Which one motivates you the most to stay at home? mlblack16., TwolfHerdfan, alphasig1053 and 1 other person. Mike Duggan has been mayor of Detroit for some time. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Now Lightfoot, who first ran for office as a progressive, is trying to thread this needle thats in the middle, with Vallas getting support from more conservative voters and several candidates competing for voters who are more to the left, said Constance Mixon, a professor at Elmhurst University who has lived her whole life in Chicago. Best get your security. Others refer to her race and sexuality disparagingly. F her . Lori Lightfoot did something during her victory party last week that once would have been considered obscene. The mayor has gained national prominence in the media in recent monthsfrom the battle against COVID-19 (including early days of jabbing at President Donald Trumps response) to her handling of citywide protests, looting and the national discussion of race and policing. In 2019, Lightfoot went to a runoff against Cook County Board Chair Toni Preckwinkle, a contest that Lightfoot won easily. Thats unlikely with such a large field, so the race is expected to go to an April 4 runoff between the top two vote-getters. Enter your email address to subscribe to The Burning Platform and receive notifications of new posts by email. Rick S. @CodeBleu6. So I love them.". Inflation Revisited Less is More MPs Misinformation? But the volume, vitriol and engagement is a new phenomenon of the COVID era, Lightfoots advisers say. The third-largest city's mayoral election on Tuesday will likely go to a runoff before a winner is declared, with Lori Lightfoot facing eight challengers. 113. I'm the captain now Lightfoot. TUESDAY'S ELECTION Nine candidates are competing Tuesday for a chance to be Chicago's next mayor. I'd never call Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Beetlejuice, many do, she Lol! Biden was in Chicago yesterday and called Lori Lightfoot "Mr Mayor Lightfoot on Fbook Live looking like Beetlejuice The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. you want can be used if you first install it on your device and then type in the font name on Imgflip. "Your conduct is posing a direct threat to our public health," she said "Stay at home.". Higher quality GIFs. Mayor Lori Lightfoot (Beetlejuice): Chicago needs more gun control. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice! That includes Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who was elected in 2019 and is seeking her second term. While social media is far from the real world (mid-May polling from Global Strategy Group show Lightfoots favorability at at least 70 percent among Chicagoans), online misinformation and disinformation can sow discord at an unprecedented time. IE 11 is not supported. At the time, shootings in Chicago were down 20% through the end of summer and homicides had fallen 16%. The election is officially nonpartisan and is not considered or called a primary, though all the candidates seeking to lead the city, a Democratic stronghold, call themselves Democrats. to see, as a lie, then totally shits on their whole agenda. "I'm ready to take on that challenge and be a mayor for all Chicagoans. Mayor Lori Lightfoot's text messages w/police union president after violence in Grant Park reveal name-calling, frustration, anger. Based on upsets and runoffs it looks like the citizenry is fed up with the Prog freak show. The Mayor of Chicago midget bald-headed Lori "Beetlejuice" Lightfoot and her monstrous sidekick First lady of Chicago Amy "man hands" Eschleman are hosting another vote getting event for Joe Biden. While no candidate broke the 50% threshold to avoid a . You will not be defined by how you fall. Han Nguyen, Lightfoots digital director on the government side, says mentions of the mayor can be in the tens of thousands some days. Now my hometown will be a complete wonderland. Emanuel had also appointed Lightfoot to his Police Accountability Task Force, charged with making recommendations to fix the culture of the Chicago Police Department. Top Democrat MISSING Voters Scandal Too Much, Rand Paul Busts Fauci Wide Open Scam Is Real, Mitch McConnell Stuns Congress and Voters Time To Wake Up, Top GOP Insider Headed To Taiwan China FUMING, Unvaxxed Navy Sailors Expose Deplorable Living Conditions, Russia Calls It QUITS Shutting It Down, United Airlines Worker Terminated After Viral Fight Video, Jim Jordan Slams Big Tech Over First Amendment Rights. Racist & Sexist Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice Doubles Down - TigerDroppings CHICAGO (AP) Chicago is holding a mayoral election Tuesday, but it will likely take weeks and a runoff election before a winner is declared. It was tough. Lori Lightfoot Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images The incident made news headlines and helped fuel a late surge that resulted in Lightfoot getting the most votes in the Feb. 26 election. Majority coming over the border have conservative values, eventually they'll start voting Red. You were just bad at your job. Overall CPI: +6.4% y/y And that is just because of her bugged-out eyes. Note: An earlier version of this story, The Choice for Mayor 2019: Lori Lightfoot, was published in March 2019, ahead of the Chicago runoff election. That includes Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who was elected in 2019 and is seeking her second term. Chicken +10.5% Real Average Hourly Earnings: -1.8%. Create. Crime has been a notable issue in the race. Interior or Exterior - All Year Round Groceries: +11.3% But, I stand here with my head held high and my heart full of thanks, Lightfoot told supporters right before 9 p.m., the Chicago Sun Times reports. But her police board did discipline more officers. Sort: Relevant Newest # chicago # protest # lori lightfoot # steve james # mayor lightfoot # chicago # protest # lori lightfoot # steve james # mayor lightfoot Lori Lightfoot Beetlejuice memes take over internet as Chicago mayor By uploading custom images and using I dont have much time to myself these days, but I felt I needed to make sure everyone knows how I feel about this Stay at Home Order. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot faces online trolling, harassment | Crain You can add as many Fuel Oil: +27.7% Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses bid for reelection - ABC News Emanuel faced Garca, whom he defeated. Separate of law-and-order issues, Lightfoot has been criticized for a temperament some say is too divisive. "I'll be rooting and praying for our next mayor to deliver for the people of this city for years to come.". You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. Shes also brought on a well-regarded pro as her chief marketing officerMichael Fassnachtwho is helping craft the citys COVID messaging. What lesbian woma 2005-2023 CBS INTERACTIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It was important for the police board to be what we were called upon to be, which is a neutral arbiter.. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Loses Reelection, the First One Term Mayor 169 Shares. Why Chicago May Take Weeks To Elect Its Mayor ", "They said this would never happen. Heres How to See the Dazzling Duo, Indicted Ald. Every one of the eight mayoral challengers vowed to fire Brown as their first order of business, including the two remaining candidates in the April 4 runoff, Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson. Vallas is running as a moderate Democrat who wants to invest more in public safety while Johnson is on record saying he advocates for redirecting funds more to social services and intervention programs. In a certain corner of the internet, you might believe Mayor Lori Lightfoot is "a disgusting excuse for a human being, a loyalist to a global authoritarian regime, or a "Corrupt DemoRat.. Shes also the mayor of a major U.S. city. by londoncalling. on May 28, 2022 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot looks like Beetlejuice on crack most days. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, The Real Crash : America's Coming Bankruptcy. CHICAGO -- The race for Chicago's next mayor was shaved to just two candidates Tuesday while voters overwhelmingly stopped incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot's attempt at a second term, making her the first incumbent mayor in 40 years to not win reelection. At Washington High School, Lightfoot participated in nearly every activity imaginable: high school band, the basketball team, Latin club, the choir. 8. : my sister and I have made an important video about Mayor Lightfoot and the situation in #Chicago#whereslightfoot #stayhome pic.twitter.com/5CcMaYELGO, she's here to let you know to stay home @whereslightfoot pic.twitter.com/unC4rwZ3vU. BEETLEJUICE LOSES - The Burning Platform After the murder of Laquan McDonald at the hands of a police officer, it was Emanuels turn to tussle with Lightfoot. People keep saying that Chicago Mayor - Conservative Daily - Facebook Personally, I feel like she more resembles the shrunken head. Lightfoot was immediately struck by the racial dynamics in Hyde Park. Dear God now we will have to hear about the run off election for another month.As if this will make any difference in Shitcago.All the people who voted for lightfoot, Jamal , Willie Wilson ,Chuy Will just vote for another radical leftist named Brandon. Search instead in Creative? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. s. Lori Lightfoot Beetlejuice Meme Generator . 1,166 Lori Lightfoot Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO All Sports Entertainment News Archival Browse 1,166 lori lightfoot stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Animated meme templates will show up when you search in the Meme Generator above (try "party parrot"). And dont forget the book deal for big bucks. Replies 33 Views 2K. That makes her a public figure, and shes justifiably been outspoken on all of these things.. I can see that. No bail, no prosecutions a totally illiterate population what will change? I can only believe that her replacement will be incrementally worse. Lightfoot trailed in third place. such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates. Vallas has made combatting crime the central issue for his campaign -- echoing how public safety came to define high-profile races for New York governor, where incumbent Kathy Hochul faced a major rival in Lee Zeldin, and the 2022 recall of San Francisco's top prosecutor. But given the rise in engagement, it's hard to know if troll activity has picked up as a result, especially in the wake of protests over the death of George Floyd. City officials say many of the citys media teams have been centralized to help move COVID messaging faster, to be more responsive to public needs. You can remove our subtle imgflip.com watermark (as well as remove ads and supercharge your image On Tuesday, Mayor Lightfoot acknowledged that a crush of 911 calls has overwhelmed both the system and Chicago Police Department. None of the candidates in the crowded field of nine managed to lock 50% of the vote for a win, so the top two vote-getters will head to the runoff. Lightfoot was elected four years ago as an outsider who would curb corruption at City Hall, at a time when some elected officials were under investigation and cleaning up city government was top of mind for voters. . Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot - who claimed last year to have the biggest dick in the city, lost her bid for re-election Tuesday after failing to advance to a runoff in the Chicago mayoral race, according to AP. And you have officers on the other side also pressing for us, frankly, to do nothing. She did it in response to people who were still gathering even though a statewide stay-at-home order started on March 21. From law school it was on to the white-shoe law firm of Mayer Brown, where she took on cases that would later become fodder for her opponent, Preckwinkle. She's at the beach, she's at The Bean and she's even in your deep dish pizza. The death of civil rights icon John Lewis. You will be defined by how hard you work and how much you do for other people.. However, you can also upload your own templates or start from scratch with empty templates. . But since I live in Illinois, I can honestly say we would prefer Beetlejuice. If you don't find the meme you want, browse all the GIF Templates or upload Tuesday March 31 2020 Quarantine boredom, a boundless source of ingenuity, has delivered us yet another delightful creation: viral, Photoshopped memes depicting Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Any other font Mayor Lori Lightfoot says criticism of her temperament is 'about 99%' because she's a Black woman. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot waits to be introduced at a campaign rally, Feb. 25, 2023 in Chicago. The coronavirus pandemic that has fallen hardest on Black and Hispanic communities and exacerbated racial inequities that existed long before COVID-19. That includes threats, of which the mayors office estimates dozens have been flagged as credible for Lightfoots security team to review. BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE | Northeastshooters.com Forums Baby Food: +10% Leaving Hyde Park and going to Washington Park and seeing the destitute conditions that a lot of the people in that neighborhood lived in was breathtaking.. Probably had nothing to do with this bitch breaking her own covid rules to get her hairs did. Like all big city mayors across the U.S., she faced significant challenges following the social unrest in 2020 and COVID-19 lockdowns early in her term, but she later could not convince voters she had a solution to the mounting issues of crime and public safety. Now, on to the next corrupt Sicago politician. The youngest of three children, Lightfoot was always very close to her brother Brian Lightfoot. Mayoral candidates Lori Lightfoot, left, and Toni Preckwinkle appear on Chicago Tonight on March 21, 2019. sunglasses, speech bubbles, and more. That's a wages recession for American workers. Lightfoot on Monday posted her own lighthearted PSA, again reminding people not to go out. People often use the generator to customize established memes, Jul 27, 2020. When a reporter gets her riled up, she gets even worse. Hey, Mayor Beetlejuice, dont let the door crash on your giant dick on the way out! Chicago needs rehabilitation and recreational programs as well as more investment from the business community as well as federal government to get jobs back. The Department of Procurement Services had been handing out contracts reserved for businesses owned by women and minorities to white guys. | July 24, 2020 at 5 . Search, discover and share your favorite Mayor Lightfoot GIFs. But Ann Lightfoot insisted on raising her family in a predominantly white neighborhood. At the Chicago. They look to Alex Jones or just people spreading rumors. Either that or beetle juice. In this incredibly contentious environment, where activists on one side are pressing, pressing, pressing for justice, Lightfoot said. . If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. Get the best business coverage in Chicago, from breaking news to razor-sharp analysis, in print and online. I wanted to let my children have a mixture of friends; there were only two black children in Loris school for a long time.. You can insert popular or custom stickers and other images including scumbag hats, deal-with-it It's racist for Lightfoot to complain about it. This is why youre not capable of being mayor of the city of Chicago, Martwick shot back. Since March, when COVID began taking hold in the U.S., Lightfoot has gained 100,000 Facebook followers (double her previous number) and more than quintupled her Twitter following @chicagosmayor (to about 180,000). We're grateful for Lightfoot's leadership during this time but a little good-natured laughter can be therapeutic and the following social media memes guarantee a few moments of levity for. Its definitely true that misinformation has proliferated, Linvill says. "I think that this is a really difficult time and people are afraid, stress levels are high. Thats where her mom worked the overnight shift as a nurses aid and her dad, Eli Lightfoot, dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Lori Beetlejuice Lightfoot Pledges Allegiance to the New - YouTube 779779. ppadge 1 yr. ago. Theres been a dearth of reliable, verified information. Mayor Lightfoot GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY The Latinx women with scummy phony minority business are expected to kick in serious money for Lori and Joe Biden. Over 1,300 free fonts are also supported for all devices. Let me guess, 100% of the votes FOR Lowly Beetleface were mail ins? Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot who claimed last year to have the biggest dick in the city, lost her bid for re-election Tuesday after failing to advance to a runoff in the Chicago mayoral race, according to AP. You can customize the font color and outline color next to where you type your text. Lightfoot's loss is a reversal from four years earlier when, as a relative unknown who had never held public office, the former prosecutor won every ward in Chicago by campaigning as an outsider who was motivated to reform the city's tribal political culture. ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas spent a day with Chicago Police Superintendent Brown in October for an inside look at the department's efforts to curb gun violence -- incidents affecting many Chicagoans -- throughout the city. 28,288 views, 18 upvotes. She was her class president for three years running. Elisha Fieldstadt is a breaking news reporter for NBC News. wonder where the malevolent little troll will end up? Just like .Santos. Lori Lightfoot (Chicago Beetlejuice Mayor) says F You to Trump over Rick S. on Twitter: "@nypost Lori Lightfoot looks like both versions of A 3.5% surtax on all wages over $100,000, taxes on every trade at the CME (board of trade) and some stupid idea about how Chicago can tax surrounding communities. But seriously, they have just let that city go to hell. Is Lori Lightfoot the spawn of Beetlejuice and ET? : r/walkaway - reddit The mayor personally mostly stays away from social mediaher communications teams craft messages and posts, sometimes with sign-off from the mayor. If you want to attend Continue reading "Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and . Though his daughter would one day realize that dream, a case of meningitis robbed Eli Lightfoot of his hearing, leaving him to work as a janitor at local factories. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. She looks like a ghoul. It became the impetus for her campaign to challenge Emanuel for the mayors seat, and she became the first to throw their hat in the ring. Looks like the fine ppl of Chitown sent Lori Lightfoot packing. Lightfoot, who is a lesbian and the first LGBT black woman to be elected as the Mayor of a United States city, exclaimed how she would not stand by the Supreme Court's ruling. In addition to Lightfoot, the candidates are U.S. Rep. Jesus Chuy Garca, former schools CEO Paul Vallas, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, businessman Willie Wilson, state Rep. Kambium Kam Buckner, activist JaMal Green and City Council members Sophia King and Roderick Sawyer. Imgflip supports all fonts installed on your device including the default Windows, Mac, and web fonts, Former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson both advanced to the runoff election, to be held on April 4. The two will now advance to the April 4 runoff as the two candidates who got the most votes. Im sure that town will clean up nice now, First time in 40 years an incumbent lost in Shitcago. using CMD/CTRL + C/V for quick creation. You are using an out of date browser. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. ), Crop, Rotate, Reverse, Forverse, Draw, Slow Mo, or add text & images to your GIFs, Max Total Resolution (Frames Width Height). Why yes, we do. Some have photoshopped mustaches on his face, others call him a coronazi.. Get ready, her next stop will be an appearance on Joy Reids show and then onto the Sunday news talkies to lament how she lost all because of.. Wypippo. You can add special image effects like posterize, jpeg artifacts, blur, sharpen, and color filters Svetlana_Gladysheva 1 yr. ago. But the numbers dont lie. Potentially higher quality, but larger filesize. Now here's what people saw when they actually clicked the trend. Did Twitter Guy Diss Chicago's Mayor? People Think Twitter Guy is The 'terrible' hypocrisy behind Chicago's first black lesbian mayor - CNN GREG GUTFELD: Lori Lightfoot's loss is a lesson for everyone else in Bidens College Plan EXPOSED Did You Know This? creation abilities) using. Sign up for our morning newsletter to get all of our stories delivered to your mailbox each weekday. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and First Lady ugly as hell You have to understand something about Lori. May 10, 2022 by Ground report Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot took Twitter on Monday to warn others in the LGBTQ+ community that the Supreme Court would "come after us then," following the leaked draft opinion that overturned major abortion precedent Roe v. Wade (1973). So what horror show replaces her? by: Matt Palumbo March 01, 2023 Source: . Per Merriam Webster the definition of trans is : on or to the other side of : across : beyond. Congrats . He looks to have a legit shot here. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot came in third in Tuesday's vote to determine the two candidates for the mayoral election in April. He didnt like it, at all, but Im still going to be that kid who calls it as I see it, Lightfoot said. She absolutely does! It was fairly uneventful, save for an appearance by Rep. Robert Martwick, a property tax lawyer and supporter of Toni Preckwinkle. Thats because Mayor Richard Daley easily won reelection in 1999, 2003 and 2007, getting more than 70% of the vote. They are on or to the other side of the border. With Low Light caught on video, black handed, dumping ballots into public collection boxes across Chicagro. Criticisms and debates are encouraged, but be constructive and don't harass anyone. Kulpsville, PA 19443, Inquiries about advertising opportunities can be made by emailing me at, THIS DAY IN HISTORY Bomb explodes in Capitol building 1971. Lightfoot has said she is working to make Chicago "the safest big city in the country" by working on getting illegal guns off the streets, hiring more officers and investing in communities to address violence. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, D., defended her controversial announcement to only give individual interviews to journalists of color and blasted Chicago media institutions for . Lightfoot Loses It When Reporter Asks Her to Retract 'Call to Arms' That was the highest number in a quarter century. Burning Platform LLC - It is hard to imagine a worse mayor being elected in Chicago but it shall happen as that is exactly what the Demoncratz desire; the complete demolition of the U.S.A. The loss makes her the first Chicago mayor to lose re-election since 1983. What a glorious Wednesday it is. Little did she know that she would not end up running against the man who had relied on her for police matters, but a longtime alderman and Cook County Board president who was also vying to be the first African-American woman to become mayor of Chicago. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was slammed on Twitter after she and her wife, Amy Eshleman, posted a video wishing a 'joyous Kwanzaa' to all who celebrate. I am so freaking proud. Sales tax in Shitcago is over 10%, gas tax about highest in US, near highest property taxes in US. Coincidence or Twitter guy dissing Lori Lightfoot's looks? "A few months ago, they said they didn't know who I was. It would be a full-time job in itself, he says, since the follower count has doubled in recent months. HA HA HA. In addition, the city saw more than 20,000 incidents of theft in 2022, up from 10,590 incidents in 2021. Lightfoots story begins 350 miles east of Chicago, in the small city of Massillon, Ohio. Merely there to move the overton window a little more.. E-mail oureditor #Chicago #Trump #Lightfoot #Troops #Crime #ViolenceDemocracy is under siege from multiple directions in America during a summer of violence, civil unrest and pandemic-fueled hardship that has left people disengaged from their government and intolerant of each other, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Wednesday.Lightfoot unexpectedly turned the latest in a series of news conferences aimed at encouraging Chicagoans to participate in the 2020 U.S. Census into a rousing political address that, aides said, was triggered by the extraordinary moment facing Chicago and the nation.The death of George Floyd and the civil unrest and racial reckoning it triggered. Yes! Both Vallas, 69, and Johnson, 46, are Democrats who have the backing of the city's most powerful labor unions, respectively -- the Fraternal Order of Police for Vallas and the Chicago Teachers Union for Johnson. The hyper-partisan political atmosphere created by, but not limited to President Donald Trump and his re-election bid.All those and more prompted the mayors political warning.Archived sources: archive.ph/J0iG7, archive.ph/IbkoK, archive.ph/KgEp8 and archive.ph/tftqhYoutube: youtu.be/ofcPMm4GnZABitchute: bitchute.com/video/xQahtr2BuX2R/Daily Motion: https://dai.ly/x7vawxe Click below to see everything we have to offer. We all know this midget-communist-rayssiss demon spawn will wind up as a color commentator on CNN or MSNBC after being paraded around on all the top Tel Avision talk shows. Reddit.