These articles deal with important issues that affect the future of education, residents and community in Lake County. Covid 19 Overview Archive 021021 Our students can dual-enroll at Lake-Sumter State College, choose from a variety of Advanced Placement courses for college credit, earn an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) diploma, and this fall we will apply for the International Baccalaureate Program, in hopes of making it available to students the following year. [2] COVID 19 Reopening Schools Archive 021021, Order of the Health Officer, No. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee. Its an alternative education program where we find a place for students with multiple suspensions or expulsions from their home school, he said. School Krystia Griffin is the Payroll Clerk for Leake It has been an honor to serve as Lake County Superintendent of Schools. WebThe mission of the Lake County Regional Office of Education is to serve as an advocate for education by providing effective leadership, performing regulatory functions in partnership Lake Hill was selected from a pool of nine candidates, Christensen said. He earned a masters degree in 2011, and his doctorate in 2016. The longtime Kalispell educator and administrator said he was not seeking a new position, but was persuaded to apply by his children. The County Superintendent has Dr. Debra Duardo was appointed Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools by the County Board of Supervisors in 2016, designating her as the top education leader of the nation's most populous and diverse county. He also served as principal of Linderman School when it was a middle school the dean of students and activities director for Kalispell Junior High, and as an English teacher at Flathead High School. Prior to becoming superintendent of Kalispell Public Schools, Hill was the Glacier High School principal for two years and spent 11 years as an assistant principal. Record keeping of numerous official school records, including the history of the schools. Making sure students attend school is also part of Karners responsibilities. Round Lake Area Schools Superintendent Dr. Donn Mendoza sent a message to parents on Monday about the investigation. As we work toward these goals, we will stay connected with parents every step of the way, keeping everyone informed through social media, phone calls, emails, school and district websites and the parent portal. The search process was precipitated last year, when Superintendent Wendy Wyman announced she would be Michael Munda, Karners predecessor at the safe school and the assistant superintendent who will now work for him, said he is looking forward to the new relationship. School What appealed to Hill about the position, aside from being closer to family, was the opportunity for professional growth. We raised our kids here. Web2023 Lake County Superintendents' Fall Leadership Conference Information Coming Soon FALL CONFERENCE SPONSORS Charter Member: PMA Financial Sponsor Members: She is currently in a rehabilitation facility, but plans to return to her Lake Bluff home, he said. He played nose guard on the football team at both places. Students of all ages are asking staff for snacks, theyre borrowing money, theyre taking meals without the ability to pay, or simply just not eating at all, said Laurie Dent, superintendent of the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District in suburban and rural Pierce County. Barbara Adams, director of federal programs, will fulfill the duties of superintendent for the time being. Lake Countys longtime regional superintendent of schools resigns Along with teacher certifications, Karner said he does the same with bus drivers. Division 22 Standards Assurances - Report to the Community, 2021-22 Student Investment Account Annual Report, Healthy and Safe Schools Plans and Documents, Lake County School District 71341 South 1st StreetLakeview, Oregon 97630541-947-3347 phone541-947-3386 fax, Preparing Today for a Successful Tomorrow. Former Lake County Regional Superintendent of Schools Roycealee Wood, far left, in a 2018 file photo. Patsy Barton is an Administrative assistant for Leake County Schools. We have so much to be proud of here in Lake County Schools. Kalispell Public Schools' top administrator is expected to interview March 7 for the Missoula County Public Schools superintendent position. WebThe duties of the County Superintendent of Schools as per MCA 20-3-205 include: General supervision of public schools in the county in collaboration with Montana's I am seeking re-election in WebCOUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Debra Duardo, M.S.W., Ed.D. Lake County Schools, Florida Published: Mar. ?F2= D2=2CJ 364@>6D S`ad[___]k^Am, kAm!=246 D2:5 fdT @7 9:D D2=2CJ H@F=5 4@>6 @FE @7 E96 t=< {2<6 3F586E 2?5 ad A6C46?E @7 9:D D2=2CJ H@F=5 4@>6 @FE @7 E96 $rr%r 3F586E]k^Am, kAmw6 :D 2 7@C>6C AC:?4:A2= @7 E96 %F?<92?? The School Board will officially She addresses school safety, mental health, Low 31F. Tamara Smith is a secretary for the Leake County Superintendent's Office. This is the second round of interviews the Missoula district has held for the superintendent position. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. I celebrate what our students and staff have accomplished so far, and I look forward to working with teachers and administrators to provide more opportunities for our students to get excited about learning and to prepare them for college and careers once they leave our schools. (Michael Karner / HANDOUT). [1] Kornegay's previous career experience includes working as the deputy superintendent, assistant superintendent for instruction, and director of school improvement and teacher training of Clay County Schools in Florida. Born in Rockford, Wood earned her undergraduate degree with a teaching certificate from Northwestern University in 1962, a masters degree from there two years later and began her career as an educator. We are part of a community that cares about and supports its children. WebDiane Kornegay is the superintendent of Lake County Schools. WENATCHEE The Wenatchee School Board unanimously moved Tuesday for superintendent candidate Kory Kalahar to serve in the role in an interim capacity on a two-year contract. (Photo provided). The Scotland County Board of Education voted unanimously to invoke the unilateral termination clause in LeGrands contract. Mission Statement The candidate selected for the position will replace interim Superintendent Russ Lodge, who will retire in June. Everything starts with a solid financial foundation, and he understands that, Munda said. Lake Co. ESD is one of five small ESDs in Oregon. Balmes was appointed Woods guardian Wednesday by order of the Lake County Circuit Court, according to the court clerks website. WebRegional Safe School Program Regional BASE Program 300 Center Drive Suite 108 Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: 847-872-1900 The responsibilities are all encompassing. WebThe Lake County ESD superintendent position is .85 FTE. Departing: School superintendent takes new job It is the mission of Lake County School District 7, using the highest educational and ethical standards, to engage all students in meaningful programs in a safe, motivating, and challenging school environment that will build skills for future success in academic and personal excellence, resulting in lifelong learners and productive citizens. Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. With dedicated teachers, staff and administrators, coupled with strong parent engagement and the support of community businesses and organizations, our students have everything they need to excel. Lake County superintendent discusses upcoming school year - WESH Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Cloudy. The primary role of the Lake County Office of Education is to ensure that our students and families are provided with the skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. Lake superintendent Phone: 352-253-6520 Email: Daily Inter Lake | March 1, 2023 1:06 PM. Grand Island Public School superintendent Matthew Fisher sits at his desk on Feb. 14. Mr. Decker's particular interests in county government include land planning, environmental health, and property tax relief. WEBSITE Thank you for reading! Superintendent of Schools | Lake County, MT County Superintendent 25;F?4E 724F=EJ >6>36C 2E (:=<6D &? Lodge stepped into the role when former Superintendent Rob Watson took the position as executive director of the School Administrators of Montana. Email Mrs. Hall. Claim this business. He described the decision as a difficult one. Lake County Superintendents I develop strategies to help the schools be successful, he said. Karner will earn $118,600 annually, according to state records. Going into a district in the starting stages of implementing those goals would definitely be exciting, Hill said. school Michael Carter was named the new Superintendent of the Lake County School District #7 SUBMITTED PHOTO Trending Now Red Rock auction postponed New Rogue Valley Tribune fills void after newspaper closures Lake County, Oregon Grand Jury Indictments Lake County, Oregon Grand Jury Indictments Lake County, Oregon News Districts / Districts & Schools Hart said Saturday she will begin a search to find a replacement to complete Woods remaining term. Brock FalkenbergLake County Superintendent of SchoolsOctober 2021. Box 1083Lucerne, California 95458(707) 274-5578 / Fax: (707) 274-9865Megan Grant, Principal/District Superintendent, 20932 Big Canyon RoadMiddletown, CA 95461(707) 987-4100 / Fax: (707) 987-4105Thad Owens, District Superintendent, 675 Clover Valley RoadUpper Lake, CA 95485(707) 275-2655 / Fax: (707) 275-0239Giovanni H. Annous, Ed.D., District Superintendent.