April 14, 2009: MORRISON: It's no easy thing to be a doctor in America. Home video captured what looked like a. typical domestic scene, but beneath these happy images lies a darker truth. But they also contribute to the feeling of watching something urgent and unmediated. Right? Kate said Shirley insisted on keeping Zachary in, the deep pool, which frustrated him because he couldn't move on his own. Wait, thats not true, Sophocles came up with it when he wrote Oedipus Rex about a king who unwittingly fulfills a prophecy that foretold he would kill his father and marry his mother, and then pokes out his own eyes because hes in despair and you cant outrun destiny. Mr. KUENNE: You know, he said--she said, `Look, I'm not looking for another husband. The Bagbys still hold a bitterness when they talk about how they were failed by a legal system that let Turner out on bail and allowed her to retain custody of Zachary. And this is where director Kurt Kuenne is really smart. Mr. KUENNE: He warmed up to me as the--as the week wore on, MORRISON: But the Bagbys were especially anxious. A 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition Blu-Ray and DVD with special artwork and packaging is available only from Oscilloscope Laboratories at the link below. Keith Morrison reports. I didn't have. And now it's just. COLLECTOR'S EDITION DIGIPAK only from Oscilloscope Laboratories:
Such choices make for a disorienting viewing experience, especially if youre accustomed to the conventions of slicker documentaries. And I know, you love me, and--yeah. Parents Kate and David Bagby's story of identifying Andrew's body is devastating. MORRISON: What did you think that she would do, kill you? They were somewhat successful with the passing of Bill C-464 in December 2010 with the added clause that bail could be denied if it was deemed necessary for the protection of anyone under the age of 18. Mr. SIMPSON: Andrew, you know you can do a lot better. We just want as many people as possible to know this story, the documentary, for the practical reasons in my fantasies, I suppose some judge, some place, actually gets it and denies bail to somebody who could kill again, said David. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Or what about the one of me and Andrew? While the police investigation was still underway, Turner, a Canadian citizen, packed off to St. Johns, Newfoundland. Click HERE for assistance. An unusually personal and powerful story of a murder, it may offer something of a counterweight to the forces of bias and prurience that often pull the genre off-track. Zachary, I love you, baby. Except, OK, sometimes not. And Im blessed to have David and quite frankly David is blessed to have me, said Kate. Check your local listings for channel info. (Photo of David and Kate; airplane; lake and coast), MORRISON: But here's the thing. KATE: (Audio recording) Right. Mr. SHEARS: It seemed like it to me, yeah. MORRISON: And ultimately she sent him away, with no forewarning. Mr. and Mrs. David Bagby will be notified of the award, and may request background information on the recipient to facilitate any contact between the recipient and the Bagbys. Based on the title alone, it sounds like one of those saccharine documentaries that only the filmmaker and the subject would ever really care about. The International Film Music Critics also nominated his musical score for Best Documentary Score of 2008. keep him safe, which they feared was about to become even more difficult. Dear Zachary recently won the Audience Award at the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival in Birmingham, Alabama! Did. August 5, 2008: Mr. KUENNE: (Kate holding Zachary) Hello, bud. This is the attention thing I was talking about. It will have its television premiere on MSNBC this fall following a theatrical release that is currently in negotiations and expected to be announced in the coming weeks. Mr. BAGBY: (Audio recording) You don't like this answer, but I'm going to, give it to you again. A True-Crime Story That Puts the Victims First | The New Yorker MORRISON: But she was allowed to go back to Newfoundland? The film ends with the Bagbys and their relatives, friends, and colleagues reflecting on the father and son, as well as the . Here the grandparents are making nice with the woman they believe killed their, son. Hello. A huge chunk of the remainder of Dear Zachary is the Canadian justice system treating the Bagbys like common criminals while the actual criminal is given a breathtaking amount of freedom. Bagby came from Sunnyvale, California, and was the son of Kathleen Daphne Bagby ( ne Barnard), a registered nurse and midwife from Chatham, England, United Kingdom; and David Franklin Bagby, an American former United States Navy serviceman and computer engineer. You will laugh, you will smile, you will cry, and you might even want to stand up and shout at the screen. He had been shot five times and the No. She turns to talking of her son and calls him Gods blessing. It was all incorrect from the beginning, that all this, innocence and everything she's told you was a lie. She landed a residency at a hospital in Iowa, several states away but still close enough to allow occasional weekends with Andrew in Pennsylvania. If Shirley, Turner had her way, they wouldn't have met Zachary at all, claiming she didn't. And I don't know, I just lay on top of her and we, MORRISON: T.J. opened the door to police, too, and heard the. -. The Bagbys have done their best to resume life in California. What kind of headfuck must that be? They could check cell towers then, but only manually. Mr. SHEARS: You could see in his eyes that he was full of life. This abridged version was prepared personally by Kurt Kuenne in order to comply with CBC Newsworld's time constraints but preserve the film's impact while reaching a wider audience in Canada. Or was this her, way of demanding that they suspend their critical faculties and declare their, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) I don't know what to give Zachary. would now have to be something else, a visual letter to Andrew's baby. MORRISON: What do you do about this? His goal at first was simply to collect memories and tributes from people who were close to Bagby. Mr. BAGBY: We were out shopping or something. And she followed Andrew to St. John's. It opens with a gushing montage of the friends of a doctor named Andrew Bagby, none of whom have one real bad word about him. ', KATE: He's so loved. This is without a doubt one of the most profound, touching and moving films I have ever watched." Click HERE for ticket information. Authorities later determined his former lover Dr. Shirley Turner,. Kate answered the phone, and she couldn't get off the phone for an hour. May 16, 2008: They are prophecies. Newfoundland to meet the now 11-month-old little boy. GARDNER: (Audio recording) I have to tell you that Andrew is dead. KATE: I thought, `Well, he's got to get out of this.'. Unidentified Man #25: I love them very much. helped convince me that she would not hurt Zachary. decision. I'm just looking for somebody to hang out with and have fun here in school.' Cpl. If I, just kill her, Zachary will be safe. We'll keep this website updated as to their progress when there is news. We. Kate to keep up their end of that bargain. The legal system helped her kill Zachary. Former Production Manager at Mountain Gospel Radio. sixteen years have passed but for the bagbys the story of the deaths of their only son and grandson resurfaces all the time. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) I was really upset when you took him today, because I feel like I did the day you saw him at Unified Family Court. Kurt Kuenne's acclaimed orchestral score for "Dear Zachary", nominated for Best Documentary Score of 2008 by the International Film Music Critics Association, is now available on CD and for digital download. This is the kind of couple, themselves beloved by hundreds, that produces the kind of son who is beloved by hundreds. My TV-consumption habits for the past several months have been awash in murder, and Netflix knows itwhich is how, fresh from binge-watching Making a Murderer and hungry for more, I recently came across Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. This odd documentarywhich deals with the death of a young physician named Andrew Bagby, who was a childhood friend of the films director, Kurt Kuennemade a small splash when it was first released, in 2008, but its worth revisiting now, in the midst of the recent bonanza of true-crime hits. We would've done handstands and cartwheels to. It wasn't just to monitor the, extradition process. Click HERE for ticket information. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) His parents don't even know, do they? David was a . MORRISON: Despite it all, the Bagbys were thrilled to be living, with Zachary. She. Play trailer 2:39. MORRISON: When you did find out that she was pregnant, what was your thought? Mr David C Bagby Obituary Visitation Funeral Information . For the Bagbys, shock might have, (Photo of David and Zachary; photo of Kate and Zachary; Shirley being escorted, from court; court documents; court exterior; court documents; Kate and David), KATE: I'd sat in the back of the room while Judge Green said to her, `I'm so, sorry, Dr. Turner, your life is on hold, and I know the law is slow.' The first time we had contact with her was over the phone. I got to go to the trial. We did have him for a little while, she said. Nearly 2 decades after the murder of a physician and his son a legacy then one day I realized what it was. You live your life, you create an entire universe around you, you trundle along, and then FUCK. David Bagby - IMDb Unidentified Woman #10: (Kate holding Zachary) Zachary. I was just gone. It turns out Shirley Jane Turner is pregnant. The bill has added an amendment to Canada's criminal code giving courts the right to refuse bail to someone charged with a serious crime who is deemed a potential danger to children under the age of 18. PDF Bail bill inspired by Bagby's murdered grandson We need each other, have each other to get through this.". And you just bought the gun, right? I said, `This woman was in town. Said, `Oh, no, I really can't.'. We thought of him as a hostage, said David. Simpson advised his friend to call the cops and to not under any circumstances meet Shirley Jane Turner alone. MORRISON: Andrew Bagby. (Newspaper rack; photo of Shirley and Zachary), Mr. BAGBY: (Press conference) I am going to continue to scream long and loud, MORRISON: The Bagbys have continued a campaign for the overhaul, of the bail system. It stays so close to Bagby and to the people who loved him that theres never any question that its their side of the story being recounted. Dr. ANDREW BAGBY: (Wedding videotape) Best man is a little bit of a poor title for these things. They raised a wonderful, Unidentified Man #26: Thanks for bringing such a wonderful person. American authorities asked Canadian, authorities to send her back to the US, which would require an extradition, hearing. 1 suspect was his estranged girlfriend, Shirley Turner, also a medical doctor, who was raised in western Newfoundland and was then practicing in Iowa. Do you feel all right about putting, MORRISON: Safe and warm inside the Bagby house, as the gales of a, Newfoundland winter raged outside, the inevitable happened. Without access, without favor, without discretion, and without interference. Andrew came to St. John's. MORRISON: In Kurt Kuenne's documentary, Clark Simpson, one of Andrew's close friends at the hospital, remembers that November morning just two weeks later when Shirley surprised Andrew again. Woman #9: to make that journey was awful. Was it a tight bond? Mr. BAGBY: She told the court she was afraid we would harm the baby. (Shirley in court; Supreme Court of Newfoundland sign), Mr. BAGBY: And then they started slogging through the courts with one issue, MORRISON: In the meantime, Andrew's parents made a momentous. If she had her way, we would not have had any visitation at, MORRISON: Coming up, fighting not just to see their grandson, but. I promise within the first five minutes you will be captured by it and you won't be able to tear yourself away. In initial questioning, Turner claimed to have been home sick in Iowa when Bagby was shot, but cell-phone records showed her placing calls along the thousand-mile highway route between Council Bluffs and Latrobe in the days before and after the murder. In that time, it also becomes clear that Andrews fate is in danger of also becoming his sons. Dance with the Devil: A Memoir of Murder and Loss - Goodreads It, (Photo of Shirley; Shirley, Zachary and David; photos of Shirley and Zachary). The apparent culprit was a woman named Shirley Turner, whom Bagby had dated but had broken up with on November 4th, in Latrobe, just before putting her on a plane to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she lived at the time. Instead, the films dramatic nodes are scenes such as the one in which Bagbys parents, David and Kate, recall going to identify their sons body. Dear Zachary - For those who've asked how Kate & David - Facebook to let out hints that Shirley Turner was the prime suspect. It was made to tell a story and to capture forever the life of one man and the many people he touched. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father sounds like the kind of movie I would never want to see, which is why it took me so long to actually see it. In January, the film was nominated for Best Documentary by both the Chicago Film Critics Association and the Online Film Critics Society, who also nominated writer/director/composer Kurt Kuenne for Breakthrough Filmmaker of 2008. MORRISON: There might have been a particular reason for this. Awaiting extradition, Turner drowned 13-month-old Zachary and took her own life as well. Mr. KUENNE: I think he was a little scared of me when I first came up. MORRISON: And go she did, back to Newfoundland, Canada. The full hour will not be available online. We send a huge thanks to MP Scott Andrews, his assistant Ken Carter, MP Peter Stoffer, Senator Tommy Banks, his assistant Thrse Gauthier, Gord McIntosh and all those in Parliament who have seen across party lines and supported this bill to honor Andrew & Zachary and help prevent a recurrence of our story. ', Mr. SIMPSON: And I told him, I said, `You know, Andrew, when I break up with somebody and put them on a plane and send them 1300 miles away,' I said, `They knock on my front door, I'm going out the back door and I'm calling the police.' kind of panic sets in, I guess. 'Nothing to lose' | Gilroy Dispatch | Gilroy, San Martin, CA Dear Zachary recently won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Best Documentary of 2008 from the Society of Professional Journalists. And in the meantime, without that crucial piece of evidence to charge her with Andrew's murder, Shirley Turner quietly left US soil and returned home to Newfoundland. And he was crying, so I went into the ladies room and sat there, KATE: Made her very angry. A judge called Andrews murder a vicious crime, but did not consider Turner a risk to others. But he was accepted here, St. John's, Newfoundland, the easternmost point in North America. They've retired, hang out with friends and travel a bit, David Bagby said. Serious crime is rare in this country. This report aired Dateline Friday, July 23. 2023 Cond Nast. Because she didnt know love either. It was like Andrew died and then was reborn for a second chance. Unidentified Man #24: Two I have ever known. Mr. BAGBY: I have a lot of trouble with those things too, and I suspect what really goes on, what's called intuition, is really a very, very complex calculation of lots of little indicators, little things that Andrew said on the phone maybe. Mr. SHEARS: When we woke up in the morning, realized they weren't there. MORRISON: The ammunition used to kill Andrew was CCI .22 caliber bullets. KATE: (To Zachary) Kurt knew your daddy when he was a little boy. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Walmart, DIGITAL
It comes down to probable cause, the right to bail and the presumption of innocence. news about his mother and baby brother, and was slammed with instant blowback. She has to veer away from the image and instead see him as a living being. MORRISON: Kurt and Andrew grew up together in Northern California, where the fledgling director gave Andrew starring roles in some of his earliest ventures. Meeting her at 6. David and Kate Bagby channeled their grief & anguish into changing some Canadian laws. I couldn't see the point anymore. Kurt is incredibly grateful for the good folks at MSNBC for making this arrangement happen. One of those forgettable pieces of solipsistic pseudo-art that is essentially just a scrapbook that was released to the public and then everyone just said it was good because no one wanted to hurt anyones feelings. That one comes back a lot. March 18, 2008: But on Sunday, when he drove her to the airport, Andrew made it clear to Shirley it was over for good. You know? It's great. And that was midafternoon. (It was announced, in 2014, that the documentary would be made into a miniseries. MORRISON: Shirley, meanwhile, seemed to be preparing for her, extradition, and perhaps she was looking for a way to exclude the Bagbys from. the water. I was like, `Oh, OK, yeah.' I can say it like that because even without a trial, the evidence was so damning we might as well have been next to her when she carried out the crime. Kate Bagby - Mothers Against Murder *Verified* | ZoomInfo I extend my deepest thanks and greatest respect to MP Scott Andrews, his associate Ken Carter, Senator Tommy Banks, his executive assistantThrse Gauthier, MP Peter Stoffer, Senator Anne Cools, Gord McIntosh and everyone in Parliament who saw across party lines to support this bill's passage into law. Well, I said, `Bring some beer. This is the kind of couple, themselves beloved by hundreds, that produces the kind of son who is beloved by hundreds. her. When Bagby said he was going to anyway, Simpson asked him to come to his house right after. It turns out Shirley owned a .22 caliber handgun, which she acquired while living in Iowa. Bill C-464 was introduced in the House of Commons on October 22, 2009, passed the House of Commons unanimously on March 22nd of this year and passed the Senate of Canada last Thursday, December 9th, where it was sponsored by Senator Tommy Banks of Alberta. MORRISON: In July 2003, a year and eight months after their son's, murder, Andrew's friend, filmmaker Kurt Kuenne, who'd been making the, documentary film for Zachary about the father he'd never know, arrived in. ', MORRISON: But they'd have to wait almost a month. The film is by the phenomenal writer, director and composer Kurt Kuenne. It's pretty easy to analyze what the, options are. Its good to see him again, hear his voice, he said of the images of Andrew. David Bagby, left, and Kate Bagby, right, celebrate with their son Andrew Bagby at his graduation from medical school at Memorial University of Newfoundland in June 2000. I mean, she. I would really like for you and Kate. It then played SXSW in Austin, Texas, where it left audiences stunned and in tears. You can reach out to David Bagby-cantu via phone number 915-383-8358. Both screenings were sold out and received sustained standing ovations, an exceptionally rare event in the 14 year history of Slamdance. get a chance to have some of Andrew again. T.J. and his girlfriend went to bed. They held their breath. KATE: I knew exactly what my son looked at before he died. MORRISON: The sea at midnight was endless black. Sixteen years have passed but for the Bagbysthe story of the deaths of their only son and grandson resurfaces all the time. The Bagbys prove it is possible for a woman to kill your child and for you to forge a civil relationship with that woman in order to protect another. Skewed imagery. The bond between, Zachary and his grandparents grew and grew, and Shirley noticed, even from, KATE: (Audio recording) I think it was one time we were on the phone or, KATE: (Audio recording) Yeah, the baby cried, and I said, `Oh, there's my, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Yeah, `Oh, my baby. with a supervisor, and we had to be searched. (Driving through rainy street; correctional facility sign; Andrew; Kurt, Unidentified Woman #8: They would drive two hours to the jail. A review of Turner's and Zachary's deaths, released in 2006 by Winnipeg-based coroner Peter Markesteyn, concluded the provinces social services system failed Zachary and his death could have been prevented. The Bagbys were compelled to ensure what happened to their son and grandson never happens again. I am a young director, producer, stage manager, communicator, and creative organizer for theatre and multimedia artistic endeavors. Mr. SHEARS: I thought they were great with him. With that kind of goodness, anything is possible. Troutman Funeral Home is assisting the Bagby family. But a few weeks later, she showed up in Pennsylvania, unexpected, for the wedding of one of his friends. Mr. BAGBY: (Audio recording) Just got up. get in there, if that's what she demanded. This movie is the kind of nightmare no one could dream up. We couldnt actually believe shed (harm Zachary), but we consciously feared she could do that, he said.