Maligning the armed forces? For me, its important to show the actual work is smart and thoughtful and heavily prepared and that I know my stuff so Im not just a pretty face. An ABC viewer is unlikely to ever learn that Sleepy Joe Bidens family has received a billion dollars and more from the sinofascists, or that while Vice President he was caught on camera blatantly using US aid as a lever to stall a Ukrainian investigation into possible corruption involving his son. The suckers and losers alleged quotes were nothing but a Democrat/media hit job based on anonymous smears in the face of attributed denials by several/many senior people present at the time. Why do the left have trouble with comprehension and nuance? Leigh Sales spends 32% of her interview time on Innovation Statement [9] In November 2022 Sales was announced as the new host of ABC TV's weekly biographical documentary series Australian Story, to commence the role in early 2023.[6]. Leigh Sales - Wikipedia Flashback 2013: Leigh Salesperson interviews Dr Craig Emerson on ABC $7.30 After publishing an opinion piece on social media bullying, Leigh Sales has come under criticism over her own past attacks on political figures. This editorial was originally published as part of theweekly subscriber-only newsletter and may be read online in the IA members-only area. Theres nothing like that on Australian radio that I can find. Any good corporate citizen should examine its role in promoting sensible and open debate versus hate speech and misinformation. Rather than a sympathetic interviewer keen to promote such alarmist nonsense, the one-time exercise queen would have been better off chatting to a qualified medical professional. She's great cleavage is our leigh sales and 'other' [vixen] -even though few weeks ago she disabused one of her viewers with some diatribe about taking craps at th end of one of her lateline shows - [ a certain individual being stalked practically to death by . Leigh Sales on the ABC TV's 7.30 last night Sept 16) "interviewed" Donald Trump's former press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Check my @ mentions after any big interview to see for yourself. Naturally the Chinese authorities suppress it vigorously even, it is reported, to the extent of harvesting the organs of Falun Gong members to help prolong the life of CCParty officials. I mostly watch prerecorded shows and zap through the ads, and the process is virtually the same whether I am watching the commercial channels or the ABC the only difference is that the Collectives ads are for itself rather than goods or services produced by dreaded capitalists. leigh sales political views. 52 Leigh St , Toronto, ON M6N3X is a single-family home listed for-sale at $1,299,900. Then a neighbour broke her door down, Irrigators fear federal government's new water buybacks will devastate farming communities, Why one of the most popular Australian politicians on TikTok won't allow the app on his phone, Noel Pearson says he will 'fall silent' if Voice referendum fails, Shravan is a much-needed skilled migrant. I havent listened to any radio for yonks, and it doesnt hurt a bit! It's been a year since the US withdrawal from Kabul. Those responsible should be ashamed.. From 2008 to 2010, Sales was a co-host of the ABC's Lateline, a late-night national current affairs show with a heavy emphasis on federal politics and international affairs. Support independent journalism Subscribeto IA. In other words, the Trump collusion beat-up flopped, so the NYT shifted to smearing Trump on other fronts, with the editor needing from reporters a further line of attack. [16] This in turn prompted a public conversation on the topic. That was the Deep State in action. Rohan Smith @ro_smith 3 min read September 15, 2021 - 12:10AM Enough is enough. We are all at home more and spending far more time online that we normally would, she told Perhaps Ill write another diatribe on that topic! [17][18][19][20], In November 2014, Sales started a podcast with Annabel Crabb called Chat 10 Looks 3. [vi] Fauci did not get the sense that President Trump was distorting anything about the coronavirus. The warmist scientists never predicted the warming hiatus after 2000, and they might (or might not) be wrong again. Indeed, is it only female journalistswho experience such bullying? Left-wing bias proves it is clearly 'their ABC' Digitally re-mastered, its return signals the beginning of a new chapter, with four sequels scheduled for release over the next six years. As of 2008, Curtis had made almost $57,000 in political donations, the lion's . When I remember, Ive been saving sexualised social media abuse to show you what all women in the public eye get constantly, whether you are Peta Credlin, Julia Gillard or anyone in between. She says she had one goal, and that is to ask frank questions of people in power, without fear or favour. eonon change home screen. As a thought-experiment, imagine Sales interviewing Joe Biden as follows: Mr Biden, last March your staffer Tara Reade alleged you sexually assaulted her. I well remember her fawning over Turnbull after he knifed Abbott in the back. Sign up to receive an email with the top stories from Guardian Australia every morning. leigh_sales. Your book makes it clear that youre heavily guided by your Christian faith and family values. She has covered this ground numerous times before, shaming those who attack her and sharing the sexualised abuse she receives. Sexist attacks on social media, and everywhere else, are never okay. Sales, Gillard and the 'Left-leaning Twitter' bully - Independent Australia She showed her characteristic toughness when she ducked a flying yoghurt pot aimed at her while she was speaking at an event in Perth in 2019. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > leigh sales political views. in 2020-29 a tags leigh sales, australia, 7.30, television, current affairs, women, women's rights, women's march, transcript, inequality, power, patriachy, abc tv, television presenter Kwame Nkrumah: 'Our capital flows out in streams to irrigate the whole system of Western economy', inaugural ceremony of the OAU Conference - 1953 John . No wonder the ABC experts all got the 2016 Trump election wrong, and they might get another nasty surprise in November. I did enjoy it. CCTV has caught the moment a Melbourne baker claims he was attacked by a tradie over nothing more than a note left on the mans windscreen. Theres been mounting speculation that ABC executives were likely to appoint either Insiders host David Speers or political correspondent Laura Tingle, who filled in as 7.30 host over the summer break. Sales also hosted the ABC's Australia Votes for the 2016 Australian Election and again for the 2019 election and hosted her last in 2022. I think that the obligation on journalists is to listen to everybody. Her interview with John Laws in 2012 was another standout, although she left it out of her list of memorable moments when announcing her decision to leave on Thursday. Now lets get specific. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License POLITICS MEDIA WOMEN It is ridiculous to cite a puny, human-caused heating of under 1degC in a century as the cause of the wildfires when lax forest management was admitted this week by Californias Governor himself. I havent examined the ABCs budget, but I am sure Classic FMs share is minuscule compared with the news and current affairs department, what with its overseas bureaux and all, and could surely exist with funds redirected from the plastic and dramatic arts currently wasted on jars of urine or two hours of silence, or whatever treat the next cunning but otherwise unemployable confidence-trickster grant-dependent artist dreams up. She covered the Iraq War, the 2004 US Presidential election, Guantanamo Bay and Hurricane Katrina and served asABCsWashington correspondent from 2001-2005. Sales ABC pal David Lipson endorsed the anonymous smears on 7pm news and Ive complained to the ABC about this bias (no response yet). Lots of advertisers on the UK one. Accused of spying, the mild-mannered economics professor had endured solitary confinement and horrible conditions in a series of prisons. Its actually backed up by doing the work.. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Ms Sanders was anything but fiery but very polite and respectful. Leigh Sales (@leigh_sales) Instagram photos and videos leigh_sales Verified Follow 706 posts 137K followers 241 following Leigh Sales Journalist. Sanders should have walked off but instead took on the compere. lisa left eye zodiac sign Search. Leigh Sales grills Barnaby Joyce over political donations As I rarely watch anything in real time these days anyway this would not be much of a burden. Technological change long ago undermined the case for a Government-owned broadcaster. It covers the rise of opinion in place of straight news reporting and the value of bringing a sceptical mindset to politics and policy, instead of ideological certainty. Leigh Sales: You cant say anything about the reporting of US election other than the fact that so few people were able to see it coming shows there is definitely a failure in the reporting of it. Enjoyed this speech? (I speak as a loyal listener of 70 odd years. For me, its important to show the actual work is smart and thoughtful and heavily prepared and that I know my stuff so Im not just a pretty face - Leigh Sales, Sales and former captain of the Australian national cricket team Shane Warne, Sales and Bill Nighy following an interview on ABC's flagship current affair program 7.30 in 2017, The veteran journalist spoke with Leadership Institute Executive Director and Konnect Learning Director Dana Lightbody at the Women in Leadership Summit 2018, Leigh Sales shares the harsh truth about women in the media. While she seems to prefer radio, Fran Kelly, who stood down from RN Breakfast very recently, cant be ruled out. [iv] ABC News accepts thatthe 14 March segmentwas in error by stating thatMr Trumpcalled the coronavirus outbreak a hoax; it does appear that he was referring to thecriticisms by the Democratic Party of the Federal Governments handling of the coronavirus. Few people truly knew what the Queen was like behind closed doors, but Australian-born Samantha Cohen had unique insight. Thisfemale journalist, like many others, is certainly not immune to sexist attacks just for taking a progressive stance on IA. ABC News Breakfast co-host Lisa Millar has abandoned Twitter after a torrent of abuse about everything from her interview style to whether she smiles. leigh sales political views [6], Sales was born in Brisbane and attended Aspley State High School in that city. This is an abridged transcript from Breakthrough, a two-day event in Melbournepresented by Victorian Womens Trust. Sales in mid-sentence did her own slip of the tongue in the heat of the moment Sanders corrected Sales that she was not under oath to the investigation, but giving a voluntary interview. Its such a great series that is able to tell those personal stories in such illuminating ways. 33w. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. 'Suck on that, Kerry O'Brien': the highs and lows of Leigh Sales on 7. Unfortunately, the interview proceeded for the usual length of time a total of 16.33 minutes, which viewers will never get . Falun Gong is a peaceful religious group focussed on meditation which could in an ideal world contribute to the CCPs overthrow. Similarly, Sales has launched no follow-up of her political infatuation with James Comey to disclose his mis-use and lying about the fake Steele [Russian pee] dossier. You can follow managing editor Michelle Pini on Twitter @vmp9. The platform certainly hasnt intervened to date. Senior Systems Administrator, 10/2006 - 10/2007. It might well be taken up by a billionaire socialist and simply become the on-air version of the Saturday Paper. You cant even trust as an Australian that you wont be made a fool of by the Australian cricket team.I mean, this is night after night on 7.30 that we have these stories and I just think it is sickening to see this constant situation where powerful people and institutions exploit less powerful people.And I think from what the public says to me on the street, that they are sick of people coming on my show, when they get found out and saying, oh, Im so sorry, I had no idea this was happening cant take any more questions about it, because weve commissioned a report into it. Perhaps ABC management should just rid themselves of Ms Sales! I was prompted to write this article after seeing Leah Sales deranged hatchet job on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, without doubt one of the nicest people associated with the Trump presidency. Brilliant rod.stuart and deric davidson! peterda123. Listen to people that you disagree with. leigh sales political views - Copyright 2023 The New Daily. This plays into their narcissism.. Ex-minister Stuart Robert 'takes responsibility' for Robodebt implementation, British MP rejects claims by Dutton that UK does not have capacity to build nuclear-powered submarines, The broader debate about tax changes that could improve the budget bottom line, An interview with US special envoy to LGBTQI, Jessica Stern, Mark Humphries takes on the changes to super tax breaks, NSW government facing accusations of pork barrelling over bushfire grants program, Allegra Spender says government's super changes a 'missed opportunity', Albanese government working on whistleblower protections, Australia has 'huge role to play' in combatting climate change, says Bill Gates, Sean Turnell speaks to 7.30 on how he coped in Myanmar prisons, Extended Interview: Greta Thunberg tells Australia to wake up on the climate emergency, How British Vogues Edward Enninful made himself visible in the fashion industry, China's Ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, speaks to 7.30, Extended interview: Why James Cameron may not direct the final 'Avatar' sequel, The Queen remembered for her sense of fun and duty by her former aide, Jacinda Ardern, New Zealands Prime Minister talks to 7.30, Photographer Andrew Quilty on the fall of Kabul, Indigenous leader Noel Pearson speaks to 7.30, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, speaks to 7.30, British MP rejects Dutton's claim the UK does not have capacity to build Australia's nuclear-powered subs, Slow buyback scheme pushes flood-affected residents to sell homes on the open market, As Cyclone Gabrielle hit, Ra Kupa thought she 'was a goner'. Leigh Sales launches into new era of political bullies I was disgusted with the presentation and believe the ABC, being a reflection of the Australian people, can do a lot better-if not, then we can well do without your ABC which is sad because I have been an ABC listener since a child. Thanks Tony, Then there is David Speers, Insiders host, and Stan Grant, the ABCs international affairs analyst and presenter of China Tonight. Three-and-a-half years ago, Shravan Nagesh relocatedto Australia looking for better prospects and opportunities. In the case of Gillard, Sales was certainly happy to repeat the vituperative commentary about Gillard. MLS # 22029453 After its bold move on super yesterday, the Albanese government is putting the finishing touches to promised measures to protect public integrity. Anyone who can stomach wading into mentions of @leighsales will find that virtually hourly, I am abused for doing my job, with a stream of tweets goading me to quit, demanding the ABC sack me, telling me Im useless, stupid, biased and incompetent, she wrote. The stories which she covered included the Iraq War, the 2004 U.S. presidential election, Guantanamo Bay, and Hurricane Katrina.[8]. ABC Classic FM is OK but it does play an awful lot of dirges, good for you music that obviously seriously musically-minded people enjoy, but that people driving along hoping to get something tuneful they know and love in the classical canon will rarely find. Sales also only ever seemsto notice such behaviour when it is levelled at journalists. Election hosting was a role which had been OBriens domain for decades. Those questions would have been followed up with the reprimand barked at Sanders, Mrs Clinton, you are not addressing my questions., LEIGH SALES: Somebody who has watched 30-plus years of your career would see extreme hours, high pressure, sexism, relentless public attacks, loss of privacy, HILLARY CLINTON (laughs): Ooh, sounds pretty horrible, doesnt it? Sales packed into eight minutes all conceivable ABC bias, venom and hatred of a US President now polling 51 per cent, according to the latest Rassmussen, profile of the electorate a figure reflecting support before the signing of the twin Israeli peace deals with UAE and Bahrain. In cabinet? Close (Laughs). Shes very unprofessional! Its still very blokey there is still a huge way to go, Sales. As Sales suggested,Let's not duck the common thread here' only it was Right, not Left-leaning Twitter users, plus many, many assorted politicians and journalists who openly targeted these progressive women. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized As the hard-hitting face hammering politicians as they worm their way out of curly questions, two-time Walkley Award winning journalist Leigh Sales is one fierce force. DG: I never drive on the Eyre Highway. True. Its such a brilliant program with such a history of making the most beautiful shows and telling the most moving stories.. She also reported on several major news events, including Donald Trumps 2016 election victory and the death of Nelson Mandela in 2013. But one only has to look at the barrage of social media abuse experienced by prominent progressive women such as Gillian Triggs, Yassmin Abdel-Magied and, of course, Julia Gillard to see that abuse is hardly confined to political stance. [15] It examines the way people adapt to life-changing blindsides, drawing on Sales' personal experience as well as her years covering high-profile news events that drastically changed people's lives. It is the ongoing needless deaths of women at the hands of their partners which was met with the Government voting against 49 of the 55 respect@work safety recommendations by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. In Gillards case, she was run out of office with placards and prominent media personalities calling for her death and the Liberal Party faithfulbrazenly smearing her at glittering fundraising events by serving up menus such as the following: 'Julia GillardKentucky Fried Quail Small Breasts, Huge Thighs and a Big Red Box.'. Sales shock departure will close the book on a more-than 11-year stint at the helm of the news program. SALES TO SANDERS: I notice youre not addressing the central premise of my question which is how somebody like Donald Trump squares with the values you espouse? A great opening for someone who can get it together there. Not allowing her X chromosome to get in the way of becoming the best Australian interviewer, Sales is also paving the way to empowering women. 119,408 views. 114 W Leigh St , Homer, MI 49245-1030 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $154,900. Reston Now is the up-to-the-minute source for breaking news, business news, weather, schools, politics, events and happenings in Reston and Herndon, Virginia A major change to how people use TikTok is to be rolled out in the coming weeks and it could affected how millions use the social media site. Chief political correspondent Laura Tingle reports. Clearly they hope to assist the creation of a racist Constitution, treating aboriginal Australians, mostly of mixed decent, as a favoured dare one say pet group and duplicating the US Democrat Partys left-voting plantation. 'It means a lot to me': Leigh Sales on the significance of her new [21][22] The podcast won two awards at the 2019 Australian Podcast Awards in the Literature, Arts & Music and TV, Film & Pop Culture categories. Again. Leigh Sales's Boyfriend: Who is Leigh Sales Dating? - CelebsInsights Technical Lead / Senior Systems Programmer / Senior Systems Administrator. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Radio stations can broadcast more powerful signals with greater digital fidelity. Ace RV Rentals & Sales | Herndon VA - Facebook Am I alone in being nauseated with every change of location in Gardening Australia being told that we are now on land of the watsamattabrudda tribe sorry, thats First Nation? In boardrooms? The question that makes many working mothers blood boil is something Sales encouraged the audience at The Leadership Institutes powerful Women in Leadership Summit to embrace. Yours Sincerely. I think the thing is we need to ask men more, Sales says. Shes got such a great intelligence, creativity, and a great heart, Collins said. However, are female journalists frequently bullied on social media in particular and are the perpetrators actually representative of the Left? I forecast Trump returning with a much expanded majority largely due to the black vote. Reston, Va. News and Information We should be calling out disgraceful behaviour from wherever it hails, not weaponising it to fuel ideological battlegrounds. Douglas S Leigh, 80 - Herndon, VA - Reputation & Contact Details Sarah Ferguson interviews Allegra Spender, the Independent MP for Wentworth, a former Liberal stronghold and one of the wealthiest electorates inthe country. I feel like Im constantly asking myself this question did something change in this country? Did something change, that the standard for behaviour now is not I have to do the right thing or I have to do what I promised I said I would do, but instead how much can I get away with?I think that, from what I hear people say on 7.30 Australians are sick of this kind of situation.Theyre sick of banks gouging their accounts with fees and charges while somehow missing large scale money laundering, thats funnelling millions of dollars overseas to terrorism or child exploitation.Theyre sick of highly profitable nursing homes taking money from families, and then neglecting or abusing mum or dad.Theyre sick of financial advisors who promise to take peoples life savings and help them pay for their retirement, knowing the entire time that theyre fleecing them.I think the unemployed, students, pensioners were pretty sick of being harassed by a powerful government department to repay debt that they never actually even owed in the first place.People are tired of private health insurance constantly upping fees, then you go to a specialist and they go oh sorry its not covered by private health.Theyre sick of telecommunications companies that promised the world when you sign up for the Internet, and then when youre having a problem with it and it wont work, they wont pick up their phone to answer your call in any kind of timely fashion.Theyre sick of rich multinational companies underpaying their workers and then not even having the common courtesy to ring people when those workers are killed on the job.Theyre sick of priests abusing children in their care, or scoutmasters. But neither is suggesting that such deplorable behaviour is in any wayconfined to Twitter users or the exclusive domain of the Left. Some women, such as Yassmin Abdel-Magied, experienced such sustained and vicious campaigns at the hands of conservatives, that they wereliterally run out of the country. Donate, Sales, Gillard and the 'Left-leaning Twitter' bully, Morrison, Robert, Tudge & Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, EDITORIAL: Morrison, Robert, Tudge & Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, Top 5 reasons why Peter Dutton should no longer be heard, Morrison and Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, Media's censorship of major issue in pre-election NSW appalling, Chalmers fights political battle for the future of super, Breach of disabled access law leaves Banking Association lost for words, Morrison, Finlay and a tame but not Tame enough Womens Summit, Media bias for Berejiklian and against Andrews is clear, The vilification of Yassmin Abdel-Magied: Anzac as apologia and religion, Flashback 2013: Leigh Salesperson interviews Dr Craig Emerson on ABC $7.30, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License, Its not dating apps that harm women its the men on them, Perfectly measured Black Sesame Panna Cotta: Immeasurable pleasure on a plate, Morrison and Robodebt-responsible ministers deserve to lose their jobs, CARTOONS: Mark David is channelling Chicken Little, Chinas peace plan shot down by Western propaganda machine. Her co-host Michael Rowland said what she was subjected to was next level. LS:If I found out I had an interview with Donald Trump, Id spend every waking moment trying to figure out the best thing to ask him because Id consider it so important. The legendary radio broadcaster agreed to come on 7.30 and talk about his old rival Alan Jones, but ended up flirting with Sales as he nursed a glass of whisky. Powell, as I showed above, is very definitely in cahoots with the Democrats. The veteran journalist delivered her final show on Thursday, June 30, 2022with an emotional sign-off after more than a decade of hard-hitting interviews. It is overwhelmingly left-leaning Twitter users who are targeting ABC journalists for abuse. Woodwards claims are not only many months stale, but themselves misleading. All the others and I include here Tony Jones, Leigh Sales, The Drum, Fran Kelly, Alison Carabine, Sarbra Lane and Marius Benson and others. Whether it's shielding oneself from the vile comments of online trolls or finding the sweet work-life balance, the 7.30 anchor explains the reality of being a woman in the media. Leigh Sales launches into new era of political bullies Leigh Sales has described in detail what is wrong with bullies and trolls who attack her and other female journalists for doing their job. Leigh Sales (@leigh_sales) Instagram photos and videos Or, to ask the real question, will they disappear? The answer of course is no, they wont. But whether or not that is the case, the criticism, by and large, appears to be of her professional performance. Climate activist Greta Thunberg has called on the world to wake up to the climate emergency, days out from this years UN Climate Summit in Egypt. The top medico Dr Fauci denies that Trump misled the public. To cap it off, in 2017 he cast the pivotal vote with Democrats to block Trumps repeal of Obamacare. It was so far ahead of its time. My focus in this piece has been on Sales interviewing rather than Sanders responses. Please try again. Ferguson filled in as 7.30 host for six months while Sales was on maternity leave in 2014, before moving on to Four Corners. In California especially, the heat island effect has grown with the states development. The Walkley Award-winner and Member of the Order of Australia (AM) recipient is hugely respected for her no-nonsense approach to interviews. Every year or so, Sales comes out with a spray against sexist leftists on Twitter. In December 2010, Sales was appointed anchor of the ABC's current affairs program, 7.30. Get exclusive deals, discounts, news and more made just for you. That she generally gives conservative politicians an amiable armchair ride, while ferociously grilling Labor and Greens MPs. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. He certainly is a divisive political figure - but so was . When I look at the filth dished up about Stan Grant, one of the smartest, most decent men I know, it is clearly a form of racial vilification. She blasted back at the mainstream media and its pro-Democrat lies, epitomised by the medias two years of phony Russia-collusion scoops. Leigh Sales interviews Hillary Clinton - 7.30