helm, Link will be able to approach Naboris. When the Yiga Blademaster moves to go around the large block, place some down the path by the stairs and wait for him to take the bait before moving on. RELATED:Breath Of The Wild: 10 Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Cook. Make some noise to alert the guard near the door. This guide and walkthrough will show you everything you need to know from the locations and solutions for every shrine to Captured Memories, the best meal in the game, The Master Trials DLC and more. Your job is to solve the problems of four residents of Gerudo Town. Walk back to the room you came from, and take the ladder up. If its for the regular mission, I dont believe there should be a big rock blocking the main entrance (which is at ground level). . Just make sure you don't get caught. Give her 10 and she'll be in business. Yiga Clan Hideout Guide, Thunder Helm Guide, \u0026 How to Defeat Master Kohga Zelda Breath of The Wild PLEASE LIKE IF THIS HELP YOU AT ALL THANKS FOR WATCHING CHECK OUT MY RUPEE FARMING GUIDE- Gerudo Highlands- Divine Beast vah Naboris- Yiga Clan Hideout Guide - Leader of the Yiga ClanMaster Kohga- Riju Thunder Helm Rupee Farm EASY AND FAST NO SKILL NEEDED's Domain Lynel Fight Guide Zora's Domain Divine Beast Vah Ruta Guide and How to Defeat WaterBlight Ganon EASILY Zelda Breath of the Wild Tools of the Trade, The Mystery Polluter, Medicinal Molduga and The Search for Barta. Edit: oh thanks never got any attention at all i thought Also im still a rookie but i entered it from the top at the gerudo highlands edit: i got in and also made lotsa cash i also got some sneaky things on so i massacred the whole clan 1 hit kill lmao. When Link arrives in Gerudo Town, he learns that the Thunder Helm has been stolen from the chief Riju by the Yiga Clan. Some are static spawns, which means that they are listed in map units and visible on the object map (search for Assassin). Go into your inventory and choose to Hold a Mighty Banana, then return to the game. Wild Time - Chapter 22 - TimeLord2000 - The Legend of Zelda & Related [3] Leena explains that she went to the Yiga Clan Hideout two days ago and wonders what happened to her. Yiga Clan Hideout Guide, Thunder Helm Guide, & How to Defeat Master Kohga Zelda Breath of The Wild Lootologist 27.6K subscribers Subscribe 6K Share 494K views 5 years ago Yiga Clan Hideout. The final problem to solve involves finding a wayward guard named Barta for Liana. When Link interacts with the Thunder Helm, Riju will offer to lend it to Link. They aren't impossible to defeat - but they can be a real handful. Should players take the time to do every quest in Gerudo Town, theyll be rewarded with the Thunder Helm. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. It requires that Link find the Yiga Clan Hideout, infiltrate it, and make his way to the boss undetected. After retrieving the Thunder Helm from the Yiga Clan and completing Vah Naboris in the Gerudo Desert, Riju will task Link with helping out the people of Gerudo Town. Wait for the guard below to walk to your left, and then paraglide down, past him. If you are seen, then its effectively game over. He sends his minions all over Hyrule in search of you but tends to spend most of his own time napping and generally loafing about. Dont burn the banner though - it leads back to the main room. How do i get in yiga clan hideout (breath of the wild) When he's drawing near, run behind the crates, then go left and climb some steps. When you hand them over, shell reward you with a piece of jewelry. With all four quests done, you can head back to Riju, who said she heard about everything you've done for her people, and will agree to let you borrow (not keep) the thunder helm. Malena will point you to the Toruma Dunes. Starting with the one to the right of the entrance, youll find a chest with a Sapphire. Press A to throw it. Speak to Liana to complete the quest and get 100 Rupees for the trouble. Despite this, his mastery of the esoteric arts has earned him a deep respect. When you ask to borrow the Thunder Helm, you'll pick up the 'The Thunder Helm' side quest. Yiga Clan | Zeldapedia | Fandom Yiga Clan Hideout Guide - Legends of Z Huh. As master of Yiga Clan, Kohga has plenty of tricks up his sleeve. If its for DLC, find the giant pit that you fought the Yiga boss at. It seems the place is crawling with. The Yiga Clan by Anonymous Fandoms: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of . New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. The Thunder Helm is one of three pieces of equipment that will not break Link's disguise if worn with the Gerudo Set, the other two being the. Keep repeating this, and the battle will be won. Of the Yiga enemies that want to take Link down, the Yiga Bladesman are the rarest of the bunch, and for good reason. how to get thunder helm from yiga clan Walk up the steps and speak with Teake. She'll ask you to find Barta for her and bring her back home, again. A guard patrols the box, walking around it below you. The easiest place to find them is in the Rito Stables, so warp there if you're able to. After completing all four side quests in Gerudo Town, Link can return to Riju and claim the Thunder Helm from her. This is an obvious area of the map: it's the flat wasteland in the far. What he actually gets his hands on comes as a . aka: Link gets fingered against the wall in the Royal Guard's uniform, as god intended . At this point, you can feel free to warp back to Gerudo Town and advance the mission, but you have another option. Your job is to. Zelda Breath of the Wild - How to Get Thunder Helm. newsletter, Triangle of Sadness, A Man Called Otto, and every new movie you can watch at home this weekend, Demi Lovato takes on Ghostface in music video for Scream 6, Nintendo Switch game turns a roll of toilet paper into your controller, 6 things to know before starting Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, The best new TV series on every streaming service. When spoken to, shell tell Link that she wants to taste a Hearty Durian one more time before she presumably dies out in the desert. During the "Divine Beast Vah Naboris" Main Quest, Link is tasked with recovering the Helm for Riju by infiltrating the Yiga Clan Hideout. Her boyfriend is sick and she needs some molduga guts to save him. If you are already inside the Hideout and in the last room that looks like a dead end, use magnesis and look around. Considering how lethal lightning strikes can be in Breath of the Wild, it pays to hunt down the Thunder Helm. It's a rare item so you have to complete a few quests for it. Drop it off the edge of the rafter in front of the guard, so they get distracted and run over. You'll find the Molduga at the Southern Oasis, so take a sand seal out there and stock up on some thunder weapons if you can. Wait for the guard below to walk to your left, and then paraglide down, past him. Corridors and tunnels had been carved . Something went wrong. The Thunder Helm,[1][2] also known as the Chief's Heirloom,[3] is a Key Item and recurring Item in The Legend of Zelda series. Gerudo Town and the Yiga Clan Hideout - VG247 If you dont have any in your inventory, the Gerudo Highlands are a good place to find them. I think I have defeated all of the monsters/Yiga members in the valley that leads up to the stone door but it just won't open And I have completed the shrine. Oops. If you quietly hop the stone fence by the Ruby, you find another Yiga Blademaster circling a table. Then, hide behind the big crate, take the bananas out and throw them in the Yiga's sight. RELATED:Breath Of The Wild: Every Shrine In Central Hyrule (& How To Beat Them). Heading up the stairs, the path on the right is crawling with Yiga Blademasters, so go up the ladder first to find a giant horde of bananas and a chest holding a Topaz. Second stage: you have either spoken to Impa at least once or entered the Yiga Hideout at least once. In this hall, theres a small hole with spikes on all sides you need to glide through from the top of the ladder. Wildberries can be found in abundance in either the Hebra Mountain or Gerudo Highlands. In short, we're going kill them Yiga sumb-ches with a well-placed Ancient Arrow to the head. Once Link kills a Molduga and picks up its Guts, Maleena will reward the player with 300 Rupees and clear the quest. If youre doing the non-DLC mission, you might be above the actual lair. As soon as you obtained the Thunder Helm from that chest, you will be hunted by Yiga for the rest of your playthrough, and there is no way to get permanently rid of them. Once you give it to her, she'll make a "miraculous" "recovery" and then suppose that she'll just hang out for a little while until you tell her that her boss is mad at her. Riju wears the Thunder Helm to this encounter, which protects her by absorbing the Lightning of Naboris. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 3 years after defeating Calamity Ganon, Link finds himself in a toxic relationship with the prince of Zora, Prince Sidon. All champions' quests start near one of Divine Beasts by talking to Kass near monuments, where you'll get a hint how and where to discover new secret shrines. If you are already inside the Hideout and in the last room that looks like a dead end, use magnesis and look around. Or Regular mission? You could just wander around and collect things as you need them, but well put notes in each of the sections below so you can plan a little better and save yourself some time.