Members of the Community Activities Commission make events possible, coordinate volunteer activities and advise the Council on recreational, historical, and artistic programs and improvements to the city's parks and trails. Planning Commissioners help shape Newcastle's future by providing recommendations on long-range plans and zoning and development codes. Repairs . Welcome to our great city Our Newcastle is a great city, one that never stands still. You can also learn about the Public Works Department from the Newcastle Citizens Academy presentation given in March 2018. When using the citys records portal, requestors immediately receive acknowledgment of their requests with a reference number and link where records and information are made available. Enclose a schedule of works (this must include a statement by the applicant about the premises to be used and licensable activities for which the premises are to be used and a scale plan of the premises of the work being or about to be done at the premises, Unless the application is made online you must send copies of the application, the consent and supporting documents to the, Unless the application is made online you must send copies of the application and the consent to the, The holder of a premises licence must inform the Licensing Authority in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable. Email To contact a planning officer, pleaseemail our planning control teamor write toNewcastle City Council, Planning, 9th Floor, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH. There are times when failure to respond to clarification requests or failure to collect or pay applicable fees will cause a request to be closed even though it hasnt been fulfilled. Once city staff locate, retrieve, and review records for exempt content, the files will be uploaded to the records portal. Records are also available from Federal, State, and County governments. The August 27, 2022, budget retreat was the beginning of the budget process, opening the initial dialog and fostering a transparent and collaborative approach to the budget. If this is not adhered to then it will be assumed that the application has been refused and the authority must return the fee to the applicant. You may need a licence for a property you rent out privately. The exact title or name of a document isnt necessary, but if you know it, include it and other helpful information, such as a date range or the department or staff position responsible for the record. Any people consulted will have a minimum of 21 days from the date of consultation to respond. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. The types of issues that may be considered include: The types of issues that won't be considered include: See guidance here for the full liston the kind of issuesthat are relevant. Begin at 7 p.m. at City Hall Paul J. The Municipal Research and Services Center offers tips, tools and information about all things sales taxes. newcastle city council licensing public access Responding to Records Requests Held the second Wednesday of each month Parks and Trails Division For more information on disclosure exemptions and other aspects of the Public Records Act, we recommend the resources of the Municipal Research and Services Center. We want to know if your experience accessing records is satisfactory and if you have suggestions for improvement. Some records are exempt from disclosure in whole or in part. Engineering division staff also work to prevent erosion and landslides by stabilizing disturbed slopes on public property. Hello and welcome to Tuesday's live blog ahead of the big one: Manchester City at Ashton Gate in the FA Cup fifth round. Where Do Our Sales Taxes Go? When making a representation your contact details may be forwarded to the applicant (or their Agent) or to other Authorities such as the police. Building permits predating the city's 1994 incorporation may be available from King County or the City of Renton. We've added a Priority 5 in this edition, which represents mostly local streets with steep hills. There is no right to a hearing and any representations will be considered by the Licensing Authority. Newcastle City Council touches the lives of everybody in our city, every day. Please hover the mouse over each field to see what information you will need to enter for this purpose. If you need help with your . It is the clerks job to make sure city records are safeguarded, accessible, and properly disposed of when no longer needed. The pending applications shall be listed yet may not be readily available to view. Anna Blanch Rabe - Program Manager - CVOB, COE for Veteran - LinkedIn In the meantime sign up to receive information about training events and other landlord news, via our monthly e-bulletin, by Premises at, Unit 9, One Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. Anyone who proposes to carry on a business involving licensable activities on the premises. Licensing Act 2003 - Personal Licences | Newcastle City Council Bristol City news and transfers recap: Manchester City build-up, Alex Create an account The City Clerk is the citys records officer. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. Public Records Requests Records requests will be closed once all the responsive records have been provided. Most people know that we empty bins, run car parks or provide recycling centres, but we do much, much more. Council budget | Newcastle City Council If you have made changes to your property, you will need to update your current property licence. Public Works Director Email 12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200 Newcastle, WA 98056 425.386.4124 Direct 425.649.4444 Main comment about applications. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. See or comment on a planning application - Sunderland City Council about cookies. Learn more here. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard by the end of the target completion period which is 28 days (not including possible committee hearing date) from the date of submission of all correct and relevant information. All such properties require a licence. A Newcastle pervert caught with more than 1,000 sex abuse images of children as young as two was an elected councillor. If in-person review takes more than 10 minutes, special procedures will apply. We have three types of property licensing in Newcastle. For very large requests, records may be provided in installments and a deposit arrangement may be made to cover applicable fees. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. It is important to note that the granting of a provisional Statement will not automatically guarantee the granting of a premises licence at a future date. The records officer will give the requestor notice when this happens, and usually a request can be reopened or resubmitted if needed. . The City Councils adoption of the 2023 budget was the final step in its development, providing legal authority for the City to continue its operations and capital improvement program. Please enter your unique reference number beginning with '8' displayed on your invoice. You will find the results of this consultation on Let's talk Newcastle Online, or on our website here: Byker and High Cross selective licensing Cabinet papers, Newcastle upon Tyne Selective Property Licensing, public register of properties with a HMO or selective licence, anonymously report an unlicensed property, Howdene Road, part of Howlett Hall Road, Ravenburn Gardens and part of Swinley Gardens (HHRS) in Benwell, details of property structure and safety equipment, names and addresses of persons and organisations with an interest in the property. Can I view planning applications in person or comment in writing? We usually publicise planning applications by notifying individual owners or occupiers of neighbouring land by letter. Public Records Requests - City of Newcastle (this will only appear if the application is open for comments, and you need to be registered on the site and logged in. This means that the Planning Committee has given the authority to planning officers to. If you have attended a Planning Committee, you could also complete this customer survey form to let us know about your experience and give us feedback. The 2023 adopted budget is transparent to anyone with access to a computer, iPad, or smartphone. For answers to pet licensing questions, contact City Hall or RASKC at the Pet Information Line 206-296-7387 Current Annual Pet License Fees for Dogs and Cats City of Newcastle 12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200. New applications and consultations. Newcastle City Council have announced changes to implementation of new additional and selective licensing schemes for private rented housing in response to Covid-19. Public comments will normally be online and visible to anyone else viewing the application, but your personal details are not displayed. Please see our user guide here for step by step instructions on how to use the new system. Requests can be submitted in person or by mail if needed, and requests received this way will be entered into the records portal. A list of common exemptions not found in the Public Records Act is available on the citys website. Learn more at, Assisting the City Manager and City Council in development of annual budgets, Forecasting revenue and expenditures for financial planning, Monitoring actual revenue and expenditures vs. adopted budgets, Accounts payable and receivable and payroll, Serving as the liaison with the Office of the State Auditor, anaging the city's fund balances and investments, Business licensing and registration of solicitors and alarm monitoring companies, City of Newcastle | All Rights Reserved | Powered by. More information on the designation, and a copy of the formal designation notice is available below. Furious neighbours have hit out after a road closure has given them an eye watering 18 mile detour for a pint of milk. 12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200. Animal activity licences. All HMOs in Newcastle will require a licence, therefore any property which is occupied by three or more people in two or more households with shared basic amenities will require a licence. We make minor street repairs, maintain irrigation systems, improve the functionality of public storm drainage systems and inspect potentially hazardous trees. Newcastle, WA 98056 US, Newcastle Sales Tax Codes: 1736, 4036. Our responsibilities include: The 2023 Operating and Capital Budget was adopted on November 15, 2022. In the 1800s, Newcastle was one of the most successful coal mining towns in northwestern Washington. End City Council Meeting; 18. Together with any Temporary Exemption Notices served or any Interim/Final Management Orders. Market-leading rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers for Personal injury and clinical negligence; defendant in Yorkshire And The Humber All sales of alcohol must be made or authorised by a person who holds a Personal Licence. The Public Works Department is responsible for building and maintaining most of the city's physical assets such as its roads and bridges, stormwater management systems, parks and other city properties and buildings. All private rented properties within a selective licensing area require a licence unless otherwise exempt. Venues we have licenced include: art galleries breweries and pubs cinemas or theatres historic buildings hotels museums restaurants sports grounds You can search our directory of all approved premises, with details of the venues, their location and contact details. newcastle city council licensing public access Under this procedure the applicant is not required to advertise the variation in a newspaper or copy the application to responsible authorities. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. certificates e.g. The property to be licensed must be reasonably suitable for occupation. View Licensing Applications. 7:00PM - 10:00PM City Council Meeting. You must enable JavaScript to apply for a licence. Notification and Public Submissions - City of Newcastle The meetings are an opportunity for you to attend and observe your local government's decision-making process. From here you can access various portals which allow you to view account information which is personalised to you. We will accept comments up to the point at which the application is decided. Requests can be submitted in person or by mail if needed, and requests received this way will be entered into the. A veterans' charity is in talks to save its home as it bids to buy the . He or she facilitates citizen engagement and involvement through public communications, the organization of meetings, and by providing public records. Members of the public are invited to comment during public hearings and other public comment periods, which are required at any meeting where the City Council takes final action on a proposal. For information about any of the above services, please email: A formal search may reveal historic or additional applications, appeal decisions, enforcement decisions and constraints currently not easily accessible on this site. You may need to identify all of the UPRNs (Unique Property Reference Number) and land parcels relating to the property (for examplesingle addresses, block addresses) such as 'land at', '1-3 High Street', '1-3 High Street and 1 Station Street'. section below. Email If in-person review takes more than 10 minutes, special procedures will apply. Regular Council Meetings are digitally recorded and streamed live online via YouTube. The Community Activities Commission also engages in parks and trails related planning efforts. Info, Mission, & Vision. If a requested record is redacted or denied, the records officer will provide the specific legal justification. 'Ar Leac an Dorais Agat': Taispeint Fsen ag Iarsmalann an Iir a Learn more about departmental divisions below. Plea to bring back Newcastle's public toilets - ChronicleLive The department is the largest in the city organization. Finance - City of Newcastle The Search facility is easy to use and very comprehensive. is provided. Landmark Newcastle city centre office The Pioneer unveiled by This screen will guide you to enter the necessary information required for registration process. A senior healthcare executive and board member with over 25 years of global experience. 12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200 A white notice must be displayed at the premises for a period of 10 working days starting on the working day after the minor variation was given to the Licensing Authority. newcastle city council licensing public access Applications for a licence can now be made. Return the original premises licence for amendment. To be moreefficient, the Government encourages councils to allow Officers to make more decisions, particularly in the case of straightforward or less complicated cases. Disgruntled residents Jim Skimming and Denis McIvor say an entire community . Newcastle Trails, the Newcastle Historic Society, and the Weed Warriors are a few of the organizations whose efforts benefit the community. 09:00, 2 MAR 2023. Newcastle, WA 98056 US, Newcastle Sales Tax Codes: 1736, 4036. Application must be made immediately to replace them as DPS on the premises licence. When applications are submitted for individuals or partnerships, proof of this right will need to be included. 1. The proprietor of an educational institution, Aperson who is registered under Part 2 of the Care Standards Act 2000 in relation to an independent hospital, The chief officer of police of a police force in England or Wales, Anyone discharging a statutory or function under Her Majesty's prerogative, In the case of an application made by an individual applicant and those in a partnership which is not a limited liability partnership, enclose, Unless the application is made online you must send copies of the application, the plan and supporting documents to. Mar21. A determination must be made by the Licensing Authority within 15 working days starting the next working day after the application has been received. Lorna MB Smith - Interim Director of Public Health - Newcastle City Newcastle City Council uses cookies to make the site simpler. Reports, emails, contracts, spreadsheets, permitting data, even photographs and video recordings are just some examples. The commenters address, along with any comments provided will be published on the Councils website without change. Your objections or supporting comments on applications should be rational, impersonal and directed to the planning matters raised by the proposal. We believe that the extension to the deadline, together with the advice and support we are offering, is the best way to support landlords and letting agents in these unprecedented times.. Newcastle, WA 98056 City Council Meetings Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. This includes information on how Coronavirus may impact the delivery and compliance of Selective and HMO licensing. The rules governing access to public records are found primarily in the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). Pay any one-off charges owed to the Council in relation to your property. Pet Licensing - City of Newcastle Public Works - City of Newcastle With a householder application and in the event the application is refused and later goes to appeal, any comments made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further comments. This includes comments on draft licences and other notices including licence variations, refusal or cancellations (revocations). Newcastle, WA 98056 US, Newcastle Sales Tax Codes: 1736, 4036. Respond to a request from the Council. The types of issues that we canconsider are listed in the "What will or won't be considered?" The citys main phone number is 425-649-4444. View the licensing register. The Finance Department serves the City of Newcastle by providing the accounting, budgeting, and financial management supportwhich iskey tothe daily operations and long term decision-making for the city. The Robins go into the contest 12 games unbeaten and with a sense of . City of Newcastle | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Common Exemptions Outside the Public Records Act, More Information on Records Disclosure in Washington. We can also impose any other specific property conditions considered necessary for regulating the management, use and occupation of premises plus its condition and contents. Details can be downloaded here. Personal injury and clinical negligence; defendant in Yorkshire And The Taxi and private hire vehicle licences. Administrative, or copy, charges may apply and must be received before documents are delivered. You willneed to set up an account to complete a property licence application and to track the status of your application. We cannot accept your comments verbally, either on the. Administrative, or copy, charges may apply and must be received before documents are delivered. Anyone can ask for access to these records, and in fact many of them are already available in the citys online document center or elsewhere on the citys website. newcastle city council licensing public access Licensing for rented property | Newcastle City Council If you would like to give us feedback on our website, please complete this short online form. Normal business hours for city hall are 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding legal holidays). Your elected City Council representatives establish the city's plans and policies during open public meetings held at City Hall. 12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200. For more details visit, While reminding landlords and letting agents that they must follow government guidelines the council is encouraging anyone worried about meeting the deadline or who is struggling to pay the licence fee as a result of Coronavirus to get in touch by emailing, The council has also published guidance on complying with the scheme which includes advice on what Coronavirus means for anyone who owns a rented home and the support available for landlords and letting agents during the pandemic.