These 774 local government areas, extended unevenly across the 36 states, are further divided into wards. Also, thereareclaims that if these officers reduce their salaries and allowances,there will bemore funds for development but the level of truth in this is what we cant say for now. The furniture allowance is N4,011,675 while the leave allowance is N133,722.50. Copyright 2018 - 2023 TheNigerianInfo. Ripples Nigeria. However, their annual salaries stand at N2,049,843.75 and a Constituency Allowance of 25 percent of their Annual Salaries. It has been disputed that considering the countrys current economic problems, the Governors pay is still excessive and should be lowered, especially because they continue to receive additional perks. . The allowances received by the members of the upper legislative chamber is far more than their salaries indicate. 300 percent as gratuity upon a successful completion of his tenure. This is on annual basis. After completing his tenure, the governor is expected to receive a N6,671,115 severance gratuity. Their role is to make laws for the local government area, similar to what the House of Assembly members do at the state level and what the National Assembly members do at the federal level. !, what do i need to do? Well, the general administrative and operational setup of LGAs in Nigeria has changed. Medview Airline to buy two CRJ-900 Bombardier aircrafts on lease, Expert Discusses Biggest Challenges Facing HMOs in Nigeria and possible Solutions, Buhari to Get Copy of 2018 Budget this Week House of Reps, USAID COMMITS ADDITIONAL $7 MILLION TO COMBAT EBOLA, AfDB, others Commit to Joint Action to Speed up Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones in Africa. The Deputy State Governors in Nigeria earn N2.11 million monthly as basic salary. Furthermore, the governors medical expenditures are borne entirely by the state. Afikpo North chair sets records with salary bonus - Blueprint The average salary in Nigeria for 2023: Detailed comparison By. Local Government Councilors' and Local Government Secretaries' Salaries The governors website can offer direct access to the extensive information about the governor and his or her goals or projects, as well as an organized venue for constituent feedback via feedback forms, email, and online surveys. Names of Local Government Chairmen in Nigeria? - Answers The Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Package (RMAFP) offers additional insight into governors expenditures throughout the country. The salaries of the chairmen of the State Civil Service Commission, State Judicial Service Commission, Local Government Service Commission, State Independent Electoral Commission, Chairmen, and Chief of Staff to Governor falls within the same range. See How To Advertise. This article examines the process of being appointed a Local Government Councillor in Nigeria. A vehicle loan is equal to 400% of the yearly basic wage. These employees may perform merely administrative duties or specialize in specific policy problems or case management, depending on the state, territory, or commonwealth. It has an area of 63 km 2 and a population of 103,555 at the 2006 census. Presently, Nigeria has 774 local government councils, hence, 774 local government chairmen. RECOMMENDED: Importance of local government in Nigeria Functions of the Local government. A vehicle loan of N8,448,860 is also available to the deputy. It should be noted that not all public office holders are elected; some are appointed. LawPd | Legal information for Nigerians. directive to councils to slash the jumbo package. A candidate is expected to fulfil all conditions to be qualified. On matters that have sparked a lot of attention, the governor may utilize standardized replies in some circumstances. To. There's also a N1.362.468 furniture allowance that comes once every four years. The deputy governor is the states second city, and his yearly pay is somewhat lower than that of the state governor. The remuneration of the Secretary to the State Government and Commissioner is N10,831,522, which includes an annual base salary of N1.337.225. The loan amount is N8.448,860. 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Each of the ministers is also entitled to N6,079,200 as furniture allowance, which is paid once in four years. It all depends on how 'sharp' you are i.e how one can magically siphon & poach the dividends and treasure of the masses, The annual budget allocated to each of Nigeria's mostly redundant local government chairmen is in excess of 1.17 Billion naira, or, I think the precise and relevant information required by the poster is the. Half of these political officials salaries, if put into proper use, could give hundred thousands of unemployed youths useful employment. The Council comprises of the Chairman who is the Chief Executive of the LGA, and other elected members referred to as Councillors. members of house of representatives salaries, nigeria speaker and deputy speaker salary, Still on Salaries: Another Civil Servant Added to the Long List of Casualties, Peter Obi Gives Reasons for Saving in both Naira and Dollar, How to Manage your Salary and Savings during Coronavirus Outbreak, Tips to Effectively Work from Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak, Salaries of Sales and Marketing Professionals in Kenya, New Civil Servants Salary Structure in Kenya, Highest Paying Entry Level Jobs in Nigeria, 6 Best and Worst Times to Ask for a Raise, Alternative Means Of Income For Motorcycle And Tricycle Drivers. The salary of the deputy local government chairman is estimated at N5,630, 169.60 and this is made up of an annual basic salary of N853,056 per annum. Heremay be abreakdown of whatgovernmentchairmen earnwithin thecountry: For salaries of the deputygovernmentchairman,itsestimated at 5,630,169.60. It has an area of 1,569 km and a population of 110,223 at the 2006 census. Just like the Senate President, the Federal Government provides his vehicles and their maintenance. The deputys annual salary is N10.772,296. Copyright 20062023 Sahara Reporters, Inc. All rights reserved. Plateau 2022: PDP's Caleb Mutfwang Accused Of Owing LG Workers For 10 Checks by SaharaReporters showed that the local council chairmen get allowances for motor and vehicles fuelling and maintenance; entertainment; newspapers and periodicals, domestic staff, personal assistant, constituency and utilities.. Often times the salary of public office holders is often a subject of controversy as many have claimed that one of the reasons for the rising cost of governance in the country is the money allocated to pay the salaries of these officers. These expectations range from policy formulations to the execution of sustainable projects targeted at improving the lives of citizens and many more. He receives $750 and N30, 000 for estacode and Duty Tour, respectively. Ilesa West is a Local Government Area in Osun State, Nigeria. READ MORE:Nigerias President Receives Some Ridiculous Allowances, Stephen Saad, South African billionaire businessman and the owner of the renowned pharmace, The Board of Director of Medview Airline Plc has resolved to engage in lease . March 4, 2023. You have selected an article from the AllAfrica archive, which requires a subscription. According to the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation And Fiscal Commission, the council chairmen are also entitled to allowances for special assistants, personal assistants and domestic workers among others. The RMAFC breakdown reads, Motor Vehicle fuelling and maintenance. Being the most important citizen of the state isnt a simple road to steer on. AllAfrica publishes around 500 reports a day from more than 100 news organizations and over 500 other institutions and individuals, representing a diversity of positions on every topic. Who is your Local Government Chairman? - Stears Business 2011}. But first, what does it take to become a Nigerian governor, just in case you have the intentions of becoming one some time in the future. TMG charges INEC to redeem image with governorship election Nigerian Governors Salary: How Much Governors in Nigeria Earn - 9JATODAY Nigeria: Councillors Still Earn N120,000 Monthly, Says Algon Chief The sole advantage is that you simply are paid well for occupying such positions. All the senators who have just finished their terms at the 7th National Assembly are therefore entitled to 300 percent of the annual salaries as gratuity. The work of a public officer also shouldnt be done due to the advantages or gains but as a service to humanity and therefore the folks that elected you. This is for people who are unable to afford a lawyer. Comprehensive Monthly Salaries of all Politicians in Nigeria from What GPA is Required for Full Scholarship in USA? And if s/he needs to travel on foreign trips, theres also no set limit to how much s/he can spend. However, his vehicles and their maintenance are provided by the Federal Government. Others allowances are constituency allowance, annual leave, hardship allowance, wardrobe, newspapers and responsibility allowances, etc. PDP guber candidate rubbishes Gov Lalong's allegations of unpaid salaries Similarly, his clothing and newspapers are provided for the also. Senators receive $ 1,000 as estacode and a duty tour allowance of N23, 000 per night. At the end of his/her tenure, s/he receives a separate N2,559,168.00 as severance gratuity. But obviously, as longas theNigerian system is involved, we all know that most of these governors dont live by the salaries stated above, as governors with no exception can boast of acquiringbillions of Naira in their private accounts at the end of their tenure. Just like the governor, the accommodation and furniture allowance of the deputy governor is provided for by the state government. This sum consists of annual basic salary of N 908,312; N1,362, 468 for furniture (once in four years); N90,831.20 as leave allowance and N3,633,248 as a vehicle loan. Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox. Also, the deputy LG chairman receives a furniture allowance of N1,279,584 and a vehicle loan of N3,412,224 in additiona to a leave allowance of N85,305.60. Local Government Chairmen are paid a total annual compensation of N5.994.65, which includes a N908,312 basic pay. SaharaReporters learnt that the Local Government Chairmen receive a total of about N5,994,659, starting from as far back as 2010, as the RMAFC is currently in the process of reviewing the pay even higher. Some of the items here are not listed above. If you require legal advice, please consult with a qualified lawyer. Oyo State governor, 'Seyi Makinde, on Wednesday, took his campaign tour of local governments to Lagelu Local Government, where he declared that his administration would localise industries in the . I think the OP is shocked at the transformation a certain LG chairman went through within a short time and is wondering if his new found salary can pay for such. Incidentally, in the last administration, almost all senators were chairmen of various committees. pls can anyone help me with the total annual salary (including allowances) of a local govt chairman in nigeria, especially in lagos. Your email address will not be published. Severance Gratuity; 200%; N2,724,936; Leave; 10%; N90,831:20." SaharaReporters learnt that the Local Government Chairmen receive a total of about N5,994,659, starting from as far back as 2010,. If any of the ministers desires, he or she is also entitled to N8,105,600 as motor vehicle allowance. Theres also a N1.362.468 furniture allowance that comes once every four years. Yes, the total number of local government in Nigeria is 774. This comes as the TMG criticized the February 25 general election's organization and said INEC allegedly failed to offer a clear mandate. Other benefits include a leave allowance N9o.831.20 and a vehicle loan N9o.831.20. The governor will get a severance payment of N6,671,115 at the end of his term. In addition, they collect 75 percent for constituency allowance, 25 percent for Personal Assistant. The deputy receives N10,772,296 per annum. According to the approved earnings earned to public office holders in 2009, a state governor is entitled to 400 percent of his yearly base pay, which is N8,894,820.00, like allowances for car upkeep. These set of people to be mentioned occupy vital offices that operate within the state to ensure that a smooth and successful tenure of the Governor is achieved. Requests for scheduling are frequently addressed to the governors scheduler. It includes salaries of the President, Vice President, Senate President, Speaker of National House of Representative, Federal Ministers, States Governors, Members of National Assembly, States Commissioners, Local Government Chairmen, Councilors and etc. His duty Tour Allowance stands at N 35,000 per night and an estacode (travel allowance) of $900 per night. If youre wondering how much a Nigerian governor makes, look no further; this article will inform you on Nigerian governors salaries based on the minimum wage raised in 2021. Nigeria has 774 Local Governments Areas (LGA). Constituents seldom pay unplanned visits to a governor. Specifically, the salaries for each are as follows; Based on the total package prepared by the RMAFC, the Presidents (Muhammadu Buhari) annual salary and allowances stand at N14.4 million. This may just be a valid point if Nigeria will move forward. Belowmay be abreakdown of what they earn: The only difference between the allowances of commissionersandsecretaries at the state level is on their foreign trips, whichis restrictedto $600 whilean areatripis aboutat N25,000. Media & Communications Based on 1 salaries Sign Language Interpreter 1 salary View More Sales Based on 1 salaries Travel Consultant 1 salary View More Additionally, the Revenue Mobilization Allocationand monetaryPackage (RMAFP)may be awelfare package that probably explains more on the spending of governorswithin thecountry. In addition, they receive 50 percent of their salaries as Vehicle and Maintenance allowance; another 50 percent for domestic staff; 10 percent for utilities and another 10 percent for House maintenance. Furniture allowance is received once in four years. For instance, each senator receives 75 percent of the annual salary as the allowance for a vehicle and its maintenance. The state governor earns an average annual salary of N11,540,896 with the annual basic salary being N2,223,705 while the annual leave allowance is N222,370.50. How to become a Local Government Councillor in Nigeria The Secretary to the State Government and Commissioner receives an salary of N10,831,522 which is made up of an annual basic salary of N1,337,225. In the nearest future, we hopeto experiencea less corrupt and transparent systemof government, one that can rely anddepend ontheir monthly salariesinstead ofembezzling public funds. In recent years, the public has begun to communicate with governors via email and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Also the state takes care of the medical bills. Unless the remuneration package is reviewed downward or upward by the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission, the legislators will continue to enjoy the current official salaries and allowances. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / How Much Is The Annual Package Of An Lg Chairman (24826 Views), Akwa-Ibom LG Chairman Arrested For Smuggling $82,000 Into USA / Borno LG Chairman Punished Publicly By Soldiers / Nobody Has Power To Sack LG Chairman(mayor)but can impeach a president By Musiwa (2) (3) (4), 2nd Term: Governor Yahaya Bello Relocates To Abuja / Independence Day Celebrations Of The 1970s And 1980s (Videos And Memories) / Deji Adeyanju Raises Alarm Over Political Campaign In SE Churches, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). NPF Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form, Registration Portal www.npf Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. Dr. Garba Danjuma - Director General - Taraba State AIDS Control Agency