Klineline Pond at Salmon Creek Park Lewisville Park Moulton Falls Park Vancouver Lake Park Get more information on water quality at these locations from Clark County Public Health Additional Caution Regarding Flotation Devices Flotation devices are not foolproof; they are NOT a substitute for close guardian supervision. There also are lots of common carp, enough that is supports a commercial carp fishery. They are hard to catch but will strike large plugs and spinners that look like forage fish. For a $5 fee, WDFW provides kids with a rod and reel, tackle, t-shirt, and other goodies. 60 Second Trout Fishing System *ILLEGAL IN SOME AREAS* Recently Sold Homes Near 9704 NE 28th Pl. And when it comes to fishing, its all about trout and salmon. Eric Burnley. Get notified by email right after a lake near you has been stocked! Still, there are no restrictions on recreation here either. Fishing for or retaining grass carp is prohibited. WDFW Fishing and Stocking ReportsWDFW Fishing RegulationsNational Weather Service forecasts. You should read the statewide freshwater regulations and the Statewide freshwater species rules to fully understand seasons, closures, species limits, etc, If you want more information on Klineline Pond Clark County WDFW maintains a nice page on many lowland lakes and there is more information on Klineline Pond Clark County here, Your email address will not be published. Registration is open now for this popular event. 60 Second Trout Fishing System *ILLEGAL IN SOME AREAS* TroutNinjaTV 3.47K subscribers Subscribe 3K Share Save 1.7M views 12 years ago http://www.troutninjatv.com Trout bites in less than 10. Klineline usually hosts an annual kids fishing derby. Although small, it's a popular family destination with a beach, paved trails, and picnic tables. The park provides every kid with a rod, and the lake gets stocked with 14,000 rainbow trout before the event. During the . Shade trees, sandy beach area. There are some largemouth bass and other warmwater fish here as well, which will be the primary pursuit for summertime angling. Mike Randall. There is excellent bank-fishing access on the south and west banks. And when it comes to fishing, Vancouver Lake is teeming with common carp. Related:15 Fun Recreational Lakes near Seattle, WA. Klineline trout plants often include thousands of pan-sized trout, mostly rainbows but also good numbers of cutthroat trout. Tiger muskies, a sterile hybrid of a true musky and northern pike, grow to massive size and are primarily a catch-and-release fish for serious anglers. The catches of summer fish tend to ramp up in June, peak in July and maintain a decent level into August and early September. A couple of hiking trails allow you to stretch your legs and get daily steps in. Your email address will not be published. Most anglers tie those below blades or flashers to attract fish attention. Located near the center of Clark County, the watershed extends from Elkhorn Mountain in the Cascade foothills east of Hockinson and flows 26 miles west to Lake River on the Columbia River flood plain. Home page; . FishWA 2014 Lowland Lakes Web Map by Fish.Maps@dfw.wa.gov. 3 Beds. The new schedule announced today calls for Kress Lake and Klineline Pond to remain open indefinitely. View Fishing Details, For March: And in summer, the lake is teeming with bluegill and largemouth bass. Klineline has excellent bank access and hosts an annual spring fishing derby. Although small, its a popular family destination with a beach, paved trails, and picnic tables. An angler on iFish.net reported good numbers of bluegills at Klineline that will strike flies fished under a bobber, especially at dusk. This large reservoir (3,600 acres) on the North Fork Lewis River mainly brings in anglers looking for kokanee. The ponds have very clear water and receive a good amount of pressure on the trout, which makes the bass finicky. For more However, in summer, it becomes a hectic hive of parents and kids enjoying the splash pad and racing down the Salmon Creek Trail. Minnesota Twins depth Sunrise, sunset, and night are generally the best fishing times. Clark Countys population is approaching a half million people in a relatively small area, but this is a place bounded by rivers including the massive Columbia and dotted by lakes, so anglers have plenty to do here. Currently thousands of Rainbow and Brown Trout as well as Coastal Cutthroat Troutare stocked. At times, Lacamas can suffer from water quality issues and aquatic weeds. Merrill Lakeis a 283-acre lake at the foothills of Mt St. Helens. Round Lake is deeper and tends to have better water quality, plus access is excellent here in Lacamas Regional Park. It's lightly fished for catfish, panfish, bass and other species that inhabit the various sloughs and low-elevation lakes around the lower Columbia River. Smallmouth bass are often found around rocky structures along the bank, islands and submerged humps and other cover, where they like to get out of the main current and swim out to ambush passing prey. Monofilament recovery and recycling program. Whether your goals are to increase habitat for wildlife, manage your pond for fishing, or a little of both, these practices will maximize the benefit of your pond. Horseshoe Lakeis an 83-acre reservoir in Woodland, easily accessible from I-5. It also includes a swimming area with seasonal lifeguards on duty, plus a splash play area, traditional playgrounds, lots of trails and plenty of picnicking. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Winter steelhead also are caught more often in the Clark County section of the river, with December and early January your best bet. Its a shallow lake with an average depth of just 3 feet. Youll use the same types of set ups in the heat of summer, but youll need weight or a down-rigger to reach the schools, which run deeper as the surface water warms. Maybe next year it will be back in person? Accessibility, Over-legal loads, house moves and street use, Captain William Clark Regional Park at Cottonwood Beach, Fishing is not allowed in the public swimming area at, Fishing is not allowed close to the falls at. Queen size bed with large bathroom, a Jacuzzi and also a shower, walk-in closet and outside deck all apart of the private master suite. Also, there are restrictions on fishing here. We suggest you also take a look at our Fishing in Neighboring Counties feature at the end of this article, which will take you to some incredible fishing spots just down the road. The park also features 35 acres of developed parkland and 368 acres of undeveloped green space. Catch rates for these fish arent high in the mainstem, but there are some opportunities for summer-run fish, including a chance to catch them from the bank because they migrate in shallow water. Plus, it has perch, crappie, and some largemouth bass, too. Brook trout Lastly, during a drawdown, allow at least 50% of the pond to remain with a depth of at least 6 to 7 feet to reduce the chance of fish dying. Its very deep and has plenty of space for water activities like jet skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing. Yale Lakeis a 3,612-acre reservoir on the Lewis River. Its still a pretty spot with good access, and you should find some wild trout here, such as coastal cutthroat. However, its summer and winter runs have been a mere shadow of their former selves in recent years. Brown trout have also been planted at Klineline at times, but these arent always in the plan. On the other hand, Lacamas Lake is the biggest of the three and offers boating and fishing. He started working for the Clark County Road Department in 1925 and was in charge of. Brown Trout were stocked beginning in 1989. 00. It has plenty of beach space, two volleyball courts, picnic tables, and a swimming area. SAVE THE DATE ! The cool thing about this location is that its a crater of a long-extinct volcano. A 2-day affair is when an army of 3,000 kids (+parents) flock to the lake to catch a fish and celebrate outdoors. The Klineline Kids Fishing derby has been a popular spring activity in the area, and this year will be no exception! Bobber and worm, black fly, try it all. Klineline Pond Clark County Fishing 2023 This blog post describes fishing regulations and trout plants for Klineline Pond Clark County Recent Trout Plants for Klineline Pond Clark County Recent catchable fish stocked per acre of lake size: 1181.51 fish per acre Fishing Regulations for Klineline Pond Clark County This subbasin has historically supported populations of fall Chinook, winter steelhead, chum, and coho. See more in our Best Tiger Muskie Fishing in Washington article. This slow-moving stream drains out of Vancouver Lake and flows north more than 10 miles before joining the Columbia River at the north end of Bachelor Island northwest of Ridgefield. Salmon Creek has five major tributaries: Mill Creek, Woodin Creek, Rock Creek, Morgan Creek, and Curtin Creek. WDFW reminds anglers that only a game fish license is required to fish for the steelhead in these waters. Amenity information is provided by . Successful anglers typically catch them by trolling a nightcrawler or fish-shaped crankbait close to the bottom of the river, often with a special rig that helps keep the offering on the bottom but out of snags. In the past, Klineline Pond stocked tens of thousands of rainbow and cutthroat averaging 0.49 lbs. According to "Names in Clark County" ("The Columbian", 2014): Salmon Creek Regional Park/Klineline Pond is located six miles up Salmon Creek. Species include bass, crappie, catfish and trout. Center: 45.70791, -122.656174 The Wests largest river forms the western and southern borders of Clark County and offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities. Nowadays, the lake is part of aconservation areathat offers seasonal camping, a boat ramp, and an opportunity to spot wildlife. View Fishing Details, For March: Related:13 Stunning Recreational Lakes near Olympia, WA. WDFW stocks it with rainbow trout and tiger muskie. Vance Creek Adlt Pond Lewis County Washington: 40: Feb 22, 2023: Battle Ground Lake Clark County Washington: 2,000: Feb 21, 2023: True: Blue Lake Columbia County Washington . Prizes will be awarded for the largest and . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. There are launches on the south side off LaFrambois Road and on the north side in the Felida area. The reservoir is the lowest of the three on the Lewis River. ArcGIS - FishWA 2014 Lowland Lakes For example, you can take the 2.5-mile paved route to the neighboring park and get a view of the Columbia River. There is excellent bank-fishing access on the south and west banks. Largemouth bass are predators that feed on smaller fish, crayfish, and really just about any critter they can fit into their wide mouths. And if fishing is your priority, try colder months, when the park is at its quietest. FishWA 2014 Lowland Lakes. Its the nearest full-on recreational lake with no restrictions on activities. This reservoir is shared with Cowlitz County. Salmon Creek Regional Park/Klineline Pond at 1112 NE 117th St, Vancouver, WA 98685 - hours, address, map, directions, phone number, customer ratings and reviews. 5/2/2018. The weather didn't deter the crowd. LOCH SHELDRAKE - The Sullivan County Sheriff's office said a husband and wife who had gone ice fishing were found dead submerged in a pond on Tuesday . Bait-fishing is the most popular way to catch stocked trout from the bank, but casting lures such as spinners and spoons or fly fishing can be effective as well. Overall, this trio of lakes offers plenty of space in a natural environment. One spot to consider is Bachelor Island Slough near Ridgefield and some of the other backwaters north and west of Vancouver. The other smaller ponds in the park likely have some of the same warmwater species but are not planted with trout. All four of its parks offer designated beaches and boat ramps. Those so-called warmwater fish species tend to bite best starting in the spring and continuing throughout summer and into early fall.