Topics include emotional intelligence, affect theory, emotional scripts, emotional triggering and reactivity, presence, centering, listening skills, and discriminating between content and process. Janine J. - Associate Professor - Edith Cowan University | LinkedIn THOMAS A. EDISON Contents Title Page Dedication Epigraph Introduction I. 107 Jobs in Selcuklu, Konya, Turkey (12 new) Society today is shaped by past paradigms of consciousness as well as those which are newly emerging. What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? In this fourth course in the professional project sequence, students develop, carry out, and reflect on a specific work project that supports one of their short-term objectives. COR 3145 Research Writing (4 units), 2023 John F. Kennedy University, All Rights Reserved. Perhaps the most mysterious and intriguing aspect of the universe is the fact that it has evolved to include living beings with experience and even self-consciousness. been generally thought that these processes that allow the information to change the decisions were dependent on consciousness. Our goal for every student is enlightenment the systematic development of full potential from within. In this view, experience is as fundamental a feature of the universe as is space, time, energy, and matter. The course also focuses on effective communication, the capacity to attune to anothers experience while remaining connected to ones own. The 4-course professional project sequence is designed to support students attainment of right livelihood. I also understand that certain degree programs may not be available in all states. Shamanic practices and rituals that acknowledge and strengthen relationship to family, community, and the earth are sorely lacking in our modern culture, yet with each persons ancestral lineages can be found evidence of earth-based spirituality, nurtured and supported through shamanic traditions. AND choose 6 quarter units from the following, Recommended Preparation:CNS5275;Prerequisite:CNS5017. Step one: Gather the documents and information you need to apply, including your Social Security number and bank account direct deposit information. This course surveys the integral and evolutionary developmental philosophies of Ken Wilber, Steve McIntosh, Terri OFallon, and Otto Laske, with significant experiential emphasis on a new, developmentally oriented integral meditation practice. The Coach Training Program is embedded within the Consciousness & Transformative Studies MA degree and is designed to provide a professional pathway into the coaching field. This course includes practical training. Online Master's Programs in California for 2023 | Online Masters Colleges Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Empowerment or Disempowerment: The Seeking to look beyond the value of street art as a tourism product, by combining . Webslidestest - List | Diigo Undergraduate Prerequisites [1] Through lectures, discussions, videos, and hands-on exercises, students gain knowledge of how to help themselves and others live satisfying and meaningful lives that contribute to the greater good. Our Mission The course emphasizes insights and applications for improving and deepening relationships with oneself and others. Master of Arts in Consciousness and Transformative Studies | John F The writing method fosters empathy, discernment, trust and confidence, and offers clear guidelines for cultivating a safe writing environment through the use of positive, non-judgmental feedback, deep listening and witnessing. Communism is both radical and conservative in spirit, hardly surprising as it's a deeply moralistic ideology that developed in reaction to the revolutionary upheavals of capitalism. This class explores the nature of paradigms, how they emerge, and how they are sustained and changed. (prereq: CNS 5013 Interpersonal)
In addition, it incorporates the new sciences of living systems theory, neuroscience, quantum physics and cosmology. The MA in Process-oriented Facilitation and Conflict Studies (MAPOF) teaches students to facilitate inner psychology, body symptoms and dreambody, relationship work, organizations and world. The program is designed not only to galvanize wisdom, courage, love, joy, and vitality, but also to enrich ones sense of meaning, passion, and purpose. master of arts in consciousness and transformative studies jobs (prereq: CNS 5126 Qualitative Research A)
master of arts in consciousness and transformative studies jobs A Tarnished clawed their way towards glory, and found herself wrenched further than she ever should have gone. As a graduate of National Universitys Master of Arts in Consciousness and Transformative Studies program, youll gain knowledge, skills, and capacities in the following areas: Enrolling in a university is a big decision. Students develop greater body consciousness through exercises addressing parts of the body, body systems, and their body in relationship to self, other and the natural world. Certification Master Spiritual Psychology Coach-New Thought . This course continues to practice skills and principles of effective communication with a focus on intersubjective contexts. by Dreaming_Magpie. Summary. The focus of this course will be on understanding the coaching process and developing basic coaching competencies. Become a member of NUs global community. The project serves as a creative and practical bridge to help students to translate and apply their CTS experience to their post-CTS professional life. It was most extreme and 'radical' in changing . Developmental models assist us in perceiving the growth potentials across the human life span, which include conscious leadership. Explores 1) how themes of consciousness, spiritual transformation, and the paranormal are portrayed in popular media through novels, comics, film, TV, video games, and art and 2) how our consciousness, spirituality, and transformative potentials are impacted and expanded through these popular representations. Continuing the approach of CNS 5126, this course provides students with an in-depth exposure to participatory action research methods. Learn more about the Coach Training Program here. If a student wishes to transition outside the National University system, articulation agreements are being developed at the following universities: Acknowledging that the journey of identifying our authentic purpose would not be complete without the practical skills necessary to make that vision a reality, our program devotes a portion of required coursework to professional development topics such as writing, teaching, publishing, entrepreneurship, and coaching. Taken from a variety of cultural traditions, such practices transform the objectification of nature into an appreciation of its presence, beauty, and powers of healing. This involves skillfully managing the natural ongoing process of self-disclosure, being mindful of how groups develop over time, learning basic skills of Non-Violent Communication, and giving and receiving feedback in emotionally healthy ways. Students develop lesson plans, assess their personal teaching styles, and discuss philosophical principles of holistic education. Since 1971, our mission has been to provide accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners. To learn more, visit the new program page. CNS 5349 Integral Life Spiritual Practice. Ancestral stories, family traditions, and the great teaching stories from our cultures shape us and condition our perceptions of self and world. Assistant or Associate Professor, Liberal Studies (Early Childhood Students learn to create, grow, and sustain a group so that its unfolding process is built on safety. This professional development course enables students to gain comfort and facility guiding both structured exercises and also sharing what arises for each member in a less structured context. Students integrate a repertoire of body-centered skills to apply to personal challenges, spiritual growth and life enrichment. Program availability varies by state. Students apply these principles and practices to a selected area of interest (ecology, psychological development, community/cultural development, education, business or spiritual leadership, etc). Learn how to coach from an integral perspective that engages the complexity and potential of the whole person mind, body, heart and spirit. Adjunct Faculty - Master of Arts in Consciousness and Transformative Cosmology is the study of the origin, structure, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. This extremely practical introduction contains numerous case studies showing theory in action, aiding in understanding of how to apply theory to actual practice in a variety of settings. This is the key to true fulfillment in daily life and any career. Jobs in higher education. Credit/No Credit. Consciousness Studies combines spirituality, psychology, and science to help individuals, communities, and organizations develop mindfulness, cultivate enhanced perspectives, and engage creatively and compassionately with the challenges and opportunities of life and work. What can you do with a degree in consciousness and transformative studies? Depending on their objectives, students may choose from a variety of specializations: In existence since the late 1970s, our program was one of the first of its kind in the country. This program is offered on campus and online in a structured format with weekly deadlines across each quarter-long course. The program is designed not only to galvanize your wisdom, courage, love, joy, and vitality, but also to enrich your sense of meaning, passion, and purpose. The mission of the Consciousness and Transformative Studies Program is consciousness in action to explore and expand consciousness and human potential, and to foster conscious leadership in . Building Upon the Theoretical Debate: A Critical Review of the Developmental models assist us in perceiving the growth potentials across the human lifespan, culminating in conscious leadership. A phenomenological approach enables students to connect with and describe emotions in order to enter more directly into the multi- layered, visceral experience of their emotional lives. Whether you are pursuing a Ph.D., Master of Fine Arts or Master of Arts degree our transdiciplinary, culturally inclusive programs invite you to bring your whole self. The course introduces various models of human development, such as Eriksons psychosocial development, Kohlberg and Gilligans moral development, Fowlers faith development and Kegans adult development. All JFKU students also have the option of transferring to another university if they choose not to continue with the JFK School of Psychology at National University. Graduate Programs - Online and in San Francisco | CIIS Instructions for Zip Code input: International? BRIAN TRACY If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Among the topics covered are analyzing life values and priorities; determining business goals and strategies; launching and managing the business; building financial success; and marketing products and services. Students earning a Masters in Consciousness and Transformative Studies will be able to do the following: The Consciousness and Transformative Studies program will continue without substantive changes in curriculum or the online platform that it utilizes. This course introduces the basic principles of Living Systems Theory using theoretical and experiential components. People have a transformative fascination towards the perfect individuals since they were the protected . Dr. Kenny completed her PhD in counseling and school psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. The M.A. Yet when the brain is introduced to meditation, mindfulness practices, or psychedelics, we find consistent reported states of unity consciousness, ego dissolution, ah-ha moments, flow, increased empathy towards others, the planet, and ones self, and greater creative problem-solving ability. Topics include emotional dynamics, conflict resolution, and the importance of communication in social and global issues. In Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom, Lawrence W. Levine concludes, "The slaves' oral traditions, their music, and their religious outlook constituted a cultural refuge at least potentially capable of protecting their personalities from some of the worst ravages of the slave system . This course provides students with an introduction to research paradigms, and an overview of qualitative research methodologies. The review discloses a learning process that needs to recognize to a greater degree the significant influence of context, the varying nature of the catalyst of the process, the minimization of the role of critical reflection and increased role of other ways of knowing and relationships, and an overall broadening of the definitional outcome of a house explosion manville, nj; cavoodle breeders ontario By raising my consciousness daily through programmes with top leaders, perfecting pedagogy processes and creating wisdom-connections, I have created a 6-month online coaching youth programme filled with gamification and worldwide case studies - evolving youth into creative problem solvers and confident designers of their own lives. To earn NUs MA in Consciousness and Transformative Studies, students must complete 58-63 quarter units of graduate work. and Ph. The complex challenges of our time demand that we give the best of ourselves to the world, yet many of these challenges leave us with little time for self-care or self-cultivation. Maud fosters the emergence of healthy, purpose-driven work cultures where it is possible to lead authentically and with impact, show up fully, mutually learn and grow and create outstanding social impact.<br>Maud supports next-stage organisations implementing self-management and Agile to create a Future of Work that really works on the human side.<br>She helps leaders stretch out to their next . master of arts in consciousness and transformative studies jobs Blog Home Uncategorized master of arts in consciousness and transformative studies jobs. This participatory cosmology asks us all to become aware of our subjective states as causal elements in the continuing unfolding of the cosmos. Consciousness Studies & Transpersonal Psychology Certificate in All prospective students are advised to review employment, certification, and/or licensure requirements in their state, and to contact the certification/licensing body of the state and/or country where they intend to obtain certification/licensure to verify that these courses/programs qualify in that state/country, prior to enrolling. The practical knowledge and skills gained further students professional development and credibility as experts in their own topic areas, as well as support their creativity in projects aimed at consciousness growth and systems change. MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology Enrol on our world leading online course. Grounded in a holistic approach to sexuality, with an alternative perspective to the narrow, genital focused understanding of sexuality that dominates American and Western culture by putting forward a whole-bodied understanding of sexual life. Students finishing after this date may have an option of receiving either a JFKU degree or an NU degree; these details are still under consideration. This course focuses on emotional intelligencethe capacity to recognize, understand, regulate, and creatively channel the wisdom and energy of emotional experience, as well as to empathize and relate to others emotions. We invite applications from qualified candidates who specialize in Archetypal and Transpersonal studies or a related field, especially with respect to cosmology, cultural history, the arts, and/or gender. These concepts and imagessuch as enlightenment, liberation, rebirth, unfoldment, journey, and metamorphosishave enabled individuals and communities to express the inexpressible and invoke the invisible. Topics include the principles of nonviolent communication, conflict resolution, and the process of coming into conscious relationship. Successful completion and attainment of National University degrees do not lead to automatic or immediate licensure, employment, or certification in any state/country. I understand that consent is not a condition to purchase any goods, services or property, and that I may withdraw my consent at any time by sending an email to [emailprotected] I understand that if I am submitting my personal data from outside of the United States, I am consenting to the transfer of my personal data to, and its storage in, the United States, and I understand that my personal data will be subject to processing in accordance with U.S. laws, unless stated otherwise in our privacy policy. Perhaps the most mysterious and intriguing aspect of the universe is the fact that it has evolved to include living beings with experience and even self-consciousness. Additionally, students apply these concepts and principles in a personal essay exploring their own transformation of consciousness throughout the program. The Fundamentals of Success 1. Master of Arts in Consciousness and Transformative Studies (in NU) Compare this program Save this program General Introduction About the School Ask a Question General Locations John F. Kennedy University All Locations Pleasant Hill, USA Duration Request Info Earliest Start Date Sep 2023 Application Deadline Request Info Tuition Fees Request Info Jill Hanson - Facebook Please review ourprivacy policyor contact us for more details This course introduces the basic principles of Living Systems Theory using theoretical and experiential components. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > master of arts in consciousness and transformative studies jobs. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Master of Arts in Consciousness and Transformative Studies | NU Examples of projects include designing a website, developing a brochure, and creating a professional presentation. Students engage in creative expression as a transformative practice and explore the inner states and outer behaviors that arise from this experiential work. A list of all postgraduate Personal Care and Fitness courses, degrees & programs at National University California the USA San Diego, CA 92103 (University Heights area) $62,878 - $133,086 a year. In this third course in the professional project sequence, students articulate their long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals, objectives, and strategies. Please review our privacy policy for more details or contact us at [emailprotected]. Students apply one of these methods to their own participatory research project by creating a research design using Action Research, Collaborative Inquiry or Appreciative Inquiry.